I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 78 Very smooth!

Chapter 78 Very smooth!

Ling Xiaozi was very angry. He felt that he had been dug out. But he was really helpless and found that there was nothing he could do.

"you you……"

Facing Shen Feng's shamelessness, Ling Xiaozi's lips trembled in anger and he was speechless.

But Chen Feng felt that he could free all sentient beings from suffering. At least, he could now free himself from the suffering of the Tianshan Sword Sect.

"Yunji, go and arrange the gifts that Qi Kingdom sent to Tianshan. Remember what I said."

Chen Feng gave instructions to Song Yunji, and Song Yunji nodded with a smile, taking his words into her heart: "Don't worry, I know what to expect."

After saying that, Song Yunji walked out of the living room, glanced at Ling Xiaozi, and went to poach Shen Feng with a smile.

The gift from Qi Country is just one of them.

As for Huanyinfang, there are many beauties in that place.

Tianshan has been making swords for so long that even a sow looks like a Diao Chan.

How can a young man with pure sex withstand the temptation of hooking up with the outside world?
  This is the friendship between Tianshan Sword Sect and Huanyinfang!
  I still can’t handle you?
  I write the word "Chen" upside down!

Chen Feng stared at Ling Xiaozi, making his scalp numb.

Ling Xiaozi opened his mouth and wanted to stop Song Yunji, but found that he had no reason.

How can the disciples of the Tianshan Sword Sect not get upset when the leader of the disciples directly denies the benefits provided by the guests?

But if he accepts it, can those unexperienced young people outplay this scheming bad guy and the famous King Qi?

What a dilemma!
  Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

Ling Xiaozi was in a state of chaos.

If it were Shen Feng, if a bad visitor came to his door, no matter what he said, he would have set up a Tianshan Sword Formation and beaten him out long ago, and he would still be struggling here.

Ling Xiaozi is a master at making swords, but management is a skill.

"Okay. Just think about it first. I have plenty of time to let you think about it slowly."

Chen Feng stood up, left his seat, and walked out of the hall. He looked back from a distance, and his last words came from the wind: "But I hope to get a satisfactory answer. Otherwise, the Tianshan Sword Sect will inevitably split. In this world, Being together and having our hearts together is more important than anything else.”

If they really break up, Shen Feng will definitely not be able to take everyone away from this Tianshan Sword Sect.

No matter how bad Ling Xiaozi is, he still has some charisma. Such a person will have his die-hard loyalists.

And Shen Feng always likes to maximize profits. He wants to knock down all the floor tiles in Tianshan and move them all back to build his home in Qi Kingdom.

The problem is not big.

Let the bullet fly for a while.

Chen Feng wandered around Tianshan, chatting with various Tianshan disciples, looking familiar.

As time went by, under Song Yunji's deliberate guidance, the female disciples of Huanyinfang who came to transport the gifts began to pair up with the disciples of Tianshan Sword Sect.

Everything is developing smoothly.

But at this moment, a very unsociable wailing suddenly came from the distance.


There was a lot of movement. Shen Feng followed the sound and immediately saw Ying Gou kneeling weakly on the snow beside her. She was crying loudly there, and on the snow-white ground in front of her, there was a small black dot lying.

That's Ying Gou's little black fat guy.

Shen Feng was stunned for a moment, then felt relieved.

Mosquitoes are at risk of freezing to death at minus ten degrees Celsius.

And in the Tianshan Mountains, which have been suffering from bitter cold for a long time, it is more than ten degrees below zero?

Stop crying, you are dead and there is no hope.

Chen Feng shook his head and thought about Yingying.

It doesn't matter if the fat little black guy is dead, it's time for Xiaoying to calm down.

Don't go day by day without knowing what this guy is thinking.

Chen Feng passed by Ying Gou and casually put his coat on the thin kneeling body, leaving her with a handsome back. Ying Gou sniffled, her nose bubbled with cold, and she looked up pitifully at him. Shen Feng stood aside, shielding her from the wind and snow. Her long hair was free and carefree. When she looked back, he stretched out his hand.

Beautiful like a painting.

"Stop crying. Give it a good burial."

Her head was touched by warm hands, and at this moment, Ying Gou's cold heart actually felt a touch of warmth.

She suddenly wailed and threw herself on Shen Feng, rubbing all the snot and tears on her face on his neck, crying and shouting.

"It's a little red on the forehead, it's dead! Ouch!"

Chen Feng felt the moisture on his neck, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He suppressed the desire to beat her up, so he had to hold her and coax her casually.

If you stay with this melon for a long time, you will suffer from schizophrenia sooner or later. Please cure her quickly.

Chen Feng held Ying Gou, who was crying like his dead father, like a strange man who kidnapped a little girl.

This made him somewhat uncomfortable and had a bad influence, so Shen Feng was forced to interrupt his clique-making rhythm.

Looking far away, at the top of the mountain, Chi Meng and Hou Qing were playing the flute against each other. Chi Meng corrected him from time to time, and the image of a good teacher vividly appeared on the paper.

Shen Feng had nothing to do, so he walked over to take a look.

They were almost there when Ying Gou twitched again. She hung on Shen Feng and shouted with a loud voice: "Xiaohong is dead, I have no relatives anymore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Feng could clearly see that Hou Qing's flute-playing hand shook inexplicably, and the tune he played changed again. This mistake earned him several severe beatings on the head from Chi Meng.

Chen Feng turned around silently, hugged Ying Gou and left.

Finally found someone more toxic than me.

This stuff is poisonous, and extremely poisonous.

At this moment, Song Yunji suddenly appeared and ran over to Shen Feng and whispered to Shen Feng: "Yelu Abaoji has appeared. He followed us to deliver goods to our door. There are many people in Tianshan at this time. If he wants to sneak into Tianshan, he can only go out here." The next best thing."

"But the disciples of Huanyinfang all have a roster, and everyone can match their numbers. An outsider appeared out of nowhere and he was taken down on the spot. How do you think we should deal with it?"

"Interesting. I'll go check it out."

Chen Feng handed the pendant to Song Yunji and turned around to go to Qi Kingdom's camp, but behind him came the sound of Ying Gou's face changing instantly.

"Girl, you smell so good. Did you use some brand of perfume?"

"Don't tell you."


Shen Feng went all the way to the Qi Kingdom camp. After a long period of operation, and Song Yunji tacitly agreed to cooperate, he had already won the hearts of the Qi Kingdom and had no problem.

Entering the detention center, Shen Feng saw a burly man with a stubble on his face.

They looked at each other, and the big man was frightened by the sharpness in Shen Feng's eyes.

Shen Feng casually pulled up a chair and sat opposite him.

The aura was overwhelming, and he raised his eyes deeply.


"My...my name is Liu Yi, and I am an outer disciple of the Tianshan Sword Sect."

"No. Your name is Yelu Abaoji, and you are the leader of one of the tribes in Mobei."

You are pretending to be cool with me, but you are pretending to be the wrong person.

Shen Feng directly revealed his trump card.

Yelu Abaoji was horrified, his pupils trembled, but he still tried to argue: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Then tell me what you know."

Shen Feng leaned back in his chair and said in a deep voice: "Several major tribes are fighting for power. The winner lives and the loser dies. At this critical moment, what do you want to do when you go to the Central Plains?"

"I know everything about you. Mobei is divided into several parts, each with its own assistance. The Shuli family has put a lot of treasure on you, right?"

"Shuliduo, isn't it very moist?"

(End of this chapter)

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