Chapter 143: What do you think of that mysterious man?
Qiu Rang spoke in a deep voice and recounted what he had just experienced.

Especially the experience of having the magic weapon destroyed in the end.

It only took three leaves to break through the protective magic weapons of the three of them.

"Qiu Zang, are you not joking!"


"Your protective magical weapon was given by the leader himself. It is of high quality. How could it be easily broken by leaves!"

Among the twelve people, someone was suspicious.

I don't quite believe what Qiu Rang said.

They have all seen with their own eyes the power of Qiu Rang's protective magic weapon. Even if they are carrying the magic weapon, it is not easy to break through it.

How could it be broken by three leaves!

"Everyone, there is no need for me to lie to you about this kind of thing."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Taoist Master Zhao. This man ran the fastest after the protective weapon was broken."

Qiu Rang glanced at Zhao Guizhen, who was silent beside him.

I was very unhappy with his unauthorized evacuation.

If Zhao Guizhen hadn't escaped without authorization, they might have been able to bring that woman back with their efforts!
Zhao Guizhen looked embarrassed as he covered his bandaged arm.

He seemed to lower his head in shame.

However, no one noticed that the look in Zhao Guizhen's eyes had changed the moment he lowered his head.

His eyes became fierce, with a hint of viciousness in them.

He already had murderous intentions towards Qiu Rang in his heart.

"Is there really such a strong alien? Who is it!"

"It can't be the one from Longhu Mountain!"

"Or is it the old monster who hides in the world?"

"Grandpa Bi, you are well-informed and knowledgeable. Who else in our alien world can do that except the man from Longhushan?"

Seeing Zhao Guizhen's expression, everyone realized that Qiu Rang was not lying.

They seem to have a real tough opponent.

However, with just three leaves, they were able to directly break through the protective magic weapons of three people. They seemed to know only one such master.

Only the contemporary Celestial Master from Longhu Mountain can do it.

The short and thin old man known as Grandpa Bi straightened his beard and frowned slightly unconsciously.

There are actually a few strangers he knows who can do this.

But most of them are the older generation who live in seclusion.

This kind of person should not be able to go down the mountain easily, let alone take action casually.

"Qiu Rang, tell me the appearance and characteristics of the person who took action."

Bi Yuan thought for a moment, but still couldn't make up his mind.

Everyone turned their attention to Qiu Rang again, and they were also curious about who could break the protective magical weapon with three leaves.

"To be honest, I don't know what the other person looks like."

"We didn't even see what the other party looked like. The other party didn't show up at all. He just shot three leaves from the woods, and my protective weapon was shattered."

Qiu Rang was a little embarrassed. He retreated in such a hurry that he didn't even dare to look back.

I don't even know who did it.

"You haven't even seen what the other person looks like?"

"No, is it true or false?"

"Listening to your story, could that guy be more powerful than Zhang Zhiwei?"

The short-haired woman who spoke first before couldn't help but speak again.

She never expected that Qiu Rang didn't even see what the other party looked like.

You must know that before they became top players, they were all good players in the industry.

Now with the blessing of many magic weapons, his strength has reached a higher level.

Even if he faced ten guys, he was not without the capital to deal with it. However, Qiu Rang was scared away by three leaves.

If she hadn't known that Qiu Rang's character was not that of a timid and cowardly person, she wouldn't have been able to help but taunt him now.

Others also became more curious about the mysterious man who attacked Qiu Rang and the three of them.

Everyone began to discuss and speculate.


At the same time, a long-haired young man wearing a white robe appeared from not far away.

It is Ma Xianhong who has not shown up just now, the real owner of Biyou Village.

"village head."

"The leader."

Seeing Ma Xianhong appear, everyone stopped discussing.

Qiu Rang, Jin Yong and Zhao Guizhen clasped their fists at Ma Xianhong in shame.

"Master, our mission has failed."

"The other side has experts helping secretly."


Before the three of them could finish speaking, Ma Xianhong waved his hand directly.

"We will discuss this matter later."

"I am gathering everyone this time because I have other things to ask for your suggestions and opinions on."

Ma Xianhong walked to the middle of the crowd, his expression a bit serious.

"Everyone should know more or less about Chen Duo."

"I think everyone can make some guesses about her situation, so I won't hide it anymore."

"Chen Duo was originally a temporary worker at Nadutong Company. Later, after killing the person in charge of the South China Region, she joined our Biyou Village."

"Now she is wanted by Nadutong Company."

"Tonight, Qiu Rang and the others are responsible for escorting Chen Duo back to Biyou Village."

Ma Xianhong spoke slowly and briefly introduced Chen Duo's situation to a few people.

The general situation of Chen Duo is actually known to the twelve superiors present. After all, they were not ordinary strangers before joining Biyou Village.

Naturally, it has its own intelligence system.

Although Chen Duo's killing of Liao Zhong was suppressed by the company, there are still rumors circulating.

Listening to Ma Xianhong's narration, the expressions of the others did not change much.

Not surprised.

Ma Xianhong looked around and saw that no one was particularly emotionally disturbed, so he continued to speak in a deep voice.

"From the day you joined Biyou Village, I promised you that I would ensure your safety."

"Although Chen Duo is wanted by the company, now that she is a member of our Biyou Village, I cannot abandon my companions."

"So even if I am an enemy of the company, I will not leave Chen Duo to the hands of those in the company."

"But this matter is very important. After all, we are against the company."

"Before joining Biyou Village, most of you were law-abiding citizens."

"Once you become an enemy of the company, you will become a wanted person regardless of success or failure."

"I believe you all should have concerns in your hearts."

Ma Xianhong's voice was low and he spoke clearly every word.

The expressions on everyone's faces finally changed.

Many of them frowned slightly.

After all, the company represents the Chinese government, and once it becomes an enemy of the other party, it is equivalent to becoming the enemy of the entire Chinese government.

No matter what the final result is, even if they can help Chen Duo prevent this arrest, they will spend their days in hiding for the sake of.

Although everyone present was not from a famous family, their backgrounds were all considered innocent.

Now that they might suddenly become wanted criminals, they still couldn't accept it.

"Since I am speaking out about this matter today, I am giving you the right to choose."

“If you don’t want to be an enemy of the company, you can just exit now.”

"I, Ma Xianhong, will never stop him."

"From now on, you all have nothing to do with me, Biyou Village."

"If you want to advance and retreat with me, Ma Xianhong, then stay." "Here I can assure you that as long as we can prevent the disaster this time, our Biyou Village will definitely become a rising star in the alien world. power!"

Ma Xianhong got straight to the point and didn't even prevent others from leaving freely.

After saying that, he waited for everyone to answer.

His dream is to create a world free from aliens.

Naturally, it is impossible to restrict everyone's whereabouts.

He gave everyone full power of choice.

Whether he stays or leaves, he respects the other person's choice.

Among the other twelve people, some frowned slightly but quickly relaxed, as if they had an absolute feeling in their hearts.

But some people seem to be struggling.

Time passed by, and the scene became eerily silent for a moment.

No one spoke.

Ma Xianhong didn't hurry. After all, this matter was a big deal, and everyone really needed to think about it carefully.

This decision may affect everyone for the rest of their lives.

"Since no one is in a hurry to express their opinions, let me speak first."

Bi Yuan looked at the people around him who still had no intention of speaking, coughed slightly and spoke slowly.

"I have old bones and I don't have many years left to live."

"What the leader is doing now, creating a world free of foreigners, is what I have always wanted to do ideally."

"For the sake of my ideal, I will not leave Biyou Village."

Bi Yuan is Ma Xianhong's acquaintance since before he founded Biyou Village.

In fact, Ma Xianhong’s original concept of creating Biyou Village was taught by Bi Yuan.

Although Bi Yuan's strength is not good, his influence on people's thoughts is definitely at the master level, whether it is Ding Zhangan or Gong Qing, the acting head of the whole bank.

Their ideological level is far beyond that of their peers.

"I'm not leaving either."

"I'm still waiting to stop and help my brother heal his legs."

Just as Bi Yuan finished speaking, a little girl with twin tails also spoke directly.

The girl with twin ponytails is not very old, probably about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Wearing a large T-shirt, he looks a little sloppy.

The girl's name is Liu Wukui. Although she is young, she is not weak among the twelve superior powers.

Except for Bi Yuan, the original old man, among the Twelve Supreme Roots, the situations of the others are more or less similar to Chen Duo.

Coming to Biyou Village is either to seek shelter or to seek help.

Liu Wukui came to Biyou Village just to ask Ma Xianhong to rescue her brother Liu Hongzhong.

She and her brother both belong to a special destiny - the destiny of being a child.

It's just that she is a fairy child and her brother is a sick boy.

Liu Wukui was born with the body of an immortal and was extremely powerful.

But his brother was frail and sickly since he was a child, and his legs were naturally disabled due to his destiny.

In order to cure his brother, he joined Biyou Village.

She doesn't care about being an enemy of the company. She just wants to save her brother's fate as soon as possible.

"Since Kui'er is staying, I won't leave either."

"Anyway, I have nowhere else to go after leaving Biyou Village."

"Those creditors are probably eager to eat me alive now."

The short-haired woman who spoke first sighed silently after Liu Wukui finished speaking.

After rubbing Liu Wukui's little head, he decided to stay.

Ma Xianhong glanced at the woman in slight surprise. To be honest, he was somewhat surprised that she could stay.

But he didn't say much.

The woman's name is Fu Rong, and she is good at using sword energy.

The strength belongs to the middle to upper level among the twelve superior organs.

If the other party can stay, it will be of great help to their Biyou Village's combat power.

"Sister Rong, will you stay too?"

Liu Wukui looked at Fu Rong with big eyes and a little doubt. Among the twelve people present, they all stayed in Biyou Village due to their own matters.

But if anyone's affairs are the most insignificant, it is undoubtedly Fu Rong.

To put it bluntly, it was just that he owed some money. For a stranger with Fu Rong's strength, it was actually easy to make money.

She didn't expect that Fu Rong would stay and become an enemy of the company.

"Well, there's nowhere to go without me anyway."

"I have a personality problem, and I don't have many friends at this age. At least I'm quite happy living here."

Fu Rong flipped up her short hair and explained with a smile to Liu Wukui.

After this period of time together, she and Liu Wukui have become like sisters.

She was really worried that Liu Wukui would stay here by himself.

Although most people in Biyou Village are not evil in the true sense, there are a few exceptions.

"I will stay too. The leader helped me when I was in the most difficult time. I, Zhang Kun, have no reason to leave now."

"Me too."

"And I!"

After Fu Rong's statement ended, several other elders stopped writing and chose to stay.

Although they all had their own thoughts, in the end they all expressed that they would advance and retreat together with the village.

Jin Yong, Zhang Kun, Qiu Rang and others almost did not hesitate.

If they came to Biyou Village for their own purposes at first, but now they are impressed by Ma Xianhong's character.

As the saying goes, a scholar will die for his bosom friend. Although they are not scholar-officials, they are not just grass and trees, but they can be ruthless.

"Daozhang Zhao, are you ready to leave?"

In the end, only Zhao Guizhen remained silent among the crowd.

"It's normal for Daochang Zhao, a foreigner, not to participate in worldly battles."

"If Taoist Zhao doesn't want to get involved in the secular world, then we can get together and part ways."

Everyone looked at Zhao Guizhen.

During this time together, Zhao Guizhen has been hiding himself.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Zhao Guizhen at this time is a real Taoist master, and it is understandable that he does not want to participate in this matter.

However, Zhao Guizhen chuckled and shook his head, waving his Taoist robe, making his whole person look even more immortal.

"Since everyone has chosen to stay, the poor man will sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman."

"The old man also chose to stay."

If his protective magical weapon had not been destroyed, Zhao Guizhen would have said nothing to get involved in this muddy water at this time.

Just accept it as soon as you see fit.

Leaving with the protective magic weapon is not without gain.

But now that his protective magical weapon has just been destroyed, if he withdraws.

It's really like trying to draw water from a bamboo basket.

Nothing was caught.

Following Zhao Guizhen's statement, all twelve people present chose to stay.

At least on the surface, it seems that they are united and advancing and retreating together with Biyou Village.

After everyone expressed their opinions, Ma Xianhong, who had kept a serious face, finally relaxed a little.

I saw him take out a few photos from his hand.

It was the photos of Feng Baobao and Xiao Zizai.

He didn't return to the village in time just now, so he went to get information about temporary workers everywhere.

"Everyone, since everyone has chosen to stay."

"Then let's study our next opponent carefully."

"The information of these people is kept strictly confidential by the company. I only obtained this through inquiring in many ways."

(End of this chapter)

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