The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 361 Sun Saint Emperor Human Skin

Chapter 361 Sun Saint Emperor Human Skin
In the world in the magic well, the weak blood demon screamed at Ji Hongjing, wanting to kill the first living being who had come here in millions of years. With the Tower of the Sun above his head, he scratched his head and ears anxiously. The treasure was right in front of him, but he couldn't. No way to get it.

Helplessly, I looked at the giant hand and the stone order in the lotus. The lotus was closing and would be invisible again.


A dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor. He recited the secret technique of the Holy Spirit taught by Shi Jian. The closed lotus paused, and the stone order was dazzling. There were densely packed small characters emerging on it, like tadpoles, which was extremely mysterious.

"The Heaven-Mending Technique of the Holy Spirit Clan!"

It's a pity that the text only appeared for a moment and then disappeared. This stone order is a special kind of Holy Spirit. It was born with the Holy Spirit Ancestor. It also has its own spiritual wisdom and does not want to spread the secrets of the Holy Spirit to others.

"This..." The white lotus closed again. The blood demon roared for a while and then stopped. Ji Hongjing was speechless. Was he just here for sightseeing?

"Senior, is there anything you can do?" He had no choice but to turn to the three gods for help. He was now too insignificant in front of the Taoist Master and the Holy Spirit Ancestor!

The three gods looked at each other, laughed, and said, "Of course there is."

The Holy Body God said: "If we call up the Tao Fruit of the previous life, we can easily break the Holy Spirit and help the Taoist Master turn it into immortal liquid as soon as possible."

Ji Hongjing was overjoyed, and the Taiyin God thought and said: "But don't bother, summoning the Dao Fruit from the past life will consume too much, and your new Blood Pagoda and Nine Nether Mountains will not be able to sustain it for a few times. This time it depends on Taoist Friend Taiyang." Bar."

The Sun Divine Sense flew into the temple, and Ji Hongjing followed him in, and saw him kneeling before a sarcophagus in the temple, chanting something. After nine kowtows and nine obeisances, the sarcophagus opened a gap on its own, and a stalwart man sat up.

The stone order trembled and made trembling sounds, like the chaotic sword energy rushing up, the ancient stone flashed, and blood stains dripped down.


He came to the outside of the Sun Temple in one step and stood on the Taoist Talisman Formation. His eyes looked through the years and seemed to be communicating with the Taoist. The golden light from the tower in his hand erupted, which was more dazzling than the sun.


The salute he performed was an ancient ritual. Whenever the Ji family worships their ancestors, most people in the Beidou East Wilderness would perform this ceremony in front of the Void Hall. Everyone in the Ji family would perform this ceremony. When Ji Yanzhi took office as the head of the family, he He took over the position of chief priest and then the head of the family, which shows that the family attaches great importance to sacrifice.

Ji Hongjing performs the sacrificial ceremony. This is not because he is timid about the power of the Holy Emperor, but because he pays homage to the achievements of the Holy Emperor and the ancestors of the human race. Even across the galaxy, in terms of bloodline, Beidou and even other distant star fields, everyone has the same blood flowing in their body. With the blood of the Holy Emperor, the major imperial clans are still prosperous.

After the ceremony, Ji Hongjing looked at the Holy Emperor who was sitting up. This was just a piece of human skin, but it was enough to crush eternity. He seemed to be conscious. He raised his hand and the Sun God Tower fell into his hands. The energy of chaos dropped down, and the gods inside it Wake up completely and fight with the Holy Emperor!

The Holy Emperor's divine power was very restrained. Even so, chaos would arise if he moved. He knew what to do and did not let go of his momentum, otherwise the ancient well of Dao Zun that had experienced long years of erosion would explode in an instant.

The sun god Nian smiled slightly, raised his hand and threw the soup valley. The palm-sized island suddenly grew bigger, a hibiscus tree shook gently, and a sun temple on the tree shone brightly.

"Senior, what should I do?" Ji Hongjing was curious. Without recalling the Dao Fruit of the past life, the Sun God Mind can only be cultivated as a great sage. If he activates the Sun God Tower, he can break the Taoist Talisman Formation and shatter the Holy Spirit, but it will definitely not be able to do it silently. Breathe, this magic well will explode, and if the breath of the Holy Spirit leaks even a little, all life will be destroyed. Not many humans in the tenth city can survive.

"Qiang", "Qiang"...

"Holy Emperor of the Sun!"

A golden light shot from the Sun God Tower to the talisman array. The talisman array rippled and did not block it. It was allowed to pass through and hit the stone order.

The blood demon screamed, and the death crisis struck. They rushed into the lotus regardless of their weakness. The lotus bloomed again, revealing the Holy Spirit's arm and stone order. They were wary of the Holy Emperor and did not dare to attack.

Ji Hongjing looked at the sun god with hope, and the one-armed old man said with a smile: "Well, you have no way to deal with this situation, so I will help you once. It can be considered as a contribution to the human race and brew a pool of immortal liquid."

That was the blood of the Holy Spirit, and the dense tadpole text reappeared. Ji Hongjing's thousands of bodies and spirits were carefully writing down this sky-repairing technique, hoping that it was really a sky-repairing technique from the ancient times.

"This is the starting formula. It's just an introduction. The real formula is in the other magic wells." Thousands of gods jointly comprehended the tadpole script, and soon Ji Hongjing understood the mystery. The real magic of mending the sky is extremely complex. , what is written on the stone order is only a short section at the beginning.

"Boom" the Holy Emperor bombarded the stone order and the giant hand of the Holy Spirit, and the Taoist formation was also glowing, trying to turn it into immortal liquid.

After all, Shi Ling was not a real godless soldier. He only relied on that giant hand. The combination of the two had such power. Now that he was being bombarded constantly, it was a bit dim.


The white lotus exploded completely. Unable to withstand the divine power of the Holy Emperor, it was beaten into powder and turned into a piece of pure white brilliance, which was trapped by the Taoist Talisman Formation.

The big flesh-and-blood hand that was hundreds of feet long suddenly exploded at this moment, and divine blood splattered everywhere. This divine blood was a magical medicine for the Holy Spirit. All the divine blood was burning. Once it left the palm, it was uncontrollable and turned into light.


The Holy Emperor of the Sun raised his hand and pointed, turning the divine tower in his hand. The Dao fire on the divine blood was extinguished. Even if he wanted to self-destruct, the Taoist talisman array glowed, turning the divine blood into fairy liquid. However, this process was very long. .

The stone order trembled and struggled violently. It was made of stone on the outside, but also had flesh and blood on the inside. It was a special Holy Spirit, born together with its owner, and became a weapon.

There were finger marks on the stone order, and it was almost crushed by the Taoist Master. It knew that it could not escape the fate of being crushed, so it tried its best to attack the talisman array. Unfortunately, it did not have a giant hand, and its resistance was weak, not as good as the Great Sage.


The Tower of the Sun shook, and the stone order stopped moving. It was completely disconnected, and then shattered into pieces, turning into materials for brewing fairy liquid.

As the divine tower turned, a piece of mud flew out from the bottom of the talisman array and was taken into the tower. The human skin of the Holy Emperor returned to the Sun Temple. Ji Hongjing bowed to see him off. After a while, the Fuso Island became smaller again and fell into the hands of the Sun God Nian. Put away by him.

The Sun God Tower whirled around and flew back to the top of the God's Thought. The god inside fell asleep again. The God's Thought took out the mud from the tower and handed it to Ji Hongjing.

Ji Hongjing was very excited. He peeled off the rotten soil and removed the stone layer, and finally found the crystal light in the center.

There are more than a dozen drops of five-color fairy liquid in the mud shell. Each drop is the size of a fingertip. It is not bonded to other drops and forms its own shape, crystal clear and bright.

It's like a powerful medicine brewed by the ancient gods. It's fragrant and fragrant. Just one sip will strengthen your muscles and bones, and your joints will make a clicking sound, ready to undergo transformation.

"What a good thing!" Ji Hongjing shouted excitedly. He got the introduction to the Heaven Mending Technique and the Taoist Immortal Liquid. It was a worthwhile trip!

The gods were not surprised. They walked around the talisman array to examine it, and gathered together to discuss it from time to time. Finally, they came to the conclusion: "With the current power of the talisman array, in more than ten years, all the broken Holy Spirits can be turned into fairy liquid." ”

"How much is that?" Ji Hongjing asked excitedly.

"There are always twenty or thirty drops," the sun god thought.

Ji Hongjing struggled for a while and said: "Forget it, leave it to future generations, I won't wait any longer. There are six magic wells on the ancient road. If each well contains more than a dozen drops of fairy liquid, my harvest will be very bad." Oh my god."

The gods nodded. Ji Hongjing couldn't afford to wait for more than ten years. His big realm level was too difficult and he had to race against time.

Flying to the mouth of the well, Ji Hongjing drew a gourd in the same way, and drew a picture of the Moral Heavenly Lord in the void. The runes on the mouth of the well glowed. Soon the mouth of the well opened, and Ji Hongjing turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

After leaving the ancient well, Ji Hongjing saluted the old Taoist on the well. It is admirable that Tianzun devoted himself to serving the human race and left behind such an unprecedented opportunity.

"Master, Master, no matter what happens in the future, no one can change your position as an immortal!"

Secretly making up his mind, he took Xiaobai away from this place. There were other opportunities at the Burial Ground of Gods and Demons, but they were no longer important.

(End of this chapter)

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