Chapter 131 Are you looking for this?

Zhang Chulan wanted to pull Feng Baobao up. From the conversation just now, it seemed that the young man in front of him was not easy to talk.

It would not be good if there is any conflict with the other party because of this matter.

At this time, Huang Miao looked at Feng Baobao sitting next to him, with a very unnatural expression on his face.

It is no longer the indifference it just maintained.

He knew that Feng Baobao's senses were very sharp and he could identify them through Qi.

She most likely saw something, or directly recognized herself.

Wang Ye glanced at Huang Tian and swallowed back the words that came to his lips when he found that the other person did not reject him directly.

Since Huang Tian didn't explicitly object, he just assumed that the other party gave tacit consent.

Feng Baobao stood up and walked step by step to Huang Miao.

There was a strange look in his eyes.

Huang Miao, who always had a stern expression, was inexplicably nervous at this moment.

After being glanced at by Feng Baobao, his body subconsciously moved back and swallowed.

What kind of trouble is this Guawazi going to make?

You won't directly expose your identity! ?

The atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became a little weird and awkward.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Feng Baobao suddenly opened his arms and hugged Huang Miao tightly.

"I go!!!"

The eyes of Zhuge Qing and the three of them widened at the same time, and they were completely shocked by Feng Baobao's operation.

The three of them were completely dumbfounded and looked at Feng Baobao in disbelief.

"This, this, this."

Wang Ye stuttered for a long time, unable to say a word.

Zhang Chulan was even more stunned, her outlook seemed to be shattered. Is this still the Sister Baoer he knew?

Of course, if you want to say who is the most nervous and embarrassed, it must be Huang Miao himself.

He was now stiff and motionless.

At this time, he is in a completely transformed state, which is different from his previous body. It is somewhat confusing to be held by Feng Baobao like this.

However, Feng Baobao didn't pay any attention to everyone's shocked looks and just kept hugging Huang Miao.

She leaned into his ear and whispered: "Why did you suddenly become so big?"

"I can't even hold it."

"Where have you been running around these days?"

Feng Baobao's voice was not loud, and her mood seemed wrong to Huang Miao.

There was actually a sense of longing and complaint.

This left Huang Miao completely at a loss and he patted her back awkwardly.

"Don't make any noise about this matter."

"Just know it yourself."

Huang Miao tried to lower his voice as much as possible. His identity could not be revealed for the time being, so he had to give Feng Baobao a few words.

Feng Baobao let go of Huang Miao, nodded, and made an OK gesture with his face as usual.

In the end, Zhuge Qing and the other two stared at each other in confusion.

He sat next to Huang Miao with his face as usual.

"Okay, let's have a meeting."

"Let's talk business first."

Huang Miao coughed lightly, breaking the weird and awkward atmosphere in the hall, and reminded a few people not to forget the purpose of coming to Kyoto this time.

Only then did Zhuge Qing and Zhang Chulan reluctantly look away.

Wang Ye cleared his throat and briefly told a few people what happened during this period.

How was he expelled from Wudang, and how did he find out after returning from the Luotian Dajiao that someone was spying on him and his family.

Then he chatted with a few people about the clues he found these days.

Wang has also conducted his own investigations in the past few days, but with little success.

Although the other party is not a professional team, they are very alert.

As long as you behave strangely, the other party will immediately stay away.

Zhang Chulan put down the tea cup in his hand.

"I already have a rough idea of ​​Lao Wang's situation."

"I want to think about how to handle this matter."

To be honest, this matter was indeed not easy. The other party was a stranger after all, and it did not cause any substantial harm to Wang Ye.

If they acted directly, it would be their fault.

However, Feng Baobao, who was sitting next to Huang Miao, didn't care and shook the Coke bottle in his hand.

"Niubi, you called us here just for this matter?"

"Why are you so stupid?"

"Even I know how to solve this kind of thing."

"Sister Bao'er, are you suffering from intermittent mental disorder again?"

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao suspiciously, and Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing also looked at her with suspicion.

Obviously the three of them didn't believe that Feng Baobao had any good ideas.

Although Wang Ye didn't have much contact with Zhuge Qing and Feng Baobao, he could feel that this little girl's thoughts were very different from ordinary people.

"I haven't come up with a solution for a long time?"

"Do you have a discount?"

"You don't want to bury everyone, do you?"

Wang also thought about it. With this girl's head, the only way she could think of was to bury the person.

However, Feng Baobao shook his head pretending to be incomprehensible and waved a finger in front of Wang Ye.

"You all call me a fool, but actually I am quite witty most of the time."

"Instead of burying people? What's the alternative?"

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were slightly interested. Could it be that this girl was as wise as she was foolish?

Are there really any good countermeasures?

"Idiot, just give them what they want."

"What a simple thing."

"You still need to find someone else for help."

"I think you are the real ones."

Feng Baobao took a sip of Coke and answered matter-of-factly.

Suddenly, the scene became awkward again.

Several crows flew over the heads of Wang Ye and the others.

They are really stupid, they really hope that this guy Feng Baobao will come up with some good idea.

This actually made Huang Miao, who was watching the excitement, laugh. This method really suited Feng Baobao's brain circuit.

As expected of Feng Baobao.

"Although Sister Bao'er may have said it as a joke, this may not be a solution."

Zhang Chulan stopped smiling and looked at Wang Ye somewhat seriously.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess what these people want from Wang Ye.

It should be the same method that the king used to deal with Fang Ge Qing at the Luotian Dajiao.

As long as this method is handed over, the other party will naturally not embarrass Wang Ye.

"Hey, I'm afraid that won't work."

"My method cannot be practiced by ordinary people."

"As far as I know, I am the only one or two people who can practice this technique for decades."

Wang Ye originally wanted to say it was just him, but when he saw 'Huang Tian' sitting next to Feng Baobao, he changed his mind temporarily.

During this period of time, Huang Tian had made some progress in cultivating Fenghou Qimen.

Although there is still some distance to fully comprehend, the progress of cultivation is very fast visible to the naked eye.

It can even be described as terrifying.

It took me more than three months to barely master it under the guidance of Master Lu.

The weirdo in front of him, with just a few words of advice from himself, mastered a general idea in just three days.

His cultivation qualifications are simply unheard of. You must know that the speed of his cultivation is enough to shock Mr. Lu.

If Master Lu knew that someone had spent three days, it would have equaled his thirty years of hard work.

I don’t know if the old man can bear this surprise.

You must know that it took Mr. Lu more than thirty years to wake up from the inner scene and master a part of Fenghou Qimen.

"And the other party's behavior has touched my bottom line!"

Wang Ye's voice became a bit cold.

"Don't tell others to do good without suffering others' suffering."

"It's true that my back hurts when I stand and talk. Let's continue discussing the plan."

Zhang Chulan nodded and understood Wang Ye's mood.

After all, when he first became a foreigner, he was caught by those monsters all over the world, and he also experienced helplessness and confusion.

After the small episode just now, several people continued to discuss countermeasures.

The four of them expressed their views and opinions from time to time. Only Huang Miao was lying on the sofa, boredly playing with the tea cup in his hand.

Not very interested in discussing things with a few people.

The reason why I came down to participate in this discussion.

First of all, it was because Wang Ye invited him. After all, the other party taught him Fenghou Qimen, so he had to give the other party some face in return.

Secondly, it was because he had been studying Fenghou Qimen these days and was indeed a little sleepy.

Like Tongtianlu, Fenghouqimen's enlightenment consumes a lot of energy. Even because it has to fight against the backlash of the inner scene, Fenghouqimen consumes more energy than Tongtianlu.

Even Huang Miao, after three consecutive days of high-intensity comprehension, was close to exhaustion of mental energy.

As the saying goes, if there is a special skill, the queen of wind is the king.

To understand Fenghou Qimen is not something that happens overnight.

Now, although he can use Qimen magic to move the four disks.

But there is still a long way to go before we can truly understand it.

It can even be said that even the current king has not fully understood the true meaning of Fenghou Qimen.

Innately leads Zhou Tian, ​​overturns the changes in Zhou Tian, ​​and transforms me into a king.

These three sentences are the general outline of Fenghou Qimen, and can also be regarded as the ultimate goal at the end of Fenghou Qimen's practice.

Today's king has only reached the first level at most.

The innate leads the Zhoutian.

The maximum range that his Qimen Bureau can maintain is only thirty meters.

Although this range is much larger than most warlocks' Qimen bureaus, it is still far from the real Fenghou Qimen's changes in the sky.

As the saying goes: Mastering the three postures is a god.

Qimen, Liuren and Taiyi are also called three styles.

And it is the first of the three styles.

Fenghou is the most exquisite technique among the Qimen arts, so it is naturally very difficult to practice.

Time passed by, and Wang Ye and Zhang Chulan soon finalized the plan.

Wang also signed the contract brought by Zhang Chulan.

Always ready for action.

"Huang Tian, ​​do you want to join us in this operation?"

Wang Ye handed the contract to Zhang Chulan again, and then looked at Huang Miao.

Zhang Chulan's plan still sounds very simple and feasible, and it can be completed with just the four of them.

After all, these strangers who monitor their families are not very strong.

However, it would obviously be safer if this mysterious Huang Tian could join their operation.

The opponent's strength is not weak in the first place, not to mention that he has learned the Fenghou Qimen, and his strength has been significantly improved.

With him here, there will be no accidents.

Huang Miao got up from the sofa, stretched, yawned and waved to several people.

"Forget it, I've been too sleepy these past few days."

"You just go, you don't need to take me with you."

"I need to catch up on my sleep."

Now he just wants to master Fenghou Qimen as soon as possible, and has no interest in other things.

As his understanding of Fenghou Qimen gradually deepened, he felt more and more that his original guess about the Eight Magical Skills was correct.

And he had a vague hunch.

As long as you can fully understand Fenghou Qimen, your body will definitely undergo some kind of change.

The king nodded, but he didn't force it.

It doesn't matter if the other party stays, he can protect his parents and family at critical moments.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Wang also had a general understanding of the other person's personality. Although the Huang Tian in front of him had a somewhat cold personality, he was definitely an honest person.

The other party had previously promised to protect his parents at critical moments.

There shouldn't be any mistakes in this matter.

In this way, he could not have any worries and concentrate on implementing the plan with Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan.

"In this case, please protect my family, Brother Huang."

"If these troubles and hidden dangers can be solved this time, I will thank you all deeply."

Wang Ye looked solemn and earnestly thanked the four people with clasped fists.

Although he is a monk and a cultivator, he can already regard other things as external things and not pay much attention to them.

But monks are also human beings, and the king has not yet reached the point of forgetting his love.

His family is his last line.

"You're welcome, Mr. Wang Ye, we are dealing fairly."

"Don't worry, since we have accepted your money and accepted your entrustment, our Miadutong Company will definitely be responsible to the end."

"I promise to solve this problem of yours."

"You don't have to be too nervous."

Zhang Chulan smiled and hugged Wang Ye's shoulders, feeling good.

This time he accepted Wang Ye's commission and directly asked for a commission fee of 10 million yuan.

As long as the matter is completed, he and Feng Baobao, as the direct agents of this mission, can get a total of one million benefits!

For this million, he must complete this mission!

Compared to the excited Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao and Zhuge Qing were much calmer.

Feng Baobao has no idea about money, while Zhuge Qing has no interest in money.

The two simply nodded to reassure Wang Ye.

The four of them put on a simple disguise and left the villa.

Huang Miao was the only one left in the huge living room.

"It's almost time to rest. You can continue practicing."

After moving his neck, Huang Miao felt that his mental strength was almost replenished, so he planned to continue practicing the Fenghou Qimen.

But before he could make a move, there was rustling movement in the woods not far outside the villa.

After the strangers hiding outside the villa saw Wang Ye and others leaving, they prepared to enter the villa again to search.

"Hurry up, hurry up, those guys are gone, let's continue looking."

"The price offered by the employer is really too high. We must find it before the other group of people do."

"Okay brother, but we have searched here several times and still can't find it. Should we change the direction?"

In the woods, four short and thin men sneaked towards Wang Ye's villa.

Expertly avoid all cameras.

"Are you the boss or am I the boss?"

"Just do what I say!"

"Do you know that the most dangerous place is the safest place?"

As the four of them walked, they conspired in low voices.

The man at the head turned around and scolded the younger brother behind him in a bad tone. Just as he turned around and continued walking forward, he suddenly bumped into something.


The four people's eyes suddenly darkened, and the sunlight was blocked by the tall figure.

"Is this what you are looking for?"

Huang Miao stood tall and straight in front of the four people, holding an old sheepskin scroll in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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