Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 102: Destruction

Chapter 102: Destruction (please subscribe! Please vote!)

In the center of Tengteng Town, the roaring thunder kicked off the battle.

Immediately afterwards, red blood boiling like magma soared into the sky, red and blue intertwined, turning into two tigers, one red and one blue, tearing apart the night sky, just like an artist painting with red and blue strokes on the dark curtain.

The momentum that made the world tremble broke out, and it spewed out majesticly, and it could be felt from a very far away place.

"I'll go! Compare with him, you both came from the same master, why is there such a big gap?"

Gu Gu led Qiu Sheng and the three of them to guard one direction. When she saw the strong pressure erupting from the center of the town, she looked at the three of them with a strange expression.

That expression almost didn't come out directly, why are you so useless?

The three people who were originally frightened and hugging each other for warmth, saw An Yan showing off his power and were no longer afraid in an instant.

Moreover, in response to Gu Gu's sarcastic words, Ah Wei said confidently: "We are just the same master, not the same mother."

"Besides, without our green leaves, how can we bring out the beauty of the flowers?"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also nodded in agreement, lay down directly and said: "Master, we just need to lie down. Not moving around is the greatest help to Master and the others."

After experiencing so many things, the three of them finally found their own position, which is to be a good support team, not to hold back, to serve the master well, and to hold the lap of Junior Brother An Yan (senior brother).

Why work hard when you can win?

Gu Gu was so shocked by the useless performance of these three people that her jaw almost dropped to the ground. The corners of her mouth twitched and she said: "You can be considered a genius in a sense if you can describe lying down so confidently."

"Tiger double kill!"

An Yan, who was in the center of the town, also released his power without reservation. The blood tiger condensed with the power of blood and the thunder tiger condensed with thunder and lightning mana pounced out.

For these zombies, which at best only have the ability to jump to a zombie, and most of them are white zombies, his behavior is tantamount to clearing the minions with an unparalleled attack.

Wherever the two tigers passed, zombies turned into ashes under the powerful force. Whether they were white zombies or jumping zombies, they were not the same enemy at all.

This move was also a move that An Yan came up with on a whim. Not to mention, it is very useful for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.

The zombies who were still above them all showed their instinctive fear and were afraid to move forward. They were zombies, not dead corpses, and of course they were afraid of death.


Suddenly, a roar containing strong corpse energy spread.

The zombies who were cowering one moment were rushing towards them like crazy the next second.

Obviously, it is the Zombie King who is behind this.

"You're here just in time!" An Yan shouted, not afraid that he would come, but afraid that you wouldn't come. With the magic power blowing in his robes, he immediately took out the magic spell and chanted: "Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of ten thousand Qi. I have cultivated for hundreds of millions of kalpas and proved my magical power. Golden light curse!"

With a soft "buzz" sound, a bright golden halo emerged from An Yan's body. Wherever the golden light went, the Yin Qi dissipated and the evil spirits disappeared.

An Yan didn't see any movement, he just stood there, like an immovable king, letting the golden light shine.

The zombies that jumped up were like moths flying into the flame, and their bodies turned into ashes inch by inch under the golden light.

At this time, there was another roar, mixed with dark corpse energy, attacking An Yan from all directions.

The zombie king hiding behind him couldn't sit still.

The golden light and black energy were like water and fire hitting each other, making a sizzling sound.

The moment the Zombie King took action, An Yan locked onto the target and flew straight to his hiding place with the help of his magic power.

"Bastard! I finally found you!"

When he saw a child among the zombies, the anger in his heart was uncontrollable and rushed straight to his forehead. Now that he finally found this beast, he immediately took action without hesitation.

He was shrouded in golden light like a bright sun and ran into the black fog of corpse energy. The strong golden light instantly purified the black fog and restored his vision. An inn appeared in front of him. An Yan did not hesitate and shot out a thunder talisman: "Quick!!!"

Thunder surged across the sky, directly smashing the inn to pieces, revealing a burly figure inside.

Thunder and lightning cannot damage its black fur at all, and its black fur looks like a gorilla.

Black zombie!

His hair was completely infected by corpse energy and turned into a black color like black iron. He was invulnerable to fire and water, and invulnerable to swords and guns. His originally stiff joints were penetrated by corpse energy. He could walk as fast as a normal person, and he could already think at the most basic level.

To make a hairy zombie transform into a black zombie and condense corpse elixir in its body, you can imagine how many people's blood it sucked last night.

"Today, I will uphold justice and defeat evil!"

Facing a black zombie, An Yan did not dare to take it lightly. He immediately took a step forward and used the Lightning Thunder Fist.

The sea of ​​thunder in his dantian manifested instantly, turning the area ten meters around him into a prison of thunder. The powerful thunder split the earth into scorched black and cracked.

Coupled with Yu Bu's 20% combat power blessing, the terrifying power made the Zombie King, who had already turned on his intelligence, feel a fatal threat.

The Zombie King roared, and the stinky and poisonous corpse gas erupted. The black hair on his body stood up like a hedgehog, and was then launched out.

In response to the Zombie King's attack, An Yan clenched his fists and stepped out with long strides. The black-haired arrows were unable to break through the thunder prison's blockade and get closer.

Before the Zombie King could react, the Thunder Prison had already enveloped it.

The thunder prison containing the aura of tribulation thunder was not comparable to the thunder and lightning of the Sky Thunder Talisman. When it fell on the seemingly indestructible body of the Zombie King, his skin and flesh were instantly torn apart.

The severe pain also aroused the zombie's ferocity. He roared, resisted the thunder bombardment, and hit An Yan with his arms that could crack mountains and rocks.

Compared with ghosts, the most powerful thing about zombies is their powerful bodies.

"Close combat? Suicide!"

Compared with the zombies' direct attacks, An Yan easily dodged them, and every attack that landed on the zombie king caused wounds to appear on his powerful body.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

Uncle Jiu, who originally said he would come to help, had no choice but to save people first when he saw his junior disciples, Taoist Master Four Eyes and Master Ikkyu, being surrounded by zombies.

"The glorious Yangyang, the sun rises in the east. I wish a curse today to sweep away all the bad luck. Those who encounter the curse will be destroyed. Those who encounter the curse will perish. The true master of heaven will protect me by my side. I will kill the evil spirits and destroy the spirits. I will have spiritual light in my body. I worship the Supreme Being Laojun is as urgent as an order! Go!"

"The Heavenly Master's Protective Spell!"

As soon as the Heavenly Master's curse came out, the besieging zombies suffered a devastating blow in an instant, and the surrounding zombies were wiped out.

It can be said that a monk in the realm of refining gods and returning to the void is no less than a missile that can move freely, with astonishing destructive power.

After solving Taoist Priest Four's dilemma, Uncle Jiu rushed to his junior sisters Gu Gu and Qiu Sheng without stopping.

When he saw his disciple suppressing the zombie king, he felt relieved, and then changed his strategy and handed the zombie king to An Yan.

He turned to help others eliminate the zombies in the town so that no fish would slip through the net.

Fortunately, An Yan and Uncle Jiu were here, otherwise with such a huge number of zombies, even if Taoist Master Four Eyes gathered the other brothers together, there would still be casualties.

On An Yan's side, although both he and the Zombie King have broken through recently, with the blessing of many techniques, the Zombie King is no match for him.

When fighting, it's like destroying everything.

(End of this chapter)

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