Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 117 Well, you are sick

Chapter 117 Well, you are sick

"A dozen people died?"

"You haven't heard of it recently? The news didn't report it either."

When An Yan heard this number, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. This was not the Republic of China. The death of one person was a big deal, let alone the death of more than a dozen.

If a dozen people really died, could Youdu Amusement Park still be open as normal as it is now?

At this time, the waiter brought the coffee and placed it gently in front of him. An Yan smiled and thanked him.

Jade across from him took a sip of coffee, put down the coffee in his hand and looked at An Yan strangely, as if he was looking at some rare antique.

"You are afraid that the Internet cafe has just been opened in the village. The Youdu Amusement Park announced yesterday that it will be temporarily closed. The external statement is that a safety inspection of the facility will be carried out."


An Yan shook his head, he really didn't catch it.

"The families of the victims didn't make a fuss?"

"So what if it makes trouble? People can't be resurrected after death. The amusement park has provided enough money, so those people will naturally stop pursuing it."

Jade is not very old, but he is obviously used to these things, so he said calmly and calmly.

In her line of work, she has encountered many things, and she has become accustomed to them.

An Yan nodded to express understanding, and then asked: "Tell me about the ghosts. If you can't deal with them, at least they are powerful ghosts."

"Yeah! It's very tricky!" Jade's face finally turned serious when he saw the ghosts in the amusement park, "The incident happened in a haunted house, and there was more than one ghost."

"If my strength hadn't improved recently, I might have already carried it inside."

"Fortunately, the day of the accident was not a weekend, otherwise more than a dozen people would not have died."

"More than one fierce ghost?" An Yan was a little curious. "Logically speaking, fierce ghosts generally don't gather together. Either there are beings more powerful than them suppressing them, or there are other reasons."

"This involves my knowledge blind spot. You are a Taoist priest, so you know this better than me." Jade spread his hands.

"I'm a Taoist priest, not an encyclopedia." An Yan took a sip of coffee. It was not bad, but she said angrily.

"Okay, I know the general situation."

"I can promise you this, but I also have a request."

Putting down the coffee, An Yan also made her request.

Hearing An Yan's words, Jade became interested, leaned over and teased: "Hey, Thigh, do you have something to trouble others with?"

"Tell me about it, I'm really curious."

Seeing Jade's curious kitten-like expression, An Yan also leaned forward and lowered his voice: "Do you have medicine?"

"Huh? Are you sick?"

Originally seeing An Yan's handsome face approaching, Jade was still a little nervous, but when she heard his words, she subconsciously said.

"You have the disease!"

An Yan was almost angry to death and her eyes widened.

"Can you speak?"

"Pfft! Haha!"

"You have broken your defense!"

Seeing An Yan's furious look, Jade suddenly leaned back and laughed in an unladylike manner, pointed at An Yan and said, "I thought you were a cold-faced male god!"

"I think you are sick, or seriously ill."

An Yan was speechless.

Jade is good anywhere, as long as she has a good figure and good looks, but it's a pity that she has a long mouth.

"You can't blame me. Isn't this a normal reaction?" Jade felt confident after hearing this.

An Yan, this neurotic woman, said helplessly: "I'm talking about business. You are from the medicine family, so you should be able to catch the 'medicine', right?"


When medicine was mentioned again, Jade also reacted, with a hint of vigilance in her expression.

"What do you want with the medicine? This is not a good thing."

"For ordinary people, medicine is not a good thing, but I am different."

"I want to refine a cultivation elixir, the most important ingredient of which is 'medicine'." An Yan said straight to the point.

"I believe that with your ability as a pharmacist, it should be easy for you to get the 'medicine'."

After listening to these words, Feicui remembered that it was recorded in the books left by his ancestors that 'medicine' was indeed a great tonic for monks and immortals.

She looked at An Yan in surprise: "Do you know how to refine 'medicine'?"

Jade naturally knows how to do it, but unfortunately her current strength is too weak to refine the 'medicine'. Now she can't help but be surprised to hear that there are people other than her family of pharmacists who know how to do it.

"Don't worry about it. I have my own way." An Yan glanced at Jade and waved his hand.

"Tch, don't tell me if you don't want to, you're a stingy brat." Jade said unhappily.

Then she nodded and said: "Okay, after the incident at the amusement park is over, I will give you the 'medicine'."

As she said that, she rubbed her hands again and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, An Thigh, can you also help me do some exercises?"

Afraid that An Yan wouldn't dislike it, she hurriedly opened her five fingers and added: "We will share the commission 50-50!"

An Yan didn't think much and said directly: "Okay, okay."

Originally, jade was dispensable to him. But it's different now. The medicine pill has a great effect on him, and the other party can control the medicine. This is something that even the immortal is excited about.

For the long term, this doesn't matter.

"However, for the entrustment, I may not be free until tomorrow. I have something to do in the afternoon."

An Yan didn't forget what Dongqing told him. There was another senior in red who needed to be dealt with by Wang Xiaoya.

Anyway, the amusement parks are closed now, so there is only half a day left.

"Okay, let's add Fetion and I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Keeping the lesson learned from last time in mind, Jade took out her pink love-crazy six string and called up the QR code.

"Sweep me."

An Yan nodded, took out his cool transparent version of Ai Crazy Qi, opened Fetion and scanned it.

After seeing An Yan's transparent mobile phone, Jade subconsciously opened her mouth and looked very cute.

"What kind of phone is this?"

"Oh, Love Crazy Seven. Come on, I'll leave first."

After adding friends, An Yan drank the coffee in one breath and got up and left.

"It turns out it's Ai Kuang Qi!" Jade suddenly realized, and then reacted, "Ai Kuang Qi is the ghost! Isn't Ai Kuang only six?"

"And, a transparent version of Love Crazy Seven? Is there a technological explosion?"

"But, it's so cool! I really want it!"

The transparent version of Ai Crazy Qi was shocked to Jade, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

in the afternoon.

An Yan came to convenience store No. 444, opened the door and saw Wang Xiaoya waving wildly at him.

"An Yan, I've finally waited for you!"


Wang Xiaoya rushed forward, took his arm and quickly came to Xia Dongqing.

"Wang Xiaoya, when will you become more ladylike?" An Yan complained. Wang Xiaoya now looks like a tomboy.

"Can a lady be used as food?" Wang Xiaoya said indifferently.

"Ignore this crazy girl, An Yan, what do you think of the senior in red?" Xia Dongqing asked.

An Yan's attention was attracted by Xia Dongqing's words. He shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it, and I don't know. I have to see it in person to judge."

"Then let's go to my dormitory and have a look first. Zhou Jie has been having a high fever."

Wang Xiaoya said worriedly.

"Your dormitory?"

An Yan and Xia Dongqing looked at each other, wouldn't they want to enter the girls' dormitory?

 I typed the chapter name wrong, which is embarrassing. I have to find an editor to correct it tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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