

The little fox fairy blinked and stared at Zhang Zhiwei curiously with her big, watery eyes.

After she came down the mountain this time, she did have a wish.

Although she hadn't seen Huang Miao since she came down the mountain, she had been to many places following Huang Miao's scent.

She found that the places Huang Miao went to the most seemed to be places where human girls wore revealing clothing.

It seems that my friend likes human girls more.

Rather than their kind of fairy family.

"Tell me, what are your wishes?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the little fox fairy curiously, but he didn't expect that the other party really had unfulfilled wishes.

It stands to reason that the little fox fairy has a simple mind and should not have any mundane distractions.

And with the little fox fairy's strength, many things can be easily obtained.

He was also curious about what this little guy wanted.

"I want to be like you, is that okay?"

The little fox fairy looked at Zhang Zhiwei expectantly with her big eyes.

Since my friend prefers human girls, she can also become a human girl.

The little fox fairy knew that their fairy family could transform into a human body. Her mother said that her grandmother seemed to have completed the transformation back then.

It's just that she didn't pay much attention to the matter of transformation at that time, so she didn't know what to do.

Zhang Zhiwei was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, the little fox fairy’s wish turned out to be this.


This is indeed very tempting for ghosts and immortals, but some simple-minded immortals actually do not have the idea of ​​​​transformation.

Because transforming is equivalent to giving up the original body to a certain extent.

According to the little fox fairy's character, she would not easily have the idea of ​​transforming.

Zhang Zhiwei adjusted his beard and still looked at the little fox fairy in confusion.

"Why did you come up with the idea of ​​transforming?"

"Why do you want to transform?"

If the little fox fairy really wants to complete the transformation, it is not impossible.

They are in Longhu Mountain and have a profound background, and they really have an amnesty seal that can help the Immortal family transform.

When the third generation founder of Longhu Mountain petitioned to heaven, the Fox Fairy Queen was able to transform into an immortal.

But the Fox Fairy Queen seemed to refuse.

Today, the petition talisman still remains in the main hall.

"I I have a friend."

"He seems to like human girls, not our fellow immortals."

"After I transform, he should like me more."

The little fox fairy scratched his ears, feeling a little embarrassed.

When Zhang Zhiwei heard the little fox fairy's reasons, he opened his squinted eyes in silence.

He had already guessed who the friend the little fox fairy was talking about was.

It seems that there are only a limited number of immortal families of the same kind who can be related to their Longhu Mountain Fox Immortal Hall.

When Liu Kunsheng from Changbai Mountain was attending the Luotian Dajiao, he did not come in his true form.

The soul body was suppressed by the Ju Ling Commander and did not dare to show its head easily.

He certainly didn't have that chance.

As for the other immortal families, they are all too weak.

I dare not approach Fox Immortal Hall at all.

Although the little fox fairy is ignorant, she is very simple.

But after all, she is a powerful immortal who has been practicing for thousands of years.

Within the system of the Immortal Family, there is a strict framework.

Under the premise of lack of strength, if you rashly break into the territory of other immortal families, you will deserve to be killed.

Therefore, during the Luo Tian Dajiao, there was probably only one immortal who could see the little fox fairy.

"Actually, it's not difficult to transform."

"Fox Fairy, this is it."

"If you follow me back to Longhu Mountain, I can find a way for you to complete your transformation."

Zhang Zhiwei stroked his beard and still planned to arrange a petition for the little fox fairy to transform.


"Little Taoist priest, you didn't lie to me?"

The little fox fairy's big eyes were full of surprise, she just said it casually.

I never thought it would actually come true.

Although she is ignorant, as an immortal, she still knows how difficult it is to complete the transformation.

With her own abilities, there may be no hope for another thousand years.

"of course."

"When did I lie to you?"

"Let's go, follow me back to Longhu Mountain first."

Zhang Zhiwei stood up with a smile and held the little fox fairy's paw with one hand.

Then one person and one animal walked towards the depths of the forest.

The amnesty talisman on Longhu Mountain was approved by Heaven, and many immortals had spied on it.

Even the Chuma Immortal from the Northeast came to them personally at the foot of Zhengyi Longhu Mountain to ask for this talisman.

But in the end it all came to nothing.

Three days later.


Everywhere is connected to the company headquarters.

Huang Miao and Feng Baobao had just arrived downstairs at Nadutong's headquarters, and Xu Si had been waiting at the door for a long time.

After seeing the two getting out of the car, Xu Si immediately stopped Huang Miao and Feng Baobao.

"what happened?"

"Why come directly to Kyoto?"

"I booked a technician at Jinmen Bathhouse before I came here. Why was I notified of coming to Kyoto all of a sudden?"

Huang Miao yawned and looked at Xu Si doubtfully.

At this time, Xu Si's face was full of seriousness, and there was no sign of joking on his face.

There seems to be something serious waiting for him to deal with.

"Brother Miao, baby, I have something very serious to tell you now."

"Three things!"

Xu Si stretched out three fingers, still looking serious.

"The first thing is that Ma Xianhong was kidnapped."

"The company suspects an insider is leaking the secret."

"The second thing is that the company invites everyone involved in the task to walk through the wide bench."

"Including you, Brother Miao."

"The third thing is about the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei. This matter actually has little to do with you."

"The only thing you have to consider is the second thing, whether you want to walk on the wide stool or not."

"If you don't want to, run away now!"

"Brother Miao, although you are not a member of our company, you are involved in this matter after all. You also know how important this mission in Biyou Village is to the company."

"So Director Zhao issued a death order. No matter who he is, he must pass the test of the leniency bench."

Xu Si said in a deep voice, "Cong Kuan Stool" is a special interrogation instrument developed by the company.

Can judge whether what is said is true based on the changes in each person's Qi.

It stands to reason that the temporary workers are the main executors of this task and do not need to participate in the interrogation.

But the problem lies with Ma Xianhong, who was kidnapped halfway!
All Nadaotong employees involved in the transportation were killed, and no one was spared.

This made the company's executives and higher-ups extremely angry, so they ordered that everyone must participate in the leniency bench trial.

Anyone who does not cooperate will be treated as a traitor immediately.

Of course Xu Si does not doubt that Huang Miao or Feng Baobao are traitors, but both of them have big secrets.

Needless to say, there is no need to elaborate on Feng Baobao's secret. The words "immortal" are very tempting in themselves.

And Huang Miao has even more secrets. It can be said that every accomplished Taoist cultivator has many unknown secrets.

Naturally, these secrets cannot be made public.

For the Immortal family, some secrets may be more important than their own lives. Huang Miao narrowed his eyes after hearing Xu Si's words.

A black heat of fire continued to rise on his body.

Even he has to go there to be questioned on the wide bench. What is Fatty Zhao planning to do?
Are you too talkative?

"I don't care."

Feng Baobao blinked, not thinking that the secret on his body was a big deal.

She just wants to find out her origins and find her family.

As for the secrets about her, she didn't care.

Xu Si swallowed his saliva and looked at Huang Miao, who was silent next to Feng Baobao.

The Qi Yan around Huang Miao's body was swelling visibly to the naked eye. With a gloomy face, he slowly raised his head to look at the top floor of the Nadutong Building.

"Brother Miao, don't get excited yet."

However, before Xu Si could finish speaking, Huang Miao suddenly exerted force on his feet.

Leave a pair of deep footprints on the ground.

His whole body was like a rocket, flying towards the sky.

With the sound of glass breaking in mid-air, Huang Miao entered the headquarters of the building that is accessible everywhere.

At this time, everything is connected to the conference room.

Zhao Fangxu sat alone on the main seat, with no one around him.

Even the company directors were absent.

Zhao Fangxu wore glasses and held his forehead with both hands.

Seems to be waiting for someone.


There was a sudden crackling sound.

Numerous cracks appeared on the tempered glass on the side walls of the conference room, and they all shattered the next moment.

The young man with blond hair and black eyes seemed to be flying in the air, stepping over the tempered glass with an indifferent expression, stepping on the scattered glass shards.

Enter the conference room.

Even from a great distance, you can still feel the coldness emanating from the young man.


Zhao Fangxu pushed up his glasses and slowly raised his head.

His eyes fell on the young man walking into the conference room.

Their eyes met, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room seemed to become tense.

One is the supreme chairman of Nadutong, and the other is a shape-shifting immortal who has been practicing for thousands of years and has terrifying strength.

In the entire alien world, there is an existence that can decide the life or death of many people with just one sentence.

I'm afraid no one would have thought of the first meeting between the two.

But it started in this form.

"Senior Huang Miao, I have long admired your name."

Zhao Fangxu slowly stood up from his chair and gave Huang Miao a junior salute.

Zhao Fangxu has a very high seniority in the alien world. Even the Heavenly Master and him are equals.

However, when facing Huang Miao, he still bowed politely.

If other people who don't know why see this, they will definitely be shocked.

The chairman of Tangtang Nadutong Company actually saluted a young man.

"Zhao Fangxu."

Huang Miao walked towards Zhao Fangxu step by step, his own momentum revealed unconsciously.

The tables in the entire room began to tremble because of this powerful momentum.

This was the first time since Huang Miao transformed that he no longer suppressed his own strength.

The momentum displayed was too terrifying.

Even the best players in the alien world would feel scared unconsciously when faced with Huang Miao's terrifying aura.

However, Zhao Fangxu, as a weakling who could only chop the air with his palm, was currently being destroyed by Huang Miao's terrifying momentum.

Grit your teeth and persevere.


Huang Miao slowly sat across from Zhao Fangxu, glanced at him, and then suppressed his momentum again.

It can be regarded as reluctantly recognizing that Zhao Fangxu has the ability to talk to him.

Zhao Fangxu's forehead was covered with sweat at this moment, and his chest was heaving violently.

In just a few seconds, Huang Miao didn't even do anything.

He seemed to have done strenuous exercise.

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, Zhao Fangxu took a deep breath and sat down slowly.

He knew that he had passed the first level.

"Director Zhao, do you think I've been too talkative during this period?"

"Did Director Zhao think that I'm easy to bully?"

"You want an immortal to reveal his secret, do you know what this means to the immortal?"

Huang Miao's voice was calm and he looked at Zhao Fangxu.

Just wait for the other party to give a reasonable explanation.

Huaxia and the Xian family had made many agreements when the country was founded. The Xian family would not take the initiative to cause trouble in the world.

And China will not suppress the Xian family in any form.

Now that Zhao Fangxu has done this, he has unilaterally broken the treaty with the Xian family, and the consequences will be serious.

It is even possible for all the immortal families in China to stand behind Huang Miao.

"Great Immortal Huang Miao, you have misunderstood."

"This is not what you think."

"You have forgotten something very important. You are different from ordinary immortals now."

"If you appeared in the Biyou Village incident in your true form, of course I can pretend that nothing happened."

"But you are going to Biyou Village in a human body after your transformation."

"This matter is not so easy to handle."

Zhao Fangxu hurriedly explained that it was naturally impossible for him to do what the Sinxian family did with his brain.

But he knew that Huang Miao's true identity was from the Immortal Family, but others didn't know!

"Great Immortal, may I take the liberty of asking you a question?"

Zhao Fangxu also had a serious expression on his face and looked up at Huang Miao seriously.

Huang Miao was a little surprised by the reason Zhao Fangxu gave. He really had never considered this issue.



"After you transform, you plan to stay in the human world for a long time."

"Or do you plan to be like those immortals in the ancient pre-Qin period, who traveled around the world and then returned to hermitage in the mountains and forests?"

Zhao Fangxu pushed up his glasses, and the lenses reflected white light.

He looked straight at Huang Miao.

Originally, Kuan Shi asked Huang Miao about this matter, but he could actually deny it himself.

After all, the fact that Huang Miao is the Xian family is not a secret to the company's senior executives.

After all, Huang Miao had no intention of being too secretive from the beginning.

It is not difficult for these senior executives of the company to know about this matter.

At first, several directors of the company and even Zhao Fangxu himself felt that there was no need for Huang Miao to participate in the inquiry.

After all, the other party's identity is too special.

However, later Zhao Fangxu thought of a problem and immediately ignored the objections of others.

It is mandatory that all persons involved in the operation need to participate in the inquiry from the broad bench.

If Huang Miao left the mountain this time just to gain experience in the world of mortals, then there would be no need for an interrogation.

Refinement of the human heart is a very important practice for some powerful immortals.

Not only Huang Miao, but also many immortal families whose strength has reached a bottleneck period will choose to join the world.

Hone your character.

Sooner or later, these immortals will one day return to seclusion in the mountains and forests just like the great immortals in ancient times.

It has little impact on human society.

Companies usually turn a blind eye to this kind of thing.

According to Zhao Fangxu's own observation, it seems that Huang Miao, a powerful immortal, did more than just refine his mind in the world of mortals.

(End of this chapter)

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