I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 69 It’s so exciting for you!

Chapter 69 It’s so exciting for you!
  The group headed north.

The intelligence network of the bad guys and the Qi State has spread over a large area in the northwest, and has found Yelu Abaoji who entered the country from Mobei. Shen Feng's next target is him.

Learn from the experience and take action to achieve complete success.

Shen Feng got his wish and took Ying Gou home, but he felt as uncomfortable as a dog in his heart.

There is no other reason. These sisters are really worthless but useless.

I still thought that you would work hard for me in the world, but with your current style of painting, I’m afraid you’re not just here for a free meal?

"Xiaohong, do you know how wronged I have been for my sake. You must be kind to me and take care of me. We will never be separated for the rest of our lives."

Ying Gou held a chicken leg in one hand and a mosquito in the other, speaking affectionately.

Shen Feng's balls ached somewhat when he saw it.

He really wanted to tell this melon that based on the natural lifespan of a mosquito species, it would not live more than one year at most.

After a year, I'm afraid you will kneel down and beg it not to die.

But I can also understand that people in this era are uneducated, which is really scary.

Chen Feng paused slightly, then walked side by side with Hou Qing behind him.

"Ask you something."

"Master, please speak."

"How can I get Yinggou out without harming her?"

Shen Feng raised his chin and gestured to Hou Qing, "I can't communicate with her like this."

"Yes, Ying Gou, you won't be as unreasonable as her."

Hou Qing nodded nostalgically and changed the subject: "Master should know that Yinggou became like this because of her practice, right? To be honest with Master, the practice she practiced was actually the record of my tears. One of the techniques inside.”

"Back then, after I got the Blood-Weeping Record, I shared the techniques in it with Ying Gou. Because we are gifted and self-taught, what we learned was a little biased. The sequelae of my practice was that I couldn't see blood. Ying. After the hook training, the murderous intention increased greatly. At first, he could control it, but after Dacheng, he became obsessed and had a split personality."

"When something went wrong, Yinggou became angry and retreated from the world. She usually fell into a deep sleep. She couldn't hear our daily conversations. At present, it seems that she will only wake up when she is in a life crisis or is strongly stimulated. If you don't want to hurt She, that will only stimulate her."

"Moreover, this kind of crisis and excitement is for Yinggou. The stimulation for Sister A is not included in it. Also, every time Yinggou wakes up, she will be in a different mood... because of this child image. Great."


Shen Feng nodded, understanding.

No wonder the fat little black guy died, and Sister just wanted to seek revenge on Hou Qing herself instead of joining the big boss.

Ying Gou didn't care, she couldn't get into the big one.

However, does it stimulate fireflies?
  Chen Feng changed his mind and asked Hou Qing, "What does Ying Gou care about?"

"I do not know."

Hou Qing was very honest and answered truthfully: "Ying Gou and I grew up together. She has been very arrogant since she was a child. I really don't know what she has cared about."

Shen Feng stared at Hou Qing and tentatively put forward an idea: "Say, if I beat you half to death in front of her, will she run out to save you?"


Hou Qing looked at Shen Feng expressionlessly. He shook off his clothes and clasped his fists in his hands: "Master, be a human being. I am innocent."

Shen Feng sighed inwardly. It seemed that if this apprentice had no dedication, he could not count on him.

However, it's not a big problem.

Under the premise of not following principles and having no bottom line, apart from beating up Yuan Tiangang, there is nothing else that can stop Shen Feng.

Without the first choice, Shen Feng still had a backup plan.

With his IQ, he can come up with 180 bad ideas every minute.

Shen Feng took two quick steps, snatched the little black fat man from the back of Ying Gou's hand, handed it to Chi Meng, and said: "Show your Gu control skills and don't let it die. She and I need to talk. .”

After saying that, Shen Feng held Yingying's collar at the back of her neck with one hand and carried her towards the back of the bend in the blind spot.

That is to say, drill into the woods.

The next scene is best if they are alone with no one.

"You want to fuck me? Let go of your forehead! Return the red spots on your forehead!"

Shen Feng remained unmoved.

"Come here, the bad guys are selling broken babies!"

Shen Feng was indifferent, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Once it reaches my hand, it is mine.

Why have I ever wanted to save face?

Song Yunji, Chi Meng, and Hou Qing were confused outside the woods. Something happened suddenly, and they had no idea what Shen Feng wanted to do.

Behind Wanwan, in the small woods, out of everyone's sight, Shen Feng casually put Ying Gou on the ground and chuckled: "Let's talk."

"Tan Sha Tan?"

"Let Ying hook out."

"she is not here!"

"That means there's nothing to talk about?"

“If we don’t have to talk, we won’t talk!”

Ying Gou stood up and ran directly out of the woods: "There's a little red on the forehead!" Shen Feng silently stretched out a leg.

Ying Gou ran past Shen Feng's legs in a daze, and was instantly tripped to the ground by him.

"Ouch, it hurts!"

Ying Gou lay on the ground, covering her head where she hit the ground face first, with an angry expression on her round face: "What the hell are you doing!"

Chen Feng knelt down on one knee and casually tapped Ying Gou's acupuncture points.

After doing this, Shen Feng finally realized: "I'm teaching you how to behave."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed Ying Gou's ankle.

Ying Gou's acupuncture points were tapped and she couldn't move. She could only watch Chen Feng's slender palm come over and hold her calf tightly. She was controlled by him like this.

"What do you want to do?"

Ying Gou panicked a little.

My sister is a child at heart, so I have never seen such a posture.

"I said, I'm teaching you how to behave."

Chen Feng held Ying Gou's calf with one hand and took off her shoes and socks with the other hand.

After doing this, Shen Feng casually grabbed a few weeds from the ground. He placed the tips of the weeds on Yinggou's soles and began to rub them gently.

In just one click, Ying Gou's round face instantly turned red.

"You, do it!"

"Let Yingying hook it out, otherwise I'll kill you."

"I told you, she's not here!"

"Then it will be great until she comes out."

Chen Feng said firmly, and his evil hand was more determined than his words.

"no, do not want……"

"Spare my life!"

"Brother! Help!"

In the silent forest, the miserable screams were heard, causing the frightened birds to flee in all directions.

Hou Qing turned to look at Chi Meng, hesitantly: "Master, are you really okay?"

With his great perception, Hou Qing could have a rough idea of ​​what was happening in the forest.

Chi Meng and Song Yunji were also helpless. They looked at each other and still gave implicit advice.

"It's okay. Shen Feng...is still measured...right?"

The measured Shen Feng squatted on the ground, frowning, while Ying Gou under his hand already had a spoiled expression on his face.

"Forgive me... I'm really wrong. I shouldn't have seen you from the beginning. If I didn't see you, I wouldn't be so miserable. If I wasn't so miserable, I would be the same as me." Hong is living a happy life..."

Shen Feng shook his head.

For Ying Gou, it goes in through his left ear and out through his right ear.

He got into a fight with her.

Still not coming out?

I don’t believe this evil.

Chen Feng's inspiration suddenly appeared again, and he suddenly thought of Hou Qing's adjective.


Ying Gou is an arrogant person.

Thinking of this, Shen Feng knelt down on one knee, picked up Ying Gou with one hand, and placed it on his knee that was not kneeling on the ground.

Ying Gou, whose acupuncture points were tapped, lay on Shen Feng's knees, and he raised her buttocks.

Yinggou couldn't move and could only timidly ask: "You...why do you still want to do it..."

"Ying Gou, I heard that you are arrogant. Today, I will take a look at your arrogance."

Shen Feng answered like this.

Then, he raised his big hand and dropped it suddenly.

There was a crisp sound of "pop".

The petite buttocks that were slightly tilted bounced violently under the force, causing burning pain.

The pain comes second, the most important thing is dignity.

And arrogant people care most about dignity.

Ying Gou was stunned for a moment.

The next moment, her lowered pupils suddenly turned scarlet.

The little girl who was still lying on Shen Feng's knees felt the big hands on her butt at this moment, but her immature voice made the coldest sound.

"Little broken boy, I'm going to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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