I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 96 Killing someone with a borrowed knife!

Chapter 96 Killing someone with a borrowed knife!
  Underground palace.

Wen Tao was still a little far away from the locking dragon ball at Shengmen. Shangguan Yunque rowed hard with his sword and quickly pushed the raft made of wooden doors under the locking dragon ball. They also knew that it was already a race against time.

Zhu Youwen is too strong, and with the configuration of Li Xingyun and others, it is difficult to effectively contain him.

For the sake of the present, walking is the best plan.

Although Zhu Youwen has no worries after opening the door to life, if they don't open the door to life, the spreading golden water will also be their desperate situation.

In the dilemma, they can only fight their way out.

After Li Xingyun and others fought back desperately and Zhu Youwen's tricks, Wen Tao finally got close to the attack distance while rowing.

He took out the food tool and used his claws to break open the red dragon-locking ball. The towering stone pillars collapsed, revealing a large hole in the underground palace. From the sky, a ray of moonlight fell from outside the horizon.

"Shengmen, appears!"

Above the underground palace.

The bad guys and the Qi army had already killed everyone, and the overall situation had been decided. But at this moment, Shen Feng, somewhere in the dark, smelled a subtle hint of heaven.

Chen Feng looked up at the stars in the moonlight and couldn't help but frown. He didn't like anything beyond his control.

With a slight thought, Chen Feng took out three Bagua abacus beads from his arms and threw them on the ground.

The three crystal balls rolled down on the ground and finally formed a straight line.

"The three stars of heaven, earth and man, the Yellow Emperor's Yin Talisman Scripture?"

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and murmured to himself: "The Yellow Emperor has a saying: The sky sends murderous intentions, and the stars move. The earth sends murderous intentions, and dragons and snakes rise from the ground. Human beings send murderous intentions, and the earth is turned upside down."

"The appearance of the Qianling Shengmen is a pit between heaven and earth. In the exit, the lower ones go up, and the upper ones go down. This is the overthrow!"

"So it's human hair with murderous intent. Whose murderous intent? Whose murderous intent!"

While he was thinking, an exclamation interrupted Chen Feng's thoughts.

"Commander, look! There's a pothole!"

"Line up! Qi Jun is on alert!"

Song Yunji hurried over with Zhang Xuanling and Xu Huan. She didn't understand the layout of Qianling, so she asked Xiang Chenfeng: "What is going on?"

"The living door of the underground palace is open. Li Xingyun and others are below."

Shen Feng answered truthfully.

After saying this, his eyes passed through Song Yunji and looked at the two people behind him.

In their eyes, the couple Zhang Xuanling and Xu Huan felt uneasy and anxious for no reason.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he said in a hurry: "Let's go!"

Under the underground palace.

When Wen Tao opened the sinkhole door, he and Shangguan Yunque hurriedly rowed back to meet them.

But Zhu Youwen laughed wildly. Being surrounded by a group of people and being bitten by mosquitoes made him so tired that he stopped holding back.

The most important thing is that now that the treasure is in hand, these people are useless.

The Ghost King is a martial artist, how can he be a kind-hearted and soft-hearted person?

The black and white ordinary students' door has been opened. They looked at each other again. Chang Haoling nodded. The two people had already adjusted their positions before, and now they played a key role.

Seeing his brother nodding, Chang Xuanling understood the meaning and cursed angrily: "Zhu Youwen, we brother and sister have been your dogs for so many years, and you don't miss our old friendship and backhandedly chased us all over the world. Do you still have any conscience?! "

Chang Haoling sang along beside him and agreed: "Little sister, don't talk nonsense to him. There are so many of us, nine against one, I don't believe we can't kill him? If he doesn't die, all of us will die sooner or later!" "

This sentence is very artistic, Chang Haoling tied everyone on his boat.

But at this time, everyone was besieging the Ghost King, and it was very stressful to face them. Even though Li Xingyun, Lu Linxuan and Black and White Wuchang had a deep hatred, under the pressure from the outside, they all had a tacit understanding and no one could refute.

Everything depends on killing Zhu Youwen first.

"Conscience? Humph!"

Zhu Youwen snorted contemptuously and looked at the Chang brothers and sisters with cold eyes. His tone was full of murderous intent: "Two treacherous rebels are worthy of being honest with me?"

"Suffer to death!"

Zhu Youwen has a straightforward temper. He really doesn't have any ill feelings towards other people, it's just arrogant contempt.

But Zhu Youwen had an out-and-out murderous intention towards Wu Chang, who had colluded with Zhu Yougui to plot against him.

At this time, the door to life has been opened, and he is still being ridiculed by these two guys, how can he still suppress his murderous intention?
  Thinking about it, it is probably because Hei Bai and Wuchang saw that there were so many of them that he gained the confidence to do so. He wanted to take advantage of the large number of people to kill me once and for all. It was simply a daydream!

Murderous intent surged wildly, and Zhu Youwen's hatred was filled with black and white impermanence. When he went up, he put his two palms on it, outputting an equal amount of energy per person.

His strength was too strong, and with the combined force, these people almost couldn't resist it just now.

But this time, that time. Just now, he relied on the Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art to fight against Black and White Wuchang, but now he didn't think about resisting.

The time has come and it's time to do the job.

They made a tacit agreement to hide from each other, and immediately a figure was revealed behind them.

Zhang Zifan.

This is the position they had planned long ago.

Zhang Zifan never expected that Black and White Wuchang, who had been working together to fight the boss just now, would suddenly start to fish in the water.

You guys are so mean in your words, but people are like you!

The Ghost King is too lazy to think so much. Since he dares to go against me, I will send you all back to the west together!
  Killing one is killing, killing hundreds is also killing!

No matter who dies first, they will all die anyway.

Zhu Youwen didn't hesitate at all. Instead, when he was about to hit a new target, he secretly increased his palm power.

Zhang Zifan was caught off guard and had no time to hide, so he had to raise his palms hastily and strike Zhu Youwen with both palms.

There was a muffled sound of "Peng".

The two palms, which were far inferior in strength, hit him head-on. Without any suspense, Zhang Zifan was ejected directly by Zhu Youwen.

He was blasted dozens of meters away by a palm.

If it were normal conditions in the outside world, even if he was seriously injured, as long as he didn't die suddenly on the spot, he might still be able to be saved.

But the current situation is that the entire underground palace is filled with gold water spreading.


This was the cry of the country and the city, and Zhang Zifan recognized their identities.


These were the voices of Lu Linxuan, Shangguan Yunque and the others. Even though Lu Linxuan and Zhang Zifan had drawn a clear line, they were still good friends after the misunderstanding was resolved.


Outside the sinkhole, Zhang Xuanling had already arrived, but the opening lightning strike turned out to be their last look.

Father and son are connected, and Zhang Xuanling recognized his son at just one glance.

Looking at each other in the air, Zhang Zifan was lying on his back and flying. When he was about to die, he saw his biological father and mother outside the cave of the underground palace on the other side.

Zhang Zifan's lips curled up. If this was the last moment of his life, he would have no regrets if he could see his parents in person.

"Plop" sound.

Zhang Zifan finally landed unsafely.

He fell into the swollen golden water, and no bones were left.


In his last consciousness, he still heard Li Xingyun's heartbreaking voice.

Relatives and friends are all here. Perhaps, this is the expectation of the dead in troubled times.

Shen Feng and Song Yunji stood behind Zhang Xuanling and Xu Huan, witnessing with their own eyes this scene of eternal separation between heaven and earth.

Song Yunji turned to look at Shen Feng. If this was an accident in troubled times, she would rather bear the accident herself than let him die.

But unlike Song Yunji, Shen Feng just watched expressionlessly.

In troubled times, there are many surprises.

But, how can there be so many surprises for someone who is targeted by an old cunt?

He will make arrangements for you clearly.

Shen Feng murmured in his heart.

"When people unleash murderous intent, the earth is turned upside down."

"Who's planning it?"

"My Gangzi."

"Who's the pawn?"

Shen Feng glanced at the list of personnel below.

He gave the answer in his mind: "Black and white are impermanent."

(End of this chapter)

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