The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 363 Medicine Garden

Chapter 363 Medicine Garden (please vote for more updates!)

In the cold and dead universe, there are broken planets everywhere. An ancient platform of divine light lights up, and several figures appear on a dark red planet.

"The person the fairy wants to deal with is in a place like this?" Ji Hongjing looked around. This place was like an ancient battlefield, which had existed for a very long time. The fragments of the handed down holy artifacts floating in the starry sky had no trace of energy and would break when touched.

Fairy Qingshi nodded and said: "This is not far from the tenth level. My people followed it here and concluded that this is probably a ruins of the ancient heaven."

She stepped on the planet under her feet and said: "Fellow Taoists may not believe it, but the planet under our feet is half the head of a peerless powerful man, and his undying fighting spirit is still there to this day!"

Hearing this, Ji Hongjing threw his mind into the ancient star beneath his feet, and a fighting spirit rose into the sky. It seemed that he could hear the roar of the ancient god: "The Immortal Emperor..."

He was shocked. Was this strong man a figure from the Immortal Emperor's era? Or was he a divine general from the ancient heaven who was killed here by the Immortal Emperor?

The cross-section of the planet is very smooth, and I can still feel the supreme sword intent slashing down from the nine heavens, like a divine phoenix blow, cutting open the head of a peerless strong man, killing his soul, leaving only millions of people with hatred. The year is gone!

"Fellow Daoist Ji, that man is in a palace ruins. It's still some distance away from here. Let's fly there carefully." Fairy Qingshi waited for Ji Hongjing to wake up from this mood, and took the lead to fly into the universe, carefully hiding her traces.

Ji Hongjing did as he was told, and after flying for a day, they came to a group of dilapidated palaces. These palaces were floating in the universe and had been turned into ruins. A meteorite would turn into fly ash at the slightest touch.

There is a black whirlpool in the center of the palace, which should be the entrance to the secret realm. Beside the whirlpool are four black ancient coffins. Inside each ancient coffin lies an ancient corpse wearing black armor whose appearance cannot be seen clearly.

Ji Hongjing did not find the existence of the ancient star of life. He only saw some continents floating in the universe and speculated that the ancient star had been exploded.

"You are left and I am right." Fairy Qingshi shouted and took the lead in killing the two ancient corpses on the right. The ancient corpses suddenly opened their eyes, but were shattered in an instant.


"Fellow Daoist Ji, let's go into the urn and catch the turtles!"

Fairy Qingshi handed Ji Hongjing a token that could pass through the formation. Ji Hongjing was worried, so he also arranged a formation and exchanged tokens with Fairy Banished.

"The ice needle can only interfere with the puppet's three breaths. Fellow Taoist, let's go in quickly."

This veil can block the detection of spiritual consciousness, and can also change the appearance and original aura. It is a rare treasure. Ji Hongjing uses the source of divine magic to change his appearance and hide his identity.

A huge black tiger attacked, exuding a powerful aura, and it turned out to be a puppet made of a monster beast at the peak of the holy realm!
There is also a thin figure above the black tiger's head. The whole body is shrouded in black mist, exuding an ominous aura. It is impossible to distinguish between male and female. Only a pair of red eyes are exposed, like two red lanterns, which is eerie and strange.

The fairy didn't say anything. This was also human nature. She entered the whirlpool first, followed closely by Ji Hongjing. After passing through a teleportation channel, they came to a fairy treasure land.

Fairy Qing Shi turned into a white light and entered the gate, followed closely by Ji Hongjing. There were two puppets inside the gate, both restrained by ice needles. They quickly went deep into the palace, passed through three gates, and finally arrived at the core area of ​​the palace. .

Ji Hongjing killed the two ancient corpses on the left almost at the same time. He looked at Fairy Qingshi with solemn eyes. The two ancient corpses were both refined by powerful saints, but they were instantly exploded by the banished fairy. The war broke out. Her power is no weaker than that of Overlord when he uses his trance form. It can be seen that her actual combat power is much stronger than that of Overlord.

"Is this the palace of Ancient Heaven?" Ji Hongjing looked at these majestic palaces and asked via voice transmission.

There was a roar in the vortex, and the person controlling the ancient corpse realized something was wrong and rushed towards the entrance, but Fairy Qingshi arranged several formation disks at the entrance, and a large formation at the level of a saint king was activated, blocking the entrance.

When approaching a dilapidated palace, Ji Hongjing saw two figures shrouded in black mist guarding the door. Fairy Qingshi shot two ice needles and pierced their necks, and the two figures immediately stopped moving.

"It's very possible. After discovering this ruins, I searched ancient books and found a few words recording that there used to be an ancient star of life here. It might have been a fortress in the ancient heaven, and a powerful divine general was stationed there."

After arriving at one of the floating continents, Fairy Qingshi was even more careful, put on a veil, and said through a voice transmission: "That person is in a secret realm on this continent. This secret realm is protected by formations. It has been preserved for many years. This This formation is at the emperor level. Although it loses most of its effects, it is still no problem to kill the saint. Fellow Taoist, be careful."


"How dare you disturb the Lord, you will all die!"

A black spear pierced through the void. This was also a strong man at the peak of a saint. He was so terrifying that he didn't know whether he was a living person or a puppet.

"Fellow Daoist Ji, deal with the black tiger. Leave this person to me." Fairy Qingshi waved her hand, and a silver-white divine sword appeared in her hand. It was a legendary holy weapon forged with Daluo silver essence. With a wave of the divine sword, a silver-white sword appeared. The person who was killing the tiger was like the Milky Way falling from the sky, slashing on the black spear, sparking dazzling sparks.

There was a flash in the sky, and Ji Hongjing appeared in front of the black tiger, blocking the giant claws that were grabbing at Fairy Qingshi. The tiger's claws glowed with cold light, not much worse than the legendary holy soldiers. The tiger's skin was very tough and hard to be hurt by swords.


The tiger's claws convey huge power, which is a bit more powerful than the Overlord. This black tiger is also a strange sacred beast. It might be able to fight an ordinary Saint King during its lifetime!
But now he is just a puppet after all. Ji Hongjing's eyes were slightly cold. When he saw Fairy Qing Shi slashing away the black mist surrounding her opponent with one sword, revealing a woman in black armor, and then cutting off the person's head with another sword, exposing her soul, she immediately stopped hesitating. , a golden spear appeared in his hand, piercing the black tiger's head, revealing a dark mass of mud exuding the stench of rotting corpses.

"Is this a way for the underworld to sacrifice puppets?"

The mud exudes an ominous aura. Ji Hongjing holds a gun and makes a seal, and touches the gun. The dragon and snake intersect to generate chaotic thunder, exorcise evil spirits and suppress evil spirits, and split the mud into ashes with one shot.

This spear was snatched by the God King Jiang Taixu on the day he was resurrected. It was the handed down holy weapon borrowed by the King of Dark Night. On the day Ye Fan broke the curse, the man in the dark controlled the imperial weapon and tried to take it back, but he was killed by him with the ancient glazed mirror. At that time, he promised to hit the gods with the spear and repair the spear after becoming a saint. In the past six months, he took the time to fulfill his promise and recast it with Daluo gold essence, making it more powerful than the original spear.

On the other side, a twelve-grade Dao Lotus bloomed. Although it was just a shadow, it could instantly purify evil spirits. The banished fairy sat cross-legged on the Dao Lotus, like the reincarnation of the Immortal King, holy and noble, shattering the black-armored woman's soul.

"Is this the Dao Lotus that the fairy got in the Chaos Immortal Land? Just the shadow is so powerful, how powerful will it be when it matures?" Ji Hongjing praised, Dao Lotus is a rare treasure, not to mention the twelve-grade Dao Lotus, except for Qing The emperor's true form, he could not imagine that there was a lotus more powerful than this Dao Lotus.

"Fellow Daoist, thank you. Your Fairy Golden Magic Lamp is also a lotus lantern. We can exchange experiences when we have time!" In order to wait for the twelfth-grade Dao Lotus to mature, Fairy Qingshi will stay in the tenth level for more than ten years, so she has plenty of time.

"Okay!" Ji Hongjing nodded. If he had the opportunity to understand Daolian, he would be very happy. It might help him understand the Qingdi scriptures he got from Pang Bo.

The two continued to walk forward. This secret realm seemed to be the medicine garden of the ancient Heavenly Fortress. It was extremely vast and grew many immortal mushrooms, ancient trees and immortal flowers.

"How many thousands of years has it been since the age of mythology? The fortress was destroyed, but this medicine garden is still full of vitality!" Fairy Qingshi marveled that these elixirs were protected by formations and had passed through nirvana countless times in millions of years. Some are comparable to little medicine kings, and some die completely and turn into soil to nourish this fairyland.

The formation to protect the elixir is not like the one arranged by the emperor. There must be a deeper reason why it can still function after so many years. Ji Hongjing used his martial arts eyes to see that there is a huge dragon vein in the ground. These elixirs all grow on the dragon vein. On the dragon vein There are dense formations, and the formations that protect the elixir are connected to these formations and receive sufficient energy, which makes them immortal for millions of years.

"Who set up the Emperor-level Yuantian Divine Formation? Emperor Yuan? Or Emperor Zun?"

Tribulation Tianzun, Hades Emperor, and Yuan Emperor are all Cao Yusheng, who is now the unscrupulous Taoist Duan De. He created the line of Yuan Shu. Emperor Zun is his disciple. It is not surprising that he knows Yuan Shu. I just don’t know the Yuan Tianshen here. Who set up the array?

The Yuan Tian Formation here is more powerful than what is recorded in the Yuan Tian Book. It is immortal for millions of years and locks the huge dragon veins. If one can understand one or two of the secrets, the Yuan Technique will definitely go a step further.

"Deal with the enemy first."

Deep in the medicine garden, like a fairy land, there are more than a dozen medicine kings, each of which is of excellent quality and can extend life by more than four to five hundred years.

The most precious thing is a pine tree planted at the position of the dragon ball. It is no more than three feet high and is covered with pine cones. The fruits are divided into five elements: gold, wood, water, fire and earth, five of each type, totaling twenty-five.

"Five-needle pine!"

Ji Hongjing was surprised that this sacred tree, which was no worse than the ginseng fruit tree, actually grew here!

If you look closely, it's not an elixir, it's not of that level, but it's similar to the flat peach tree in Yaochi. A real five-needle pine should have fifty fruits, ten of each kind.

"Is this cultivated from five-needle pine branches?"

The flat peach tree in Yaochi is cultivated from flat peach cores. It is not as good as the real flat peach sacred tree, but it is better than the King of Medicine. The same goes for this five-needle pine. Even if it is a necessary medicine, it is also a rare treasure that is hard to find in the world.

"Who are you? How did you find this place?"

In front of the five-needle pine, a man in black robe turned to look at them. Beside him was a bronze coffin, exuding a frightening aura.

(End of this chapter)

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