The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 316 Old friends meet

Chapter 316 Old friends meet
In the secret area of ​​Qishi Mansion, Ji Hongjing led everyone to salute the old master. He was a saint. Like the old master of Qishi Mansion in Beidou, he was frighteningly old, comparable to an ancient history.

The old master looked at Ji Hongjing and said in surprise: "I heard that fellow Taoist warriors fought against the Dragon King of the East and West Seas and killed the Golden-winged Dapeng King when they were only around the fourth level of the Third Immortal World. In just ten years, they actually stepped into the Holy Realm with one foot. , What a genius, rare in history!”

"Senior, I got a prize. I was lucky and got some opportunities. It's nothing." The old man's eyesight was extraordinary. He could see through Ji Hongjing's cultivation level at a glance. Although he did not deliberately hide his realm, the Void Sutra was simple and unpretentious, and few people could see through it so quickly.

The old palace master shook his head and said: "I have lived for thousands of years and have seen many geniuses. The most powerful one is undoubtedly Yin Tiande, but he is still worse than fellow Taoist."

"What is Yin Tiande's current level of cultivation?"

"About the third level of the Immortal Third World," the old palace master said, "Ziwei Qishi Mansion was opened a year ago, attracting countless geniuses to come here, just to enter the ancient road of trials in the future. When the mansion was opened, Yin Tiande I came here once, but I didn’t enter the mansion. I only took a look at it from a distance.”

The old palace master looked at the people behind Ji Hongjing, and was surprised when he saw Ji Haoyue: "If I'm not mistaken, this little friend should have the body of a god king, but is it a little different?"

Ji Haoyue said: "My Void bloodline has returned to my ancestors, so there are some differences."

"Incredible! Incredible!" The old palace master looked at Ji Haoyue like a beautiful jade.

Ji Haoyue took the opportunity to take out a letter of recommendation and handed it to the old master of the palace, saying: "I joined the Qishi Mansion during the Beidou period. I will practice in the Ziwei Qishi Mansion for a period of time in the future. I hope to join the Qishi Mansion and hope that my seniors will make it happen. "

He was restricted by his family in Beidou and lacked the ability to fight. After Zhan Dao, he did not plan to return to Beidou and trained himself in Ziwei.

The old master of the palace quickly read the recommendation letter and said: "My little friend is one of the top talents in the Beidou Qishi Mansion. It is natural to enroll in the Ziwei Qishi Mansion. However, the place to enter the trial road must be won by strength. I You can’t open the back door for me, you can only rely on yourself. Of course, if you can show the achievements of Taoist friend Hongjing, you can also follow the ancient path of Qishi Mansion.”

Ji Haoyue is full of confidence. He has never lost except against Ji Zi. The Emperor's son and other ancient prince's children are now physically stronger than him, but after going their own way and cutting off the great road, it is not certain who will win and who will lose. Zi Wei Is there anyone stronger than the ancient prince's children? After Zhan Dao, he first went to test whether Yin Tiande was as powerful as Brother Yan Yixi said.

The old master of the palace was shocked when he looked at Jiang Yan, Huo Qilin Chiyan and others. These people were no worse than the top geniuses of Ziwei Qishi Palace.

"Are you from Shennong Island in the East China Sea?" the old palace master asked.

"Senior, do you know about Shennong Island? Do you know what's going on with Shennong Island now?" Several people asked quickly.

"In the past few years, the Golden Crow tribe launched a large-scale attack on Shennong Island, and even dispatched an ancient saint. Shennong Island was destroyed and many people were killed. Some of the remaining people were taken in by the East China Sea Dragon Clan, and some are in Yaowang Valley. You can go to these two Find a place.”

"Where is Aunt Qing? Senior, do you have any news about Aunt Qing?" Fire Qilin Chiyan asked anxiously.

"You are talking about the Blue Bird King, right? She and the Golden Crow Ancient Sage fought outside the territory. Some time ago, the Golden Crow tribe recovered the body of the Ancient Sage, but there was no sign of the Blue Bird King. She is probably still alive."

Several people breathed a sigh of relief and rushed to meet the survivors of Shennong Island. Upon seeing this, Ji Hongjing had a few words with the old palace master and headed to Yaowang Valley with the help of the Qishi Palace Domain Gate.

Returning to Yaowang Valley again, the place was deserted and deserted. It was no longer as grand as the Yaowang Ceremony. It was quiet and there was no one around for thousands of miles.

When the valley owner saw Ji Hongjing, he pulled him and flew into the valley, saying anxiously: "Mrs. Jiang is hanging with only one breath left. Go and see her quickly."

An antique wooden house was filled with the smell of medicine. Mrs. Jiang was lying on the bed motionless, with no blood on her face, like a dead person. The Valley Master sighed: "Fellow Taoist Jiang Wenyuan died in order to protect Shennong Island and the people of the Sun God Sect. Mrs. Jiang was injured by the Golden Crow tribe and was taken to the Dragon Palace. After the incident subsided, she was transferred to Yaowang Valley. Unfortunately, her injuries were too severe. It’s heavy, and the medicine and stone are useless. I’ve been relying on one breath all these years.”

Ji Hongjing walked to the bed and transferred a drop of the magic medicine essence blood into Mrs. Jiang's body. Mrs. Jiang struggled to open her eyes. When she saw Ji Hongjing, she suddenly sat up and held his hand tightly: "Fellow Daoist Ji, you are back. Is Xixi okay? Is she back?"

Ji Hongjing regretted not taking Jiang Xi with him. He could only wave his hands to show Jiang Xi's appearance in each age group, and said softly: "Xi Xi is very good. She is practicing in Beidou and has been taught by many great saints. Now she is a strong person in Sendai. ”

Mrs. Jiang stared blankly at every picture of Jiang Xi growing up, remembering every detail, and couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of her eyes.

Ji Hongjing showed Jiang Xi and Tongtong meeting in Beidou. The two siblings laughed heartily. The laughter passed into Mrs. Jiang's ears and said: "Tongtong was brought to Beidou by Ye Fan and reunited with Xixi. They are all safe."

"Child!" Mrs. Jiang raised her arms with difficulty to caress the siblings in the image. Tears could not stop flowing from the corners of her eyes. Ji Hongjing tilted his head sadly, and could only show more images to Mrs. Jiang.

Jiang Xi and Tongtong ate, played, and practiced together. The laughter of the siblings infected Mrs. Jiang. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and she completely collapsed.

Ji Hongjing laid her down and said to the Valley Master: "Does the Valley Master know where Taoist friend Wenyuan is buried?"

"Hey!" the owner of the valley sighed: "There is no body left of Taoist friend Wenyuan. The Jiang family who fled to Yaowang Valley helped him build a tomb."

Ji Hongjing led everyone away. Jiang Miao and the maid came forward to help Mrs. Jiang sort out her remains. She survived until now with just one breath. Even the magic medicine, essence and blood could not save her. Once the anger dissipated, the person would be dead, but the magic medicine The essence and blood would at least allow her to walk without pain.

Ji Hongjing stood in front of the tomb of Jiang Wenyuan and his wife for a long time, the words of the people from the Sun God Cult and Shennong Island who had fled here echoed in his ears, and it was so calm that it was scary.

"Uncle..." Ji Haoyue was worried. He had never seen Ji Hongjing like this before. Under his calm appearance, there was infinite murderous intent that could explode at any time.

Ji Hongjing suddenly clenched and unclenched his fists and said, "Don't worry, I'm measured."

He found the owner of the Yaowang Valley and asked, "Senior, the Yaowang Valley is completely deserted and there is not even a single person asking for medicine. What's going on?"

The Valley Master sighed: "After the corpse of the ancient saint who fought between the Golden Crow Tribe and the Blue Bird King was discovered, another Golden Crow Ancient Saint was born, and the Golden Crow Tribe invited Yuanzu Kunpeng to put pressure on Yaowang Valley, forcing us to hand over the Sun God. If it hadn’t been for the formation left by Emperor Hengyu, the Medicine King Valley would have been destroyed.”

Kunpeng Yuanzu is a terrifying ancient saint who sleeps in the depths of the North Sea all year round. With the help of this ancient saint, the Golden Crow tribe once again pursues the Sun God Cult unscrupulously.

They were afraid of the Emperor's formation, so they did not attack Yaowang Valley directly. Instead, they moved away the human race within a radius of ten thousand miles, and spread the word that unless Yaowang Valley handed over the remaining people of the Sun God Sect, monks would not be allowed to go to Yaowang Valley to seek medicine. , cutting off Yaowang Valley’s financial resources.

"If this was not China and Beihai, Yuanzu Kunpeng would have swallowed up all the human races within ten thousand miles." The Valley Master clenched his fists with anger, "Yuanzu Kunpeng showed a huge demonic body, covering the sky and the sun. , his bloody mouth opened wide, and a cold snort interrupted him, thus saving the lives of tens of millions of human beings. "

"Senior, don't worry, I will give an explanation to Shiwang Valley."

(End of this chapter)

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