My days at the helm of senior kayaking at WBG

Chapter 187 This bp? Poet of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Chapter 187 This bp? Poet of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Teams like T1 have nothing to show off. Their hero pools are relatively deep. Whether they are top lane, mid lane, bottom lane, jungler, or even support, the hero pool is bottomless and there is nothing to target. necessary.

So Danny's idea is to grab the blue side first, put together a lineup first, get a more comfortable hero for his double C, and then slowly figure out a strategy to solve the problem later.

In other words, they didn't actually have any too bizarre ideas in the first round.

Just like sparring in martial arts, both sides in the first round test each other to see if the other side has any trump cards or strange moves.

After confirming that nothing is wrong, he will use his secret weapon.

Therefore, the heroes listed on Weibo are all very conventional.

But the first three bans of T1 still made Dany feel confused.

According to normal people's thinking, since they have reached the semi-finals and their No. 1 seed has been eliminated, there is no need to hide any tricks.

T1 should take Weibo's double C as its main offensive target, choose more heroes that are easy to choose, or directly restrain Weibo's double C lineup.

The first three ban positions cannot be wasted under any circumstances, but T1 directly gave all three and a half positions to the jungle.

It was no one else's idea to capture Luo on this floor, it was Keria's idea.

"Stable, stable!"

The audience naturally knows that Jack's Zeli is awesome. First of all, it is naturally because Zeli is a very interesting hero. Because of its special mechanism and flexibility, it can give the ADC operator a strong operating space.

At this moment, everyone in T1 simply ignored their nominal coach Tom and began to work on their own BP.

"Zeli is still here, Jack's specialty hero Zeli. Although this hero has been weakened by one round in MSI, it still has a high appearance rate."

What Danny is good at is not BP or tactics. Some of the more powerful lineups he can get are completely based on the ideas of other people in the Weibo lineup.

This is the strength that Coach Danny has had since coaching.

When playing in a group, no matter how the opponent targets him, as long as Zeli on his side can unleash his ultimate move, there is still no problem with a little movement and maneuvering.

After watching T1 take down Luo and Monkey, Danny directly took down Zelie for Jack without even thinking about it.

They thought so.

"It seems that the BP ideas of the two sides are very different."

Commentator Miller said with a smile.

The hero Luo was directly captured on the first floor, which was quite surprising.

Grabbing Luo on the first floor is a challenge to Weibo's coach.

The audience at MSI didn't know what these Chinese people were excited about.

Miller read this long list according to the script.

Now T1 just came up and revealed one of their secret trump cards and exposed it in front of everyone.

Talking about things and taking care of the players' emotions are what he does most, which is much more effective than talking about nothing.

Zeli is just right for him, so fans on Weibo burst into cheers.

Compared with T1's offensive jungle position, Weibo's side is slightly simpler.

They obviously just took a weakened ADC, why did they act as if they had won the first round?
"Don't feel pressure, brothers, we are just testing their BP in the first round. If we lose this round, it will be my problem."

After all, in the thinking of normal people, it is unlikely that support will be a must-have presence on the first floor unless banned.

When will the support be released on the first floor?
The LOL game has been held for so long, but I have never seen a support person on the first floor.

Especially Jack playing this hero.

Without Luo, there are very few roaming heroes that ON can choose.

From the time he first came to Weibo until now, he has never given his players even a bowl of chicken soup.

And at this moment in the LCK commentary box, several commentators also expressed their opinions on Jack taking out the hero Zeli.

Yes, Mantis, Wei and Dashu, these three jungle heroes are all heroes that King Ning has played before. Although he has not selected Mantis yet, this hero is indeed in Danny's BP plan. Among them, there is the Bp trump card with a certain purpose.

What he is best at is handling the relationship between players, which sounds very similar to what Qian Zhu would do, but Danny doesn't know how to talk about chicken soup.

Before the BP was finished, Danny had already begun to reassure the contestants on Weibo.

The hero Luo doesn't mean much to him, but it is very important to on.

Lucian, Jinx and Quisanti are banned directly.

I originally thought that after grabbing an Annie, T1 would find a way to block the bottom lane hero on Weibo. However, in the voice of the T1 team, Faker and Keria discussed it and decided to take out the support first.

Jack was originally better at this kind of mobile adc, but not at heroes like Jinx who needed to stay behind to deal damage.

With Luo, he was able to advance with Weibo's early rhythm until he directly defeated T1, accumulating a huge advantage in the early stage.

Although he had predicted before the game that the BP lineups on both sides would be all kinds of weird, he had never seen such a direct and explosive situation.

T1's move was to force Weibo to follow a conventional path, but he didn't expect that Weibo didn't want to use anything weird in the first place.

In this case, even if Weibo wants to release Mantis in the future, it must carefully consider whether T1 already has a solution.

After all, he had to come up first to get the hero.

Although the players don't know much about Danny's BP mentality, they still agree with it when they hear Danny say this.

Unless T1 is playing a big game and wants to lure Weibo's coach into his own BP trap.

"I think it's an open secret that Jack plays this hero now. Everyone knows that he, Zeli, plays well. This final will be the same as before. There is nothing to look forward to."

It's been seen through, but I bet you can't restrain him.

Zeli and Aphelios are two adcs who have been in the LPL league for a long time. Even if new adcs occasionally come forward to steal their limelight, they still won't be ignored by LPL players. Faded in the hero pool.

There's no way around it, the skill mechanism is really good. A slight increase in the value will immediately cause damage and explosion. Danny has no reason not to grab it.

But what should I get next?

The audience is looking forward to it.

Weibo did not give them a novel feeling.

There are many assists that Zeli can match, but Lulu paired with Zeli is the best choice. First of all, it is naturally because Lulu's ultimate move has a strong ability to protect the ADC.

Then on the line, Lulu also has strong suppressive power because of her long hands.

On the other hand, T1 seems to be a bit conservative.

After taking Rakan, they didn't make any too weird additional settings, and just added a combination of Xayah and Rakan to their lineup.

The classic pairing of couples in the bottom lane, this hero combination will definitely be played by professional teams no matter how long it lasts.

I have ideas, but not many.

T1 must be thinking about giving up the bottom lane first and looking for a comeback opportunity in the team fight.

These have all been rehearsed infinitely in Danny's mind.

It's just because he and the opponent's lineup both got the same amount, so he didn't take it too seriously.

I don’t know what kind of medicine is sold in T1’s gourd. Anyway, when the second round of BP starts, everything will be completely solved. In the fourth hand, T1 took nine barrels of Zeus's wine barrels.

Although I don’t know how well Zeus has been practicing during this time, I haven’t seen him use this hero very often in the league.

Maybe it's because the hero pool is more biased toward warriors. T1 wants to make Zeus into a top laner who can carry and play like 369.

It's just that Zeus's transformation journey is not smooth, that's all.

Taking out the wine barrel was just a coping option for him.

His hero has proficiency, but it really can't support the professional league.

It was probably due to lineup considerations that they forcibly gave Zeus this hero.

Weibo was already a little relieved when they saw the wine barrel.

Since there is nothing naughty on the opposite road, then this small wine barrel should be taken easily.

Foyego and Weapon Master took it directly, and as soon as they locked it, they immediately caused sharp explosions from commentators from all over the world.

There is Xayah on the opposite side, and the top laner is still a Tiger Balm barrel. You use Foego and Jax who are countered by the opposite side to deal with it. Isn't this deliberately pushing your own team members into the fire pit?
I chose two heroes who were countered. I don’t understand what it means.

Miller couldn't quite understand.

Although he has been commentating on LOL games for so many years, his eyes still light up every time he sees the latest live broadcast of the game.

The coaches and players have too much work.

Although the LPL has not had many creative players in the past two years, there are still endless creative coaches.

"They picked Jax."

On the T1 team's side, Zeus was quite curious and told his mid laner and support team, Keria and Faker, about the opponent's approach.

Originally, I didn't care too much about what hero the opponent picked. After all, I had already taken Tiger Balm. No matter what the opponent picked, it would basically have the same effect.

But what does it mean to deliberately select a hero who has been countered? Faker can't understand it at all, let alone keria.

"Are you trying to take advantage of Jax's single kill, or are you not pursuing Brother Shy's solo kill in the top lane this time?"

When Rita said this, the audience was still confused.

Although they unconditionally believe in Weibo, Weibo often irritates them, which can easily make them confused.

It is true that T1's BP is indeed very powerful, but it is still a bit surprising for someone like you to choose a hero that is obviously suppressed by the opponent.

"What do you mean Danny?"

"Why do you feel like this lineup is wrong?"

"Interesting, this Weibo should be gone."

"To be honest, I think this lineup is really not very good."

"Let alone whether the lineup is good or not, the strength of both sides is simply not on the same level."

"Trying T1 on Weibo is not just a matter of holding hands?"

"The previous one is really funny. I can tell you about T1's instant kill on Weibo. Do you know who is the only Triple Crown winner in LOL?"

It's a classic discussion session.

Jiang Huai didn't care much about BP at first, but after hearing the reaction at the scene, the audience seemed unhappy that they had chosen this lineup.

Of course, he also felt that it was not a wise choice for Jax to go on the road to fight barrels.

Relying on the stun and interruption of his e-skill, T1's top laner Zeus plays barrel. There is absolutely no way for Shy to kill him solo from the top lane.

If you can't kill in line, then there is no way to expand your advantage.

Although Jiang Huai does not expect the opponent's player to send a single kill, the lane right on the top lane is very important to him, which is related to the battle for the right of the Canyon Pioneer in the early stage.

Finally, faker played Ice Girl, a hero that he rarely won in the professional arena but has been playing frequently in recent times.

I don’t know if the hero Ice Girl is a trump card for T1. Anyway, GEN has played it before and it didn’t have any effect, so Weibo doesn’t think T1 has anything to say about the lineup. On the contrary, it’s T1. Fans feel that T1 should be able to win with this lineup in all likelihood.

The Korean fans at the scene did not appear excited. Some Chinese audiences who supported T1 were quite excited at this time.

He truly deserves to be a champion fan, always trying to maintain his specialness.

The lineup is now finalized.

Weibo here:

Top laner Jax.

Jungle Foego.

Annie in the middle.

And Zeli Lulu in the bottom lane.

T1 side:

Hit the road barrels.

Fight wild monkeys.

Finally, there is the combination of Ice Girl in the middle and Xia Luo's bottom lane.

In the opinion of e-sports managers, the lineups on both sides should be about the same, but judging from some domestic anchors, they still think that T1's lineup is slightly better.

Weibo's lineup looks relatively loose, but generally such a lineup should be quite beneficial in the lane.

But I don’t know why Weibo’s pair of online heroes seem to be so weak.

"It just depends on the performance of the players on both sides."

The commentators were speechless.

"Okay, the first game between Weibo and T1 is about to begin. What kind of game will the players on both sides show us? Let us turn our attention to the director."

"Just play the first round as we trained before, don't be too nervous."

T1's faker didn't say anything, but little Lu Bu took the lead in encouraging everyone. Those who didn't know thought he was the big brother of the team.



At this time, no one paid attention to this issue.

Everyone responded and entered the game directly.

This round is considered a relatively important round for t1.
After all, their No. 1 seed has been eliminated. Whether they can break through the Weibo blockade and successfully advance to the next round is related to the LCK's honor in this MSI.

As the last hope of the LCK, they are under considerable pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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