I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 33 Rampage!

Chapter 33 Rampage!

Jiaolan Hall.

The two figures stood up and down, one tall and one short, facing each other.

Suddenly, the two figures disappeared at the same time, and the next moment, they collided suddenly in mid-air.

Shen Feng raised his sword, and with the sword in hand, the Tiangang sword slashed diagonally towards Zhu Yougui's neck. Zhu Yougui's little hand slapped horizontally, and hit the body of Shen Feng's Tiangang sword.

Chen Feng rotated his right hand, and the Tiangang Sword also rotated, and the sharp blade pointed at Zhu Yougui's palm.

And Zhu Yougui was like a prophet who knew something was coming. When his palm was only an inch away from Shen Feng's sword, he suddenly stopped and directly clasped Shen Feng's wrist with his backhand.


A soft sound.

Shen Feng's sword was almost close to Zhu Yougui's neck, but it was just a hair's breadth away. Before he was injured, Zhu Yougui's hand clasped Shen Feng's wrist.

Without hesitation, Chen Feng released the sword with his right hand, stretched out his left hand, took the sword with his backhand, and slashed at Zhu Yougui's neck with his backhand from the other direction.

At the same time, the cuff of Shen Feng's right hand suddenly trembled, and three thin needles suddenly shot out from Shen Feng's sleeve and pricked directly into Zhu Yougui's little hand.

Shen Feng Zheren's wrists were broken too many times, so he naturally thought about how to counteract when someone grabbed his wrists. The last way he came up with was to hide Huayang needles in the sleeves of his clothes.

This is called guarding against others.

As for not having the intention to harm others, in this absurd and chaotic world, Shen Goufeng automatically ignored the first half of the sentence.

When Zhu Yougui saw Shen Feng changing his hand to hold the sword, he used his other hand to block, his palm turned into a claw, and the back of the claw firmly blocked the hilt of the Tiangang Sword, and Shen Feng's sword movement also stopped.

Before Zhu Yougui could fight back, he felt a stabbing pain on the back of his hand and instinctively let go. In the corner of his eye, he saw three blood-stained thin needles.

As soon as Shen Feng's hand was freed from the trap, it turned into a sword and pointed at Zhu Yougui's forehead.

Zhu Yougui resisted the numbness in his palms, and there was still a needle on the back of his hand. He intercepted in front of him and accurately grasped Shen Feng's sword finger.

Zhu Yougui was about to fold back Shen Feng's fingers, but at this moment he saw a trace of white light shining on Shen Feng's fingertips.


In the white air wave, a dark ball of internal energy wrapped around Zhu Yougui. As it continued to retreat, the dark inner force became extremely strong. Until the wave of air dissipated, the inner force ball that Zhu Yougui was protecting also slowly dissipated.

That was the release of internal energy from the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill. In the Qi Sutra, Zhu Yougui used Qi against Qi and was not injured.

He is much stronger than Jiang Chen, and his reaction speed is also faster.

Zhu Yougui casually pulled out the thin needle on the back of his hand and wiped away the blood on the eye of the needle. His eyes gradually became serious when he looked at Shen Feng.

Different from Yuan Tiangang's introvert who has no sense of threat, Shen Feng is much weaker. He can't lock all the energy in himself, and his momentum will inevitably be released, but in front of outsiders, he appears more powerful.

Zhu Yougui didn't know that there are mountains outside the mountains and there are heavens outside, so he inevitably fell into the inferior position of the common people.

But precisely because of this, he paid a lot more attention to Shen Feng in his heart.

Because from the first encounter, Zhu Yougui discovered that this person's strength was not weaker than his own.

Shen Feng glanced at the steel needle on the ground and felt a little pity.

If it were any other time, this needle could actually be poisoned.

But not now.

Now he just wants to prove that he is unparalleled in combat and is absolutely strong.

Once a person is poisoned, he will fall into the lower realm.

Huayang Acupuncture is not only a hidden weapon, but also a medical skill. It is a very authentic and traditional martial arts, and it does not feel inappropriate even when used for sneak attacks.

Even if Zhu Yougui was hit by the needle, he could only move his slightly numb palms without saying anything.

But if the needle is poisonous, Zhu Yougui will have to say something despicable, "You, the dignified Captain Tiangang, are such a villain, how can he despise you, how can he be so disgusting."

Shen Feng would not give him any excuse.

He turned the sword back to his right hand, pressed the fingertips of his left hand on the hilt, and injected internal force.

It is true that Zhu Yougui is better than Jiang Chen.

But I am much stronger than myself when I just came down from the mountain.

"Zhu Yougui, I can do the Nine Nether Xuantian Magical Skills." Shen Feng closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were the same color as when he practiced the skills before, with black and red in the middle and gold rims on the outside.

He has used the internal power of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art to the extreme.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Zhu Yougui's face suddenly changed, and he screamed: "I practiced this technique and became like this, how can you be okay! Sir, Zhu Youwen, who are you connected to! These bastards are harming me!"

Seeing Shen Feng's handsome posture and being such a dwarf, he was purely jealous.

In his rage, Zhu Yougui took the lead in attacking Shen Feng.

Then, he was held down and beaten by Shen Feng who swung his sword even more fiercely.

With wanton internal energy and abnormal painting style, Shen Feng's body was constantly intertwined with gold and black energy, and the Tiangang Sword in his hand violently struck Zhu Yougui.

The two of them fought for a quarter of an hour, and the scene was extremely explosive. The Xuanming Sect and the bad guys around them were all on tenterhooks, fearing that the battle situation in the Great Heaven would be affected.

Li Xingyun's and others' faces were also a little pale, but the Tang Dynasty camp gradually became happy because a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Zhu Yougui's mouth.

He could hardly bear it anymore.

But at the next moment, Zhu Yougui attacked again from the side. Shen Feng did not hesitate, instantly raised his palms, and the two palms met, colliding with his internal force.

This is the internal energy consumption of exchange.

This is how we have to fight to erode our advantage.

But Zhu Yougui unexpectedly refused to retreat and instead advanced, and the cruel look in his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Boy, you underestimate me!"


Shen Feng frowned slightly.

Because Zhu Yougui's hand did not leave after meeting his own. Instead, he grabbed his own hand tightly, injecting an evil inner force into his body even though he was injured.

"This is……"

"This is the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Technique! This is the internal power I gained from practicing this technique and going crazy! Young man, you are so naive! Do you think this technique is really that easy to learn!"

Zhu Yougui's arrogant voice had just finished speaking.

The golden rim surrounding the pupils in Chen Feng's eyes was instantly washed away by the violent black-red color of the pupils.

That is the joint suppression ability of Seven Star Art and Tiangang Art.

At this moment, it’s gone.

Practicing the complete version of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill was already stressful, and Shen Feng had just completed the skill, so his internal balance seemed extremely fragile.

At this moment, Shen Feng's Jiuyou inner force, induced by Zhu Yougui's evil inner force, seemed to resonate and completely rioted.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly turned black, and his body froze in place.

"Hahahaha! Shen Feng, you have gone crazy!"

Zhu Yougui laughed loudly and proudly. The weak defeated the strong. He should be proud of it.

Thinking about it, if he can train himself like this, Zhu Yougui is more or less a ruthless person.

When risking his life, he never lacked courage.

Zhu Yougui released his hand from Shen Feng's palm, took a step forward, and swung his palm towards Shen Feng's heart.

"Suffer death, you bad guy!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs.

Countless hearts were also seized.

In the open, Shi Yao clenched the crutch in his hand, and his inner strength was ready to move.

In the darkness, Yuan Tiangang threw the stone in his hand and held up his mask.

(End of this chapter)

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