I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 22 Bullying honest people!

Chapter 22 Bullying honest people!
  Shen Feng is not Xiang Yu.

He was rated as a hero in troubled times by Yuan Tiangang, and he never showed mercy during the Hongmen Banquet.

"Tenth brother."

With his throat moistened by the sword, Li Cunzhong did not dare to move. He looked at Li Cunxiao with hope in his eyes.

Li Cunxiao's brain was not working very well and his reaction was too slow. He looked back and forth between Li Cunzhong and Shen Feng, but there was no reaction just by looking at them. Without Li Cunzhong's advice, he didn't know what to do.

When Shen Feng saw this, he knew he had to give him some stimulation.

Shen Feng's right hand moved slightly, and a blood mark appeared on Li Cunzhong's neck.

"Tenth brother!"

The hope in Li Cunzhong's eyes turned into fear and fear for his life as the blood stains appeared, just as he cherished his life as Li Siyuan.


Li Cunxiao roared, and when he saw the blood on Li Cunzhong's neck, he finally reacted.

He was worried about his brother's comfort, but he was poisoned, so he was not absolutely sure. With no choice, Li Cunxiao could only slap him hard on his body. After a while, 99% of his strong aura dissipated.

Shen Feng smiled and nodded.

The overall situation is half decided.

Did you see it?
  This is an honest person.

Honest people have to be bullied like this.

The nine-foot-high imperial platform and the imperial road are filled with thousands of miles of tombs for millions of people.

Most of those who succeeded Wan Gu and died were honest people.

Shen Feng could see clearly that Li Cunxiao had cut off his pulse.

As for this level of vein sealing, unless he has the help of an expert or takes time to slowly break it away, he will not be able to regain his strength within ten days and a half.

Chen Feng put down the Tiangang Sword in his hand and escaped from the death line, and Li Cunzhong began to breathe heavily.

Chen Feng walked calmly and walked behind Li Cunxiao. Tiangang's inner strength was concentrated in his palm. Without looking back, he pressed his backhand against Li Cunxiao's back.


Li Cunxiao spurted out a mouthful of blood. He was poisoned and his pulse was sealed. His strength was at a loss. No matter how strong his body was, how could he withstand Shen Feng's strong internal energy without defense?

Li Cunxiao spurted out the blood from the severe internal injuries and fell directly to the ground, unconscious.

"Tenth brother! You!"

Li Cunzhong looked at Shen Feng in shock and anger. He was mainly afraid that this man would cross the river and burn the bridge.

"Don't panic, you can't die."

Shen Feng replied calmly: "Such a big guy can make a lot of noise even if he runs rampant. I really don't want to have unnecessary accidents. Therefore, letting him sleep is the best choice. I agree. If I don’t kill you, as long as you don’t seek death, you won’t die.”

That's what I say, but the main reason is that a big, brainless person can make good use of control.

It is such a pity that Li Cunxiao died here like this.

Even if he is allowed to block the Ghost King and use the remaining heat of his life, that is still good.

"Okay... okay."

Li Cunzhong had nothing to do with Shen Feng and could only nod in agreement.

"What are you waiting for?"


When Shen Feng saw that Li Cunzhong didn't react, he reminded him: "Do you want me, the commander-in-chief, to give you a slap in the face, or do you want one to be given to yourself? I, the commander-in-chief, can let you choose."

"I...I'll do it myself." I'm afraid I won't die on the spot if you, the great emperor, give me a hand.

When Li Cunzhong realized what he was doing, he struggled for a long time. He really couldn't think of how to use the strength of the big star to act in front of the big star, so he had to grit his teeth and slap his forehead with a palm.

Li Cunzhong didn't hold back. He was afraid that if he didn't faint with this palm, he would have to slap it a second time. Although this palm was not fatal, he did not dare to hold it back. With decisiveness, he fainted directly.

Looking at the two corpses lying on the ground, Shen Feng touched a few points on Li Cunzhong's body, and then casually fed half of the antidote to Li Cunxiao. This amount of medicine only ensures that he will not be poisoned to death, and the remaining half of the poison is left to him to slowly force out the poison himself.

After finishing everything, Shen Feng nodded with satisfaction and looked at Zhang Zifan at the end: "The matter is done, it's our turn."

"what on earth do you want?"

"I promised you that if I give you an answer, I won't lie to you."

Zhang Zifan was surprised and happy. Until now, he was already in despair, but he didn't expect that he could turn around: "You are really willing to tell me the news about my parents!"

"of course."

Chen Feng nodded and gave him the answer directly without beating around the bush: "Your biological father is Zhang Xuanling, the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, and your biological mother is Xu Huan, the wine worshiper of Longhu Mountain."

"Back then, Li Siyuan coveted Longhu Mountain's Five Thunder Heaven's Heart, so he took advantage of Zhu Wen's Xuanming Sect masters to besiege Longhu Mountain and attacked Zhang Xuanling from behind, knocking Zhang Xuanling off the cliff. Although he did not get the Five Thunder Heaven's Heart, he still But he snatched you from Xu Huan. In the end, you happily lived the life of Lu Bu, who regarded his thief as his father."

In a few words, Shen Feng explained the matter clearly, regardless of whether Zhang Zifan's gradually scarlet eyes could bear it.

Shen Feng has always been so straightforward in doing things.

I left Zhang Zifan's parents to tell him the long story. Shen Feng didn't have that much time to tell him about the unimportant people.

"Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!!"

Zhang Zifan was shocked: "My foster father treats me like a son and is as kind as a mountain to me. How could he be the kind of person you said! I don't believe it! I'm going to find him!"

Zhang Zifan lost control and was about to go out to find Li Dayer, but before he could take two steps, Shen Feng knocked him to the ground with a palm.

Zhang Zifan struggled feebly on the ground, but his body remained motionless. Shen Feng's deep voice sounded in his ears: "Do you also want to be like Li Xingyun, who must make mistakes before he can realize something?"

"Both Zhang Xuanling and Xu Huanke are still alive. If what I say is true, if they were implicated to death because of your impulsiveness, will you really not regret it one day in the future?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Zifan's eyes suddenly widened.

Unlike Li Xingyun, a stubborn boy, Zhang Zifan can listen to advice in most situations.


Zhang Zifan stopped struggling and gritted his teeth and said, "I just want to know the truth."

"How dare you ask Li Siyuan for the truth in Taiyuan? Are you worthy?"

When Shen Feng saw that Zhang Zifan no longer resisted, he let go of his hand on his head and let his face separate from the floor.

Zhang Zifan stood up, stared at Shen Feng, and asked in a deep voice: "You said so much just because you want to use me to achieve your goals. Tell me, what do you want before you are willing to help me?"

"You are wrong. My goal has been achieved."

Shen Feng glanced at Li Cunxiao with his eyes: "You, who are just a minor, take yourself too seriously."

"I understand."

Zhang Zifan followed Shen Feng's gaze and suddenly realized: "It turns out that your target is Uncle Ten, to pave the way for future plans."

"Only those who are not too stupid are qualified to gain value in the chess game. I'm just making random moves on you. As for whether you abandon the move, it depends on whether you have enough value."

"What should I do to get the truth?"

Zhang Zifan couldn't get over this hurdle and only saw the truth.

"It's very simple. You take me to find your tenth uncle, and I will take you to find him, Li Siyuan. I always do things fairly."

That being said, the main reason is just along the way. Otherwise, everyone is so busy, how can they have time to play with Zhang Zifan?
  Shen Feng is now preparing to go find Li Siyuan. He brings Zhang Zifan with him, which can not only add trouble to Li Siyuan, but also leave a hidden clue for Longhu Mountain.

There is no harm at all, so why not do it?
  (End of this chapter)

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