One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 109 As expected, Mr. Huang still needs to take action himself!

Chapter 109 As expected, Mr. Huang still needs to take action himself!

"Zhang Chulan versus Zhang Lingyu!"

"The show begins!"

"Who do you think will win?"

"Look, look, Taoist Master Lingyu has already entered the venue. Wow, he's still such an immortal."

"As expected of Taoist Priest Lingyu!"

"so hot."

"This competition is really interesting."

As the huge wooden door was slowly pushed open.

Zhang Lingyu walked slowly into the competition venue wearing a white Taoist robe, and the audience around the stadium immediately became excited.

Some cheered, some shouted.

Originally, Zhang Chulan's golden light spell would be directly broken up by this collision.

There is still a big gap between the two in the cultivation of the Golden Light Curse.

He raised his feet and walked slowly towards the other party.

Seeing Zhang Lingyu walking into the competition field with a calm face, everyone on the high platform looked full of admiration.

Zhang Chulan took a deep breath and suddenly accelerated towards Zhang Lingyu.

Everyone on the field even started pushing and shoving in order to find a suitable viewing angle.

Whether it is the top ten men like Lu Jin or Lu Ci, or the uncles like Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong.

"Give me a moment, give me a moment."

"I'm coming!"

There are also words in his mouth.

Zhang Chulan's level of golden light curse is obviously not as good as Zhang Lingyu's.

From character to strength, Zhang Lingyu can indeed take on the great responsibility of the Tianshi Mansion.

"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."

The game also officially started.

"Don't squeeze me, I can't even see you."

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."

The Taoist priest who was in charge of refereeing this match narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Chulan's golden arms, and couldn't help but murmur.

"Inside and outside the three realms, only Tao is the only one."

Zhang Chulan's whole body was really thrown upside down by the huge force of the shock.

They all have high praise for Zhang Lingyu.

Although Zhang Lingyu, who was opposite him, stood still without moving a step, an innate Qi was slowly emanating from his body.

But this guy actually concentrated all the golden light from his body on his arms, increasing the quality of the golden light.

There was a rare semblance of seriousness on his face.

This is due to differences in cultivation.


As the golden light collided with each other, a very harsh metallic roar suddenly emitted from the arena.

On the other side, Zhang Chulan also walked into the competition field wearing clothes that could be used anywhere.

Zhang Chulan took a deep breath and stared at Zhang Lingyu.

The two slowly walked to the center of the playing field.

Zhang Lingyu's popularity is evident.

His temperament was completely different from the previous competitions he had participated in.

The two are at odds.


"Cultivation for thousands of kalpas will prove my magical power."

It can be seen how interested everyone is in the duel between these two people.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth."

On the other hand, Zhang Lingyu still stood on the spot without changing his expression, and the golden light around him condensed into the shape of a fist.

This time his arms were not seriously injured.

But Zhang Chulan only had a golden light on her body.

Only through long-term accumulation can it be smoothed out.


As the gong in the referee's hand was struck.

In an instant, Zhang Lingyu's whole body was wrapped in golden light, as if coated with an oil film that could flow autonomously.

I have to say that Zhang Chulan's talent is really good, and he can think of such innovative uses.


After all, these are still outsiders and cannot be admitted to the public.

If the golden light cannot reach the level of being transformed into energy, its flow speed will be far unable to keep up with its own reaction.

There will always be a moment when you can't hold on any longer.

At this moment, the battle between the two men continues on the field.

However, it is obvious that Zhang Chulan has been beaten by Zhang Lingyu, and he can only parry, but not fight back.

Every time I fight, it's defense.

"Zhang Chulan is very good. In just one month, he was able to barely accept my golden light spell."

"Especially your movement skills. Compared with your previous clumsiness, it's completely different."

"You are indeed very talented."

Zhang Chulan retreated suddenly and was no longer entangled with Zhang Lingyu.

He patted the dirt on his body and turned to look at Feng Baobao and Huang Miao in the spectator seats.

"When it comes to body skills, you are actually quite good."

"But compared with that senior, it's still far behind."

After Huang Miao's special training, Zhang Chulan's improvement in body skills was the most obvious.

Otherwise, with his golden light spell, it would be difficult to survive ten rounds under Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Lingyu followed Zhang Chulan's gaze and did not refute Zhang Chulan's words.

"Yes, you have indeed made great progress during this period."

"In that case, let's get started."

"Let me see how much your lightning skills have improved."

After the golden light shield around him dispersed, Zhang Lingyu slowly raised his arm, and dark black thunder patterns appeared around him.

When Zhang Chulan saw this, he no longer hid his shame.

Taking a deep breath, the golden light dissipated instantly and turned into a dazzling white light.

"Refa's duel?"

"Zhang Chulan actually plans to fight Zhang Lingyu with thunder. Is he crazy?"

"There's no need to use your skills at this time. I'm afraid there won't be a chance later."

"Even if he can use the thunder method of Tianshi Mansion, the gap between him and Zhang Lingyu is definitely not small."

"What exactly does he want to do?"

Seeing the faint light of thunder and lightning emanating from both of them, everyone on the field had no idea what Zhang Chulan was thinking.

Zhang Chulan had used thunder method before when he fought Wang Bing.

Now that Tianshi Mansion's Five Thunder Methods were used again, no one was too surprised.

It's just that they don't understand why Zhang Chulan doesn't use his strengths to avoid weaknesses and directly uses the method of inviting gods to fight against Zhang Lingyu.

But he must have a duel with him.

"Yin Five Thunder Technique - Palm Thunder!"

Without giving everyone time to think about the reason, a black lightning shot directly from the palm of Zhang Lingyu's hand.

At the same time, Zhang Chulan also shot out a white lightning from the palm of his hand.

The two palm thunders collided together at the same time, emitting a dazzling light.

The next moment, their bodies transformed into two black and white thunderbolts, traveling across the arena.

The speed was so fast that the two of them could no longer be seen clearly.

The aftermath of Leifa's impact even completely destroyed the guardrails around the arena.

Many strangers who were near the edge of the spectator seats subconsciously moved back to avoid being accidentally injured.

Flying sand and rocks, smoke and dust everywhere.

For a moment, the two of them were evenly matched.

"Has Zhang Chulan's thunder technique reached this level?"

"real or fake?"

"For the time being, it is completely unimaginable that it can be on par with Zhang Lingyu's lightning skills."

"No, it's not equal! Look at the black liquid in the venue!"

Just when everyone was amazed at Zhang Chulan's strength, suddenly a sharp-eyed stranger discovered that there was a lot of viscous black liquid on the field.

It looks similar to crude oil.

This black liquid has unknowingly occupied most of the playing field.


The next moment, the two entangled electric lights suddenly dispersed.

The white thunder and lightning disappeared, and Zhang Chulan flew backwards in a very embarrassed state. Hit hard on the edge of the playing field.

Zhang Lingyu's figure also slowly appeared in the black electric light, and the black viscous liquid was constantly flowing under the white Taoist robe.

Thick. turbid.

It's very disgusting to look at.

"What is this?"

"Were those black liquids released by Master Lingyu?"

"Well, how should I put it? It's sticky and depressing. It obviously looks dangerous and disgusting, but it makes people curious at the same time."

"How can Master Lingyu use this kind of technique?"

The black viscous liquid slowly undulated around Zhang Lingyu's body, like some kind of evil tentacles.

It is far different from Zhang Lingyu's upright image.

Even Tian Jinzhong, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked a little surprised.

"Yin Wu Lei?!"

"Lingyu actually used Yin Wu Lei in public. Has he passed the threshold in his heart?"

On the field, the turbid Yinwu Lei gradually covered the entire field and continued to surge towards Zhang Chulan's position.

Zhang Lingyu slowly raised his arm and looked at Zhang Chulan seriously.

"This month is not just about your improvement in strength."

"Ever since I was knocked awake by that senior last time, I have worked hard to practice Yin Wu Lei."

"At this time, my lightning skills have already surpassed the last time."

After fighting against Huang Miao at school, Zhang Lingyu actually realized that whether it was Yin Wulei or Yang Wulei, it was the same to him.

I have already overcome the grudge in my heart.

Therefore, after returning to Longhu Mountain, he has been practicing the thunder method painstakingly.

Today's Yin Wulei is more than a little stronger than it was then.

Zhang Chulan also felt the power of this dark thunder, and was forced to retreat step by step, with his back pressed tightly against the edge of the playing field.

There is no way to retreat.

At this time, the whole place was covered by Yin Wu Lei.

"Cangtan in the North!"

Zhang Lingyu's cold voice reached Zhang Chulan's ears, and thunder suddenly surged under Zhang Chulan's feet.

Attacking from all directions.

"Golden Light Bodyguard!"

Zhang Chulan was shocked and subconsciously cast a golden light spell to protect his whole body.

However, the moment the sticky black thunder came into contact with the golden light, the golden light that should have been omnipresent was immediately corroded.

Start to fall apart.

The strength in the body began to be continuously drained away.


"I almost forgot, the Golden Light Spell can't defend against this black energy at all."

White lightning sizzled the next moment.

Dense white lightning immediately appeared around Zhang Chulan.

The Yin Lei clinging to his feet seemed to have encountered a nemesis, being constantly driven away.

Zhang Lingyu stood there, looking at Zhang Chulan with some admiration, but did not continue to attack.

Sticky black Yin Lei kept dripping between the five fingers.

"Yes, you know how to use Yang thunder to counter my Yin thunder."

"Did Zhang Chulan feel it?"

"This is my Yin Lei - Water Dirty."

"Suck the bones and squeeze out the marrow, turbid the heart and eliminate the will."

"Except for your Yang Thunder, normal defenses will only be penetrated by my Black Thunder."

Zhang Chulan did not answer Zhang Lingyu's words, his eyes were filled with white thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning were still flashing densely around him.

The thunder underfoot continued to recede, revealing the playing surface again.

In the palm of the hand, a ball of electricity bloomed with bright light, condensed and formed.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan was completely different from just now.

At this moment, he is using his own move - Thunder Member.

Able to significantly improve one's own strength in a short period of time.

Seeing Zhang Chulan's momentum rising, Zhang Lingyu just chuckled lightly.

"Only when you are cornered can people see your true colors?"

Zhang Chulan slowly stretched out five fingers.

"five minutes!"

"Master Lingyu, you only have five minutes."

This move will put a huge burden on your body.

With his current physique, he can only hold on for five minutes at most.


Zhang Lingyu's expression remained calm and she waved her sleeves.

"I will definitely deal with you within five minutes."

Sizzling. Sizzling.

When two flashes of lightning, one black and one white, appeared in their eyes, they turned into lightning again and rushed toward each other.

The two were so fast that they could no longer be seen on the field.

There are only scorch marks one after another on the ground, which are constantly appearing.

It was obviously a mark caused by the fight between the two.

"What. How?"

"Even if Zhang Chulan didn't ask for a spirit to possess him, how could his strength be so outrageous?"

"Master Lingyu has been unable to capture Zhang Chulan for so long."

"Hahaha, did this boy Chu Lan finally show his true colors today?"

"As expected of him, he is the grandson of Senior Brother Huaiyi. His character is exactly the same as that of Senior Brother Huaiyi."

Tian Jinzhong on the high platform looked at Zhang Chulan who was playing against Zhang Lingyu on the field and couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Zhang Chulan's current appearance reminded him of the duel between Brother Huaiyi and Brother Wei when he was young.

At that time, Senior Brother Huaiyi also tolerated it for several years, and finally became famous.

Before this, even their fellow disciples did not know the true strength of Senior Brother Huaiyi.

"This kid Chu Lan is indeed very similar to Huai Yi."

"He's even better at pretending than that boy Huaiyi back then."

Zhang Zhiwei couldn't help but stroke his beard and chimed in with a smile.

Tian Jinzhong's words just now reminded him of Zhang Huaiyi's big-eared thief junior brother.

Looking at Zhang Chulan, he seemed to see Zhang Huaiyi in his youth.

No wonder he is a biological grandson.

Back then, Zhang Huaiyi worked as an ordinary sweeper in Longhu Mountain for five years.

If his master hadn't discovered that Zhang Huaiyi had hidden his strength.

I'm afraid this kid doesn't intend to reveal his strength until the end.

And this kid Zhang Chulan is even more terrifying. According to the information from Nadoutong Company, Zhang Chulan has been living as an ordinary person for twelve years since Zhang Huaiyi's death.

No one in the company noticed that he was a stranger at all.

"But it's a pity that the blank period of more than ten years can not be erased in one month."

"Although this kid Chu Lan has good talent, he is still far behind Lingyu."

Tian Jinzhong shook his head slightly, and his eyes fell on the competition field again.

At this time, the situation on the field has become increasingly clear. Zhang Lingyu has firmly gained the upper hand, and his white clothes are not stained by dust.

On the other hand, Zhang Chulan was out of breath and his Thunder membership status was about to end.

There were traces of being burned by Yin Lei all over his body.

"Zhang Chulan, you have indeed made great progress these days, but the time is too short after all."

"The next blow will determine the outcome."

The dirty water and thunder gathered into a deep pool of evil dragon, rising from the ground and swooping towards Zhang Chulan.

With Zhang Chulan's physical condition at this time, it was impossible to escape this blow.

The dark and ferocious head of the evil dragon gradually enlarged in his eyes, and Zhang Chulan sighed tiredly.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work."

"Almost, just a little bit."

“In the end, it’s really up to Mr. Huang to take action.”

(End of this chapter)

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