The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 321 Entering the Eye of the Sea Again

Chapter 321 Entering the Eye of the Sea Again
After the large island tens of thousands of miles away was destroyed by the power of the Extreme Dao, Ziwei regained peace. The Yaowang Valley no longer had to block the mountain gate. There was an endless stream of people coming to seek medicine. The Meteor Saint's Square was still under construction a hundred miles away. It was even more crowded, and countless people came to experience the saint’s legacy.

There were so many visitors to the East China Sea Dragon Palace that the Dragon King of the East China Sea could not greet anyone. He asked the Dragon King of the West Sea to help. The two dragon girls were full of majesty, but they couldn't help but smile behind their backs. The problem of initiation was completely solved, and their qualifications were greatly improved. His cultivation level broke through two small realms one after another.

"There are still some Great Sage Dragon Balls. Why don't you invite the Dragon Kings of the South and North Seas to come here and improve your qualifications?" the Dragon King of the East China Sea said.

The Dragon King of the West Sea pondered for a moment and then agreed: "The future will be a great struggle. Only the Four Seas family can survive in troubled times. Everyone has seen the power of the Ultimate Dao. It is really earth-shaking!"

"Well, even if the four sea-suppressing seals combined into one are not as good as an imperial weapon, they are at least a quasi-imperial weapon. Only when combined into one can we better protect the dragon clan."

The two dragon girls discussed important matters. Jiang Miao and others led the survivors of Shennong Island to rebuild their homes. Although life in the Dragon Palace was good, after all, they were dependent on others.

On this day, a terrifying pressure suddenly came from outside Ziwei territory, as if the world was about to be destroyed. Everyone in Ziwei Ancient Star felt as if a stone was pressed on their chests, making it difficult to breathe.

"It happened once more than ten years ago, and now it's happening again. What's the reason?"

The people in Ziwei were very puzzled. There was a big force exploring the distant territory, and they were shocked when they saw the endless thunder, which was like a punishment from heaven.

"That's it again. What caused the catastrophe? How could it be like the destruction of the world?"

He murmured: "Who is killing Dao? How could there be the same calamity as Ji Hongjing?"

"Reverse the chaos of Yin and Yang!"


Ji Hongjing, who can teach him, has already taught him. Whether he can pass this level can only depend on him.

He still remembers the shock when he heard about Ji Hongjing's third level of immortality. He was clearly at the peak of the second level of immortality when he fought with him. How come he was in the third level just after he cut off the path?

Jiang Yan and others looked pale. Only now did they understand why Shennong didn't let them go against the great road. This is the true path of genius. If you don't follow your own path, you will die!
Outside the territory, facing the nine big stars in the heavenly tribulation vision, Ji Haoyue's divine body was shattered by the nine phantoms of the young emperor, but she was not distracted.

He practiced hard for many years, reviewing the battle between the two day and night, and finally figured out what he thought was the strongest way to kill the Dao Queen. However, the Dao Queen was only at the peak of the first level of the Third Immortal Heaven, far behind Ji Hongjing.

Before meeting Sakyamuni, this alien god had been invincible for seven or eight thousand years. Even if he put on a tight band, he would not surrender. However, during the time he followed Ji Hongjing, he was shocked again and again, and he couldn't help but feel surrendered.

Now someone else has caused the same calamity as Ji Hongjing. He is very curious about who this person is and whether he has anything to do with Ji Hongjing?
At the bottom of the North Sea, Crocodile Ancestor looked up to the sky and murmured: "Is this the Great Way of Reverse Slash?"

In the Eight Views Palace, Yin Tiande raised his head, his eyes imprinted with complex patterns, as if he could see through the void.


He touched the tight band on his head and looked down into the abyss of the sea. He was shocked once again that the person who put the tight band on him dared to enter a place like the Eye of the Sea.

"Should I really surrender?"

The vision of a bright moon rising over the sea unfolded, but it was changed beyond recognition by him. The clear sky was yang, the black sea was yin, the moon hung in the sky, and there was a golden sun in the sea. The world was turned upside down, and yin and yang were reversed.

The thunder shielded the eyes of the sky, and he could not see anything. The first genius of Ziwei was very puzzled: "What way of cutting can lead to such a disaster? What do I lack?"

Time and space shattered, and a terrifying blow shattered the phantom of the emperor who was killed, and shattered the big star behind him, causing the other eight emperors to give up the pursuit and guard the remaining eight stars. Big star.

"Sure enough, as my uncle said, the catastrophe of the Reverse Cutting Avenue is terrifying, but it is not without a chance to breathe!"

Ji Haoyue quickly used the Operator's Secret and the Divine King's Regeneration Technique to restore her peak combat strength. He knew that this was just a trick. To survive this catastrophe, he must transcend himself and truly walk out of his own way. However, he was not worried. With Ji Hongjing's experience, he had been practicing under the many imperial weapons mobilized by the Great Sage for two months, and he had suppressed them for so long, so he was fully prepared.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

The roaring sound in the thunder sea was endless. Three days later, the thunder disappeared, the calamity clouds dissipated, and a figure sat cross-legged in the void. Feng Shen Langyi, handsome and extraordinary, his eyes were like two flames leaping and beating, extremely powerful!
"Again, crossing three small realms, is this the real way of cutting?" After experiencing Ji Hongjing's way of cutting, and then watching Ji Haoyue's reverse cutting of the great road, Shi Jian was still very shocked.

"Severing the shackles of heaven and earth, this is true transcendence!" Shi Jian, who already had a complete body, had a clear understanding that it was not a gift from heaven and earth, but his own laws of the holy way were quietly formed.

"Hu Ge Dao actually broke through to semi-saint!" Shi Jian was overjoyed and drove the spaceship to pick up Ji Haoyue. He had already noticed that a saint was coming.

Within the Eye of the Beihai Sea, Ji Hongjing came to Tang Valley again, and this time he visited the Sun Temple on the Fuso Sacred Tree.

He and Xiaobai sat cross-legged on a sacred stone in the temple. Golden rays of divine light gathered from the crown of the sacred tree and penetrated into various acupoints in their bodies, causing their aura to continuously increase.

Beside the sacred stone, a one-armed old man in blue looked at Ji Hongjing and said, "It won't take long to break through."

A middle-aged man in black robes stood side by side with the old man and said: "This kid is very lucky. He has the help of Senior Holy Emperor, which at least saved him a hundred years of work."

The one-armed old man shook his head and said: "I am a god just like you. I am not the Sun Holy Emperor. There is no need to call me senior."

The Divine Nian of the Holy Body of Mars said: "He told the Dacheng Holy Body the plan, and I also knew part of it, but I didn't expect that he could still find the Divine Nian of the Holy Emperor."

The one-armed old man looked at the body of the Sun that was full of scars and said, "I'm very curious about how he predicted that I would come back and left me a message in this way."

Ji Hongjing finished his work, opened his eyes and said with a smile: "I just made a bet. Fortunately, I won the bet."

With him as a variable, he was not sure whether the Holy Emperor's divine thoughts would return to Ziwei. Fortunately, Ye Fan's destiny was strong and not easy to change, so he still brought the divine thoughts back.

The one-armed old man said: "Even so, you only know that I exist before you bet, and the information you mentioned about the road to becoming an immortal is puzzling to me."

Ji Hongjing smiled and said nothing, and the one-armed old man shook his head and sighed: "That's all, there are so many mysteries in the world. Even the Holy Emperor cannot know them all, so why should I dig deeper?"

He looked at Ji Hongjing and said: "After reading the message you left, he recalled the memory of the Holy Emperor. He also wants to see the emperors of future generations and fight side by side with the heroes of our clan, so he agreed to your plan."

"Thank you, Holy Emperor!" Ji Hongjing thanked him. The one-armed old man dodged and let him worship a stone coffin.

The one-armed old man said: "In case I am not as good as the Holy Emperor, you don't need to worship me, just worship the Holy Emperor."

Ji Hongjing bowed nine times to the sarcophagus. The one-armed old man nodded with satisfaction and said: "The era of the Holy Emperor is too long ago. It is difficult to recall his Dao Fruit. Even if I are sacrificed and the human skin of the Holy Emperor in the sarcophagus is Even the Sun God Tower cannot block the Supreme Being for too long."

Ji Hongjing asked: "Senior, what is your current level of cultivation?"

"Comparable to the first level of the Great Sage."

"If we can advance to a few more small realms, the summoned Dao Fruit will definitely last longer."

The one-armed old man said: "Having said that, why is it so difficult to improve the cultivation of divine mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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