"Cast a golden light spell?"

Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu looked at each other, neither understanding what Huang Miao wanted to do.

However, since the other party spoke, the two of them did not hesitate any further.

His hands immediately began to make secrets.

"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."

"Prove my magical powers."

As the formula was performed, golden light gradually emerged from Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu's bodies.

The Golden Light Mantra is the basic cultivation method of Zhengyi Longhu Mountain, and its most fundamental thing is not the so-called golden light.

It is Qi formed through the cultivation of the Golden Light Curse.

As for the golden light produced, it is just an additional product.

Soon, the golden light around Zhang Chulan began to become more and more dazzling.

The blue light in Huang Miao's eyes suddenly shined brightly, reflecting the figures of Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu in his eyes.

At this moment, the outer skin of the two of them completely disappeared in Huang Miao's eyes.

All he could see were some blue meridians and acupuncture points in the body.

The auras that wandered through the meridians were the Qi that the two of them circulated when they cast the golden light spell.

The operation of the golden light curse is produced through a special Qi movement composition. To put it bluntly, it is a Qi structure.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know. Why are you standing still?"

"He wouldn't want to let Zhang Chulan and the others use the golden light spell to stop our Tang Sect's elixir bite."

Several Tang Sect disciples looked at Huang Miao and the others with puzzled faces.

I have no idea what these people are doing.

Through the words of the blond young man just now, they all knew that the other party had indeed been bitten by the Tang Sect's elixir.

Although I don't know why the opponent didn't die immediately, there is no doubt that the alchemy bite is eroding the opponent's body.

"Junior brother, do you think the other party can succeed?"

Tang Miaoxing narrowed his eyes. At this moment, even Zhang Wang, who had always been at odds with Tang Miaoxing, looked at Xu Xin.

Neither of them had practiced the Tang Sect's Pill Bite. Like other Tang Sect disciples, they had only heard of the Tang Sect's Pill Bite.

Although they don't think that the other party can crack the alchemy bite.

But the young man in front of him seemed unable to speculate based on common sense.

After all, they have never seen anyone communicate so calmly after being swallowed by pills.

The expression on his face was unconcerned.

"Elixir bite, there is no cure."

"Although the Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain is mysterious, it is only a basic introductory technique after all. It is simply impossible to use the Golden Light Curse to break the pill bite of our Tang Sect."

Xu Xin spoke in a hoarse voice, staring at Huang Miao.

Ignoring Zhang Chulan and Zhang Chulan who were standing next to Huang Miao and running the golden light spell.

Although he has not been out of Tangzhong for so many years, he is still very familiar with the golden light curse of Longhu Mountain.

I have never heard of that person being able to use the Golden Light Curse to resist the Tang Sect's elixir bite.

"Xiao Ding, can you tell what that senior is doing?"

Quan Xing and others were also confused at the moment. Even Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng, who knew Huang Miao's strength, couldn't figure out what he was doing.

Xia Liuqing patted Ding Shian's arm.

Among the people present, if anyone could see through Huang Miao's intentions, then the most likely person would be Ding Shi'an.

After all, this person is apparently number two in the world.

Ding Shi'an frowned slightly, but his hands still maintained the Lingguan Finger Seal.

Both eyes are also glowing with a faint blue light.

But this time the target of his gaze was no longer Xu Xin, but the blond young man who threw him out casually.

"He seems to be imitating. Imitating the movements of the Golden Light Curse."

Ding Shi'an's powers of observation were not yet able to observe the meridians and acupuncture points. He could only vaguely notice that the Qi emanating from Huang Miao's body was changing.

It is somewhat similar to the golden aura released by Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu.

"Imitate the Golden Light Spell?"

"How to imitate?"

Xia Liuqing turned her head in shock, suspecting that Ding Zhangan was joking with her.

Even though the golden light spell is the basic method for getting started in Longhu Mountain, it is also the secret of Longhu Mountain that is not passed down.

Except for the disciples of Longhu Mountain, it is difficult for outsiders to practice.

As the basic method of Longhu Mountain that specializes in tempering life, although it is not very mysterious, it cannot be easily seen through by others.

Not to mention imitation.

Even though Huang Miao's strength and experience far exceed those of strangers like them, he still wants to break through Longhu Mountain's gatekeeping methods so easily.

It's not that easy either.

"I don't know."

"But his Qi is slowly changing, becoming somewhat similar to the Qi of those two boys."

Ding Shian's tone was also a little suspicious.

Even he thought it was impossible.

When it comes to geniuses, he has seen a lot, and he is even the only genius among them all.

However, it is possible to directly imitate the way the Golden Light Curse works just by the opponent casting it.

He couldn't do it.

Not only can he not do it, but even Zhang Zhiwei may not be able to do it.

While everyone was talking quietly, the originally invisible Qi around Huang Miao began to slowly gather and take shape.

The invisible Qi gradually took on color.

Wisps of golden Qi emanated from Huang Miao's body, gradually increasing in size.

It actually looks like a golden light spell has been cast.

"This is?"

"Golden Light Curse?!"

"Is this a golden light spell?"

The thin golden threads gathered together at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a golden barrier around Huang Miao.

It is somewhat similar to the golden light spell cast by Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu.

"How is this possible!"

"Golden Light Curse?!"

Zhang Lingyu's eyes widened and she looked at Huang Miao in front of her with disbelief.

How could the other party use their Longhu Mountain skills!

Although the golden light spell cast by the other party was a bit unfamiliar, judging from the shape of the golden light overflowing, it was indeed their Longhu Mountain's golden light spell.

Unless they use their unique method of practicing Qi in Longhu Mountain, Qi cannot condense into the form of golden light.

"Zhang Chulan, did you tell him about our Golden Light Curse and Qi method in Longhu Mountain?"

Zhang Lingyu turned to look at Zhang Chulan who had the same shocked expression.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he knew he knew the answer.

If Zhang Chulan had told the other party about the Xingqi method, he would not have shown such an expression.

Judging from Zhang Chulan's expression, it was obvious that she was also startled by the golden light emanating from the other party's body.

"No, no."

"Uncle Master, will the Golden Light Spell of our Longhu Mountain not be spread at will?"

Zhang Chulan swallowed, then shook his head.

Of course, he couldn't tell others about Longhu Mountain's skills at will. After all, it was about the inheritance of Longhu Mountain.

"of course not."

"Although the Golden Light Curse is not like the Thunder Method, it can only be taught to direct disciples."

"But if you are not a disciple of Longhu Mountain, you will not be taught easily."

Zhang Lingyu also looked solemn.

He believed that Zhang Chulan did not secretly tell the other party the Xingqi method, but what the other party cast at this time was indeed their Longhu Mountain's golden light spell. Could it be that the other party stole lessons from the elders of other divisions?

After all, with Zhang Chulan's experience, it is not impossible for the other party to learn from the elders of other divisions.

"Uncle Master, see if Brother Miao is becoming more and more proficient in the Golden Light Spell."

Zhang Chulan touched Zhang Lingyu's arm and looked at Huang Miao, who was covered in golden flames.

If Huang Miao was a little unfamiliar when he cast the golden light spell at the beginning, Zhang Chulan felt that the opponent's golden light level was much stronger than his own.

The purity and mellowness of the golden light are the result of at least thirty or forty years of cultivation.

"Indeed, I am becoming more and more proficient!"

Zhang Lingyu stared at Huang Miao and nodded.

If the young man named Huang Miao in front of him was able to use golden light before, he was at an entry-level level.

So now, they are all top-notch in Longhu Mountain.

I am afraid that only a few senior brothers can match the level of golden light of the other party.

"It actually happened."

"It's unimaginable."

"This young man actually imitated the Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain. If he said that he had not mastered the Golden Light Curse before, I would not believe it."

Zhang Wang's eyes widened as he looked at Huang Miao, who was surrounded by golden light.

It’s also unbelievable.

The other party actually cast the golden light spell!
"It's really unimaginable. If this young man doesn't know the secret of the Golden Light Curse, is he a genius?"

"But even if he can successfully deduce the operation method of golden light, what's the use?"

"Even if you practice the Golden Light Curse to the highest level, it will not help."

"Even Zhang Zhiwei can't resist the pill bite with golden light."

Although Tang Miaoxing was also shocked, he didn't show it too much.

Even if the opponent is really a legendary genius, he can only be dead after being bitten by the pill.

Xu Xin sighed quietly.

Unexpectedly, the first time his alchemy bite killed someone, he would kill a genius with unlimited possibilities in the future.

Moreover, this person did not have any conflict with him or with the Tang Sect.


Xu Xin shook his head and looked at Huang Miao's arm.

When the golden light spell was being deduced just now, the pill bite had already taken advantage of the situation and eroded some of the opponent's flesh and blood.

The cracks now have already spread to the forearm.

If Huang Miao had tried his best to block the alchemy bite with his Qi at the beginning, he would have been able to live for a while longer.

But now when he cast the Golden Light Spell, he could no longer effectively block the erosion of the alchemy bite.

The cracks on Huang Miao's arms were spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the golden Qi shield emanating from his body was unable to stop the spread of the alchemy at all.

The golden light spell can block most attacks, whether it is a throw attack or a Qi attack.

However, facing Dan Yan, it was like a thin layer of white paper.

There is no resistance at all.

"Alchemy can annihilate all substances on its path, including Qi."

"No matter how profound the Golden Light Curse is, his essence is still Qi."

"It is impossible to use the golden light spell to resist the pill bite."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly and sighed again.

It seems quite helpless and regretful.

Seeing this young man die by his own means was not something Xu Xin wanted to see.

However, once the alchemy touches the body and enters the opponent's body, he cannot stop it.

"Now let's think about how to explain it to the company."

"It's not what we want to see if something like this happens."

"I hope Zhao Fangxu can understand us."

Tang Miaoxing looked at the cracks on Huang Miao's right arm and shook his head slightly.

He began to think about how to deal with the questions from Zhao Fangxu and the company.

Now it seems that it is only a matter of time before the other party dies in Tangzhong. Zhao Fangxu and the company should know the news soon.

After all, it was not many years ago now. Even if he had the ability to kill these people, he would not be able to do so.

In this era, anyone who dares to kill someone in a company will have only one result, no matter how powerful they are.


Zhao Fangxu's Dongfeng Missile Palm Technique is of no use even if Zhang Zhiwei comes.

"It's not a good thing you did!"

"If you didn't spend so much time planning so many things, why should we, the Tang Sect, worry about this unreasonable disaster?"

"Isn't it good to have such a stable development?"

Zhang Wang glared at Tang Miaoxing fiercely, not giving the chief any face.

If Tang Miaoxing hadn't designed these people to go to Tang Tomb, it wouldn't have caused so many things later.

He should have followed his idea from the beginning and not let Zhang Chulan and others enter the Tang Sect at all!

Zhang Wang looked at Zhang Chulan, who was glowing with golden light.

This guy is a troublemaker!
As expected, nothing good will happen if you get involved with this guy.

"Okay, you can go."

Just when Zhang Wang and Tang Miaoxing were thinking about how to get the company to turn this matter into a minor one.

Huang Miao's voice was heard coming from the golden light.

The bright golden light gradually faded.

Now that he has mastered the construction method of golden light, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu have no effect on him.

Next is.
Huang Miao looked at the black-haired young man behind the crowd, the Lu family—Lu Lin!
Since the destruction of the Trinity Sect, the only person in the entire alien world who still practices the third level of rebirth is the young man in front of him, except Lu Jin.

It would be unrealistic to just let the other party perform the Triple Reversal of Life for you to watch.

Huang Miao narrowed his eyes, and wisps of black aura radiated from his body.

Cold and scary.

Almost instantly, this black energy enveloped Huang Miao's entire body.

Everyone present did not react to the sudden change and instinctively took a few steps back.

"what happened!"

"Why did Brother Miao suddenly go crazy?"

Zhang Chulan retreated to Feng Baobao, very puzzled.

Huang Miao's mood was obviously normal just now, why did he suddenly go crazy?

Xia Liuqing and the others were hiding far away at this moment. They all knew Huang Miao's terror and hid behind the stone without even thinking.

Only Ding Shian was left standing where he was.

Ding Shanan's eyes were fixed on the terrifying black mass not far away, and his body could not stop shaking.

I don’t know if it’s excitement or fear.

"Xiao Ding doesn't really want to try with that senior, does he?"

"That's not okay."

Xia Liuqing hid behind the stone and whispered softly.

He was really afraid that Ding Shanan would get angry and fight Huang Miao.

Huang Miao's mood at this time was obviously not right.

"Just wait and see what happens. If anything happens, we'll talk about it later."

Lu Liang pushed up his glasses.

Although Huang Miao's aura was extremely terrifying just now, he did not feel Huang Miao's emotional fluctuations.

It seems that the other party is just pretending.

After mastering both hands, he has been able to feel the subtle emotional changes of the people around him.

(End of this chapter)

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