I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 71 Ying Gou, you don’t want to either

Chapter 71 Ying Gou, you don’t want to either...

Who is calling you?

No one called you!

Dad is reading the hexagram!

Chen Feng turned to look at the handsome Hou Qing. The fighting spirit that had just surged in his heart and the blood that was gradually boiling all over his body were instantly cooled by this guy.

His style of painting is so strange.

I’m so convinced.

Ying Gou also turned to look at Hou Qing, a trace of annoyance suddenly flashed across her petite round face.

"Guawazi. So you are here too."

Ying Gou's tone was indifferent. She also wrote Hou Qing's name in her notebook: "Since you are here, why don't you watch him get his forehead slapped? Do you have to be a coward?"

  Song Yunji and Chi Meng looked at each other and finally understood why the atmosphere was so tense.

Hou Qing was also stunned for a moment. His senses did not detect that last moment. He really thought Shen Feng was still tickling her.

"Hey. There is no way. On one side is my master, on the other side is my sister. Anyone I help is disloyal and unjust."

Hou Qing sighed, walked to the side and sat on a stone, and raised his hands to the two of them: "In that case, it coincides with the beautiful scenery at dusk, which is suitable for a duel. You fight, and I will bear witness."

After saying that, he sat on the stone and watched the play.

Song Yunji saw that he was so big-hearted, so she didn't care so much, and quickly stood behind Shen Feng.

"We're two against one and we're sure to win."

Song Yunji said with a slight blush.

Whoever you follow, who you follow, and ultimately who you learn from.

Chen Feng was shameless, and she learned 90% of it.

Shen Feng doesn't know how to be ashamed and shy, Song Yunji does, but she can't learn this well.

To be honest, since the last time Sanying fought against Huijue, she has been obsessed with this feeling of bullying the minority.

Being able to win is the right way.

Being able to win steadily is the way to go.

And what King Qi wants is the royal way among the righteous ways.

Moreover, no matter who is wrong or right, she will stand behind Shen Feng.

Shen Feng Tiangang was unsheathed in an instant, and the husband and wife were shoulder to shoulder. This two-on-one battle situation made him instantly proud.

"Ying Gou. I think we'd better beat you to death and then have a good chat with you."


The tide is turning, and it's turning so fast.

Ying Gou looked calm and didn't know what to say.

She turned to look at Hou Qing, who had nothing to do with her, and called out: "Brother."

"I'm just a witness."

Hou Qing sighed and said seriously: "Ying Gou, believe me, if you go one-on-one with any of them, I will definitely support you. But if we are two on two, we will get beaten eight times. I don't want to play a game that is bound to lose. Moreover, he didn’t lie to you, he is really my master, he taught me divination and gave me a magic weapon.”

With that said, Hou Qing showed off his steel umbrella.

Ying Gou's eyes finally changed.

As expected, only this kind of person can do this shameless act of modifying weapons.

"One on one, you win for sure. Two on two, brother, you are such a waste."

Ying Gou was very unwilling. From her level, she could naturally see that the cultivation levels of the two people opposite her were only slightly weaker than hers, but they were both stronger than Hou Qing.

Hou Qing was scolded inexplicably, and his face suddenly darkened.

I've already said it, I'm just a witness, I'm just a freeloader!
  How can you trust me?

Are you scolding me?

Hou Qing stood up and silently walked to the other side behind Shen Feng.

He said in a deep voice: "Three against one, Ying Gou, suffer death."


Ying Gou stared at her brother with beautiful big red eyes, looking in disbelief.

San Ying fights Ying Gou, a familiar style of painting!
  Shen Feng patted Hou Qing on the shoulder, his face full of relief.

This apprentice has promise!
  Ying Gou took two steps back half-heartedly, and her inner strength that reflected the red sky also dissipated, and she said boringly: "Forget it. No fight. I'll accept this loss."

She walked towards the stone where Hou Qing was sitting before, and sat down on the stone, with a look of helplessness on her face. What if there is no shore in the underworld?
  So what if the Corpse Ancestor is the strongest?

I have a rebellious boy in my family.

She just felt boring.

Seeing this, Shen Feng struck again: "Ying Gou, let me reiterate for the last time, I can treat you, please believe me. Of course, you can also choose to refuse, I don't care."

After saying this this time, Ying Gou finally raised her red eyes and looked at Shen Feng seriously.

Only with a big fist can one determine the right to speak.

"Does your possession of Tiangang Jue have something to do with Bad Handsome?"

"Gangzi is my master, Master Hou Qing."

"Did he also give you the cure?"

"Yes. This method can not only cure you, but can even make your cultivation further."

Hearing this, Ying Gou couldn't help but feel flustered. She asked in a deep voice, "Can you help me kill my sister?"


"Then what do you mean? Are you kidding me?"

I really didn't expect that even after talking about this, I would get an unexpected answer, which made Ying Gou instantly get excited.

"You yourself have misunderstood. Yinggou is you, and Sister A is also you. However, she is your innocence and kindness, not your disease."

Shen Feng explained seriously, and he gave Yuan Tiangang's judgment: "You got this result because you became obsessed with practicing martial arts. If you really kill her, you will lose your personality and become insane if you don't die. This is putting the cart before the horse." "

"Um, I don't believe it."

Upon hearing the answer that she didn't want to hear, Yinggou turned her head and chose not to listen.


This melon boy is very stubborn.

"believe it or not."

Shen Feng simply gave up.

It's just a transaction, dad doesn't owe you anything.

He was acting like this, but Yinggou was doubtful.

"Then you said you can treat me, but you can't kill my sister. How can you treat me?"


Men, men who can't control their emotions are trash with their brains in the lower body.

Shen Feng raised a smile on his lips and said, "Cure your disease. This means that I can make you look like an adult again, not the little kid you are now."

Ying Gou suddenly turned her head and stared at Shen Feng with her red eyes.

"You... didn't cheat?"

"We are talking about business and doing favors. If you don't get paid, how can you sincerely help me do something?"

Shen Feng was moved by emotion, and Xiao was moved by reason: "Sister, I can't die. She is just the sequelae of your wrong practice. You are a person, and people are complicated. If any piece is missing, you will no longer be Normal people.”

"Once you take the wrong path, there is no turning back. If sister dies, you will never become an adult again. What's more, you lacked personality at that time, and the best outcome would be half crazy. .The worst...hehe..."

"Ying Gou, you don't want to be a little kid all your life, right?"

Ying Gou was silent.

She turned to look at Hou Qing, who nodded to her seriously.

Seeing this, Yinggou finally made up his mind.

"Okay. I can trust you, and I can help you. But I need to see your treatment method, and you can convince me."

The overall situation has been decided.

Chen Feng stood proudly with a smile. He stretched out his hand, took out a book from his arms, and showed it in front of Ying Gou's eyes.

"I have a medical book here, you can practice it."

Upon hearing this, Yinggou and Hou Qing immediately took a step forward. Hou Qing was also very concerned about the treatment.

That's his sister.

With just one glance, the title of a book caught their eyes.

Write two big characters.

Qi meridian.

(End of this chapter)

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