I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 9 Draw the sword!

Chapter 9 Draw the sword!


Li Xingyun and Lu Linxuan stood outside the vast sea of ​​​​fire, as if they had lost their souls.

They didn't care about Ji Ruxue and Shangguan Yunque's obstruction, and went back to Jianlu alone.

But I saw the scene I least wanted to see.

The sea of ​​fire that filled the sky proved that there were jackals behind us along the way.

The Longquan treasure is the temptation to take human life.


Lu Linxuan collapsed instantly and knelt down in the Jianlu Pavilion. Looking at the vast fire, she was at a loss. She didn't even notice the jackal behind her showing its teeth.

After all, Li Xingyun's martial arts was already at the small level, and his perception of the surroundings was much stronger than Lu Linxuan. He quickly pulled Lu Linxuan up and faced the four Xuanming Cult Yan Jun and Black and White Wuchang who appeared behind him.

The opening act has arrived.

But someone stole the opening remarks.

"Tap tap tap tap!"

The sound of galloping horses!
  A black figure rode a white horse, riding on the moon. The horse's hooves broke through the water, showing off wantonly. The sudden appearance of that arrogant posture made Rensheng Yanjun Jiang Renjie choke back what he wanted to say.

If you dare to act like this in the face of the Xuanming Sect, you must be doing something bad.

Long Quan will ask again after a while, and he will wait and see what happens.

"Shut up!"

The visitor didn't care about the horse under his crotch, and pulled the horse's rope hard. The horse was in pain. Under this huge force, the two front hooves were pulled up suddenly, but the horse's body was stopped in place. land!
  The handsome young man, with long flowing hair hanging down his shoulders, looked at a group of ants with sharp eyes.

He dismounted.

Looking at the firelight, he sighed to Jianghu: "This is the first time we meet, I am in Shengfeng, please give me some advice."

Uncle Yang on the mountain frowned slightly when he saw the high-spirited Shen Feng. He has lived in seclusion for many years, rarely leaving the valley and not paying attention to worldly affairs. He didn't know this person.

When Shangguan Yunque talked to him about bad people, he always called him Xiaoshuai and never mentioned Shen Feng's real name.

He didn't know him, but someone did.

Shangguan Yunque, who was behind him, saw Xiao Shuai suddenly appear. He sat down on the ground, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Xuanli asked behind Jiang Renjie. When the eldest brother didn't speak, he asked on his behalf.

"Are you deaf? I told you I am Shen Feng."

Shen Feng looked at him like a fool.

"You kid!"

"The third one!"

Jiang Renjie interrupted his third brother because he couldn't see through this young man.

As the leader of the Lord of Hell, Jiang Renjie is capable of doing things except for his poor martial arts skills: "I don't care who you are, but my Xuanming Sect handles affairs, with Emperor Ming at the helm and hundreds of thousands of followers running rampant. I advise you to act with self-respect. .”

The words were logical and threatening. Chen Feng raised his eyes, too lazy to pay attention to him.

He doesn't accept this.

However, Shen Feng got a useful piece of news from Jiang Renjie's words.

There are tens of thousands of active criminals!
  After all, the Xuan Ming Sect is run by bad guys, so it's simply a choose-or-win situation in Jiao Lan Palace.

Hey, it's a little difficult.

If I strike with my sword, at least half of my friendly troops will be killed.

Chen Feng took a step forward and drew the sword in his hand. The slightly wide sword blade revealed a pattern, which represented the ancient sword of Tiangang. This made many Xuanming Sect members aware of it and silently took a step back.

"This sword...is he the handsome apprentice you said?"

On the mountain, Uncle Yang looked at Shen Feng in surprise, turned to ask Shangguan Yunque, only to find that this buddy had already sat down on the ground, with a face full of despair.

"How did you..."

"The sword has been drawn, Xiao Shuai has drawn the sword! Uncle, it seems that we can't leave..."

The followers of Huanyinfang were all squatting on the trees. Ji Ruxue pointed at Chen Feng and asked the maids around: "Does any of you know him?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it before." In the Tongwenguan team, Zhang Zifan was also asking various questions.

This is called turning out to be unexpected.

Shen Feng, who was suddenly advancing, had a panoramic view of everything.

He held the sword in his hand and said in a deep voice to everyone: "I am here today to do only two things. One, take the Longquan Sword. Two, kill everyone who dares to grab the sword from me."

"It's that simple."

There was an uproar.

The crowd laughed, Shen Feng was a professional.

"Boy, our Lord Yan hasn't even spoken yet!"

Jiang Laoer felt the insult, he was furious, shouted violently, and stabbed Chen Feng.

Shen Feng looked sideways slightly, and he quickly raised his feet. The shoes of dozens of sizes quickly enlarged in Jiang Laoer's eyes and were imprinted on his face.

Just as he rushed over, he would fly back.

Shen Feng put down his legs, with a face full of disappointment: "Five Lords of Hell? Ha... I always thought that the emperor died in a cowardly manner. Now that I look at you, I understand that he really died in a cowardly manner. However, at the beginning, What he may not have expected is that his son Li Xingyun will also be beaten by a group of you, right?"

With just one word, Shen Feng completely overturned the relationship between the five great kings of Hell, Emperor Slayer and Li Xingyun.

Chaos, let this world be a little more chaotic, maybe it will be more interesting.

"I won't allow you to insult my father!"

Before the four Yan Juns were anxious, Li Xingyun was already anxious. After being singled out by Shen Feng in front of the entire audience, Li Xingyun simply stopped pretending.

"What's the rush? I haven't insulted you yet."

Shen Feng told Li Xingyun not to worry, and then taunted him: "Li Xingyun, can you kill five of them here at Xianyun Yehe?"

"Shut up!"

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Hand over the Longquan Sword. Otherwise..."

After Shen Feng finished speaking, his body swayed and disappeared.

The next moment, Shen Feng stood behind Lu Linxuan, with a sword at Lu Linxuan's throat. The blade of the sword was close to her skin, feeling very cool.

"She died."

The last two words finally fell, and Li Xingyun looked at the extra people around him in disbelief. He didn't react at all at this speed, which was beyond his reach.

The four Yamas are all high-stars with limited realms and cannot see the way. They only feel that Shen Feng is very fast and does not know how powerful he is.

"Lin Xuan!"

Uncle Yang, who was watching the battle on the mountain, was also anxious.

Shangguan Yunque hurriedly grabbed him and persuaded him earnestly: "The commander-in-chief has strict orders! Uncle, you can't move!"

"The handsome apprentice, what does he want to do?!"

"Xiao Shuai has always been lawless, and I don't know either!"

After Lu Linxuan was shocked, she saw Shen Feng talking to Li Xingyun behind her back, so she raised her hand and swung her sword, poking Shen Feng in the back of the head.

Chen Feng's expression remained unchanged, his eyes did not squint, and he did not look back. His other hand reached directly back, grabbed Lu Linxuan's sword-holding wrist, and twisted it.


With the sound of bones breaking, the sword fell to the ground.

Twisting Jiangchen was easy.

Li Xingyun suddenly became furious: "How dare you hurt my junior sister!"

Lu Linxuan and Li Xingyun grew up together. They are his little sweethearts. This is how they can truly break their guard.

"Wrong. I didn't dare to hurt her. I dared to kill her."

Shen Feng corrected him seriously, his eyes like knives cutting into Li Xingyun's heart: "Also, I never joke."

In the calm words, the scarlet color in Lu Linxuan's throat gradually became larger.

Seeing this, Li Xingyun's pupils suddenly shrank.

(End of this chapter)

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