The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 301 The ruthless dojo

Chapter 301 The ruthless dojo
Ye Fan and the others could not stop these divine rules, so they could only hide under the imperial soldiers and forge weapons. Ji Hongjing was different. He used his body to fight against the ancestors' rules, tempering his body and spirit, and perfecting the avenue.

Five fairy lamps lit up around him, absorbing the laws within a hundred feet. The laws rushed into the body. The body and spirit rushed to resist, tempered their bodies, shattered the laws, and turned them into law fragments. Yuan Shen and Tai Chi Dao Together with the Five Great Dao Lords, I will comprehend these fragments of laws and light up my new body and spirit.

An existing body spirit is strengthened, and a new body spirit is born, pushing his cultivation closer to the realm of a saint.

"If you can absorb most of the Tao principles, you will definitely become a saint, but becoming a saint cannot rely on external forces."

Ji Hongjing deposited these fragments of the Tao of the ancestors into his body to consolidate the foundation, but did not use it to become a saint. The same is true for the five fairy lanterns, which are engraved with Tao patterns, but did not evolve into a holy weapon.

After practicing for a period of time, he felt a strange force coming. He immediately returned to the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar and said to everyone: "Master Yuan Tian is here, let's go back."

Several people immediately crossed the ancient battlefield with the emperor's soldiers, and came to the opposite side of Yuantian Master.

"Become...Yuan your later years...I will go and guide you..." A sinister and penetrating voice came, as terrifying as a devil escaping from hell. Yuan Tianshi stared across the ocean of Daoze. Ji Hongjing and Ye Fan.

"Tch!" Ji Hongjing curled his lips and didn't care at all. Ye Fan felt relieved when he saw this and concentrated on refining his cauldron.

After repeating the cycle several times, Master Yuan Tian gave up the pursuit and disappeared into the ocean of divine principles, allowing them to concentrate on their cultivation.

Several juniors all looked at Ye Fan. Ye Fan touched his nose, looked at Ji Hongjing, and asked, "Senior, do you know?"

The Holy Prince was shocked: "Can a person really live so many lives?"

"Yes, the ruthless emperor may not have had any imperial weapons in his first life. In his second life, he sacrificed his body to make a sky-swallowing magic jar. In his third life, the Nanling Heavenly Emperor used a sword. The Tianduan Mountain Range was probably cut off by a sword. Four ancient coffins, what are the imperial weapons of the fourth generation of the ruthless emperor?" Ye Fan said.

"What about the fluctuating dragon-patterned black gold cauldron? Legend has it that the twenty-eight sages of this holy land, as well as countless holy masters and supreme elders, spent 50,000 years refining the sacred objects and forging the dragon-patterned black gold into imperial weapons." Black Emperor Very unconvinced.

"Stop your wishful thinking. So what if hundreds of ancestors are as good as a single hair of the emperor? It is impossible to forge an imperial weapon using this method." Ji Hongjing said.

Several people ridiculed the big black dog. This behavior was simply seeking death.

Ji Hongjing mocked: "You just believe what they say? You have been following Emperor Wushi for so many years."

"During the grand meeting in Yaochi, Nangong was saying that Xiao Zizi's tripod had a great relationship with the ruthless Emperor. If the Emperor didn't take away the mother energy of all things, didn't he live out the fifth life? If the Emperor lived out the fifth life, find Xiao Zizi What's wrong?" Li Heishui asked suddenly.

They practiced in the ocean of laws for several days and absorbed a large amount of the laws of the ancestors. They used less than half of the sharp golden energy left by the death of the Holy Spirit, and most of it was used by Ji Hongjing. The others were still at a low level and could not use many holy objects.

"Dragon-patterned black gold cauldron!" The Black Emperor suddenly realized.

"Don't listen to its nonsense. Isn't this a trap? Anyone who dares to come to a place like this to escape calamity is simply seeking death!"

"Do you know the inside story?" Black Emperor was very curious.

"Come back in the future. If you absorb all these laws, you can cultivate at least thousands more bodies and gods." Ji Hongjing glanced at the ocean of saint-level laws that was half missing, and began to carve out the void teleportation array. According to his plan, when he becomes a saint and returns to Beidou After that, you can absorb the Tao here without any scruples, even the Sage King and the Great Sage-level Tao in the depths can also absorb it.

"How many ancient coffins are there in Wanlong's Nest?"

Ji Hongjing carved the last stroke of the Void Teleportation Formation and said, "I was crushed when I entered the Bronze Immortal Palace and my tendons were broken. You and Little Moon are fine, what do you think?"

Ji Hongjing could no longer support the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar, even if the Active God Formation provided energy, everyone stopped practicing immediately.

"It's over. Little Ye Zi is holding the emperor's sacred object, and he still won't be resented by the emperor?" Li Heishui said.

"Four!" Ye Fan blurted out. He got the immortal treasure map and the essence and blood of the real dragon elixir in the ancient coffin, which was particularly profound.

"There have been countless battles in the ancient times. The terrible battle took place here. At least hundreds of saint-level warriors died, but the gods are still there. If you survive the tribulation here, it will be like dragging the light of these heroic spirits. Together, who can withstand that kind of power?”

"If I come to this ancient battlefield to overcome the tribulation on the day I become a saint, I might be able to forge a godless weapon!" the Black Emperor said suddenly.

"This may be the only feasible way to forge the ultimate imperial weapon without attaining enlightenment." The Black Emperor sighed.

"Can he take away the Mother Qi Root of All Things without the emperor's consent?" Ji Hongjing rolled his eyes, activated the teleportation array to wrap everyone around, and disappeared in a flash.

In the Holy City of the Northern Territory, when he came to Tianxuan Stone Square again, Wei Yi looked at Ji Hongjing carefully and showed a look of surprise: "I haven't seen you for a few days. Your cultivation level has improved a lot. I'm afraid it won't take a few years to step into the realm of a saint. Isn’t this business growing too fast?”

"Find a place suitable for practicing body and mind." Ji Hongjing said with a smile, "If I can practice there for a few months, I might become a saint. But after all, it is just an external force, so practicing for such a long time is enough."

Wei Yi nodded and praised: "Yes, if you want to go further, you must rely on yourself to become a saint."

Ji Hongjing looked at the old blind man, the second biggest bandit next to the old man, and asked, "When did fellow Taoist disciples come?"

"I came here after receiving the summons from Tu Tian. We have been apart from the Immortal Mansion for more than ten years, and I thought you had forgotten that I owed you a favor." The old blind man said, still looking like a sloppy Taoist priest.

Ji Hongjing said with a smile: "I dare not forget this. Didn't I also invite Taoist Master Duan?"

The old blind man looked at Duan De and sighed: "The fat Taoist priest has caught up with me in cultivation." More than ten years ago, he was an extremely powerful person, but Duan De could not reach the realm of dragon transformation. More than ten years later, he still can't kill the Taoist. , has been caught up or even surpassed by the younger generation. He was not a genius when he was young, but it is a pity that he cannot keep up with the times.

Time will ruthlessly kill the genius!
A few people chatted for a while, and Ji Hongjing continued to shake people. Naturally, he had to be fully prepared to explore the ruthless dojo. Who knew how many killing arrays there were.

While waiting, several juniors looked around Ye Fan, thinking about what was so special about him that he could actually take away the holy relics of the ruthless emperor.

Ye Fan touched his nose, looked at Ji Hongjing who was drinking tea leisurely, and asked: "Senior, can't you tell me why?"

Everyone looked at each other and saw that Ji Hongjing was too lazy to pay attention to them. Just as the people waiting for him had arrived, they set off to the ruthless dojo together.

Outside a valley in the Northern Territory, Ji Hongjing looked at Ji Haoyue and said, "Why are you following me to join in the fun? The dojo is extremely dangerous. What should I do if something goes wrong? Have you forgotten that the origin was almost sucked away last time?"

"What about them? Their cultivation is not higher than mine." Ji Haoyue refused and pointed at Ji Ziyue, Ye Fan and Duan De.

"Taoist Master Duan is a professional, Ye Fan and Ziyue are the mascots, what are you? A bastard!"

Ji Haoyue hesitated and insisted on removing it, which gave Ji Hongjing a huge headache.

The eldest sage of the Ji family smiled and said: "Okay, take him with you, one more is not too much."

Ji Hongjing glared at him and said, "You and Ziyue follow the ancestor and hide in the Void Mirror whenever there is danger. Do you understand?"

"Okay!" Ji Haoyue agreed and followed behind the boss.

A group of people entered the valley. After the Great Emperor's dojo was discovered, they were surrounded by various forces. They worked together to explore for a while. Unfortunately, they suffered heavy casualties and had to give up.

There are killing formations everywhere in the dojo. The place where Ji Haoyue and others were designed was only on the outskirts of the dojo. Even so, they almost killed all the Tianjiao. If King Qingjiao hadn't controlled the Qing Emperor soldiers carried by Yan Ruyu to kill a bloody path, everyone would have died. All must die.

The group of people quickly passed the outskirts of the dojo. In front of them was a dark cave, deep and gloomy, swallowing everything.

"In the past few years, the major holy places worked together to open this cave. Many masters entered, but no one came out alive." Ji Haoyue said.

Ji Hongjing looked at Duan De and the old blind man. They were exploring next to the cave and discussing together from time to time. The two of them were extremely solemn. A slight mistake in this place would be a big trouble. Even if two great saints activated two imperial weapons, they would be in trouble. I can’t say it’s necessarily safe.

"This is a dead end. Let's dig a hole here and take a look." After the two of them discussed it, they pointed to a black rock above the cave and said.

The rock is covered with complex formations, and one glance at it makes one feel as if one's soul is about to be sucked away. Everyone feels that this is an extremely powerful killing formation, which is why the Holy Land has not touched this rock before.

Ji Hongjing looked at Wei Yi and said, "I'll try using the ancient scripture of ruthless people to activate the magic jar. Senior will provide me with divine power."

"Okay." The old man nodded. This matter involved the ruthless Emperor, and no one dared to neglect it.

Duan De and the old blind man hid next to the eldest sage of the Ji family. The thousands of spirits in Ji Hongjing's body, under the control of Yuanshen and Taiji Taoist Master, each recited an ancient sutra of ruthless people. The sky-swallowing magic jar hung above his head and shot out a crow. The light hit the black rock, and the patterns on the rock suddenly lit up, and thousands of divine lights shot out, like a heavenly sword that could turn saints into powder.

Ji Hongjing raised his hand and pointed, the magic jar opened, and a mysterious light hole shot out, shattering the black rock, revealing a cave glowing with white light.

"It's true, there is a life here!" the old blind man said excitedly.

Ji Hongjing was about to enter the white cave. Duan De quickly grabbed him and said: "When the door of life is opened, of course you should go to the door of death. If you are desperate for life, then you can only live through the door of death."

"Why is this?" Ji Ziyue was puzzled.

"As long as the door of death is opened, it is of course a dead end, but when the door of life is also opened, reincarnation occurs, and the road of death becomes a way of survival." The old blind man explained.

"Okay, take the door of death!" Ji Hongjing and Wei Yi looked at each other, decided to listen to the advice of professionals, and took the lead into the dark cave with the magic jar on their hands.

There are many shriveled corpses in the cave, which will turn into fly ash when touched, and there are many top-notch corpses among them.

"These are people from major holy places. Among them are elders who have not been born for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, they all died here." Ji Haoyue said.

An extremely powerful man wore a luxurious black robe and fell on a black line. Ji Hongjing sighed: "Yue Ling mentioned this person to me. This is an old prince from the Jiuli Dynasty. One foot has already stepped into it." The Dao realm."

The corpse turned into flying ash as soon as it was touched, and the Dao pattern that killed him was also touched, suddenly generating a powerful suction force, but it was only about the same as the attack power of an ordinary powerful force.

"It seems that the two Taoist priests are right. The gate of life is opened, and the power of the formation of the gate of death is weakened." Ji Hongjing praised.

The eldest sage of the Ji family couldn't help but take a high look at Duan De and the old blind man. They were indeed capable.

"Taoist Master Duan should not hang out outside the Ji family cemetery in the future. We don't feel safe!" Ji Ziyue muttered in a low voice. The old sage's eyes narrowed and he turned to stare at the unscrupulous Taoist priest.

"I'm not going, I'm definitely not going." Fatty Duan shrank his neck, extremely embarrassed!
(End of this chapter)

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