Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 122 Can’t look away

Chapter 122 Can’t look away

After An Yan took Jade out of the haunted house, he went straight to the security booth at the gate.

"Hey, I see you again. Are you ready to leave?"

Before they even got out of the door, the security guard appeared in front of the two of them and greeted them with a smile. When his eyes touched the disk in An Yan's hand, he paused and looked away.

Jade didn't reply, but looked at the middle-aged man in front of her who looked to be in her thirties or forties. The expression on his face gave people a simple and honest feeling.

"Do you know this thing?"

An Yan did not answer the question, but smiled and handed out the disc in his hand and asked.


"I don't read much and don't know these things."

The security guard smiled honestly, scratched his head and said sheepishly, but he was surprised and doubtful in his heart, what does this mean, he discovered himself?

Impossible, he used the disguise technique, and it was the first time for the two of them to see him.

"You two, the captain called me something, so I left first."

No matter what, let’s run away first.

Seeing the security guard who was still acting, An Yan didn't want to continue playing, and directly revealed: "Although I don't know what method you use to make yourself behave like a middle-aged man, but the aura of twilight exuding from your bones is You can’t fool anyone.”

"The breath of an old man and the breath of a middle-aged man, one is the setting sun and the other is the sun at noon. There is no way you can fake this!"

In the realm of refining gods and returning to the void, An Yan's Yin God is transforming into a Yang God, so he is very sensitive to changes in the aura of Yin and Yang.

He had noticed something was wrong with the security guard when he came in just now, so he kept an eye on it. It wasn't until Li Gui said that the person behind him was an old man that he remembered it.

After listening to An Yan's words, Jade finally understood what the awkward feeling she felt from the security guard was.

How could a middle-aged man have the aura of twilight that only the elderly have?

She was immediately on guard.

Cold sweat broke out on the security guard's forehead, but he still managed to remain calm and said with a blank expression: "What are you talking about? I don't understand at all. You rich people should stop making fun of me as a poor person."

"I still have to work!"

"You see what happened, do you want to run away?" An Yan directly blocked the security guard.

Seeing An Yan who was only three meters away from him, the security guard's originally honest face turned into a ferocious one. He bent his elbow and struck fiercely, and at the same time roared: "You brat, you talk too much, die!"

"An Yan!"

Jade didn't expect the security guard to be so decisive and dare to commit murder after seeing what happened. She wanted to help but couldn't stop him.

An Yan stood there without hiding, showing a sarcastic smile.

"Who gave you the courage to think you could sneak attack me?"


The next moment, the security guard was shocked. He saw that his full-out elbow strike was blocked by the young man in front of him with a finger.

His fingers were just lightly touching his elbow, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward at all.

"Good boy, no wonder you are so calm!"

The security guard's voice became hoarse and he hurriedly stepped back with his elbow, only to find that his retreat had been blocked by the little girl.


An Yan did not take action immediately, but looked at the security guard with puzzled eyes.

"Looking at the Yin Gathering Talisman you drew, you must have come from a well-known and decent family. Why are you so indifferent to it in your old age?"

The ferocious look on the security guard's face paused, and he said hoarsely: "If you can't look away, you can't look away. How many people can face life and death calmly?"

"Ants are still greedy for life!"

"A poor Taoist has been practicing Taoism all his life, but in the end he still cannot escape and is reduced to a handful of loess. I am not willing to accept it!"

"Boy, get out of the way, I don't have to kill you, or I won't show mercy later!"

The security guard glanced at An Yan fearfully. Of course, he was confident that he would definitely win if they really fought. But no matter how talented a boy in his early twenties is, he definitely doesn't have enough fighting experience.

"You have spent your whole life cultivating Taoism in vain. Then let me send you to the Taoist Ancestor to confess to him!"

Lightning flashed all over An Yan's body, as if he had transformed into a thunder god, and a terrifying aura filled the air.

"Refining God is still empty? Run away!"

Seeing the scene that looked like the arrival of the God of Thunder, the security guard was heartbroken. He no longer had the confidence he had just now. He stamped his feet on the ground hard and jumped high into the distance. "Lightning Thunder Fist!"

With a punch, the lightning pierced the sky and landed accurately on the security guard.

The terrifying power turned it into fly ash, not even the dregs were left.

Looking at the figure bathed in thunder, the emerald eyes shine, this is so cool!

"Teach me! How do you discharge electricity?"

Jade asked excitedly.

"Want to learn?"

An Yan dispersed the thunder and lightning and saw Jade who looked like a fangirl.

Jade nodded wildly, "I want to learn!"

"I won't teach you!"

An Yan laughed, turned around and walked to the monitoring room. He didn't want the video of him transforming into Thunder to be circulated on the Internet the next day.

Being low-key is the way to go!

Seeing the retreating figure, Jade was so angry that she realized that she had been tricked.

She couldn't help but lower her head and look at herself. Could it be that her charm had become less attractive?

Located in the prison on the outskirts of Youdu, a haggard-looking uncle walked out carrying a large luggage bag, accompanied by prison guards.

"Old Wang, do your best when you go out, and don't be so impulsive in the future."

"Just take big strides forward and don't look back!"

The prison guard said to Lao Wang that he knew Lao Wang was a pitiful man, and if he had encountered such a thing, he might have gone berserk.

However, as a police officer now, he naturally has to pay attention to what he says.

"Thank you, thank you officer."

Lao Wang bowed deeply, then staggered out of the prison gate with his luggage in his arms.

But after being imprisoned for so many years, the scene outside has become unfamiliar, and the bus station of the past is gone.

Standing there, Lao Wang looked around blankly. It was not until he saw a parked taxi in front of him that he slowly came back to his senses.

"It's really like a lifetime ago!"

But he didn't regret it. If he couldn't kill the beast with his own hands, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Lin Zhiwu in the car saw Lao Wang approaching through the rearview mirror, with a trace of hatred and murderous intent in his eyes.

Worried that the other party would recognize him, he put on a pair of sunglasses.

Lao Wang walked to the car and saw the driver who was wearing sunglasses and looked a bit uneasy. He asked a little cautiously: "Brother, I want to ask, wasn't there a bus stop nearby? Why is there not one now? ?”

"That was many years ago, and the route has been changed long ago."

Hearing the driver's words, Lao Wang couldn't help but stood up in confusion.

"Uncle, where are you going? How about I take you there?"

"This won't work, you still have to do business." Lao Wang didn't want to disturb others and was about to leave.

"It's okay. I originally planned to do business today. I came to pick someone up. Unexpectedly, I saw the wrong date and was about to leave."

"Where do you want to go? I'll take you there by the way."

"Don't be polite. There are no buses on this road, and there are usually few cars."

Lin Zhiwu suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and pretended to be kind.

When Lao Wang heard this, he hesitated for a moment, then said with an embarrassed smile: "Then I'll trouble you."

So Lao Wang got in the car.

 It's a bit stuck, sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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