I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 83 I want to be a good person!

Chapter 83 I want to be a good person!

After a friendly exchange of greetings, the two parties sat down, while the owner of the place, Shi Yao, served them tea. She looked like a good housekeeper.

Shen Feng sat opposite Yuan Tiangang with a look of disgust on his face, and he could only know that he was unhappy in his heart.

On the opposite side, Yuan Tiangang put his mask aside and sipped tea leisurely, not caring that this was the camp of coach Liang Jun.

To him, it's the same everywhere.

It doesn't matter if the apprentice is unhappy, as long as he is happy.

Shen Feng was still feeling awkward in his heart. Seeing Yuan Tiangang drinking tea without a mask, he suddenly said: "Gangzi, the tea leaked from between his teeth."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Tiangang flicked the tea with his finger.

A white inner force flew through the air. Shi Yao's arm that was pouring tea to Shen Feng shook due to the force, and he poured the hot tea onto Shen Feng's pants.

The hot tea soup splashed, Shen Feng was not afraid of the boiling water, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but his expression remained unchanged when he looked at Yuan Tiangang.

Some styles cannot be lost.

Shi Yao sighed in his heart, still feeling sorry for his son, so he took out a handkerchief from his arms, bent down in front of Shen Feng and wiped him gently.

The posture was very ambiguous, but her status had been decided anyway, so she didn't care about Marshal Yuan's gaze.

Besides, a three-hundred-year-old man, what has he never seen?
  Yuan has also been through the romance of Chang'an City.

Yuan Tiangang took a sip of tea, put down the tea bowl, and stared at the apprentice opposite: "Tell me. What are you doing here?"

"you guess."

"You can't pick my handsome peach."

"Don't say it so harshly."

Shen Feng waved his hand, his eyes were deep, and he gave his reason: "If you really want to set up a situation to cause chaos in the world, and want Li Xingyun to recognize the reality, then you should know that whether this peach is for those who are ambitious, Senior, or give it to me, it’s the same reason.”

"What's more, you and I are the same people. We both want the world to be unified."

Yuan Tiangang just listened. He tapped the table with his hand and said in a deep voice: "But our methods are different after all. Although it is not that we have different ways and are not conspiring with each other, you are always a heretic in my heart."

They are the same people, Yuan Tiangang admitted.

But their methods of doing things are very different.

What is heresy?

Yuan Tiangang wanted the emperor to be named Li, and Shen Feng wanted the emperor to be named Shen. This was heresy.

This is an out-and-out objective fact. They have the most essential conflict, so in terms of fundamental interests, Yuan Tiangang is still considering it.

Is it a heresy...?

Chen Feng chewed the word silently, and couldn't help but think in his heart: Aren't all heretics throughout the ages deserving of being tied to the rack and burned to death? For example, so-and-so and so-and-so...why didn't I know that I could commit such a big crime?

Thinking of this, Shen Feng asked directly: "Gangzi, procedural justice or result justice, which do you think is more important?"

Shen Feng asked Yuan Tiangang academic questions, and Yuan Tiangang, like Shen Feng, never hesitated in making choices.

"Of course, the result is justice. In the face of the result, the process is not important. Although it is inevitable to use some despicable means, the fate of bad people has always been like this. I never dislike dirty work, and I can even do it It’s so sweet.”

This answer is exactly the same as Shen Feng's answer.

They are all heroes who only care about results.

It was precisely because of this that Shen Feng was confident to have a good talk with Yuan Tiangang.

"If you succeed, Li Xingyun will dominate the world. If you fail, someone will take over the destiny for him. Assuming that in the inevitable course of history, if this person will definitely appear, then in Li Maozhen, Li Keyong, and me, or in our After death, the son of destiny is a cat or a dog who is still hiding somewhere. Among these people, who would you rather choose?"

Of those cats and dogs, Shen Feng was naturally referring to the country-stealing thief Zhao Kuangyin.

In the current situation, this kind of unattractive thing is a cat and a dog.

If Shen Feng can live to the end, he can even say what Cao Cao once said: If the country does not have a commander, who knows how many people will become emperors and how many will become kings.

And now, Shen Feng's questions were also very artistic. Half of the options he gave Yuan Tiangang were Yuan Tiangang's death list to prevent them from being too competitive. Shen Feng even placed his own option on C of ABCD.

Because from a psychological point of view, if a person is resistant, he will often react against the first option A.

This is called compromise, which is also the meaning of moderation.

"I will choose the last one."


Yuan Tiangang's answer was still given in seconds. He never let any emotions affect his judgment, and then he chose A Cat and A Dog.

But Shen Feng was really speechless.

His emotional card was instantly knocked out by Yuan Tiangang, and Shen Feng didn't even know what to say.

But Yuan Tiangang looked indifferent and gave his explanation in an understatement: "Li Maozhen is a person. Li Keyong, his plans are too big. But you are the hero of the world. I will take all three of you. Chop it up and leave Li Xingyun with a bunch of cats and dogs. By then, his chances of winning will obviously be greater."


You convinced me!
  This reason is also nonsense to me!
  But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense!
  He was really right!

I'm crazy...

Shen Feng almost couldn't hold his nerve.

Liu Bei also liked to compromise among the three strategies: upper, middle and lower, so he killed Feng Chu.

But Yuan Tiangang and Shen Feng are the same people after all. If they don't do it, they will definitely do it.

Shen Feng couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little helpless.

"Do we still have to talk?" (Can I get a share of Daliang's land?)

"What do you want to talk about?" (Does the land in Daliang really belong to you?)
  "Give me a chance." (I will do better than Li Xingyun.)
  "How can I give you a chance?" (You are not qualified for this if you are not a member of the Tang Dynasty royal family.)
  "I have been through troubled times with you. There were too many bad people, which made the Central Plains cry. I understand, and now I want to be a good person." (Have you forgotten the day when you took me into the world? There are too many bad emperors, and the rise and fall of a century All the people in the Central Plains are crying. For the sake of world harmony, I just want to be a good emperor now.)
  "Okay. Talk to Emperor Gaozu and see if he will let you be a good person." (Okay, talk to the founding emperor Li Yuan and see if he will let you be a good emperor.)
  "Then you want me to die." (What nonsense are you talking about? What kind of nonsense is he talking about? What is his condition now? How many years has it been since his death? Do you have any idea?)

"This commander is a bad commander, a policeman from the Tang Dynasty." (Sorry, I'm a policeman.)
  When the dialogue came to this point, Shen Feng's last sentence, "Who knows," was held in his mouth and he almost didn't say it out.

After all, it is a fact that everyone knows that Gangzi is a bad handsome man.

He hasn't taken the position yet, and is certainly not good enough for the occasion.

"It's true that you are a bad handsome man, but what do you want? Do you want a good emperor or a bad handsome man?"

"Of course I want Li Xingyun to be a good emperor. As for the bad commander, it doesn't matter."

Yuan Tiangang said lightly.

In his heart, he really thought so.


Chen Feng suddenly became angry.

"What if he only wants to be a bad handsome man and doesn't want to be an emperor? For example, he would give the throne to his friend Zhang Zifan."


With these words, Yuan Tiangang's voice rose a little higher. And this time, it was Shen Feng's decisive blow.

"Do you think anything is impossible about Li Xingyun?"

The voice just fell.

Yuan Tiangang's hand holding the tea cup couldn't help but move.

And on his tea cup, a small but real crack quietly appeared.

He lost his temper.

(End of this chapter)

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