Chapter 314 Emperor Corpse
The water in the dark spring was so clear that no glowing light could be seen dancing, but everyone instinctively knew that the water quality had reached a higher level.

"Not much worse than the Divine Spring of Life!"

In the past, Yao Chi was famous all over the world, and many great sects came to ask for water. The water quality in this spring was rare and difficult to find in the world.

This kind of water quality has miraculous effects whether for refining medicine or drinking. It can increase people's longevity and is a treasure.

Moreover, this lake is very large, with a radius of dozens of miles. You can imagine how many talented people can be cultivated. This is also the capital of Yaochi's neutrality!

But as soon as they entered the Immortal Lake on the ninth floor underground, everyone felt a majestic energy, and their bodies almost exploded, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"The Great Emperor's Qi Machine!"

The Xihuang Pagoda was sacrificed to protect everyone. The Immortal Tears Green Gold that made this pagoda was dug out of this Immortal Lake and was suppressed here all those years ago.

The Void Mirror and Hengyu Furnace were also sacrificed by several great saints. In order to deal with the Dacheng Holy Body, Ji Hongjing asked Gai Jiuyou to borrow the Jiang family's sacred furnace.

The murderous intent is bone-piercing and makes people tremble. The three pieces of Ji Dao Emperor's weapons automatically revive after being stimulated by the Emperor's breath, faster than the Great Sage can activate them.

Several imperial weapons glowed, protecting their bodies from collapsing. The Western Emperor Tower trembled, the fairy light was dazzling, and they came to life completely.

This place is very quiet, and it is very dark near the piece of copper, as if there are black shadows passing through it. It is very eerie, as if it is connected to the underworld.

A strange aura is permeating the air, emanating from the body of the Queen Mother of the West, making people palpitate and making people wonder if she is really dead!
"Is the upheaval in Yaochi related to the Queen Mother of the West? She single-handedly created this sect, and was it almost ended because of her?" The Black Emperor trembled. Even though he was far away and guarded by the emperor's soldiers, he could still feel the oppression of the emperor.

In a daze, they seemed to hear the cries and howls of thousands of fierce ghosts, and for a moment they seemed to have arrived in another time and space, with blood rain pouring down and a yellow whirlwind blowing wildly between heaven and earth.

They walked forward, and with every step they took, there was a feeling of heaven and earth shattering, and the imperial weapons were shaking, which made him a little unbearable. The pressure was overwhelming, killing gods and Buddhas.

It was a piece of copper material, like a fragment of some kind of artifact. It did not enter the light shield and was still some distance away from the two corpses.

"The Queen Mother of the West!"

"What is that?" Yaochi Saint was surprised and felt a strange fluctuation.

Finally, I saw that the fairy lake had reached the end. There was a small pool isolated from the fairy lake. The water was crystal clear and shining, holding up a light mask. A woman with disheveled hair sat cross-legged in the middle, covering her true face.

Everyone was shocked. This was a flawless woman, so overwhelming that even the imperial soldiers in their hands felt unparalleled pressure.

The light shield is next to a stone wall, forming a small fairy pond there. It may be called the tenth level fairy lake, but it is only one foot in diameter.

Gai Jiuyou held the Hengyu furnace on his head and used the Bing Zi Jue to bring the scrap of material closer. It was very difficult and his whole body was about to burst. It was really uncomfortable to use divine power under the pressure of the emperor's corpse.

"Don't talk nonsense. The Queen Mother of the West is blocking a cave. That is the source of the ominous situation."

The cave was very hidden. Several people changed their angles and saw that an ancient coffin had been opened inside, and a corpse fell outside, with the arm attached to the Western Emperor.

"That was the father of Emperor Wushi. Something ominous happened to the body of the Dacheng Holy Body, which led to the disaster in Yaochi." The old woman in Yaochi was very calm, and it was not clear whether she had any resentment towards the Dacheng Holy Body.

"That's not accurate," Ji Hongjing pointed to a place and said, "Look there."

Standing where Ji Hongjing was, he could see a cave in front of the emperor's body. A bloody arm was glowing purple with some golden hair growing out. It was very dazzling, and there was a cold air that forced its way into one's bones. It was truly eerie and bone-chilling. .

In the small spring pool, the woman was lifelike, and her body was flowing like a ghost. Even though she was still several miles away, she was so oppressive that it made people want to suffocate.


The god of the Immortal Pagoda made a majestic voice, like a queen. She looked at the bodies of the Western Queen Mother and the Dacheng Holy Body, and lamented: "I see you again."

Suddenly, everyone felt a cold murderous intent, and it was as if they saw a pair of eyes open between the woman's messy hair, which was breathtaking. Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. How could this be possible? The Queen Mother of the West had been dead for many thousands of years, how could she still be alive?

In an instant, the terrifying eyes disappeared, and the murderous intention dissipated. It was very unreal. In a trance, these eyes seemed to be looking at the West Emperor Tower, and there was a slight sigh. It was extremely sad, full of sadness and mourning. .

Everyone got goosebumps. The old woman from Yaochi asked the emperor's soldiers and gods: "What happened back then?"

"The holy corpse moved strangely. To protect the inheritance, I moved the Yaochi. I don't know what happened here." The god said.

Everyone looked at the piece of copper, which seemed to be connected to an ice cellar that had been built for ten thousand years, and it was bitingly cold.

These are the fragments of the Imperial Armament. Either they were left in the body of the Dacheng Holy Body during his lifetime and contained the power of the curse, which caused his mutation. Or they were attacked by the underworld tens of thousands of years ago and the Imperial Armament was shattered by the body of the Western Queen Mother, leaving behind Got a piece here.

"Is the curse of Dacheng Holy Body related to the underworld?" Wei Yi looked at Ji Hongjing, always feeling that he knew a lot. On the day Ye Fan broke the curse, Jiang Yixian and others accidentally exposed some information, and many people believed that he was Huang Gu. The apprentice of the Dacheng Holy Body in the restricted area now has another layer of identity as the disciple of the ancient Qilin Emperor.

Ji Hong nodded: "It's useless to know now. Even the Queen Mother of the West can't solve it. Let's solve the problem at hand first."

He pointed at the copper material and the Dacheng Holy Body and said: "The bad luck of the Holy Corpse probably comes from this piece of copper material. If we take the copper material away, maybe there will be no changes. Moreover, the Holy Corpse is blocked by the Queen Mother of the West, so it will not happen." The possibility of mutation is even smaller, we are lucky, and what we have to do is much less difficult!”

"We still arrange the method of reading the religion of the Dacheng Holy Body God, just in case. As for this piece of copper..." Ji Hongjing touched his chin and said, "This thing is not a good thing. I need to bother a few seniors to take it to the ancient restricted area. Throw it into the abyss of the penalty area.”

With the ruthless Emperor and the Great Holy Body here, I don’t believe that the underworld dares to go there and act wild!
Gai Jiuyou sealed the copper material into the Hengyu Furnace, and the fog in the place suddenly disappeared a lot. Everyone stared at the cave. It was obvious that this was the burial place of the Dacheng Holy Body and the Queen Mother of the West.

"My parents want to live!" They looked at the handwriting left by Emperor Wu Shi and were shocked in their hearts. This emperor must be very lonely.

There was nothing else in the cave, and no one could get close to the corpses of the two supreme beings. The Holy Maiden of Yaochi asked the deity of the Western Emperor Pagoda: "Can you try to get close to the emperor's corpse and bury them?"

This is the Imperial Soldier of the Western Queen Mother, and it will definitely not be rejected by her Imperial Corpse. Everyone thinks it is feasible.

The god said: "The weirdness has not been definitely ruled out. It is best not to touch the Queen Mother unless there is a peak quasi-emperor to mobilize the imperial soldiers. In that case, at least there is no fear of weirdness and you can give it a try."

Gai Jiuyou said: "Then let's wait for a few decades. My blood will be restored within three years, and I will be able to return to my peak cultivation level in at most fifty years. Then I will collect the corpses for them."

"Thank you, senior!" Saintess of Yaochi bowed her head and thanked her.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Ji Hongjing took out nine pieces of divine jade and said with a smile: "I went to Tianfang a few days ago and got eight kinds of nine-day divine jade. I didn't expect to use them so quickly."

In addition to the last kind of sacred jade that they recently purchased, several great sages joined forces to refine the nine kinds of sacred jade into a set of sacred weapons according to the methods given by the gods. Each one is a sacred weapon passed down from generation to generation. The Black Emperor looked at it. Drooling.

Nine kinds of sacred jades were arranged around the small fairy pond one foot wide, forming a light shield covering the fairy pond, blocking out the breath of the holy body.

According to Shen Nian, this formation can suppress the Holy Body's energy and blood, and isolate the Holy Body from the connection between the Holy Body and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. It is a method that Martian Holy Body came up with in his later years to deal with the curse, and it can even restrain the Holy Body to some extent.

Ji Hongjing touched his chin and nodded with satisfaction, handed the Black Emperor some sacred objects for refining the formation disk, and said: "You can build a few more deceiving formations to block all the aura here. I will discuss with a few seniors how to lead the formation. The water from the tenth-story fairy pond comes out."

The water in the ninth-level fairy lake can already satisfy the White Tiger's magic medicine, but there is something better, so why settle for it?
He discussed with several great sages, and finally used a great void formation to open a small space channel at the outermost end of the fairy pool. The gurgling fairy water flowed out, which was better than the divine spring of life that was born from death.

"I'm afraid this is the number one fairy spring in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, right?" Everyone wiped their bodies with the fairy water, and they all felt that their bodies were comfortable, their life spans were increased, and their origins were strengthened.

"Even without the White Tiger Magic Medicine, if you can soak in this fairy pond for a few years, Senior Gai will be able to recover your energy and blood!" The saintly girl of Yaochi has bright eyes. With this fairy pond, her physique can evolve. , it is not impossible to achieve enlightenment in the future.

Suddenly, the Queen Mother of the West seemed to be looking at the space passage. The passage collapsed and everyone was shocked. Could it be that they couldn't get the water from the Immortal Pond?

(End of this chapter)

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