I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 100 Divine soldiers descend from the sky!

Chapter 100 Divine soldiers descend from the sky!


Since the Qi army marched eastward, Chang'an had fallen under the weak resistance of Liang Jun and became the new strategic center of the Qi state.

The world was lonely and ready to move, so Shen Feng seized the opportunity to develop.

Under the plans of Shen Feng and Song Yunji, the prelude to rebuilding Chang'an has begun.

The first thing to be built was the army camp.

Under the premise that there are many enemies around, the strategic significance of Chang'an's geographical location outweighs its symbolic significance.

When Shen Feng led his team back from Liangshan, they returned to Chang'an.

In terms of internal affairs and external military affairs, Shen Feng was the helmsman of the entire Qi Kingdom.

Shen Feng is training the army, Song Yunji is handling internal affairs, Chi Meng is in charge of making medicine and making Gu, Shi Yao is in charge of the intelligence exchange of bad people, Ying Gou is still working hard to practice, Hou Qing continues to study hard, and Zhong Xiaokui finally gives in and recognizes Shen Feng , she took Judge Water and Fire to the Jianghu for him, preparing to reorganize the Xuanming Sect.

Everyone was performing their duties, and after almost a month of work, Shen Feng managed to fully open the stall.

And the prelude to his quest for world domination begins today.

"You're leaving again before your butt is warmed up when you get back."

Song Yunji's tone was somewhat resentful, but she still did not dissuade him.

Beauty's knees, hero's grave.

She never does anything she shouldn't.

However, she still wanted to be with him.

"Shi Yao has led bad guys for so many years. She also has experience in handling internal affairs. Let her stay in Chang'an. Can I...can I go with you?"

This is her only wish.

Shen Feng has his ambitions in the world, but there will always be people who follow him.

At least, he has so many little wives, so everyone can take turns!

Chen Feng decisively rejected her.

Seeing Song Yunji's helpless expression, Chen Feng rubbed her head in a funny way: "Fool, haven't you noticed that you have gained weight recently?"

"Are you fat? Are you good-looking?"

Song Yunji's response unexpectedly seemed a bit joyful, which made Shen Feng stunned for a moment.

Then, he reacted.

The Tang Dynasty regarded plumpness as beauty, and what it wanted was the appearance of peace and prosperity for the country and the people.

Song Yunji secretly asked Chi Meng about her figure several times, and even specially took supplements of Miaojiang's specialties. Shen Feng knew this.

Now that he said she had gained weight, this silly girl thought he was praising her beauty.

The two of them were not on the same channel at all.

Chen Feng sighed. He touched Song Yunji's head with his hand and began to move down slowly.

"My mind is full of national affairs, and I have wronged you. Don't you even feel the changes in your body?"

Chen Feng held Song Yunji tighter with some pity, and his other hand finally fell on her belly.

"That's what I'm talking about. Have you noticed now that you've gained weight?"

Song Yunji snuggled into his arms blankly, and suddenly, her face turned red.


She got it.

Then he hugged Shen Feng tighter.

"Silly girl, I went out to kill someone. You're pregnant. If something goes wrong, I won't have time to cry."

Chen Feng held the lovely girl in his arms tightly and comforted her: "Be obedient and raise the baby at home. Don't be too tired."

"Yeah. I'll listen to you."

She was in his arms, nodding her head gently.

She is going to be a mother, and her child will be as handsome as him.

And her child will one day rule the world just like him.

After returning from Liangshan, it didn't take long for Shen Feng to notice the changes in Song Yunji's pulse.

But he didn't say that because Song Yunji was strong enough to keep her body absolutely healthy.

He wanted her to discover it by herself and give her a surprise.

But who would have thought that Song Yunji's cultivation level was not low, and her body reaction was not that sensitive. It was only now that she realized it in hindsight.

She also complained that Shen Feng was seduced by that charming Shi Yao every night.

But what Song Yunji didn't know was that Shen Feng didn't dare bother the beauty at this juncture, so he had no choice but to hide when he could.

Then, Shi Yao was worked hard by him.

Chi Meng was still a little young, and her thoughts were always on her parents. Shen Feng didn't want to force her. As a result, Shi Yao was fed alone by him and was unable to walk for several days when he was not used to it.

Grandma Shi Yao is also a smart girl with careful thoughts. When she is wandering in front of Song Yunji's eyes, she walks particularly staggeringly.

Very eye-catching.

As soon as the harem was established, these restless masters began to compete for favor.

But Shen Feng still acquiesced within the allowed limits, because this was also a check and balance of power, and being the only favorite was a taboo in the dynasty.

He wakes up and holds the power of the world, but he lies drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman.

Shen Feng could control his reason, but he was not a eunuch.

Of course I have to bully my daughter Xiang well.

Just as she was talking, Shi Yao walked in. She had already prepared the bad guys.

Shi Yao saw the two people cuddling together at a glance. She had long known that Song Yunji was destined to be the queen.

So, she smiled and congratulated: "Shi Yao wishes sister that she will get her wish."

She is a smart woman who knows Shen Feng's bottom line and knows how to advance and retreat.

The usual competition for favor is just the instinct between women and will not hurt the harmony.

Shi Yao is older than Song Yunji, but she still calls her sister.

This is recognition of her status.

"Thank you."

As the main palace official, Song Yunji naturally had no shortage of grandeur. Instead, she teased Shi Yao: "My husband is away from home, so I have to ask you to take care of him. Of course, it's possible that Sister Shi Yao came home with a big belly not long after to keep her company." ."

"Accept my sister's good words."

Shi Yao nodded gracefully, her eyes turned to Shen Feng, and her tone was a little sad: "To be honest, as time goes by, I really want a child."

Shen Feng was poked by the two young women with their eyes, but Shen Mengde still had his heart set on the world.

He let go of Song Yunji, nodded to Shi Yao and said, "Let's go!"



In this expedition, Shen Feng's target was Meng Zhixiang, the king of Shu.

The evil intentions he once had have always existed. Bashu is a vast and fertile land, and that is not just talk.

The current national strength of the Qi Kingdom cannot support the Qi army that is expanding as its territory grows.

So, Shen Feng took hundreds of bad guys and 10,000 Qi army elites to the outside of Sichuan, and then divided his troops.

Ten thousand Qi troops were led by Qi general Gao Siji, and hundreds of bad guys were led by Shen Feng himself.

Gao Siji, a famous general of the Five Dynasties.

He was Li Keyong's general and had made great contributions, but he was suspected by Li Keyong and wanted to kill him.

But Shen Feng used the first few chess pieces from Taiyuan, and he just made random moves, but he didn't expect that Gao Siji should not have killed him, and actually saved him.

The kindness of living is repaid with life.

Gao Siji led ten thousand Qi troops, marching slowly and steadily, approaching the border of Shu step by step, but he was in no rush to attack the city.

He just put pressure on Shu and created opportunities for Shen Feng.

The development of Shuzhong is indeed good.

Meng Zhixiang can copy Zhuge Liang's homework, but Shen Feng can also copy Deng Ai's homework.

Sneak across to Yinping and take Shuhan directly!
  Gao Siji's role was Zhong Hui's role in containing Jiang Wei.

One yin and one yang, one light and one dark.

At this moment, Shen Feng led the bad guy to the cliff.

The conquest in troubled times begins from this moment.

Chen Feng looked at the scenery in Shu silently, and Shi Yao looked at him silently.

Chen Feng raised his hand, and she put the marching water bag in his hand.

In this parallel world, there are superhuman beings who can practice exercises.

But in normal history, there is no such thing.

"Deng Shizai, just go to this height. I respect you as a man, Commander!"

"Come on, drink and win!"

Chen Feng raised his hand to the sky and drank the water in the water bag.

Then, he threw down the water bag and looked at the cliff. Shen Feng jumped up, like a god descending to earth.

Behind him were the bad guys rushing down.

(End of this chapter)

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