I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 18 I want to do 95!

Chapter 18 I want to do the th Five-Year Plan!
  It turned out to be like this.

That said, I'm still clean.

After listening to Miao Chengtian's story, Shen Feng nodded to Miao Chengtian to express his understanding.

As long as you don't lose your virginity, there won't be any pressure even if the relationship breaks down and the sword is wielded.

He didn't put up his pants to deny it, because he never took off his pants at all.

Besides, people who fall asleep are the vulnerable group and will not take the blame.

As for the ambiguity in Miaochengtian's tone, Shen Feng thought there was no need to make a fuss. People in the world don't stick to trivial matters.

When Shen Feng listened to Miao Chengtian's story, the empress did not stop Miao Chengtian from speaking. Instead, she carefully observed Shen Feng's expression. When she found that the fat dog had no expression on his face, she suddenly felt a little irritable.

Even when the empress was some distance away, Shen Feng's carelessness could be felt, let alone the two holy concubines standing next to Shen Feng.

Xuan Jingtian stopped immediately and got angry at Shen Feng with an angry look on his face: "What? You have done something and you still don't want to admit it?"

Shen Feng thought for a while and replied seriously: "Then I will marry her home?"

The empress's face turned red.

After hearing this, Miao Chengtian gave up: "Bah! How can King Qi marry you?"

"Then I won't marry."

"you dare?!"

Xuan Jingtian glared at Shen Feng.

Shen Feng looked at the two of them back and forth and said calmly, "If you two don't fight, who will win?"

"How dare you provoke our sisterhood?"

When it came to the principle of sisters, Miao Chengtian's mind came online for a moment, and then said: "The king is not allowed to marry. Even if the matchmaker marries you, it will be our King Qi who marries you, and you must abide by the husband's ways."

Shen Feng raised his eyes and looked at the main character. Seeing that the empress was watching the show with no intention of interrupting, Shen Feng used his special move.

"If that's the case, then Gang Zi will probably come to Qi Kingdom to snatch the bride. Maybe, I, the queen, will have to go back to the Cangbing Valley, and she, the Qi King, will have to go home with me to meet her elders."

When they were talking about Gangzi's strength in the hall that day, Jiutian Sage was not present, so Miao Chengtian and Xuan Jingtian spoke very forcefully.

But the empress knew it well. Seeing Shen Feng move the giant leg out, she hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, okay! What are you talking nonsense! Miaocheng Tianxuanjingtian, don't be rude to guests, Don’t back down yet!”


The two looked at each other and left the hall unwillingly. Before leaving, they glared at Shen Feng to indicate that they would not give up.


Shen Feng stabbed them in the back: "I didn't ask you to marry me."

The two stumbled and hurriedly left the hall.

There were only two of them left in the main hall.

"Okay, don't get along with them."

The empress persuaded and changed the subject again: "This time you came to Qi Country, had a fight with me, and wanted to cooperate with me, but I don't know how you cooperate?"

Shen Feng thought about the idea in his heart and made sure it was correct before he said to the empress: "Have you ever thought about the way out for Qi Country in the future?"

"The way out? I govern the king and the people internally, and control the barbarians externally. The Qi Kingdom at my feet is my own way out. I don't understand what you mean."

The empress pretended to be stupid and said, as a king, you cannot expose your flaws easily at the negotiation table.

Shen Feng didn't care either, he just talked about things, and a smart person would have her own judgment.

"The world is in chaos, heroes have risen together, and after the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the Qi Kingdom is like a water without roots and a stream without its source. If you can stop Mobei now, can you stop it in the future?"


The empress was silent. She didn't expect that Shen Feng would point directly at her pain point as soon as he came up.

"Fuck with me. I need Qi Country, and Qi Country needs me."

After saying this, Shen Feng extended his hand to the empress.

"and many more……"

In the silence, the empress was suddenly startled: "You just said...the world is in chaos? But Yuan Tiangang can obviously..."               "He will die, and he actively seeks death."

Shi Potian's shocking words came out of Chen Feng's mouth. He looked at the empress's unbelievable expression and explained: "Unless he wants to die, who can kill him?"

"But why does he want to die?"

"Because Li Xingyun is not ambitious enough."


"Believe me. If I were Li Xingyun, you, Li Maozhen, Li Keyong, Li Siyuan, Zhu Wen, Zhu Yougui, all of them would have knelt before me long ago."

Shen Feng said lightly.

With his tyranny, Yuan Tiangang's strength, and the bad guys all over the world, the empress did not doubt that there was anything wrong with his words.

But she still caught the key in Shen Feng's words: "You mean, Li Xingyun, you don't want to listen to Yuan Tiangang's arrangements?"

"More than that."

Chen Feng sneered: "As a member of the royal family, but he thinks about Xianyun Yehe, ignores the hatred of the country and his family, and turns a blind eye to internal and external troubles. How can there be anything in this world that can give him Xianyun Yehe's pure land!"

"Unless Gangzi dies, he will always be a child, a child who cannot see the troubled times in the future. So, Gangzi... wants him to grow up. He wants him to see what it means to have no way out and what it means to be a child. It’s real… chaos in the world.”


Hearing this, the empress couldn't help but said angrily: "A country is easy to change, but one's nature is hard to change! Yuan Tiangang has gone through three hundred years of personnel affairs, can't he still not see through this?"

Her anger lies in the fear after the world is in chaos. She is afraid that her people will fall into the flames of war, and she is afraid that their families will be destroyed.

"The Tang Dynasty is Gangzi's obsession. As the legitimate son, Li Xingyun is naturally attached to his obsession. Even if he risked his life, he would not hesitate, but he is destined to be disappointed."

Chen Feng's eyes showed an unprecedented determination: "I don't want the Tang Dynasty to fall, and I don't want to disappoint him. If Li Xingyun can't do it, then let me do it."

With a thunderbolt out of nowhere, the empress understood Shen Feng.

"You want to do that nine-five too?!"

Her eyes were horrified and she muttered to herself.

"Li Shimin can do it, why can't I do it? Troubled times are coming, for the sake of world harmony, for the sake of Gangzi, even if I die ten thousand times, I have no obligation to shirk."

This is Shen Feng's original intention.

After being silent for a long time, the empress suddenly raised her head: "Since troubled times are coming, my brother, the king, is only under Yuan Tiangang, so he should raise his troops to obey the heaven. As the empress, how can I hand over the Qi country's property to an outsider like you?" !”

"You want to protect the country and the people, that's fine. But it's Li Maozhen who is ambitious, not you!"

Shen Feng looked at her, his eyes unflinching: "Li Maozhen, your plan is too big! He is on Gangzi's death list. Just because of this, he will not be able to do anything! To tell you the truth, Gangzi lied to him back then. I went to Twelve Cave just to delay Li Xingyun’s growth.”

"Now the time has come. When he comes out of the cave, he will die! Do you want him to die alone, or do you want the Qi Kingdom to be buried with him? Gangzi is not dead yet, what do you think? , will he care about Qi Country?"

"What about you! Do you care about Qi Country!"

"I care about the world! What I want is world unity!"

"That's my brother!"

"The brother I have been waiting for ten years!!"

During the quarrel between the two, the empress's red eyes were filled with tears and were crystal clear.

"So, I made a bet with you!"

Chen Feng took a step forward and drew his sword in his hand:

"I lost the bet. I'll give you my life."

"If the bet is won, you and your Qi country are mine."

"Just bet... in your heart, your Qi people are more important than your brother Wang!"

The voice just fell.

The tears welling up in the empress's eyes immediately fell down and hung on her cheeks.

Her beautiful big eyes suddenly went blank, and she stared blankly there, like a poor little person who had been bullied by a heartless man.

(End of this chapter)

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