The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 304 Divine Minerals

Chapter 304 Divine Minerals

In a secret place in Yaochi, Ji Hongjing studied the ancient scriptures left by the Queen Mother of the West, combined with the innate Tao fetus physique map of the ruthless emperor, and thought about how Ji Ziyue could evolve into a real Tao fetus.

But this is really difficult. Only by looking at the innate Tao fetus physique chart can we understand the gap between Ji Ziyue's current physique and that of the Tao fetus.

"Physique is innate, it is extremely difficult to develop it the day after tomorrow!" Yaochi Great Sage couldn't help but shake his head when he looked at the Taoist physique map. Most of the physiques in the Great Sage realm are no longer important. Everyone in this realm has their own unique characteristics. Tao is comparable to physique, except for innate Tao embryos and other physiques, and it can still be ahead of others when it reaches the quasi-emperor realm.

Ji Hongjing hammered his head in distress. It had been more than a month since he left the ruthless dojo. After arranging the follow-up arrangements, he took some time off and began to promise the Black Emperor to help Ji Ziyue evolve into a Yuanling Taoist fetus. Unfortunately, he had no clue. I went to Yaochi to borrow the classics left by the Queen Mother of the West, and I got some ideas, but I didn't know how to get started.

At this time, the Queen Mother of Yaochi brought them spirit tea, looked at Ji Hongjing and sighed, and said, "Why don't you ask what Ziyue means? Does she hope that she will evolve into a Yuanling Taoist fetus according to your ideas?"

"Uh, what does this mean, Grand Master?" Ji Hongjing was confused. Ji Ziyue was very excited after using the evolution fluid to evolve.

The Queen Mother sat next to him, less majestic than the ruler of the Holy Land and more sentimental, and said: "You brothers and sisters are not like your mother in character. Everything is about family and cultivation. Ziyue and The two little girls Lingyue don't have the burden of you, and they were brought up by your mother. Their personalities and temperaments are the most like your mother's. They are both independent people. You always want to reincarnate the Emperor Wushi, but you have asked. Zi Yue’s thoughts? It’s true that she likes Ye Fan, but she is so young and even marriage is only in the dreaming stage. How can she accept it when you have arranged a descendant for her? "

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "When your mother married your father, the Ji family's divine body was eager for them to give birth to a divine body as soon as possible, so they sent many rare treasures to improve the physique of their offspring, but your mother threw them away unceremoniously. Your mother likes your father, so she is willing to give birth to you for him. No matter what your physique is, she does not care, you are her most beloved children, do you understand what I say? "

Ji Hongjing nodded thoughtfully, and the Queen Mother patted his shoulder and continued: "Since you came back from Zhongzhou's experience, Ziyue likes to follow you, but you didn't realize that you stayed in Yaochi for more than a month, and she once Haven't they come to you?"

The Queen Mother continued: "Besides Tianfang, the other thing is Yuan Gu Zhan Dao, who was killed by him in a battle with Ye Fan."

Ji Hongjing smiled and said: "That's okay. If nothing else, I have so many treasures that I can help you extend your life for thousands of years."

The immortal fairy can stay young forever. No woman can refuse this temptation. Ji Hongjing looked at the few white hairs born by the Queen Mother and said: "Now all races are in peace. I got some source liquid a few days ago. Grand Master How about sealing it for decades and breaking it after the Dao suppression is over?"

"Ye Fan is already close to Master Yuantian. It may not be easy to enter the Holy Land Shifang in the future." Ji Hongjing said with a smile.

"Since there is no Prince Gu in Yuanhu Lake, it's just Yuan Gu, the eighth grandson of Emperor Yuan Gu. Will they let it go?"

"Thank you, Grand Master, for your teaching!" Ji Hongjing saluted, and then asked, "Did anything big happen outside during this time?"

The Queen Mother nodded with a smile and said: "He also cut off a large piece of Daluo Silver Essence and exchanged it for the Immortal Flower of Immortality and gave it to Ziyue. I am extremely envious."

"She's angry with me." Ji Hongjing patted his head and said, "I am too self-righteous and eager for quick success and instant gain. I always feel that this is good for her, but I have never thought about whether she is willing."

Ji Hongjing scratched his head. Everything was complicated and he hadn't relaxed for a long time.

Ji Hongjing smiled and said: "I don't dare to do it openly, but not necessarily secretly."

"Senior Wei Yi and the God King are protecting Ye Fan. It's a fair fight. What can the Primordial Lake do?"

After chatting with the Queen Mother for a while, Ji Hongjing felt much more relaxed and said goodbye. He saw a beautiful figure at the gate of Yaochi and sighed helplessly. The Queen Mother had other reasons for letting him walk around!
"Junior sister Lu." There was no way to hide. Ji Hongjing walked towards the beautifully dressed Lu Wan and greeted her openly.

"You!" The Queen Mother nodded to him with a smile and said, "You have great blessings, but don't be extravagant, you know?"

The Queen Mother nodded happily and said: "Ask Ziyue what she thinks and tell her carefully that she will agree. Who doesn't like being able to evolve your physique? It depends on why you evolve your physique."

"It's not a waste to use it for you," Ji Hongjing said, "Give me some time, and my disciple will take you to become an immortal together."

The Queen Mother was very moved, and finally shook her head and said: "The saint has also reached the critical moment of killing her. I will wait for a few more years."

"You, I don't know why you are in such a hurry? The Ji family has been very secretive these years, and you can't find out even if you ask your mother!" The Queen Mother shook her head slightly, sighed and said, "There are two big things. The Taikoo clan has opened a Tianfang, and many rare treasures are traded there. Go and take a look when you have time. Some time ago, I heard that Ye Fan cut into a priceless dragon loach carcass there and exchanged it for the Nine Apertures Spiritual Liquid. That is a peerless treasure for cultivating geniuses, and it is the envy of all the holy places."

Ye Fan was in a lot of troubles, and everything in Beidou was settled. He also wanted to return to Earth to see his parents, just to avoid the limelight.

"Become an immortal!" the Queen Mother murmured, and then said with a smile: "Okay, Grand Master is waiting for that day."

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "You are busy all day and don't look like a young man. Don't forget that you are only about ten years older than Haoyue. Young people should have fun when they should have fun. Others will handle the big things that happen outside. ,Do not give yourself too much pressure."

"Senior brother!" The delicate woman looked at him happily with the faint fragrance of flowers.

"How about junior sister and I go shopping in Tianfang?"

"Okay!" Lu Wan agreed immediately. After solving her physical problem, she practiced quickly and became extremely powerful. She also had the reputation of the Yaochi Flower God. Everyone respected her when she asked for flowers. But now she showed the posture of a little girl, her cheeks Blush followed Ji Hongjing. When various races were born in the ancient times, they jointly created a heavenly square, floating in the sky, to exchange various treasures. Many monks from the human race were also attracted there, and no fighting was allowed there.

This Tianfang is very big, as if you have entered a huge city. When you come to this Tianfang, you feel like you are in the habitat of all races. There are all kinds of races, with different appearances. Some are as majestic as gods, and some are as majestic as gods. The ones are ugly.

The square is bustling with people from all ethnic groups, and there are many stalls filled with rare treasures.

Ji Hongjing's arrival caused quite a stir. No one in the world knew his power. In this era of no saints, he was the strongest and no one dared to provoke him!
"Fellow Daoist Ji is here to visit us. I apologize for any delay in greeting you from afar!"

A handsome man with flying blue hair walked in front of him. Ji Hongjing smiled and said, "Brother Lan, I'm embarrassed."

This person is Lan Qi, who welcomed Ji Hongjing when he first went to Qilin Cliff. He was the king tens of thousands of years ago. By chance, he found a naturally occurring alien source liquid to seal himself, and survived to this era.

Seeing that Ji Hongjing was still alive, Lan Qi laughed loudly and said: "There is a spirit monkey clan in the Taikoo clan whose monkey wine is very delicious. It is rare to meet me, and I will treat you to a drink."

Ji Hongjing glanced at Lu Wan, turned around and said, "Today is not a coincidence. I will meet my brother for a drink another day."

"Haha, it's my brother who's being abrupt. You guys can chat. Just go to the Qilin Tribe's Stone Workshop to find me when you have time. I'm the manager there now." Lan Qi looked understanding when he saw this, and smiled at them.

Ji Hongjing was too lazy to explain and continued to walk around Tianfang with Lu Wan. There were many treasures here, but most of them were things that could be used by saints and below. Not many people were willing to exchange for fairy materials that could refine holy weapons or treasures that could extend life. On the contrary, many people wanted to buy it.

There were few treasures in the peripheral area that could tempt Ji Hongjing. Lu Wan liked exotic flowers and rare seeds very much and exchanged many of them.

"Earth Dragon Spirit!" The further you go into the city, the higher the level of the treasure becomes. One of the four magical ingredients for refining the evolutionary fluid appears on a small stall, which is larger than what was used back then.

"I want to exchange for a king's weapon." The stall owner, a powerful female from the Ancient Tribe, looked at Ji Hongjing timidly and quoted the price.

The Earth Dragon Spirit cannot forge weapons, but wearing them on the body can speed up cultivation. Few people in Beidou know the true purpose of these divine minerals. Ji Hongjing exchanged the weapon of a Dacheng King he killed for this item.

Soon, he saw the Fire God Stone again, which is also one of the four sacred materials for refining the Evolutionary Fluid. He got one in a bet with the Jiang family's genius. It was not worth much in Tianfang, so he exchanged it for a kind of divine iron.

"You can send people to stay in Tianfang and buy this kind of magical material directly. Later, you can refine the evolutionary fluid for the juniors." After seeing many minerals for refining the evolutionary fluid, Ji Hongjing couldn't help but think about it. The Ancient Tribe It has been a long time, so there must be a lot of inventory, which can be prepared in advance for refining the evolutionary fluid in the future.

The Taichu Life Stone is rare, but the most powerful evolutionary fluid for refining the Eternal Star Realm can be replaced by the essence and blood of the immortal medicine. Although it is not as good as the modified formula of the Ancient Qilin Emperor, it is useful to help Hua Xuan, Jiang Xi and others evolve again. no problem.

Moreover, after capturing Qin Mo, the evolutionary fluid formulas for all major levels in the Eternal Star Territory were available. Taking advantage of Beidou's ignorance of the uses of divine minerals, it would be good to purchase a batch at a low price and refine the evolutionary fluids of all levels to train warriors.

After acquiring a lot of treasures one after another, they approached the core area of ​​Tianfang, which was a strange stone street, full of stones, piled up into hills, occupying a fifth of Tianfang's territory.

Obviously, this place is also an important place, with many people coming in and out, including many heroes and clan leaders, all of whom have great backgrounds.

"Senior brother, can you look at stones?" Lu Wan asked curiously.

Ji Hongjing smiled and said, "I know a little bit."

"You don't have to be able to see through stones if you have high cultivation. Some people won't brag, right?"

A mocking voice came, and Ji Hongjing turned around to see an ancient creature with four eyes.

"He is King Tuomo of the Divine Eye Clan. This clan is born with divine eyes that can see through some stone skins. He is equivalent to the source master in the human race and is well-received by all races!"

"Although he is a great king, how dare he provoke that murderous god and risk his life?"

"Fighting is not allowed in Tianfang, who wouldn't dare to talk?"

"King Tuomo was originally a guest of the Blood Moon Clan. The Blood Moon Clan was destroyed by Ji Hongjing. He suffered heavy losses and now he has joined the Silver Blood Clan."

"To be valued by the two royal families, you must have cultivated your divine eye to an extremely advanced level!"

Ji Hongjing looked at the king of the Divine Eye Clan and said, "Your Excellency, you want to compare stones with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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