Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 126 Bewitched by ghosts

Chapter 126 Bewitched by ghosts

In the dim guest room, two figures were intertwined and superimposed, performing the most primitive movement.

At some point, the door opened a crack, and a woman appeared behind the door.

Her eyes were full of surprise, why was there only one person?

So what is her husband doing?

Another week has passed since I had dinner with Wang Xiaoya and the others.

Wang Xiaoya, who had nothing to do at night, came to No. 444 to look for Xia Dongqing. Unexpectedly, An Yan was also there.

"Holly, An Yan, so boring!"

"You guys play poker with me!"

An Yan was reading a novel, Xia Dongqing was helping An Yan cook oden, and Wang Xiaoya was almost bored to death.

"Aren't you a college student? Read more books. There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book."

An Yan, who had just watched the climax and watched it with gusto, didn't want to play poker with Wang Xiaoya.

After hearing An Yan's words, Wang Xiaoya sat down opposite him angrily, put his chin in his hands and said cutely: "You have been graduating for too long, and you don't even understand today's college students. Today's college students read everything except teaching books." .”

Xia Dongqing: Have I been kicked out of college?

"Besides, aren't you a Taoist priest? Why do you read fairy tale novels?"

"Cuteness is worthless in the face of sexiness. Go to Dongqing for being cute, and don't affect my reading of novels." An Yan glanced at Wang Xiaoya and refused to read.

At this moment, Xia Dongqing came over with oden. After hearing An Yan's words, she shyly said, "I also like sexy ones."

"You! You vulgar people are so angry with me!" Wang Xiaoya was so angry that her chest hurt. She lowered her head and glanced at her flat chest. She wanted to cry but had no tears. As long as she could squeeze out of the ditch, there was no need to act cute.

Xia Dongqing ignored the crazy Wang Xiaoya, saw An Yan concentrating on reading a novel, and asked curiously: "An Yan, what novel are you reading? Is it good?"

"It looks good, I'll give it to you."

"I happen to be chasing an urban novel recently, and I recommend it too."

Seeing the two people ignoring him, before Xia Dongqing took out his phone, Wang Xiaoya thought of the Shu Ling he met the day before, slammed the table and shouted: "I have decided!"

As expected, An Yan and Xia Dongqing's attention was attracted.

"Humph! I decided to write a novel by myself. Since Ukawa can write a boyfriend for himself, then I want it too!"

"I want to write about a perfect man who looks like Do Min Joon!"

As he said this, Wang Xiaoya's own eyes shone.

Where is this? Do you think Shu Ling is a cabbage that can be seen everywhere? If it were so easy for him to write a high-level martial arts novel and create a female emperor, wouldn't he be able to live a free life?

Just when An Yan was about to complain, his cell phone rang.


"Hello, are you the owner of the Exorcist Bar?"

"Yes, I am."

An Yan nodded.

Wang Xiaoya, who was still dreaming, suddenly stopped feeling bored when she heard that someone was looking for An Yan to exorcise evil spirits. She trotted to An Yan's side with excitement and curiosity on her face and listened attentively.

Xia Dongqing was sitting nearby, so she vaguely heard something.

"That's right, I suspect my husband is cheating on me!"

"What? Cheating?" An Yan was stunned, wondering when his business scope had become so broad. He subconsciously said: "Are you looking in the wrong place? I am exorcising evil spirits, not arresting three people, arresting three please." Go find a private investigator.”

"No, I suspect that my husband is obsessed with a female ghost!"

"Master, can you come to my house tomorrow?"

It turned out to be a "ghost"!

Only then did An Yan understand why he came to find him. He was good at catching female ghosts, so he nodded and said, "Okay, you can add me Fetion to send you the address, and I'll go and have a look tomorrow."

As soon as he hung up the phone, he saw Wang Xiaoya's face appeared in front of him, blinking, and he looked confused.

"What are you doing? Are your eyes sick?" "Your eyes are the only ones that are sick!" After hearing that he was sick, Wang Xiaoya immediately landed a small, painless pink fist on An Yan's strong chest, gritting his teeth.

"I am discharging electricity for you, don't you feel it?"

"Huh? I thought you had eye cramps!"

An Yan said innocently, because he really wasn't shocked.

This successfully made Xia Dongqing on the side laugh, and she couldn't help laughing and said: "Xiaoya, you still have the potential to be a funny girl."

Call her a funny girl? Is there any mistake?

Wang Xiaoya immediately waved his non-threatening fist to demonstrate: "Fuck you! Believe it or not, I will beat you!"

After threatening Xia Dongqing, she said to An Yan: "I want to go tomorrow too!"

"Fuck you big-headed ghost, don't you have to go to class tomorrow?"

An Yan would not coddle her like Xia Dongqing and refused immediately.

"During the exorcism period, refuse to eat melons from the masses!"

The current Wang Xiaoya is not the goddess of war that even Bai Suzhen would dare to do in the future. Now she is at best a female psycho, and he doesn't want to be a dragster.

He finished the oden quickly, then paid and ran away to avoid Wang Xiaoya's constant buzzing in his ears.

the next day.

An Yan arrived at an apartment as promised at noon.

Building B, 502.

Standing outside the door, An Yan sent a message on Fetion.

Soon, there was the sound of the door being unlocked, and a woman wearing home clothes opened the door and appeared.

Looking at the overly young bar owner outside the door, she was a little dazed, and then said: "Are you the bar owner?"

An Yan nodded, "Yes, my name is An Yan, Ms. Liu, right?"

"Yes, yes, come in quickly."

Ms. Liu has a very ordinary appearance and is the kind of woman who is very suitable for life.

An Yan also understood why her husband cheated on her, it was just because she was tired of it.

As a man, he thinks he understands men's psychology very well. In one sentence, he can sum it up as follows: domestic flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers, and what you can't get will always cause turmoil.

After following Ms. Liu into the house, he carefully scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, but did not feel any residual Yin Qi. Generally speaking, if there have been dirty things in the home, there will definitely be residual yin and filthy air.

But now, he is sure that Ms. Liu's house is clean.

With his current cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible to make a wrong judgment.

"Ms. Liu, are you sure your husband is obsessed with ghosts? I took a look and found that your house is very clean and there is nothing dirty."

He told the truth, and of course he didn't rule out that there were reasons he didn't know.


"Then why does he wait for me to fall asleep every night, then go to the guest room and do those things alone, and often talks to himself."

Ms. Liu said excitedly, obviously, this is not the first time she has seen her husband make such an abnormal behavior.

"His physical condition has been getting worse and worse recently. His face is blue and his lips are pale and there is no blood at all. It looks like he has overindulged in sex."

"I'm afraid if he continues, his body will collapse."

Hearing this person, An Yan looked a little strange. Why did this sound so similar to Bai Xiaoxue's situation.

The only difference is that Ms. Liu is not as obsessed and crazy as Bai Xiaoxue.

"Take me to the guest room to see."

(End of this chapter)

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