Go to work and get blackmailed by jk

Chapter 193: Xing Jianxue is shy?

Chapter 193 Xing Jianxue. Are you shy?
Xing Jianxue was flipping through the music score in her hand.

This is the music that Yuya Takizawa composed for her. Although the purpose is not necessarily pure, it is inevitable to have a strange feeling when holding it in your hands.

It’s like holding a love letter, Xing Jianxue thought.

Or maybe this should be more romantic than a love letter, after all, not everyone can compose music.

Even though she never even confiscated a love letter.

After all, her identity meant that not everyone could get in touch with her, not to mention that Kamijiro was a girls' school.

So what was this, the first love letter she'd ever received?

Hmm. Thinking of this, Xing Jianxue laughed at herself and pursed her lips.

These are just some irrelevant associations, let's just look at the music score.

Xing Jianxue came back to her senses and looked at the music score, and with just a glance, she was surprised by the music in front of her.

It's not because of how well the music is written, but simply because of the score itself.

The sheet music was handwritten by Yuya Takizawa, and the handwriting on it is Yuya Takizawa's.

And Takizawa Yuya's handwriting
Xing Jianxue blinked and confirmed carefully.

It's too smart.

This piece of music sheet conveyed a sense of agility to her. Every time she wrote, the lines were extremely smooth and beautiful. Even though they were just some musical symbols, it seemed as if every note jumped onto the paper, so vivid that they seemed to have some kind of vigorous vitality.

It can be seen that the person who wrote this piece of music has strong writing skills.

Even in Xing Jianxue's opinion, regardless of the quality of the song, the calligraphy value displayed by this piece of music based on the extremely stunning handwriting would not be lower than the authentic works of calligraphy masters displayed in her home.

Yes, calligraphy. Although it is just a piece of music, one can get a glimpse of it from the handwriting. Takizawa Yuya should have a very good calligraphy level, which may not be inferior to those calligraphers who have left their names in history.

This discovery made Xing Jianxue feel incredible.

I originally looked at the sheet music to see how the music sounded, but I made an unexpected discovery.
Is it true that Yuya Takizawa is a hidden master of calligraphy?

Xing Jianxue looked at Takizawa Yuya in confusion. She couldn't imagine how a young man in his early twenties sitting not far away could have such beautiful handwriting.

And Takizawa Yuya did not respond to her doubts.

He held the shamisen, got ready, and was ready to start playing.

Xing Jianxue could only suppress her doubts for the time being and began to pay attention to the music itself.

The most commonly used musical notation is the five-line notation.

From this we can also see that this piece of music was not created specifically for the shamisen instrument, otherwise Takizawa Yu should have used the three-line notation that is more suitable for the shamisen instrument.

However, since this song was composed by Yuya Takizawa himself, it is not difficult to automatically convert it into the required shamisen score in his mind when playing.

It’s not difficult indeed.

Hoshimi Yuki could already hear the sound of the strings played by Takizawa Yuya next to her.

A few gentle clanging sounds were heard, and the music began.

It just so happened that Hoshimi Yuki planned to accompany Takizawa Yuya's playing and take a closer look at the details of the song.

But after just two glances, Xing Jianxue couldn't concentrate anymore.

——It’s not because the score is unbearable to look at, but because the melody is too catchy.

The sound of the strings is clear, beautiful and peaceful. Just three or two syllables of the prelude can outline a natural and quiet environment and quickly immerse people in it, as if they were there.

Simply put, stunning.

This not only reflects the high level of composition of this piece of music, but also the extremely high skills of the performer.

This is a kind of beauty where the music and the performer complement each other!

Is he actually such a great composer? And, his playing level is also more than one level higher than before, right?

While being amazed, Xing Jianxue couldn't help but have such doubts.

Is this really a song composed and played by Yuya Takizawa?
Obviously, there is no doubt about the answer, but because it is so surprising, it still makes people have such unbelievable thoughts in their minds.

Hoshimi Yuki raised her eyes and looked towards Takizawa Yuya.

And there is no doubt that there is no other answer.

The music was composed impromptu by Yuya Takizawa, who witnessed the whole process;
And the person who is holding the shamisen in front of me right now and playing it with all his heart and soul can only be Takizawa Yuya.

After confirming the answer, Hoshimi Yuki looked at Takizawa Yuya in disbelief.

But Takizawa Yuya had already closed his eyes, so he naturally couldn't see her eyes. As a performer, he had already focused all his attention on the shamisen in his hand.


The shamisen continued to make its clear sound.

Every time Yuya Takizawa moves the dial, the sound produced is so peaceful that it is enough to make one's heart tremble.

It was an extremely shocking experience.

The body is responding to the melody, sinking into it unconsciously, and giving different reactions to the ups and downs of the melody.

Not only her, but everyone in the tea room was intoxicated by Takizawa Yuya's playing at this moment, immersed in the artistic conception expressed by the music, and felt as if they were in the scene.

What kind of level is this?
It's beyond imagination.

This was Xing Jianxue’s last thought.

The reason why it was the last one was that soon, in such a moving melody, all her distracting thoughts were washed away by the sound of the strings.

In a trance, the only thing left in her mind was the thought of simply enjoying the music in her ears.


The shamisen continued to play.

Images began to appear before Xing Jianxue's eyes.

The quiet string sounds create a peaceful world.

This is the stone path leading from the temple to the teahouse, with green plants on both sides and the breeze blowing all around.

A faint breeze brushed across my cheek, neither cold nor hot, but with a slight coolness.

The sky above was neither clear nor dark, appearing a vast expanse of white, falling straight down.

Xing Jianxue felt as if she was really walking on a stone road, and in the distance, there seemed to be a young girl.

She was wearing a kimono and walking quietly on the stone road, blending into the quiet environment.

It was so natural, harmonious, and had an indescribable meaning that made people want to get closer and see the girl clearly.

So, guided by the music, Xing Jianxue walked forward.

She stepped on the cobblestone road with a "thump" sound, and the distant and vague figure in front of her gradually became clearer.

She's approaching.

Finally, until the closest point, the graceful figure of the kimono girl was completely revealed before his eyes.

But this figure seems a little too familiar.

It's just like.
Xing Jianxue hesitated and looked up and down at the girl in front of him.

Just as she was wondering, the girl in front seemed to hear her footsteps and suddenly stopped.

The girl turned sideways and gave her a cold glance.

Their eyes met in mid-air, reaching the fair eyes of the girl in front of them.

Xing Jianxue stood there in a daze.


The encounter ended in an instant.

The girl turned and left, gradually disappearing from sight, leaving only me standing there.

It was not until then that Xing Jianxue came to her senses.

She had an epiphany.

The person in front of her was indeed herself.

After all, this is the music that Yuya Takizawa composed with her as the theme. And the melody at the beginning describes the first time Yuya Takizawa met her.

The music continues.

In the following melody, Hoshimi Yuki continues to come into contact with this fictional "Hoshimi Yuki" from the perspective of Takizawa Yuya in the world constructed by the music.

She is quiet, cool, pure, perfect and noble.

Under the pen of Yuya Takizawa and in his playing, the image of such a girl gradually becomes clear.

She has been with me like this, from the first time we met to the time we got to know each other.


Stopped abruptly.

The music ends and the image begins to fade.

The last time they parted, the girl was in the tea room, playing a traditional tune on the shamisen.

When the girl finished playing, the playing in reality also ended.

Xing Jianxue woke up. She sat there in a daze, still reminiscing.

But the picture in my mind is just like a dream that ends without a result. After waking up from the dream, everything is gone and cannot be retrieved.

The encounter with the cold girl only remained in the dream, and disappeared as the dream faded, never to be seen again.

Only a faint melancholy remains.

This is undoubtedly an excellent piece of music, with a calm and beautiful melody, a temple and a tea party as the central locations, and it perfectly depicts the process of meeting a cold girl.

The level of the performers is astonishing.

Yuya Takizawa's playing has reached a level that makes people feel as if they are there.

The scenes in the dream are so real, as if everything happened personally.

Xing Jianxue was silent.

After a long time, a sigh was heard in the quiet tea room, which was as quiet as waking up early in the morning.

"It's really, really, really beautiful." She used "really" several times in a row, but she couldn't think of any adjectives to express the excellence of this piece of music. In the end, the young female guest could only describe it like this.

"It is a melody that is as delicate and slightly sad as the ones written by Yasunari Kawabata," someone said.

"That's a very apt description."

"And the playing was so good. It was the first time I felt that I could "see" the scene so clearly in the music."

"Yes. I saw it too, an encounter with a woman, it felt like I had experienced it myself."

"Eh? Are you like this too?"

There was a lot of discussion at the table, with everyone talking about the scenes they saw in the song.

After the conversation, everyone was amazed.

There have always been a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people in art works. However, this law seems to have disappeared in Takizawa Yuya's playing. The scenes seen by everyone may have slight differences in details, but on the whole they are surprisingly consistent.

Everyone can tell that this piece of music depicts an encounter with a cool girl.

"Sure enough, Mr. Takizawa's composing and playing skills are both outstanding. They are simply stunning." Everyone was amazed and finally attributed it to the fact that Takizawa Yuya's composing and playing skills were too outstanding.

This is true.

After all, this is a master-level composition combined with an extraordinary performance that comes with an immersive effect.

Listening to the comments in his ear, Takizawa Yuya put down the shamisen in his hand with satisfaction.

From this point of view, his victory is no surprise. Xing Jianxue, a mere girl, should just lie on his lap and rest her head on it.

Just as he was thinking proudly, someone couldn't help but ask curiously: "Speaking of which, this song was composed by Mr. Takizawa, right?"

Takizawa Yuya looked at the person who asked the question and nodded to confirm: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Then - is the girl described in this song really real? Does Mr. Takizawa have such a girl in his heart?" she asked jokingly.

This question immediately aroused the curiosity of the guests in the tea room.

"Yes, yes, it is beautifully written and played with true feeling. Surely there really is such a woman in reality, right?"

"Hey, who is it?" someone asked, his eyes vaguely looking at Xing Jianxue who was sitting upright.


Xing Jianxue remained silent.

Takizawa Yuya also fell silent, and the smug smile on his face disappeared.

I forgot about this.
Success comes from being there, and failure also comes from being there.

Because they were immersed in the scene, the audience could truly and intuitively appreciate the beauty of the music, but it was also because of this immersion that these ladies fully understood what the music wanted to express.

It was so obvious that everyone could hear it.

Yuya Takizawa composed a piece of music with the theme of seeing snow on the hoshi.

And played in public.

This is too ambiguous.

If this ambiguity was limited to the two of them, Takizawa Yuya would not think there was anything wrong with it, but if this ambiguous matter was made public, he would feel somewhat ashamed.

What’s more important is that just now, because of the song “Sakura Sakura” that he and Xing Jianxue played together, the guests present imagined the drama of him and Xing Jianxue’s unrequited love.

Now add this
Takizawa Yuya has already felt that the eyes around him are looking at him more and more interesting.

"Everyone, let's get back to business." Takizawa Yuya could only try to keep a calm face, ignore these gazes, and said.

There were a few laughs from the ladies below.

"Okay, okay. What Takizawa-sama is saying is correct."

"Is it about a competition?"

"Yes." Takizawa Yuya nodded, "Okay. Now that Miss Hoshimi and I have finished playing, how about you guys vote?"

"no problem."

"Then let's be direct. Those who agree with me, please vote. I'm counting on you all."

"I support Mr. Takizawa." As soon as the words fell, voices of support immediately rang out from the audience.

If Takizawa Yuya was just Xiaoyou, they would have to consider whether they should take into account Hoshimi Yuki's identity.

But now, anyone who is not deaf can hear that Takizawa Yuya is clearly better.

If you say at this time that you think Xing Jianxue plays the guitar better, it's not support, but more like sarcasm.

The gap is too big.

"Mr. Takizawa played the piano so well."

"Yeah. And he composed the music himself. That's amazing."

"I was worried before whether my decision to join Mr. Takizawa would upset Ms. Hoshimi, but now I think it should be fine."

"After all, the song is played for Miss Hoshimi."

Everyone laughed again.

Takizawa Yu just pretended not to hear.

He began to count the number of people, and a total of 13 people expressed their opinions. A complete and overwhelming victory.

The few people who are there also have their own reasons.

"Mr. Takizawa is a great composer and plays the piano very well, but it's a pity that he didn't compose for me. I will support Mr. Takizawa as long as he can treat me the same way." A lady said jokingly, and then cast her vote for Hoshimi Yuki.

He acknowledged Takizawa Yuya's excellence, but did not play dumb and say that Hoshi Jianyuki played better. Instead, he expressed his attitude in a joking manner so that Hoshi Jianyuki would not lose too badly without a single vote.

It can only be said that this is a statement of high emotional intelligence.

"I think so too. It's too jealous. I'd better not vote for Master Takizawa."



That's it, 13 to 4 - down to the last vote.

Takizawa Yuya looked at Kobayashi Keiko, the only one who did not express her opinion.

Kobayashi Keiko puffed her cheeks and turned away: "I abstain."


"Ahem." Takizawa Yuya had no choice but to look away.

In short, he won the shamisen competition with an absolute advantage of 13 to 4.

"Okay, let me thank you all here." Finally, the victorious Takizawa Yuya expressed his gratitude to the supportive guests.

The guests below also exchanged a few greetings.

Just like that, the competition came to an end.

It was not until this time that Takizawa Yuya, who seemed a little proud, looked at Hoshimi Yuki beside him.

It was at this time that Takizawa Yuya suddenly realized that maybe Hoshimi Yuki was too quiet?
From the time he finished playing to the end of the voting, Xing Jianxue seemed to have not said a word?
Thinking of this, he looked at Xing Jianxue carefully.

The girl sat upright, holding the music score in her hands, staring blankly at the ground, as if she was thinking about something.

And on her delicate and fair face, one could vaguely see a very light blush.

Just as Takizawa Yuya was looking at her carefully and wanted to confirm, Hoshimi Yuki, who was being watched, came to her senses. She raised her eyes and met Takizawa Yuya's gaze head-on.

The two looked at each other.

After a moment, the girl glanced away without saying a word and stared away.

And the blush on her face seemed to be more obvious.



It took a while before Takizawa Yuya realized it.

He stared at Xing Jianxue's profile, blinking, confirming over and over again.

If I'm not mistaken, Xing Jianxue is
(End of this chapter)

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