Chapter 54 The aggrieved Song Jiang

"I'm fine. I just didn't pay attention for a moment and suffered a small loss. It's nothing."

Huang Xin gritted his teeth and walked out of the bush, holding his Sangmen sword on the ground, his hands trembling endlessly: "Thieves, do you dare to fight with me for three hundred rounds?"


This situation is a bit delicate.

All the village soldiers looked at each other, not knowing whether they should rush forward or run for their lives.

After a comprehensive analysis, the village soldiers decided to hold on and stay where they were.

"Since Governor Huang wants to fight in a one-on-one fight, we will accompany him."

Lin Xuan smiled and walked slowly to Lu Zhishen's side.

In the Water Margin plane, personal force is highly valued.

If you use this heavy and scary Zen staff rashly...

Huang Xin looked at Wu Song blankly, feeling dizzy, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and he staggered to the ground.

When Wu Song saw Huang Xin coming fiercely, he was not surprised but happy. He picked up the iron rod with both hands, jumped up high, and chopped it down from mid-air.

Huang Xin's expression changed and he said solemnly.

"...Are you the only one who can fight on Qingfeng Mountain?"

"Bald...Master, you are going a little too far!"

There is no chance of exploding seeds.

Oh, it seems that it’s not just Water Margin. Romance realms such as the Three Kingdoms, Sui and Tang Dynasties, and Yue Yue also like to challenge military generals to one-on-one battles...

Not long after, several sergeants acting as the atmosphere team took up their positions, and gongs and drums sounded one after another.

Wu Song shook his iron rod and waved a stick flower toward the sky: "Tie him up, and the rest of the brothers will join a certain family and charge into the battle!"

"Blow drums and gongs to cheer General Huang!"

"Well done!"

Even the mace was not used smoothly enough.

Huang Xin was also quite desperate about this.

Lin Xuan didn't care about this.

"I'm not very good at it, but I have a lot of clever ideas."

"You, a bunch of birds, were clearly knocked down by the Sa family just now."

"This Zen staff seems to weigh over sixty kilograms. It's a huge advantage for the weapon."

Huang Xinxin was determined, he picked up the Sangmen Sword, stood up and pounced: "Thieves, take my sword!"

Maybe, it will hit yourself instead.

Huang Xin looked embarrassed and quickly changed the subject: "If that's the case, it's okay not to fight."

What a hell!

"You, a thief, just took a stick from Sajia. You are somewhat capable, so Sajia will allow you to rest for a while."

He really didn't believe that Huang Xin could defeat Lu Zhishen.

It sounds a bit passionate.

Lu Zhishen was a little disdainful: "Besides, even if you and I change weapons, what can you do?"

When you go out to escort prisoners, you will naturally bring gongs and drums to clear the way.

"With this little ability, you still dare to say arrogant words?"

"Oh? What's wrong with the Sa family?"

Aren't the original leaders of Qingfeng Mountain three losers?

Let's challenge each other one-on-one.

It is still quite popular to decide the outcome of a war through one-on-one battles between generals.


"Okay! Aren't you afraid of me being an official?"

Lu Zhishen laughed: "Let's do it again!"

Liu Gao was shocked and doubtful, and said quickly.

The two weapons clashed in the air, Huang Xin let out a strange cry, and the Sangmen Sword flew out of his hand, throwing it seven or eight meters away.

Wu Song snorted and walked out with an iron rod: "This rod was randomly struck by the blacksmith in the town. It should not be as good as your bird sword. Do you dare to have a fight with a certain family?"

Huang Xin said proudly: "I have abandoned my horse and fought on foot, how can you still use this Zen staff?"

Although he has good physical strength, he is only at the level of an average warrior.

Why is it that after a few months of seeing each other, there is a bald monk with explosive strength?


The soldiers' morale was greatly boosted. They shouted loudly and rushed towards the officers and soldiers like wild dogs that were running loose.

Needless to say this time, a group of village soldiers had already given way to the road and fled in all directions.

"Nonya!" Liu Gao turned pale with fright. He stopped using the nine-tooth rake and hurriedly turned his horse's head, whipping down like raindrops.

The horse felt pain, neighed, and ran forward.

" this a win?"

Huang Rong was dumbfounded and speechless.

"Liu Gao himself looks like a bird, how powerful can his soldiers be?"

Lin Xuan said calmly: "You catch him, and I will save him."

"it is good."

Huang Rong let out a sullen breath, used Qing Kung Fu, and chased forward.

To be honest, Lin Xuan didn't pay much attention to this battle.

Although Qingfeng Village is an inspection village, it is also responsible for stationing troops.

But Hua Rong's village soldiers still train regularly and have some fighting strength.

As a civil servant, Liu Gao himself did not know how to train soldiers, and several of his instructors were also incompetent people who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

Except for a few elite personal guards who have some fighting strength.

The rest of the soldiers in the village are all scammers who can't do anything well and are the first to escape.

In the original work, even Yan Shun, Wang Ying and others were able to kill the village soldiers and save Hua Rong and Song Jiang.

The soldiers in Lin Xuan's hands now are much stronger than Yan Shun's.

Sure enough, seeing Huang Xin's defeat, Liu Gao's troops were completely gone.

"Where is the dog officer going!"

After a few ups and downs, Huang Rong had already arrived behind Liu Gao. She casually threw the Emei thorn in her hand and hit it on the soft armor behind Liu Gao.

An Jin penetrated Liu Gao's armor, passed through Liu Gao's thick fat, and sealed his Lingtai point.

Liu Gao's body suddenly stiffened, and he rolled off his horse like a ripe winter melon. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the fall.

The minions around him swarmed up and pushed the defenseless Liu Gao to the ground. He took off his armor and robes and tied them up.

Not far away, the young minions who were ambushing beside the road also pulled up the horse rope and overturned Liu Gao's horse as a trophy.

Liu Gao's soldiers who came in a hurry saw that the situation was not good, dropped their weapons one after another, shouted, got into the forest, and fled.

"Brother Hua, are you okay?"

Lin Xuan quickly came to Hua Rong's prison car and slashed with the steel knife, splitting the prison car in half.

"My little brother is fine, go and save Brother Song."

Hua Rong originally had an official position, but now that the matter has not been clarified, Huang Xin retained the favor and did not execute him.

Hua Rong was not idle either, and secretly broke the ropes on his body along the way.

Seeing the prison car shatter into pieces, he jumped out immediately.

Not far away, Song Jiang was locked in a prison car with disheveled hair and a dirty face. His body was covered in blood and flesh, and a swarm of flies were flying around him.

"Song Yasi, don't panic."

Lin Xuan shook his head, walked to Song Jiang's prison car, and split the prison car open with a knife.

"Thank you... thank you Big Dragon Head for saving me."

Song Jiang looked up at Lin Xuan gratefully, rolled his eyes, and fell off the prison car.

"Is there a doctor?" Hua Rong was shocked and asked quickly.

"Song Yasi has a strong body. Except for his hands and legs, the rest are mostly superficial injuries, nothing serious."

Huang Shang stretched out his hand and pressed on Song Jiang's body, saying calmly.

"Oh, thank you...huh?"

Hua Rong was startled: "What happened to Brother Song's siblings?"

"Both hands and legs were forcibly broken."

Huang Shang looked at it a few more times: "It's pretty good. The hand and hamstrings haven't been picked out. It will be able to move as normal after half a year. During this period, it needs more care."

"...Then that's a big problem, old man."

Hua Rong calmed down and sighed: "This time I was tricked by that bitch man and woman. If I hadn't been rescued by the big dragon head, I would probably have been unlucky. I'm really ashamed."

"That shrew is despicable and has a heart of snakes and scorpions. She is just like a beast! She was the one who ordered people to beat her little brother into this state!"

Song Jiang felt sad and cried loudly: "My little brother was so obsessed that day that he didn't listen to what Brother Lin said. I really regret it!"

It seemed that Song Jiang had never suffered such grievances in his life.

Once I start crying, I can't stop crying at all.

After crying for half an hour, Song Jiang's physical strength reached its limit, and then he rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Well, it's better to block it than to open it up. It's easy to let it out now, but it won't lay the root of the disease."

Huang Shang was somewhat satisfied, twirled his beard and said with a smile: "If Huazhizhai feels aggrieved, you might as well cry aloud."

Hua Rong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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