Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 132 The Cunning Young Master 5

Chapter 132 The Cunning Fifth Young Master

In January, in the middle of winter, Shennongjia is covered with snow and everything is completely silent.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering sound of dragon roar shocked hundreds of miles, and a golden dragon figure rushed up among the rolling mountains.

When he heard the name "Fifth Young Master", An Yan knew that he would not be able to be kind today. In the original work, the other party did not even give Zhao Li the face. He was an unknown person, and he was afraid that he would not be let go by the other party. In the eyes.

Making a decisive decision, he immediately took out the seven-star demon-suppressing gun and clicked on all five stars in a row. A shuddering aura filled the air, comparable to the practice of refining the void and joining the Tao.

If you strike first, you will be stronger, if you strike later, you will suffer disaster!

"Playing with dragons in front of me?" The Fifth Young Master laughed, "It's like playing with a sword in front of Guan Gong, not overestimating his abilities!"

He raised his hand, his palm shaped like a tiger's claw, and the black mana spiraled down from his arm and condensed on the tiger's claw like smoke.

At the same time, behind the Fifth Young Master, a large black claw took shape, like the claws of a black dragon protruding out, and a touch of dragon power filled the air.

Different from the majesty of the golden dragon, the black dragon's claws looked evil and ferocious, with the ghosts of injustice entangled in them. They were the ghosts of the people the Fifth Young Master had killed over the years.

But the next moment, An Yan's expression changed drastically.

It was obvious that he had the upper hand, and just as the golden dragon was about to bite the Fifth Young Master, the black dragon's claws, which were like hills, directly grabbed the golden dragon, as if catching a loach.

As a magic weapon, the Seven-Star Demon-Suppressing Spear naturally gave birth to spiritual consciousness. When has it ever suffered such humiliation?

The golden dragon screamed sadly and exploded.

The powerful explosion force shattered the black dragon claws together.

In the mountains, a mushroom cloud rose with a rumble, and a strong blast of explosive air spread out.


Jade, who hadn't gone far, felt a strong push coming from behind, and his whole body was violently pushed away by the strong air wave. Pain swept through his body, and a mouthful of hot blood spurted out.

Fortunately, the gold on his back helped block part of the force, otherwise it wouldn't have been a matter of spitting out blood.

But it was also a blessing in disguise, as it was suddenly sent away from the central battlefield.


Smoke shrouded the surroundings, and An Yan used the force to escape far away. Facing the Fifth Young Master, he had no idea of ​​confrontation.

This time is different from before. The difference in strength is really too big. Even if he cheats, it is impossible to beat a Taotie who is suspected of having immortal level combat power.

At present, he can't even beat the Zhao officials who are in the late fourth realm. Anyone who can make Zhao officials kneel down and retreat, whether they are immortals or not, is beyond his ability to deal with.

As for the magic of inviting gods, this is his trump card. Now is not the time to use it. He is waiting for an opportunity.

From behind, a sharp sound like a baby crying sounded, the air was shaken with waves, and the smoke generated by the explosion was instantly swept away.

The Fifth Young Master was still standing there. When he saw An Yan, who was about to turn into a black dot, walking away in the opposite direction, he immediately understood the other party's intention.

Do you want him to choose the opposite direction from that girl?

I have to say, it's a very smart method.

"But only children make choices. I want both the tenacity of a man's soul and the delicacy of a woman's soul!"

The Fifth Young Master, who had transformed into a human being and lived in hiding in the human world for an unknown length of time, sneered, turned around and chased in the direction of Jade.

"Haha, now it's your choice."

An Yan, who was running away, looked back and stopped for a moment. When he saw the fifth master chasing Jade, he couldn't help but cursed: "I'm your ancestor's fifth master! Come at me if you have the ability!" "

Things went counterproductive, and the Fifth Young Master was not fooled.

An Yan was instantly in a dilemma.

First, he ran away regardless of Jade. There was a high probability that he could escape, but Jade would definitely die.

The second is to go back and save Jade, there is a high probability that both of them will die.

When the Fifth Young Master heard An Yan's curse words, the smile on his face became brighter, and he turned around and smiled provocatively.

If An Yan wasn't angry, he would be a little disappointed, because the soul of such a person is not delicious.

The souls of loving and righteous people are the sweetest and most delicious.

Faced with the choice, An Yan didn't struggle much. It seems that he has two choices, but in fact he only has one choice from beginning to end, because he knows very well what kind of person he is.

He couldn't abandon his friends and run away alone.

Perhaps Uncle Jiu saw that An Yan was a person with a bottom line, so he chose to trust him and accept a person of unknown origin like him as his apprentice.

Instead of living with guilt, it is better to fight vigorously.

What about the Immortal Level?

It’s still unclear who will win!


At this moment, An Yan's cloud-climbing skills were pushed to the extreme, and the air emitted a series of explosions, leaving behind a series of sonic boom clouds.

Chase after the Fifth Young Master.

In the past, Shennongjia was dead silent in the winter, but today it was very lively. The beasts that had entered hibernation were awakened one after another, and they fled to the outside together with the beasts that had not hibernated.

In critical moments of life and death, carnivores can coexist with herbivores.

Jade was injured, but fortunately it was not serious. In addition, her pharmacist clan's ability was more focused on auxiliary treatment, so these injuries could be ignored.

In order to speed up, she had no choice but to put down the gold and hide it, and carry the medicinal materials An Yan needed on her back. Compared to the heavy gold, the weight of the medicinal materials was negligible.

However, she didn't get far.

"Little girl, where are you going? Why don't you come and play with your uncle? Uncle will prepare delicious food for you."

A familiar voice sounded from the front. The fifth young master, who was short and thin with a lewd smile, was standing under a big tree with his hands behind his back. He had obviously been waiting for a long time.

"You! Why are you here?"

Jade was shocked when she saw the Fifth Young Master, then turned pale and asked loudly.

What about An Yan who stayed behind?

"Where is An Yan? What did you do to him?"

"Oh, that man you're talking about? His name is An Yan." The fifth young master still had a smile on his face and wore a decent suit, giving him the feeling of a gentle scum.

He showed a pity expression and said: "He ran away, and you were used as bait by him."

"An Yan is not such a person, you can't even think of lying to me!" Feicui's body trembled when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You go to hell!"

Jade pushed forward with both hands, and the firefly-like light spots quickly flew towards the Fifth Young Master.

"The Medicine Master Clan! Okay! Okay! Hahaha!!!"

The fifth young master was not afraid but laughed, showing greed.

"The soul of your pharmacist is a rare tonic in this world. Even the mana is full of fresh, sweet and fragrant breath."

"I really want to, really want to swallow you with all your bones and flesh!"

One can imagine the fifth young master's greed for jade.

You know, in the original work, the Fifth Young Master was introduced like this: because he felt that the human body was full of toxins, he changed his mind to eating souls.

Facing Jade's attack, the Fifth Young Master inhaled sharply like a human vacuum cleaner, and all the green medicine was sucked in by him.

After he finished, he clicked his mouth and grinned, revealing the scene inside that looked like canine teeth.

Jade's pupils shrank, and before she could react, she saw the Fifth Young Master slap his palm into the void.

The air was instantly squeezed out by huge force to form an invisible air cannon, which suddenly knocked the jade away heavily.

For a moment, she was flying upside down in mid-air, and a carousel of life appeared in front of her eyes.

I'm going to die after seeing my grandma!

Emerald eyes closed.

(End of this chapter)

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