Chapter 8 Brother Lin is truly a god

"Fortunately, I have this butcher knife..."

Lin Xuan let out a sullen breath, managed to stand up, hugged Huang Rong's petite body, and pulled hard.

As the blood mist dispersed, all the soft hedgehog armor barbs stuck in the tiger's mouth were pulled out and retracted into the soft hedgehog armor.

This soft hedgehog armor is quite exquisitely designed, made of a mixture of gold wire and thousand-year-old vines. The armor is covered with barbs.

Even if I hug you, it won't have any impact.

Once hit by a huge collision, these barbs will pop out automatically and attack the enemy protector.


As if the injury was affected, Huang Rong frowned and spat out another mouthful of blood.

To be honest, Huang Rong felt very aggrieved.

It can be used to brush the tiger's den...

No risk of exposure.

I thought that after bragging for a long time, the result was not as good as others holding a butcher knife...

It's a pity that only the Orchid Acupuncture Hand and the Fallen Divine Sword Palm are proficient.

It was found that under the suppression of the soft hedgehog armor, the entire area was only slightly bulging.

Lin Xuan took a special look at the key parts.

Huang Rong couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and her face turned white and rosy.

It is estimated that Gua Sha is better than Master Niuzhao.

The orchid acupuncture hand is really good for cooking, and it's also good for fighting.

Huang Rong didn't even know where to turn.

As for the Fallen Divine Sword Palm?
  Huang Yaoshi is certainly very powerful when used.

Although this girl's beggar's uniform is in tatters, her soft hedgehog armor is still intact, so she won't have a happy ending.

She did learn a lot of various martial arts on Peach Blossom Island.

It's not too outrageous, and it's far inferior to the chest muscles of those macho men in the gym.

"Thank you... thank you. I'm fine. I just need to rest for a while."

In desperation, Huang Rong had to give up this style of play.

Huang Rong calmed down and looked around: "There won't be any tigers here, right?"

"Take a rest first and stop moving."

But with Huang Rong's internal strength, if she slapped the tiger on the body...

Lin Xuan looked at it, found a relatively clean and flat place on the tiger corpse, and gently placed Huang Rong on it.

"It shouldn't be the case. Tigers still value their territory. Isn't there a saying that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain?"

Lin Xuan pulled out two water-dividing Emei thorns, rubbed them on the tiger's back, gave them back to Huang Rong, and sat aside.

The butcher's knife was not easy to hold, so Lin Xuan was too lazy to recycle it.

With this thing in your arms, you have to be careful when walking, which is very troublesome.

"Unless it's a male and a female?"

Huang Rong smiled and stuffed the Fenshui Emei thorn back into her sleeve.

"The official notice clearly stated that there is only one tiger on the mountain, so don't think too much about it."

Lin Xuan shrugged: "To put it bluntly, I am a tiger, and I am half a family member with this tiger brother."

"Maybe this tiger is a female, just like you, a male and a female."

Huang Rong stuck out her little tongue: "Don't look at me, I'm not a tiger, not a tigress."

Originally, although this little girl was not aloof, she didn't like to talk much either.

There is a feeling that everyone is just a colleague, and after finishing the copy, they go their separate ways and go back to their own homes.

But now, after fighting side by side with Lin Xuan and working together to kill this big tiger...

Unknowingly, she became much closer to Lin Xuan mentally.

"Aren't you a little tiger?"

Lin Xuan smiled, and an unserious thought flashed through his mind.

cough cough...

Forget it, just be healthier.

[The side mission "Tiger Fighting Hero" has been completed, and 1000 points of reincarnation experience have been obtained]

[The current level of the reincarnator is lv2 (0/1000), strength +5, physical strength +5, skill +5, spirit +5] At this moment, accompanied by the magnificent and ethereal electronic sound, a warm current flowed through Lin Xuan's body flow past.

"...Is this upgrade so good?"

Lin Xuan exhaled a breath of turbid air and felt comfortable all over.

Just after the settlement of a side task, Lin Xuan's basic attributes improved like a new person, exceeding what he had accumulated in the previous few months.

Although the upgrade of the reincarnation space does not include the effects of restoring status and replenishing blood and mana that are often included in RPG games.

The place where Lin Xuan was kicked by the tiger before was still aching.

But in an instant, the comprehensive improvement of basic attributes immediately strengthened Lin Xuan's physical qualities and greatly alleviated his injuries.

Lin Xuan felt that even if he was asked to challenge this tiger now...

He also had a good chance of escaping.

This is the confidence of being a junior warrior!

"After completing this mission, I seem to have become stronger!"

"Not only the strength and reaction, but also the inner strength cultivation seems to have become deeper."

Huang Rong looked at her little hands, a little confused: "How on earth is this reincarnation space achieved?"

"People can teleport you here, so it's not surprising that they can do this."

Lin Xuan asked: "Don't worry about this, are you feeling better?"

"I couldn't walk originally, but now I can barely use my internal strength to suppress the injury."

Huang Rong thought about it and said, "If you hold me for a while and walk slower, I should be able to go down the mountain."

"It doesn't have to be that troublesome."

Lin Xuan waved his hand: "Have a rest for a while, and I'll carry you down the mountain. Just be careful and don't let the soft hedgehog armor prick me."

"This...isn't this a little bad?"

Huang Rong was stunned and quickly shook her head.

"Everyone is on his own, there's nothing wrong with that."

"...then, thank you."

Huang Rong tilted her head and thought for a moment, a blush appeared on her face, and she nodded.

"That guy..., huh? Are you Brother Lin and Brother Huang?"

At this moment, a long whistle sounded, and Wu Song appeared in front of the two men with a whistle stick in his hand and as fast as flying.

"This..., did you kill this big insect?"

Wu Song stopped and looked at the dead tiger, and then at the messy battlefield around him, showing a shocked expression.

Although, after Wu Song explodes, he can probably kill this tiger.

But Wu Song doesn't know this now.

Looking at the tiger's majestic figure and the blood stains everywhere...

It is conceivable that it must have been a thrilling and bloody battle.

Wu Song couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

"Thanks to Brother Lin this time."

Huang Rong forced a smile and said in a low voice: "I'm embarrassed this time. I didn't do much, and I was a little injured."

The biggest benefit of "Tiger Fighting Hero" is the mission rewards in the reincarnation space.

What's left is nothing more than a false reputation and some silver rewards.

Huang Rong had no interest in this and did not want to reveal that she was a girl. She did not intend to make the limelight.

"Lucky lucky..."

Lin Xuan understood, pointed to the butcher's knife on the ground, and smiled modestly: "If it weren't for this butcher's knife, I would hardly be able to fight it."


Although Huang Rong didn't know that this expression was called "Versailles".

But I always feel something is wrong.

Somehow I want to grind my teeth.

"A certain family was just in the liquor store when they heard the roar of this evil beast, so they hurried over."

"Now that I think about it, this beast must have been seriously injured and struggling to its death."

Wu Song exhaled a long breath and bowed to Lin Xuan: "Unexpectedly, Brother Lin can eliminate such great harm to the people of the world with just a pig-killing knife. He is truly a man of God!"

(End of this chapter)

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