Chapter 45 Top Six, Dog’s Loyalty

Wild leopards also have very good physical fitness. They are alert by nature, with extremely keen senses of smell and hearing. They are also good at jumping across mountain streams five to six meters wide, and can also jump up tree trunks two or three meters high. Leopards are also very good at choking and killing with one blow. Very capable,
  Their teeth are extremely sharp and can easily bite through the neck of prey. The most important thing is that leopards have strong night vision.

If this had been in the dark, Lu Jiansheng would have run away immediately without hesitation.

But it was daytime now. Although he didn't know the specific price of leopard skin, it was probably no cheaper than wild boar. After all, it was nocturnal and it was difficult for any hunter to catch it.

And the average hunter doesn't want to encounter wild leopards, because in the forest they are not only predators, but also killers, and they will be attacked if they are not careful.

Getting closer.

Lu Jiansheng was extremely cautious at this moment. There were several barking dogs in the distance. They were probably the hunting dogs raised by the hunters who had just fired.

"I just don't know why the gunfire stopped!"

"Could it be that the wild leopard has been dealt with? Is his trip going to be in vain?"

Lu Jiansheng couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Lu Jiansheng immediately stopped and glanced at the sound, which sounded like the sound of snow falling from the branches.

One shot cannot kill, but hunting is difficult. Lu Jiansheng's marksmanship is average, and the front is blocked by trees.

Look carefully,

He has to change positions! However, he wasn't ready to find a good angle yet.

Suddenly he heard bursts of crashing sounds in front of him, and the sound came from a thick branch in front of him.

Most of his sight was blocked by the trees in front of him, but just when he was about to look back, he felt a chill on his neck!
  He subconsciously looked at the big tree again. Where the hell is this chipmunk? This is a leopard!

At this time, a leopard stood motionless on a big branch, as if waiting for this prey.

However, it was blocked by the branches in front and there was some distance, so he could only see a small patch of leopard's pattern, which almost dazzled him.

"Hehe, but it's still me."

Suddenly a big yellow dog jumped out of the forest,
  Dahuang dog, also known as Dahuang, is a branch of Chinese pastoral dog and is also referred to as native dog.

Damn, this leopard is so motionless! Not to mention at night, even if you don't look up carefully during the day, you will suffer big losses if you are not careful.

"This! What a fucking top guy!"

Of course, these days, there are also some big yellow dogs with smaller frames.

I only saw a leopard on a branch. When I saw the big yellow dog appearing under the tree, the wild leopard instantly jumped out of the tree and pounced on the big yellow dog!

Because at this moment, this wild leopard is so motionless that it is a living target! Lu Jiansheng didn't hesitate at all. He knew that this thing was very alert and extremely fast.

But don’t call big yellow dogs country dogs. In fact, they are not rustic at all, and they are smart, very understanding of human nature, and extremely loyal and honest to their owners. They are extremely good at teamwork, and they can also show extraordinary abilities to prey when used for hunting. General lethality.

It may be due to the environment and breed. The big yellow dog in front of us is different from the big yellow dog in a few decades.
  The body is much larger than that. The one in front of me is estimated to weigh more than a hundred kilograms. It even has the shadow of a mastiff, with droopy ears, thick fur, and tusks similar to those of a wolf.

Fortunately, he had been watching his surroundings vigilantly, and when he realized something was wrong, he immediately reacted!

However, the appearance of the big yellow dog completely interrupted Lu Jiansheng's plan.

Although the combat effectiveness is not as good as that of his adult white dragon, this big yellow dog with a large frame is not much worse than an ordinary hunting dog!

Otherwise, this leopard was thirty or forty meters away from him. If he had touched it just now, let alone being the sixth one, he would have simply delivered a courier to the leopard.

This made Lu Jiansheng secretly say that it was a pity. However, from the big yellow dog coming out to the leopard jumping down, it happened in an instant. He was not given a few seconds at all, let alone changing positions. There were no obstacles in the open space just now. I'm afraid I'll miss it too.

The wild leopard is indeed the top predator in the forest. With a jump of three to four meters, the big yellow dog suffered a big loss and directly knocked the big yellow dog down.

This pounce! If the big yellow dog hadn't had an iron collar around its neck, it would have been choked by a wild leopard on the spot.

But even so, it was extremely miserable. The claws on the wild leopard scratched the skin of the big yellow dog and opened the flesh. Although the big yellow dog also bit fiercely, in the face of the overwhelming advantage, the big yellow dog caused very little damage to the wild leopard.

But in an instant, two more big dogs arrived, one was the same breed as the big yellow dog, but larger.

The other is a purebred wolf-haired green dog, also called wolf-green dog. It has a strong personality, is extremely ferocious and has a strong ability to withstand attacks. It is used as a guard dog and fighting dog in many areas.

He has a big head, square mouth, big ears, upright personality, fierce temper, and strong hostility towards strangers. But what is commendable is that he is very obedient to his master.

In an instant, the wild leopard and the three dogs were biting each other.

Lu Jiansheng was not idle, looking for the best opportunity to shoot. When three dogs and leopards were mixed together, it was difficult for him to take action.

Moreover, his marksmanship is average. Although Lu Jiansheng hunted for several years before his rebirth,
  But that was decades ago, and I have almost forgotten about it.
  The biting was accompanied by the screams of the big yellow dog! !
  With one against three, the wild leopard not only did not lose at all, but actually bit the big yellow dog that was injured before to death.

The wild leopard roared!

Wolf Green Dog and the remaining rhubarb didn’t show any signs of weakness either! Rhubarb bit it first,

The wolf and green dog immediately came around and bit down hard on the wild leopard's butt, then shook its head and bit hard with its lower jaw.

The sudden pain caused the wild leopard to roar!
  The wild leopard, which was completely offended, slapped the rhubarb away with one paw, and then bit the wolf and green dog.

"good chance!"

Lu Jiansheng didn't hesitate and immediately took his gun and shot at the wild leopard.


The bullet grazed the wild leopard's butt.

The leopard screamed.

At this moment, he doesn’t care about the wolf and green dog beneath him!
  He ran out immediately.

Lu Jiansheng’s second shot,
  The third bullet was also fired, but the wild leopard jumped five or six meters away. Unlike the last time when hunting wild boar in the valley, there were trees all around here. Even if the aim was accurate, almost all of them would hit the trees.

"What a pity! It ran away."

Looking at the disappearing figure, Lu Jiansheng was very upset. You must know that Ye Bao is also very vindictive.

Then he walked forward. At this time, the snow was a mess, full of blood. The wolf and the green dog had already had their intestines released, and they were lying on the ground whining! There is no help.

The big yellow dog that survived was miserable, with blood on its body, and one of its legs was lame at some point.

The big yellow dog saw him coming, took two steps back alertly, looked up at Lu Jiansheng, then barked at him twice and dragged its injured body forward with difficulty.

Lu Jiansheng followed.

The big yellow dog walked for a while, then looked back at Lu Jiansheng behind him and whined at him.

Seeing that he was still there, he continued walking forward.

The big yellow dog followed the footsteps!

He called Lu Jiansheng twice more.

Lu Jiansheng then saw an old hunter lying on the ground behind the big yellow dog.

"Hey! It's true!"

Lu Jiansheng sighed. He had a premonition that this big yellow dog wanted to take him to save his master. After all, the Orion didn't show up for so long, most likely...

 Please give me some advice, the dog-leopard battle is a bit difficult to write!
  (End of this chapter)

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