I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 55 Eternal Tang Dynasty!

Chapter 55 Eternal Tang Dynasty!

Gaya Temple.

When Shen Feng and the others arrived at the Gaya Temple, they noticed from a distance that the temple was full of tense atmosphere. Shen Feng then realized that it seemed that Li Xingyun had led someone to steal the Buddha's robe. The whole temple is looking outside, and now the outside is tight and the inside is loose.

Very good, Monk Huijue's mission will be completed soon.

Chen Feng turned his head and winked at the empress, then took a step back, separated from the team, and hid himself from everyone.

The empress nodded. She was dressed in Qi Wang attire and showed a bit of aura. When she walked to the front of the temple, she clasped her hands and called the door.

The monks inside the door appeared instantly and surrounded the three empresses. The empress did not speak and they did not take action.

In fact, this was just a normal call, but Gaya Temple had just lost something, so it was inevitable that it would be an overreaction.

Both sides are waiting quietly.

Not long after, an old monk walked out of Gaya Temple and greeted the empress with one hand and ten.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is the abbot Tianxin of Gaya Temple and has met you all. I wonder what the purpose of your coming here is? I have some affairs in Gaya Temple recently and it is not convenient for us to receive guests. I hope you can forgive me."

The empress looked slightly sideways, and she did not expect that this old monk was actually the abbot of Gaya Temple.

Huijue and Huiming's status is not low, but they are only the abbots of the first courtyard of Gaya Temple. In terms of status, they can be regarded as the younger monks of this old monk.

The bosses are all out. It seems that the momentum just released is really effective.

Abbot Tianxin also heard a report from the former temple that a person suspected of being a powerful person came to pay homage to the mountain. For the sake of safety and attention, he decided to take action in person.

Although Abbot Tianxin has a high status, in terms of true strength, he is just an ordinary great person. Maybe he didn't expect that the people under his command were all stupid people.

"Li Maozhen, the king of Xiaqi, met Abbot Tianxin."

The empress also gave a slight salute to the old monk, indicating that she came with no ill intentions.

Zhang Xuanling on the side is much more capable. No one knows how to deal with monks and Taoists better than him.

"The heart of the human heart is as small as the heart of the abbot. The old abbot's dharma title is based on my ancient Taoist saying. His heart towards the Tao is very good, and the poor Taoist admires it."

Zhang Xuanling held his Taoist fingers in his hands, stood behind the empress, and nodded to Abbot Tianxin.

Zhang Xuanling is no longer the stupid look he used to be. Taking care of himself is like changing his appearance. Shen Feng also specially paid for him to buy an excellent Taoist uniform. A person relies on clothes and a horse relies on a saddle. This coolness instantly becomes Went up.

Chi Meng stood at the back of them. She would not say this, she would just look at the scenery in the distance.

Abbot Tianxin's eyes narrowed, and an expert would know if there was one as soon as he took action.

"Your Excellency is..."

"Pindao, Zhang Xuan's Mausoleum in Longhu Mountain."

"I have admired you for a long time. It turns out to be Master Zhang."

Abbot Tianxin was immediately shocked. Master Zhang Tianshi, who had not appeared for many years, was here. Are these people not coming with bad intentions? Could it also be related to Buddha's robe Baina?

He couldn't help but ask a little cautiously: "I wonder why the three of you came to my Gaya Temple?"

The empress and Zhang Xuanling looked at each other and knew that the fish had taken the bait. The empress replied with a slight smile.

"On the Road!"


What is Taoism?
  In Shen Feng's words, talking about Taoism is nonsense.

Tao is for doing, not for speaking.

Once the Tao is discussed, the Tao is no longer important, it all depends on the mouth.

Whoever pulls it off better will win.

Shen Feng believed that the empress, who had enough knowledge, and the master Longhushan, who was master of Taoism, together, could compete with those monks till the end of time.

Forget it, call all the people there, and don't affect my work.

Shen Feng entered the temple from the side. As a master of Xiaogang level, basically no one could detect him as long as he concealed his aura.

He decided to go to Monk Huiming first.

Shen Feng was afraid that it would be too long and this guy would be called over to talk nonsense, which would not be good.

With the abbot accompanying them, others will not move first, otherwise they will cause too much trouble and have a bad impact. After all, the Empress and the others have no ill intentions, and they are not here to kick the tavern.

In theory, this is just friendly mutual learning.

But if it goes too long, others will most likely be called over by the old abbot to fight.

After all, an old man is definitely not as smart as a young man. Even if the empress and Zhang Xuanling want to let things go, they can't make it too obvious.

While the empress and the others were holding people back, Chen Feng's figure quickly shuttled through the Gaya Temple.

He once asked Shangguan Yunque about Huiming's portrait. Although Huishiro still had hair at that time, Shen Feng could still imagine what he looked like without hair.

What's more, each major abbot has his own independent courtyard.

Not long after, Shen Feng found the location of Huiming's abbot.


If Shen Feng calls him by his real name, Huiming will definitely come.

In the temple, people call him Huiming or Abbot every day. Once he gets used to calling him, he becomes insensitive. Sure enough, when he called Keishiro, Huiming responded instantly.


"Bad handsome guy."


Huiming was stunned for a moment and called me by my first name. How dare you lie to me? The handsome voice is not like this!

Having faced the fear of the commander before, coupled with the feeling of being cheated, Huiming was instantly filled with anger and shot toward the yard with one step.

Then he saw the Tiangang Sword stuck in the ground.

This thing is much more real than the bad guy's letter with ink seal.

Huiming's temper disappeared instantly.

"Big... handsome?"

Chen Feng walked out of the shadows and walked to the side of the Tiangang Sword. He held the hilt of the sword with one hand and looked at the monk opposite with his deep eyes.

"It seems that Gangzi does still have some weight in your heart. At least, I haven't made you stupid, and you still know who is the boss."

Huiming felt Chen Feng's powerful Tiangang Jue internal power. This kind of strength was stronger than his great heavenly position.

But his age...

"You...who are you?"

"The bad guy's deputy commander, Shen Feng. Gangzi, is my master. You can call me deputy commander. Of course, I don't like to hear the word deputy."

Who the heck wants to be chased around and called Vice President every day?

Huiming was really not stupid. He instinctively performed Buddhist rituals and bowed to Chen Feng.

"The poor monk has met Shen Shuai."

"very good."

Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction and pulled out the Tiangang from the ground: "I don't like nonsense. I came here to see you and I just want to ask you a question."

"Shuai Shen, please speak."

"Do you want to follow me and conquer the world, regain the Tang Dynasty, and return to your hometown in glory? Or do you want to die in this temple where dogs don't shit and birds don't lay eggs?"



Huiming was silent.

Is he afraid of death?
  He is actually not afraid.

Among all the Tiangang captains, except Wen Tao, no one was afraid of death.

"Recover the Tang Dynasty..."

Looking at the dim sky, Huiming couldn't help but murmured: "The Tang Dynasty...is there really any hope of recovery?"

When a man passes middle age, he is no longer confused. He has seen too much.

"As long as Gangzi is here, the Tang Dynasty will not be destroyed."

"As long as I am here, the Tang Dynasty will be prosperous forever!"

This was the promise Shen Feng made to him, and it was also a promise he made himself.

(End of this chapter)

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