I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 67: The immortal caressed my head, and I received eternal life by tying my hair!

Chapter 67: The immortal caressed my head, and I received eternal life by tying my hair!
  The spring breeze brings me joy when I meet a close friend.

This bow is a sign of loyalty to the liver and righteousness to the bravery.

This prayer will not change in life or death.

Chen Feng stretched out his hands, lifted Hou Qing up from the ground, and said "Second Brother".

Despite this guy, he is really a second brother.

"This title of Master is too tasteless. Let's discuss our own issues."

Shen Feng said casually that Hou Qing would think carefully as long as it was about taste.

"Okay. It doesn't matter what I call you. What's important is that I have to call her Master."

"Very good, that's settled."

The two reached a consensus instantly.

Chi Meng realized that Shen Feng was serious. She was crying and didn't want to talk.

We have known each other for a long time, and once Shen Feng makes up his mind, it is a fact that cannot be changed.

Chi Meng knew that Shen Feng did this all for her, so he let him arrange it.

She's just a little (crossed out) out of it.


Chi Meng stood in front of the two-meter-tall Hou Qing, almost two heads shorter than him. I waited for a long time, but nothing came out.

She was speechless, but Hou Qing could not.

He bowed his head and said, "Master is here, disciple, please be polite!"

With a serious look on his face, he knelt down directly.

"Okay, okay, I'll just accept you as my apprentice, but don't kneel to me every now and then, okay?"

"Whatever the master says, that's what it is."

Seeing that the master-disciple status had been decided, Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction, turned around and walked out of the mansion, heading towards his next target.

He didn't even see Ji Lehe in person, but that didn't matter.

"Let's go. Hou Qing, you can sharpen your bone flute slowly on the road."

"Brother Shen said that the bone flute is in line with my taste."

The two reached a consensus again.

"Brother, where should we go now?"

"The world is so big, I will go wherever Master goes."

"I didn't ask you!"


A filial disciple who meets an unlucky master will always flatter him and slap him on the leg.

Chen Feng touched Chi Meng's head and rubbed her purple hair: "Look for Hou Qing's sister."

After hearing this, Hou Qing turned around and looked at Shen Feng intently.

Even a fool can see that Shen Feng is well prepared, let alone Hou Qing who is smart at heart.

He just didn't bother to ask.

But when it came to Ying Gou, he had to ask.

"Brother Shen, what do you want with my sister?"

"Treat her."

"Since Brother Shen knows about her illness, is he still so confident?"

"I don't have confidence, but Yuan Tiangang does."

Just kidding, I’m wearing the Baixiaosheng of the Tang Dynasty, so what’s wrong with me copying the correct answer?
  Hou Qing had long seen that Shen Feng possessed the Tiangang Jue, and knew that he was also related to Yuan Tiangang.

In the past, Yinggou actually thought about finding a bad handsome man to treat his illness, but when there was no way out, the surrender was unable to use Marshal Yuan, and the two were merciless. The arrogant Yinggou could not open his mouth to ask for help, and he could not fight him. There is no way to even force it.

As time went by, the bad guy couldn't get out of the world because of Xizong, so the matter went unsolved.

Hou Qing really didn't expect that Shen Feng would come to his door for treatment.

"I saw that Brother Shen was able to do things in such a structured way. He is really classy."

Hou Qing let down his guard and marveled: "Everything was as expected by Brother Shen. He planned the strategy and won the battle thousands of miles away. What Brother Shen used...could it be Yuan Tiangang's star divination method?"

"The hexagram master is the master of heaven and earth. I have learned 99% of Gangzi's skills."

Shen Feng silently pretended to be cool and stood with his hands behind his back in front of Hou Qing: "As far as I am concerned, the Tang Dynasty is in the palm of my hand."

When Hou Qing said this, his eyes instantly lit up.


He never hesitated and bowed his head: "Brother Shen, would you like to teach me the method of divination? The master is above me, and the disciple is polite!"

With a plop, I will give you two tricks.

Everyone in Chi Meng was stunned.

It hasn’t even been half an hour, apprentice, are you already rebelling?
  Chi Meng felt secretly happy. If Hou Qing became Shen Feng's apprentice, he could also help her save her father. She would be fine.

Chi Meng happily asked: "You don't want to learn how to control Gu?"                                                                 Since there are many skills, it is not overwhelming. With the apprentice's extraordinary talent, it is not a problem to learn two at the same time.

"forget it."

A big departure.

Chi Meng rolled her eyes. With her little experience, she had never seen such a person before.

But Shen Feng was well prepared. He showed this trick to Hou Qing just to bait him.

Hou Qing is a strict and serious person about the master-disciple relationship. As long as you decide to be a master-disciple and treat him sincerely, then you will be his father.

"Hou Qing, I fell in love with you as soon as we met. Since you have this intention, I will accept you as my teacher. From today on, you will be my bad handsome eldest disciple."

"Follow Master's teachings!"

Look, this attitude changed instantly.

Chen Feng took down a package from the carriage, turned to Hou Qing and said, "Take out your Weeping Blood Umbrella."

Without any hesitation, Hou Qing took out the red umbrella from behind his waist, knelt on one knee, raised his hands flat, and handed it to Shen Feng.

"Master, please look."

He never doubted his master.

Chen Feng took it with one hand and flicked it away, and the red umbrella was thrown away by him with one hand.

"Cloth umbrella. High quality."

"Master has a clear vision."

"But a cloth umbrella can't save your life."

Hou Qing raised his eyes.

What does Shen Feng mean by this?
  As soon as Hou Qing raised his head, his breathing became rapid. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a scene that made him say Youpin.

Chen Feng took out a small tough steel umbrella from the package with his other hand. He pushed the steel umbrella into Qixuelu's umbrella, and actually put the steel umbrella on the inside of Qixuelu's umbrella!
  It does not affect the light of the outer umbrella of Qixuelu to control enemies, and the steel of the inner umbrella can also prevent Qixuelu from damage and bleeding. With Hou Qing's strength and background, this exchange of shotguns for guns is enough to make him a level stronger than before.

Shen Feng was very satisfied with his imagination and craftsmanship.

"It's also fate. When we meet for the first time, we are master and disciple. This is a meeting gift as a master. Accept it."

Shen Feng flipped it over casually, closed the new Weeping Blood Umbrella handsomely, grabbed the umbrella with one hand, and handed it to Hou Qing.

He doesn't look at him.

He turned his face sideways and looked at the distant scenery.


Hou Qing was stunned for a moment, then knelt down on his knees, raised his hands respectfully, and asked Shen Feng to place the umbrella in his palm with one hand.

Immortals caress my head, knotting my hair and receiving immortality.

At this moment, Hou Qing thought of his past.

Being chased, falling off a cliff, worshiping a famous teacher, and learning magical skills.

And this moment is very much like that time!
  "Thank you Master!"

Hou Qing said in a deep voice.

Divination, this is so classy.

You must study hard!
  At least when I jump off a cliff in the future, I will know which one has more opportunities.

Hou Qing thought so in his heart.


Shen Feng nodded lightly, showing his masterly demeanor, and led the team to the front, leaving Hou Qing with a shadow from behind.

"Let's go."

"Hou Qing, because I think you have a pure mind and I am my teacher, I will sing you a song called "Gangzi Pushing Back Picture". I happened to sing the eighth image. Xin Wei, I am still destined to be with you."

"The prophecy says:"

"The gun is mixed with blood and the soil is in the soil,"

“A thief will become a thief again.”

"The plum blossoms are flying,"

"It's auspicious for the emperor's day to move."


"The emperor is covered in dust and Ma Shoudong,"

"Unexpectedly, three heroes are standing in Guanzhong.

"A single army is dedicated to the safety of the country,"

"The ability to close the arms internally and externally."

"Hou Qing, I hope that the inner and outer umbrellas given to you can defeat the army with blood."

"Master, Hou Qing must be diligent and studious, and he will not let Master down!"

  (End of this chapter)

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