Chapter 101 The end of the weapon is bricks

Wang also wiped the water stains from the corners of his mouth.

I wonder if this immortal family has gone crazy?

Even if the Yin Shen left the body, now he plans to appear in person?

Both Zhuge Qing and Wang had seen Huang Miao's methods.

Both of them knew what the seemingly cute ferret standing on Feng Baobao's shoulders was like behind the scenes.

Just now, Zhang Chulan invited a spirit to come up to him, and it was this senior from the Immortal Family that he invited.

Just because he is possessed by the Yin God, there are few opponents in the entire alien world.

Now his real body is going to die?

"Everywhere is connected to the company. Are you planning to take over the Luotian Dajiao?"

There was a hint of doubt in Zhuge Qing's small eyes.

The long-haired girl in the audience is from the company.

If you really take action, you still have to think about it

But before Jia Zhengliang's sexual intercourse was over, Feng Baobao tilted his head and looked at him in confusion.

But let’s do it anyway!

But he knew in his heart that no matter what, Wang was not stupid enough to speak out.

"Baby Feng, what are you muttering about there?"

"If you are scared, apologize to me as soon as possible and admit defeat."

When the middle-aged Taoist priest in the stands heard Feng Baobao's words, he also looked at Jia Zhengliang in confusion.

Feng Baobao folded his hands and strolled to the center of the playing field.

I just vaguely heard the word admit defeat.

After all, it was the Tianshi Mansion's place, and the old Tianshi didn't come forward to take care of it.

They chose to remain silent in a very tacit understanding.

"Referee, he wants to admit defeat!"

"It's just a royal object, that's all."

"That guy is very good at throwing knives. He seems to be quite strong."

His big eyes, which had been a bit dull at first, suddenly became brighter.

Huang Miao was just talking, but Feng Baobao didn't hear Jia Zhengliang's words clearly.

If this continues, half of the contestants in the Luotian Dajiao will be eliminated by that immortal family member alone.

Zhang Chulan is also a member of the company.

"You want to admit defeat?"

Most of them didn't know that the cute ferret on the field was the terrifying fairy just now.

Just keep some things in your stomach, there is no need to publicize them everywhere.

After all, I had seen Jia Zhengyu's dragon-pecking awl last time, so I had probably figured out the method of controlling objects.

Moreover, when Huang Miao left the field before, he was out of body.

Zhuge Qing and Wang also looked at the playing field again. If the senior took action, the game would be really exciting.

"Eniang said you can't hit women casually."

Although the final champion has already been decided.

Although he wanted to avenge his brother, the other party was a girl who seemed powerless after all.

It doesn't feel like anything special.

"As long as you admit your mistake, I will spare you this time."

Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye looked at each other and had thoughts in their hearts.

"Two contestants enter."

Wang Ye sighed and looked at the ten lao seats on the high platform.

When Feng Baobao came to the competition field, his eyes were quickly attracted by several spinning flying knives in Jia Zhengliang's hands.

When she signed up this time, she wrote as an animal trainer, so when she and Huang Miao appeared together, they didn't attract much attention.

As long as the Qi that controls the connection with the artifact is interrupted, the opponent will be helpless.

Jia Zhengliang stepped on the flying knives with both feet, his body was floating in the air, and he also held two flying knives with cold light in his left and right hands.

Huang Miao yawned.

So except for a few people like Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye who already knew the inside story.

"Are you going to admit defeat?"


"The next match will be between Jia Zhengliang and Feng Baobao."

The referee's loud voice reached everyone's ears.

He looked with some disdain at Feng Baobao, who seemed to be talking to himself.

"Who is going to give in?! Who told you that I am going to give in!"

"Okay, okay, Baby Feng!"

"Since you don't understand good people's hearts, don't blame me for being harsh!"

Jia Zhengliang's hands were shaking because he was so angry with the stupid girl in front of him.

I don't want to waste any more words.

Four flying knives appeared around him.

Seeing Jia Zhengliang getting ready to go, Huang Miao raised his eyebrows.

What a close call, this kid almost escaped. If this kid just admits defeat, there will be no chance for him to be legitimately beaten again.

A rare opportunity.

Get a grip.

"Little girl Pianzi, I won't bully you. I will use the immortal-killing flying knife in this competition."

"You can also bring weapons."

Four extremely sharp flying knives were currently rotating around Jia Zhengliang.

His ability to control objects has long been superb.

As soon as he took action, he used four flying knives.

It seems very relaxed.

"Oh, weapons?"

Feng Baobao scratched his head and originally wanted to refuse, but saw that the other party looked sincere.

After thinking about it, he turned around and ran to the spectator seats.

"Xu Si, throw down my shovel!"

Her favorite weapon is the kitchen knife named Okamoto Zero Point One.

It’s just that I couldn’t bring it with me during the flight security check this time.

I had to make do with a shovel.

"Catch the baby."

Xu Siying responded, and then a shovel still stained with mud was thrown off the playing field.

Feng Baobao returned to the playing field carrying the shovel, and everyone in the audience looked at this funny appearance.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"This little girl is quite interesting."

"Trying to compete with a shovel? This is to dig a hole."

"Hahaha, how little attention is paid to Jia Zhengliang."

"Look at Jia Zhengliang's face, it's as dark as the bottom of the pot."

Jia Zhengliang watched with a cold face as Feng Baobao returned to him carrying the shovel.

This guy makes fun of himself over and over again.

Is he planning to compete with himself with a broken shovel?

How much do you look down on him? !

"Feng Baobao, are you?"

Jia Zhengliang was about to say a few harsh words, but didn't wait for him to finish.

The ferret standing on Feng Baobao's shoulders actually jumped to the edge of the playing field.

He waved to the stands in a dignified manner.

"Master Huang has taken it."

"This is where your guy's business is."

"I'll throw it down for you."

I saw Zhang Chulan taking out a large cardboard box from nowhere in the stands, under the gaze of everyone.

Baseball bats, bricks, and benches were all thrown off the playing field.

None of them are serious weapons.

Huang Miao rummaged through a pile of groceries for a long time before finally finding a convenient brick.

Holding a brick in one hand and a bench in the other.

He even specifically signaled to the referee that he was ready.

Such a funny scene.

It immediately caused a burst of laughter from the audience on the stage.

"Hahaha——! This little ferret is also a living treasure."

"I feel like I've become a fan of this group."

"Treasure Girl and Her Treasure Ferret."

" are going too far!"

"Don't blame me for being ruthless for a moment!"

"Feng Baobao, are you going to use these scraps of copper and iron to resist my immortal-killing flying knife?!"

"Okay, okay, I want to see how these scraps of copper and iron can stop my immortal-killing flying knife!"

Jia Zhengliang was so angry that he was shaking all over. The man and beast in front of him didn't take him seriously at all!


Naked humiliation!

Even the referee in charge of this competition couldn't help but hold his forehead, wondering where these two living treasures came from.

It was also the first time for him to see strangers fighting against each other with shovels and bricks.

"Both sides are ready, the preparations are complete, the game begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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