I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 6 What is Wu Song’s approximate level?

Chapter 6 What is Wu Song’s approximate level?
  "Returning to the guest officer, the shop still has some old wine, but the only food left is cooked beef."

The waiter hurriedly came over and asked the big man to take a seat.

"Okay, beef is enough. Let's cut it into two pounds and drink it with wine."

The big man was very satisfied, nodded and smiled.

"This one……"

The waiter was startled and said with a wry smile: "We have beef, but the shop doesn't have a meat cleaver, so we can only serve it in one piece."

"Since your family sells meat, you don't even have a meat cleaver?"

The big man frowned and shouted: "Is there such a thing in the world? Could it be that you are deliberately entertaining a certain family!"

This big man was originally tall and burly, but now he shouted angrily, which was like a thunderbolt from the blue, making people's ears buzz.

"Back... back to this gentleman, the shop originally had a butcher knife for cutting meat..."

Well, in this case, it is indeed not stable.

It seems... quite reasonable?
  wrong! How reasonable!

The big man in front of me was so imposing that even with my butt I could tell he was Wu Song.

"...and things like this."

Although the tiger in Jingyanggang is braver, it is probably an elite South China tiger, not a powerful tiger.

Okay, here in the wilderness, there are scholars who have no self-defense weapons, so come to the wine shop to get a butcher knife...

Are all today’s scholars so tough?
  The big man suddenly felt that he couldn't understand the world anymore.

"We are not in a hurry."

The waiter in the shop trembled with fright, and pointed at Lin Xuan in a panic: "But...but this young man said that he bought the butcher's knife from the shop without any self-defense when he was out."

It's not for the purpose of mixing in some tiger bone and tiger whip.

Lin Xuan smiled and took out the butcher's knife from his arms: "The waiter will bring this brother's beef and cut it with this knife."

Follow Wu Song up the mountain to hunt tigers?

Don't worry, Wu Song got angry and went up the mountain to kill the tiger.

The big man was startled, looking at Lin Xuan dressed as a scholar, and was speechless.

Lin Xuan naturally didn't mind helping him, so that he could eat and drink in peace.

But Lin Xuan doesn't have that need yet.

But I am doing it for the mission reward...

Since it is Wu Song...

But according to the description in the original work, Lin Xuan felt that after he had the means to defeat the enemy, he had a good chance of killing that guy by cooperating with Huang Rong.

Although tiger whip is a good thing.

It definitely comes with experience and points.


The waiter breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly ran into the kitchen.

Not long after, a large pile of beef was served, and Wu Song was given a full bowl of wine.

"Brother, please do as you please."

Lin Xuan smiled and handed over the butcher's knife.

"Thank you very much."

The big man moved quickly, said thank you, and cut the beef into more than ten pieces with a flying knife in his hand.

"We are all brothers within the four seas. When we go out, what is convenient for others is what is convenient for ourselves."

"My little brother said it very well."

The big man wiped the grease stains on the butcher's knife with his sleeve and handed it to Lin Xuan: "A certain Wusong, from Qinghe County, the second oldest in the family. May I ask the names of the two of you?"

"It turns out to be Brother Wu, whom I have admired for a long time!"

Lin Xuan wrapped the butcher's knife and stuffed it back into his arms: "My surname is Lin Mingxuan, and this is my sworn brother Huang Long."

Of course it doesn't hurt to say his name.

The word "Rong" was somewhat feminine, so it was changed to Huanglong.

Lin Xuan remembered that there was a "San Wu Zhenren" in Fengshen Yanyi who also had this name.

It's a bit of luck.

Well, don't look down on Brother Huang Long.

Although he is not very good at the Conferred God system, he is still a serious immortal.

If placed in the martial arts plane, you can definitely walk sideways.

This is Lin Xuan's best wishes. “So it’s Brother Lin and Brother Huang. Would you like to sit down and have a few drinks with a certain family?”

Wu Song hesitated and invited.

After all, he still wanted to save face, and he really couldn't say polite words like "I have admired his name for a long time."

"That's not necessary. We brothers still have some things to do, so let's just say goodbye."

Lin Xuan cupped his hands and said, "If I have some free time someday, I will definitely have a little time with Brother Wu."

I came here to get the mission reward, not to have a drinking contest with Wu Song.

Even if he and Wu Song were brothers and fair-weather friends, it wouldn't mean much.

If you look familiar, that's pretty much it.

"Since you two have something to do, let's meet up someday and get drunk together."

Seeing that Lin Xuan had decided to leave, Wu Song nodded and said no more.

He has a bold and relaxed personality and likes to associate with tough men.

Lin Xuan was dressed like an elegant scholar, while Huang Rong was in ragged clothes, with a sallow complexion and thin skin.

The two of them don't have the incredible popularity of Song Jiang.

Wu Song naturally had no idea of ​​falling in love at first sight.

  "What do you think of that man just now?"

Walking back to the mountain temple, Lin Xuan pulled out the butcher knife, waved it a few times, and asked.

Ahead is Jingyanggang, which is a dangerous area and should not be taken lightly.

"This person has a very good momentum and extremely strong blood. He should be a master from outside the family."

Huang Rong narrowed her eyes slightly: "Our mission time is less than two hours left. Are we going to go up the mountain and kill the tiger after the man has eaten and drank enough?"

"It's almost the same. The reincarnation space doesn't force us to do side tasks, so it certainly won't get us stuck in this hellish place."

"Someone has to kill the tiger on the mountain."

Lin Xuan was quite satisfied with Huang Rong's understanding: "How does that man's martial arts compare to you?"

"In a serious fight, I have little chance of winning..."

Huang Rong pondered for a moment and shook her head.

"Compared to your father?"

"...How can such a master from a foreign family be as good as my father!"

Huang Rong was very dissatisfied and puffed up her cheeks: "The few disciples my father had in the past should not lose to him."

"That's good……"

Lin Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

In the original work, it was a bit difficult for Wu Song to kill the tiger.

If Wu Song had Huang Yaoshi's level...

That tiger up there is at least Gongsun Zhi, a mad swordsman and a swordsman.

The difficulty of the entire dungeon suddenly rose to hell!
  Now according to Huang Rong, Wu Song is probably only as good as Mei Chaofeng.

If you convert it into a tiger...

Approximately..., Mei Chaofeng who is blind?

Well, although blind Mei Chaofeng is quite powerful.

But that's not enough to let Lin Xuan run away.

"Don't worry, it's just a tiger, how powerful can it be..., huh?"

Huang Rong's expression suddenly changed and she said in a deep voice: "Be careful!"

The next moment, a furious roar echoed in the jungle.

A gust of wind came, blowing their robes loudly.

The strong wind had not yet finished blowing, and there was only a thumping sound behind the trees, and a yellow shadow rushed toward Huang Rong like lightning.

"What a vicious insect!"

Huang Rongqing scolded, pointed her toes on the ground, and dodged to the side to avoid Huang Ying's attack.

The yellow shadow fell to the ground and rolled suddenly, revealing the figure of a big tiger with an eye-catching white forehead.

The big tiger is about one and a half meters tall and three meters long. It looks extremely powerful.

It was two times bigger than the largest South China tiger Lin Xuan had ever seen.

(End of this chapter)

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