Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 111 The immortal touches my head! Grandmaster knocked me on the head

Chapter 111 The immortal touches my head! Grandmaster knocked me on the head

The incident in Tengteng Town is finally over. As for the missing Shi Jian, Maoshan will send people to look for it.

An Yan, who returned to Renjia Town, was also preparing to start practicing the art of inviting gods.

Uncle Jiu, who knew that An Yan wanted to practice the art of inviting gods, also explained to him the precautions involved.

"It's easy to ask for divine magic, but it's hard to give away the magic."

"So, generally when practicing, most of the gods you invite are the righteous gods you worship or the ancestors of the past generations. If you chant their incense or disciples, they won't pester you too much afterwards."

"But if you invite evil gods and ghosts, you will be crippled even if you don't die. Your vitality will be severely damaged at the least, and your life will not be saved at the worst."

Wen Cai, who was listening in the audience, immediately said: "Then isn't this magic of inviting gods very evil?"

Qiu Sheng smiled and said: "If I ask for my godfather, my godfather will definitely bless me."

An Yan knew that the godfather Qiu Sheng mentioned was the ancestor worshiped by Uncle Jiu. People in the old days believed that this could protect babies from disasters.

Uncle Jiu listened to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai and said unceremoniously: "You two don't have to worry about this problem at all. Even Yu Bu is just a beginner. You still want to learn to pray to gods? Just dream!"

"Master, don't be so straightforward. At least give us a little fantasy."

"That's right! Master!"

The two complained.

"Hmph! The most important thing in life is to face reality head-on. Daydreaming all day will only make you more and more resentful." Uncle Jiu said angrily.

Suddenly, Wencai and Qiu Sheng were a little envious of Ah Wei, because Ah Wei was the captain of the security team and rarely came over on weekdays, and he didn't have to look at the master's stinky face.

An Yan said helplessly: "You two, just try your best and don't let Master worry so much."

"Oops! I suddenly remembered that I haven't fed the chickens yet!"

"By the way, I haven't done any laundry yet!"

As soon as Wencai and Qiu Sheng heard that they were going to be lectured, they immediately made excuses and ran away.

Uncle Jiu sighed helplessly. It was impossible to support the wall with mud. He waved his hands and said, "These two little bastards really want to piss me off."

An Yan shook his head and said, "That's not because you are so cruel."

"Master, then I'm going to practice too."

Uncle Jiu didn't understand the meaning of An Yan's words, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, okay, go practice quickly, I know your senior brother's matters well."

Upon seeing this, he came to the inner hall, prepared incense and candles as tribute, looked at the ancestors of the past generations and the San Mao Zhenjun at the top and worshiped seriously.

After completing all the preparations, An Yan stepped out and used the magic of inviting gods.

"Please come on, Grandmaster!!!"

As he finished speaking, he stamped his right foot violently, and a rhythmic stamping sound was heard.

It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that there is one world for one flower, three thousand worlds, as many as the sands of the Ganges River. These huge numbers of worlds constitute the heavens and the worlds.

As for the Heavenly Court, as the center of all realms, it governs the heavens and controls the birth and death of countless worlds.

No, Sanmao Zhenjun is drinking tea in the heavenly court.

The Maoshan sect has branches in various worlds, and their names are sung by people every day, with some praying for blessings and others praying for the upper body.

Suddenly, the three of them felt something. They felt a familiar voice calling them, begging the Patriarch to come forward.

Da Maojun Mao Ying smiled, as if remembering some bad experience, and said, "Brothers, do you think this voice is particularly familiar?"


Mao Gu and Mao Zhong looked at each other and remembered this voice. They gritted their teeth and said, "Is it that little bastard who called the ancestor Chi You to worship us?"

Even if Chi You was defeated, he was far superior to him in terms of stature and strength, and he was still his senior after all.

When have you ever seen a senior bow to a junior?

"Yes, that's him!" Mao Ying glared, "Good boy, you have tricked us, how dare you ask God?"

Mao Gu and Mao Zhong both heard the meaning of their elder brother's words and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Brother, are you planning to be distracted? That's not the case!" After hearing the words of the two younger brothers, Mao Ying just smiled mysteriously: "You two haven't reached my level yet, so you can't see that this little bastard is not simple."

"Haha, he is an interesting little guy. He may be able to add another great supernatural power user to our Maoshan sect."

As she spoke, Mao Ying flicked her fingers, and a ray of divine light easily penetrated the void, traveled through time and space, and landed on An Yan.

There is no doubt that Mao Ying is a real supernatural power user, and An Yan is really lucky to be valued by him.

An Yan stomped for a few minutes, almost breaking the floor. He didn't get any response from the ancestors, and everyone else was numb.

Could it be that he is an insulator?

When An Yan was confused, a bit of divine light fell from the void and penetrated into the Baihui point on his head.


Like a volcano erupting, the huge force instantly filled An Yan's body, and then his body expanded rapidly and turned into a small giant of nearly three meters, almost touching the roof.

"This power!"

An Yan took a breath, so powerful!

He didn't know what kind of strength it was in the realm of Lianxu Hedao, but he had an inexplicable confidence that even Lianxu Hedao couldn't withstand a punch in front of him.

Be good! Did I invite that big shot? Could it be the ancestor who has become an immortal?

Thinking of this, An Yan suddenly became excited. The immortal caressed my head, and I will be blessed with immortality! Is there any!

What if the Patriarch saw that he was a peerless genius and forced him to give him a few golden elixirs from the Supreme Laojun, would he accept it or not?

"Haha, you are worthy of being a master who even dares to trick me. Boy, you are so thick-skinned!"

"Is your name An Yan?"

A hearty laugh sounded in his mind, which jolted An Yan back to reality from fantasy.

Hemp egg!

Why does it sound like you're here to seek revenge?

And cheating on Master Patriarch, the conscience of heaven and earth, would I do such an immoral thing?

Mao Ying was distracted and saw An Yan with a frozen expression, and joked: "What? Can't remember?"

"Ahem! Grandmaster is here!"

"Although my name is An Yan, everyone who knows me knows that I respect teachers the most."

"Maybe he has the same name and I'm not familiar with him!"

I'm not familiar with God, aren't you just An Yan?

Mao Ying's face darkened, she transformed into a big spiritual hand and knocked An Yan's head, and said angrily: "You asked Chi You to worship me, don't you know it yourself?"

As soon as these words came out, An Yan felt as if he was struck by lightning, and he opened his mouth and said: "You! You are the True Lord Sanmao!"


I directly invited my ancestor to take over!

Seeing this, Mao Ying laughed and said: "Now that you think about it, you really dare to think that I can't even get one of Taishang Laojun's golden elixirs. How many more do you want?"

An Yan laughed dryly, not daring to speak out for fear of offending the boss.

Seeing An Yan who was getting frightened, Mao Ying stopped talking nonsense and said: "It's not bad to reach the realm of refining gods and returning voids at such an age. If you encounter disasters in the future, I promise you to ask me to come down to earth to help."

"Also, be sure not to expose the treasure you carry that can travel across the world, so as not to attract other people's prying eyes."

"I've said all that needs to be said, boy. I look forward to the day when we meet in heaven."


As the laughter faded away, An Yan's body quickly returned to normal as if it was leaking air.

He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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