I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 42 The Outer Disciples of Peach Blossom Island

Chapter 42 The Outer Disciples of Peach Blossom Island
  The inner square of the cottage

Lin Xuan turned around, kicked away a few larger pieces of gravel, and sat on a tree stump nearby.

Being a bandit leader is not that busy, and you don’t have to spend all day 996.
  The cottage is now on the right track, and Lin Xuan usually doesn't have so many things to deal with.

It's okay to go back and have nothing to do. You might as well look at Huang Rong's disciples.

"As a teacher... ahem, my teacher's sect is Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea."

"Now, I have not yet started my apprenticeship, so I cannot formally accept a disciple. But if you complete the assessment, I can still accept you as an outer disciple of Peach Blossom Island."

Huang Rong drew the cake skillfully and said: "If you meet the ancestor of our sect in the future, with his permission, you can become my official sect of Taohua Island."

"Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea?"

Huang Shang was startled: "So, the founder is still alive?"

"The patriarch of our sect is my father."

Therefore, there should be no chance for the old man and dad to meet.

"Practice hard and study hard. My father has a weird temper. He is probably not very satisfied with you at this age."


Huang Shang's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped back to make room for Huang Rong.

Huang Shang shrank his neck and smiled bitterly.

In this case, there is no psychological burden on using Huang Yaoshi's name to scare people.

When Huang Rong usually moves her body, she often plays a round, and she is extremely skilled.

"This is the introductory Kung Fu of Peach Blossom Island. The palm techniques are mainly agile, and the palm movements are like waves, and they are advanced step by step."

"Look carefully."

"This... I will definitely try my best."

"Well, let me teach you Bibo Palm Technique first."

Huang Rong felt that her father was probably not a reincarnation person.

After finishing hexagram 8864, Huang Rong happened to return to the original place and put away her palms: "Old champion, how much have you remembered?"

Although the movements are deliberately slowed down, each move is still pleasing to the eye, just like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Huang Rong threatened: "If you can't even learn the basic martial arts of our sect, you will be kicked out of the sect. Maybe my father will break your legs when he gets angry."

Even if my father knew about it, he probably wouldn't care about such a trivial matter.

This is the martial arts that Peach Blossom Island disciples are most familiar with.

Huang Rong moved the lotus steps lightly, stepped out of the Nine Palaces and Bagua position, and slowly slapped out a palm.

Huang Rong said proudly: "Although this set of palm moves is simple, it contains the basic principles of Taohua Island's martial arts. It is enough to make you famous in the world. You have to be diligent."

"No no……"

Huang Rong rolled her eyes: "Is there any problem?"

"I only remember half of it."

Huang Shang lowered his head and thought for a while, with a look of shame on his face.

"It's not like you have very good qualifications..."

Huang Rong nodded: "Forget it, I'll hit you again."

"This time... I should remember it almost."

After Huang Rong finished playing again, Huang Shang closed his eyes and thought for a while, showed joy and made a few gestures.

"Almost? Okay, you can type it again and let me see."

Huang Rong nodded and gave way to the venue.


Huang Shang cheered up, stepped on the Nine Palace Steps tremblingly, and slowly and leisurely slapped out a palm.

"The directions of the Nine Palaces and Bagua are indeed quite accurate, but you have read the Book of Changes and compiled the Taoist Canon for so long. This is already a basic skill."

"This palm technique is a bit stiff."

"It's just that his movements are stiff, but several of his moves are completely wrong."

Huang Rong demonstrated seven or eight moves: "You have the biggest problem with these moves, try again."


Huang Shang accompanied Smiley and performed these seven or eight moves again. "It's still nondescript, the movements are deformed, and it looks awkward no matter how you look at it."

Huang Rong called again: "You should think about it yourself first, don't be nervous, I will take a look when it is more mature."

"Okay, thank you Master Huang."

Huang Shang let out a sigh of relief and started gesticulating with trembling hands.

"Is this the martial arts prodigy you are talking about? Nothing unusual about it?"

Huang Rong jumped a few steps and came to Lin Xuan's side, complaining.

"After all, he is an old man in his seventies, so it's not bad to be able to fight like this..."

"The ordinary old man is indeed pretty good, but didn't you say that he wrote the Nine Yin Manual on my side?"

"Wait a minute! Why do you sit down and I have to stand? Give me half the stump."

Huang Rong squeezed in and sat down next to Lin Xuan: "A master who can write the Nine Yin Manual, even if his talent is not as good as my father, is he not too far behind?"

"...How did you come to this conclusion?"

"I just remembered it. My father once said that he and four martial arts masters who were similar to him fought on the top of Huashan Mountain for seven days and seven nights, just to fight for this book."

"Is it really the same..."

Lin Xuan hesitated and said: "Why do I have the impression that the supernatural power king Chongyang is the best in the world?"

"Hmph! Don't pay attention to this useless information."

Huang Rong rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan: "Even if Wang Chongyang is a little more powerful than my father, the fact that people value this martial arts so much shows that this martial arts is of extraordinary value."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that statement."

"Yes, for such a talented master to be so stumbling at even an entry-level palm technique, it really doesn't live up to his name."

"Look! He used to hit all these moves correctly, but now the more he hits, the more problems he has. If my dad were at this age... huh?"

Huang Rong suddenly closed her mouth and looked at Huang Shang hesitantly.

Huang Shang was still bending over, slowly performing this set of Bibo Palm Techniques.

Many of the movements were completely out of shape and completely different from what Huang Rong taught.

The palm technique became more and more unfamiliar, until neither of them could recognize each other at all...

Suddenly, Huang Shang smiled, closed his eyes, and slowly pushed out his palms.

At this moment, his whole body exuded a vast and elegant charm.

It feels like stepping on the East China Sea, facing the tide of the blue sea, and drifting with the current.

This is a feeling that originates from the soul and is extremely mysterious.

"Is this...an epiphany?"

Huang Rong was dumbfounded: "What on earth is he planning to do?"

"Maybe...maybe it's because your palm technique is a little different from this old man's perception, and his body's instinctive resistance."

"So, I subconsciously improved this palm technique."

Lin Xuan smiled: "No matter how powerful it is, at least it is quite smooth now."

"...The Bibo Palm Technique is originally used to practice basic skills, and it is not for killing enemies."

Huang Rong had never seen such a situation before, and said in a daze: "You haven't even started to learn martial arts, and you start to follow your own path? Are you so... so individual?"

"Strange people and strange people, after all, do not follow the ordinary path."

"This is too unusual..."

Huang Rong pouted: "My father's martial arts are all self-created, and he is an unparalleled talent. But when he first started practicing martial arts, he didn't dare to control his own temper."

"Is there a possibility that this old man is more talented than your father?"

"How can it be!"

Huang Rong frowned: "Even if you are really right, I can't teach such a god..."

"You teach you, and he learns from him. There's nothing to worry about."

Lin Xuan smiled: "The teacher who is the number one scholar does not need to be the number one scholar."

"That makes sense. Let's first see if his talent is really that outrageous."

Huang Rong pondered for a moment and said loudly: "Okay, old champion, please stop for a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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