I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 28 There are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me!

Chapter 28 There are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me!
  Xuanming Sect.

Shen Feng's eyesight was amazing, and he could see one black and one white walking towards him from a long distance away.

The Xuanming Sect is not big, but they have many acquaintances.

Shen Feng smiled casually, and as soon as his footsteps moved, his figure appeared in front of Black and White Wuchang.

Chen Feng opened his arms and hugged the brother and sister, wrapping his arms around them and secretly locking their collarbones.

Even if Black and White Impermanence's strength has greatly increased, the gap is still too big compared to Shen Feng.

They only felt their eyes flash as someone controlled the veins of their clavicle.

"Who is so short..."

"Little sister!"

Chang Haoling had much sharper eyes than Chang Xuanling. He hurriedly interrupted his sister's foul language. He recognized Shen Feng with a different skin at a glance.

Teen Youth Edition.

"Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, long time no see."

Shen Feng smiled and greeted the people in his arms. Seeing how enthusiastic they were, the guard believed that Shen Feng was the grandson of Meng Po. In order to avoid suspicion, he hurriedly resigned and ran away.

Suddenly, only the three of them were left in the scene.

"Sir...why are you here?"

Chang Xuanling was glad that her brother interrupted her and quickly changed the topic and asked.

"Aren't you here to pick me up?"

Shen Feng knew at a glance that this was the job assigned to him by Grandma Shi Yao. They had known each other for a long time and had a tacit understanding of how to trick people.

"I'm here to see grandma."


Chang Haoling reacted instantly and her face changed drastically: "Mother Meng, is this your grandma?"

Since Shen Feng is a bad handsome man.

Po Meng is Grandma Shen Feng.

Isn’t that Meng Po just a bad person?

They are all members of the same family, so if she is controlled by others, wouldn’t Meng Po have a clear family?
  Chang Haoling's face turned paler as he thought about it.

Shen Feng looked at Chang Haoling and thought that talking to smart people would save his worries and he could understand a lot of nonsense.

So what if he knew the answer, but he didn't dare to say it.

Black and White's fortune is in Shi Yao's hands, and his life is also in Shen Feng's hands. Most people live their lives to survive.

Chen Feng hugged the two brothers and sisters, and the three of them walked side by side to the Xuanming Sect, chatting casually.

"Xiao Bai, I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't expect that your strength is much stronger than your brother. If I had known this, I would have fed your brother a jelly bean."

Chen Feng's perception was so keen and the distance was so close. He could clearly feel that there were five kinds of internal forces different from his own in the black and white impermanent body.

If nothing else, these belong to those five dead ghosts Yan Jun. It seems that these two brats are quite good at making use of waste.

But therein lies the problem.

Chang Haoling's internal strength grew obviously not as fast as Chang Xuanling's, and the gap between the two was still huge.

Shen Feng thought for a moment and figured out the key.

It was probably because I fed Chang Xuanling the Tiangang Neijin Pill.

They absorb the internal power of the five great Yamas, and the integration is so slow because the internal power of the five Yamas is Yang, while Black and White Impermanence itself is Yin. The conflict between the two, and the fact that this is not their internal power, naturally makes it even more difficult.

But the Tiangang Inner Strength Pill in Chang Xuanling's body is an extremely yang thing. The condensation of Shen Feng's great heavenly inner energy actually suppressed the alien yang inner energy in her body, allowing her to absorb Yan Jun's inner energy faster. .

This is a result that even Shen Feng did not expect, and it can be regarded as the fate of this little white ghost.

Chang Xuanling and Chang Haoling had the same mind, and she knew what was going on now when her brother gave her a fierce look.

In desperation, she could only agree flatteringly: "Thanks to the young master, who used elixirs to help me suppress the internal power of those dead ghosts Yan Jun, I am where I am today."

"Yes, yes, if I had known that the pill that the young master gave me back then would still have this effect, I would have been shameless enough to ask for one."

Shen Feng looked at Chang Haoling with a strange look on his face. He had never seen anyone make such a strange request.

"Then I'll rub one for you now?"

"..."      It's a joke, why does this bastard take it seriously?
  Chang Haoling's face turned blue and white, and he dared not speak.

How hypocritical.

Shen Feng glanced at him with contempt.

Shen Feng hugged her all the way. When he entered the main helm, he saw the old woman on the high platform at a glance. They looked at each other and looked at each other quietly.

Shi Yao's expression was invisible under his disguise, but his eyes were filled with relief.

Her own Goudan has grown up and is very handsome. She has watched him grow up. Shi Yao gradually felt affection in her heart, and Ba Dou's heart was also thrown aside by her.

In fact, Shen Feng wanted to have a good talk, but when he saw Shi Yao's new skin, it was completely different from the mature and beautiful woman in his impression. There was such a gap in his heart that he was speechless for a long time.

Finally, Shen Feng held it in for a long time and farted out.

"Grandma, you are so ugly."

He is a pretty dog.

Chen Feng sometimes wonders, if the empress is such a wonderful thing that can conquer the country and conquer the city, will he also have to make ends meet for the sake of Qi country...

Every time he thought of this, Shen Feng felt that it was unnecessary, so he just forgot about it.

He really can't go up.

I respect Zhang Zifan as a man.


Shi Yao's hand on the crutch slowly tightened. Looking at the fat dog hugging him from left to right, she slowly made a decision in her heart.

Croton for fifteen people.

Although it is a big position, it cannot be more, otherwise it will cause trouble.

"What are you doing here?"

Shi Yao was vicious in her heart, but her face was calm, and her face, like that of Mrs. Meng, could not show any emotion either.

Chen Feng let go of Black and White Wuchang in his arms and said softly: "Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai."

Black and white impermanence immediately heard the elegant meaning of the string song, and knew what should not be heard and should not listen.

"Master, Po Meng, I'm resigning."

Shen Feng and Shi Yao both waved their hands. They were not afraid of being listened to some of their words, but they were still cautious about using the Wannian Ship.

Not knowing and knowing but not telling are two completely different things.

Black and White Wuchang slowly exited the main helm and walked outside, facing the sunshine, but they felt cold all over.

The Xuanming Sect is about to change.

When Black and White look at each other, they can see each other's intentions.

"Little sister, let's go. Follow Mrs. Meng and her family. Even if the sky falls, there will still be support for those tall people."

"Brother is right..."


late at night.

Chen Feng stood by the building and watched the sky again at night, but found that he had seen a new surprise.

"This is Zhuque Lianghuo. The stars have changed again. It seems that the Queen of the East Palace I chose is indeed good."

The night sky was bright, the stars belonging to the empress suddenly brightened, and Shen Feng whispered with satisfaction in his heart.

Thinking of that poor little girl with a cold face, he murmured in his heart: "Gangzi, that's my daughter-in-law, you have to give me some respect."

While he was thinking about good things, Shen Feng's brows furrowed slightly.

Hmm... Why do I suddenly feel something is not right... Could it be that there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me...

hiss! This feeling……

My stomach... hurts a little.

Damn it!
  Shi Yao, you are even meaner than me!
  How old am I, yet I still do this!
  Toilet... Where is the toilet of Xuanming Sect...

where! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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