Nathan Island.

Several hooded men who were walking along the coast suddenly looked overseas.

These people are all Nasen Guards of Nasen Island. As the largest force on Nasen Island, they have almost absolute control over the entire island.

Except for these two places: emergency and paradise.

Almost the rest of Nasen Island is controlled by them, Nasen.

It also includes the waters around Nason Island.

Although these Nasen Guards responsible for patrol are not high-level Nasen Guards and do not have the ability to teleport, they also have the ability to sense the situation around Nasen Island.

These are the abilities they gained from the sacred tree after becoming Nasenwei.

It can be said to be very perverted.

It was also confirmed that it was because of these abilities that they were able to control most of the island's territory and quickly find every outsider who came to Nasen Island.

If it weren't for this strange ability, it would be impossible for people like Sister Ping to monitor the entire Nason Island.

"I just felt like someone appeared in the nearby sea?"

The youngest Nathan Guard looked at the sea in the distance and spoke slowly.

Their Nason Island is an island, and there are many creatures around it.

Sometimes even large marine animals such as sharks or dolphins appear.

But judging from the breath of life this time, it doesn't seem to be a shark.

It's the breath of a person.

Of course, his power was too weak to sense it accurately, but he could only have a general hunch.

"Yes, someone is approaching."

"In addition to the breath of life approaching us at an extremely fast speed, I also sensed the breath of a cruise ship further away."

"It seems that they came here specifically for our Nason Island."

The middle-aged man standing next to the young Nathan Guard took advantage of the situation and spoke.

His leverage is much stronger than that of a young man.

Able to sense breath from farther away.

Now the cruise ship actually estimated that they were only about a nautical mile away, and even if they looked with their naked eyes, they could already see a little black dot.

If the weather conditions were the same as before, Nason Island would be surrounded by dark clouds and weapons.

You definitely can't see that far.

But now, due to the fight between the two kings, the sacred tree has temporarily lost its magical power, and the aura around Nasen Island and the strange black fog have disappeared.

They can see farther.

"What should we do, Uncle? Should we notify others?"

Hearing this, the young man who had just spoken suddenly showed a dark look of tension on his face and tightened the weapon in his hand.

Their Nason Island is isolated from the world and is not very welcoming to these outsiders.

Although most of the senbei they had were from outsiders before.

But now, after decades or even hundreds of years of assimilation, they have completely become people of Nason Island.

These outsiders were not welcome to Nason Island.

You should know that most of the aliens who can find Nasen Island are very powerful and have evil intentions.

Every time someone comes to Nason Island, there will almost always be a commotion on Nason Island.

It's really troublesome.

However, due to the rules of their Nasen Island, the Nasen Guards cannot take the initiative to drive away those who enter Nasen Island.

If the other party agrees to the rules of Nasen Island, they will be protected by the sacred tree.

As the Nasen Guardians who guard the sacred tree, they have no right to attack the islanders of Nasen Island, even if these islanders do not acknowledge that they are also residents of Nasen Island.

In order to avoid large-scale riots.

Only then did they allow things like paradise and markets to appear on Nasen Island, and these people were responsible for dealing with the outsiders who caused trouble.

It doesn't count as breaking the rules of the sacred tree.

"No need. There seems to be only one person coming towards us now."

"The others are still far away, and judging from the direction the cruise ship is heading, it's not our coast."

The middle-aged man spoke lightly, standing in place without moving, his eyes still looking at the sea in the distance.

If the other party's cruise ship comes here together, he will definitely notify the others on Nason Island.

But now that only one person has come to the island, there is no need to make a fuss.

Although not many people have come to Nason Island in recent years, there are still some.

Perhaps this person also came to Nason Island by accident.

Most importantly, he is confident enough in his own abilities.

Now that several Nasen Guards have left Nasen Island and are escorting the king to the outside world, he becomes the strongest person in the entire Nasen Island.

He didn't think those people outside would be his opponents.

Even if it was the so-called king of paradise or market, he didn't think the other party was really his opponent.

If Ding Shiman, who was in the sea, knew what this person was thinking, he would probably sneer out loud.

The frog in the well.

If everyone on Nasen Island had the same strength as these people, he would be disappointed.

Several Nasen guards on patrol stopped at the shore and watched the man swimming towards them in the sea.

He has a strong body, dark skin and a kingly gaze.

You can tell at first glance that he is not a simple person.

It was Ding Shiman who separated from Xia He and the others.


Ding Shimaan had just stood up from the sea and came to the shore when he heard a sound of a river coming from the beach not far away.

Several men dressed differently appeared in front of him, looking at him with vigilant eyes.

Ding Shimaan looked at the people who looked very cautious in their lives and touched his head.

Some curiously asked: "Excuse me, is this Nason Island?"

According to Huang Miao's map, this should be Nason Island, but none of them had ever been to Nason Island before.

Therefore, Ding Shimaan still plans to confirm it again.

"You know our island?"

"You came here specifically for Nason Island?"

The middle-aged man in the lead frowned and looked at Ding Shimaan quietly.

Originally he thought that the other person was a naked man, but now it seems that he was wrong.

Moreover, the opponent's strength far exceeded his expectations.

Judging from the fluctuations of Qi coming from the other person, this person is not simple.

His strength is even comparable to those bastards in Paradise.

The middle-aged man's breathing was a little heavy. He looked at Ding Shiman who was walking towards him step by step with caution, and asked in a scolding tone, "Who are you!"

"What is your purpose in coming to our Nason Island?"

From the other person's unruly eyes, the middle-aged man could already be sure that the person in front of him was most likely a lawless person.

There will probably be another storm on Nason Island.

"Come here specifically for Nathan Island?"

Ding Shimaan scratched his head, thought about it and nodded.

"You're right if you say so."

The main reason he came to Nasen Island this time was because of Huang Miao's order. It is not wrong to say that he came to Nasen Island specifically.

However, he himself was not very curious about the place called Nason Island.

He just wants to fight with the masters here.

"Then why did you come to Nasen Island? Do you know the rules of Nasen Island? Do you plan to stay on Nasen Island forever?"

After hearing Ding Shimaan's answer, the middle-aged man asked three questions in succession.

His complexion became even uglier.

He didn't expect the man to answer so honestly, and he didn't know how to respond.

"The rules of Nathan Island?" "I know a little bit."

Ding Shimaan seemed like a person with no temper and simply answered the questions raised by the middle-aged man.

However, his casual look obviously couldn't make the people on the opposite side let down their guard.

Several people looked at Ding Shiman quietly, wanting to hear what he would say next.

"But if you want me not to leave Nason Island, I'm afraid that's not possible."

Ding Shimaan was still touching his head and spoke in a very honest tone.

His main purpose of coming to Nasen Island this time was to find some masters to fight with him, but he couldn't be trapped in such a place.

And even if he really wanted to retire here, I'm afraid the sect master would not agree.

"You're not going to stay on Nathan Island?"

"Since you know the rules of our Nasen Island, you should know that we do not allow outsiders to enter Nasen Island."

"If you don't plan to stay on Nason Island, please leave, sir."

"We don't welcome outsiders here."

The middle-aged man spoke slowly, his tone becoming a little colder.

He knew from the beginning that Ding Shimaan was definitely not easy to get along with, but the other party had always acted very friendly, which caused him to relax his vigilance for a while.

But now, the other party, knowing the rules of Nasen Island, still wants to break the rules. He is obviously not a good person.

The two strange men behind the middle-aged man also looked at Ding Shiman with vigilance.

Be ready to take down the opponent at any time when the opponent makes a move.

Ding Shimaan looked at the three people in front of him who were alert and smiled indifferently.

He glanced at the middle-aged man and then shook his head.

"Everyone, please give me some convenience."

"I don't intend to make an enemy of you now."

"I personally have no ill will towards coming to Nason Island."

Ding Shimaan spoke helplessly. The strength of these three people could not be said to be very strong. The only one with some strength was the middle-aged man in the lead.

But even the strongest middle-aged man is not worth Ding Shimaan's attack.

Now he just wanted to get into Nasen Island as soon as possible and fight with some real masters.

Don't want to waste time.

"You don't want to be an enemy of Nason Island?"

"Then please leave as soon as possible, sir. I can sense that there is a cruise ship in the distance. You must have gotten off that cruise ship."

"If you leave now, sir, we can let bygones be bygones."

The middle-aged man shouted and the Qi in his body began to surge.

He was ready to take action at any time.

If the man in front of him refuses to accept his toast, he can immediately notify others to come.

No matter what, the rules of Nason Island cannot be broken.

"Hey, why do you have to force me to do it?"

Ding Shimaan sighed, and his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

The three people who were about to take action were suddenly shocked to see nothing there.

Before they could come to their senses and find Ding Shimaan, they heard a familiar voice coming from behind them.

"Your strength really can't stop me."

"What a pity. I gave you a chance to live."

“Why not cherish it?”


Almost at the same time.

Three crisp clicking sounds were heard, and fear appeared in the eyes of the three people at the same time.

There were looks of astonishment, horror, confusion, and so on in his eyes, and the scene began to escalate.

In the last rays of light, they saw the figure of the man just now, and in front of him there were three headless corpses.

Which looks exactly like their bodies.

Ding Shimaan looked at the headless body lying on the ground in front of him and shook his head helplessly.

I was clearly planning to let these people go, so why did they force me to do it?

As a member of Quanxing, his purpose in joining Quanxing was just to allow others to fight with him freely.

But Ding Shimaan is not a good person either. It can be said that as long as you join their entire nature, there will not be a single good person.

The number of strangers who died at his hands must have been at least a hundred, if not a thousand.

Naturally, he will not be merciful.

After shaking off the blood on his fingers, Ding Shima Anshenxing quickly ran towards the depths of the forest, eager to find some masters.

As for the corpse behind him, it had nothing to do with him.

You can't kill someone and then bury the body.

the other side.

In an unknown mysterious cave on Nason Island, a burly figure is hidden in the darkness of the cave.

Eating barbecued meat of unknown animals with big mouthfuls.

The sounds of biting and rejection are clearly audible.

Not far from the black shadow, an even more mysterious man appeared not far from him.

His whole body was shrouded in a mysterious mist, making it impossible to see his face.

It’s as if the real person is not in this world.

In a very strange state.

"Have you thought about it?"

"You really plan to stay here?"

"I'm almost finding the secret of this world. Aren't you curious about what happened to my fourth brother back then?"

The man's voice came from the strange black fog, and his tone was completely unintelligible.

It's like a voice from the soul.

"do not want!"

"I am just a person abandoned by the world now, and I have no intention of re-entering the vision of those people."

A heavy voice was heard, with neither joy nor sorrow.

But judging by the sound of the other person biting the barbecue, his emotions probably weren't that calm.

"Back then, we brothers each realized a magical ability. To be honest, it was indeed a blessing."

"But as we become more proficient in this magical technique, it will gradually affect our personalities."

"Look at yourself now, are you still the same as you were back then?"

"You don't plan to lift this curse?"

In the mist, the man seemed to be unwilling to give up after being rejected.

Want to continue making demands on the man in the cave.

However, the only answer he received was the sound of tearing barbecued meat. It was obvious that the other party had already made up his mind to live on this island for the rest of his life.

"Hey, I've said it before, the side effects of immortality are too great."

"Among us brothers, the ability you have comprehended is the most extraordinary, which also means that you are the most affected."

"Among the brothers who are still alive, your personality change is the biggest."

In the black fog, the man sighed.

He slowly stood up and walked out of the island.

Since the other party had no intention of showing up, he stopped talking. After what happened that year, a rift had already appeared between them, the brothers.

There is no way back to the way it was before.

Almost instantly, the dark misty figure disappeared into the forest.

But before leaving, he looked towards the east, to where Ding Shimaan was.

There is no such thing as a paradise on earth. It seems that this place is not going to be peaceful. (End of this chapter)

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