Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 134 The right time, right place and right people

Chapter 134 The right time, right place and right people


"Great location!"

"Lightning Thunder Fist!"

After seeing Taotie's size skyrocketed again, reaching over 100 meters, An Yan knew that it was the last moment and his mind was spinning rapidly.

The cracked mountain exposed iron ore, and the power of thunder emitted by An Yan himself immediately brought down the thunder from the sky.

Needless to say the power of natural thunder, combined with the power of his thunder, he used the Lightning Thunder Fist.

In an instant, countless thunderbolts from the sky were drawn down and struck at the Fifth Young Master.

"It doesn't hurt at all!"

Obviously, the Fifth Young Master is a genuine immortal-level being.

An Yan's method of pressing the bottom of the box, which is enough to kill Lianxu Hedao, is not as powerful as the thunderbolt he used when he passed through the Immortal Tribulation.

A voice full of ridicule echoed in the broken mountains, and a huge body pressed down.

"So, I didn't plan to use this trick to kill you in the first place!"

The thunder dragon composed of thunder and lightning, under An Yan's bright smile and gluttonous eyes, bit into An Yan's armor-covered body and turned into a stream of light and flew away into the distance.


The fifth young master suddenly fell into a state of rage when he realized that he had been tricked.

The figure shrank and turned into a black light that cut through the sky, and the speed was actually faster than lightning.

On the edge of Shennongjia, there was a girl walking in the rain holding an umbrella. The girl's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and her face, which was too delicate to be a mortal, had a trace of sadness. Her faint sigh was blurred in the sound of rain.

Before my brother's matter could be settled, there was another news about the invasion of demons.

If it is not handled properly, there will be another turmoil.

The fluctuations in the depths of Shennongjia did not arouse her concern. What did it have to do with others fighting for life or death?

Just don't mess with yourself.

Thinking that she had finally escaped to relax, she decided to temporarily empty her mind and let herself take a good breath.

But it seems that God's wishes are not fulfilled.

There was a roar in the sky, the thunder collapsed, and a figure staggered to the ground.

An Yan didn't expect that the Fifth Young Master would be so persistent in pursuing him. He was now at the end of his strength and was close to running out of fuel.

Can't stop!



Unfortunately, after taking only a few steps, he half-knelt down and lost the strength to even walk.

The sound of kicking footsteps sounded in front. An Yan raised his head slightly. The first thing he saw was a pair of black genuine leather high-top women's shoes. Going up was a round, white and tender thigh, and then up.

Passing by the towering, a face as beautiful as a fairy appeared.

"Run away!"

After saying this, An Yan fainted and fell at the feet of the person in front of him.

"It's really interesting. I'm almost dead, but I still want others to run away."

Looking at An Yan's face, the girl chuckled, and information about An Yan also appeared in her mind.

After learning An Yan's identity, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

What a coincidence!

And the remaining power in him? ! This is

Especially when she felt the Patriarch's power gradually disappearing from An Yan, her eyes showed a hint of shock.

Then she became obviously silent, her eyes flickering, as if she was thinking about something.

At this moment, a black light fell and transformed into the Fifth Young Master. The rain could not reach him and he was isolated by an invisible force.

When the Fifth Young Master saw that there was an extra human being, he couldn't help but smile smugly and said, "I didn't expect that it would take so little effort to get here. Although you are not as good as that Medicine Master clansman, it's not bad to have it as a snack." As for the main course. , naturally An Yan.

It had been a long time since he had eaten the soul of the monk who had refining the spirit and returned it to the void, and his mouth watered just thinking about it.

"The fifth son of Lord Long, Taotie!"

"For the sake of your father, Mr. Long, I will spare your life and get out."

The girl spoke calmly, her eyes were as calm as a deep pool, unfathomable, and revealed a hint of imperial majesty.

"Who are you?"

"Why do you know my father?"

Taotie, who was still smiling at first, suddenly changed his expression after hearing the words of the girl opposite him, and even took a step back.

Even An Yan tried his best and couldn't make Taotie take a step back. The girl's simple words were so powerful.

Being able to see through his identity and tell his father's name at a glance, it is obvious that the person facing him is not a simple person. He may even be an old monster who is of the same generation as his father and has lived for countless years.

However, just such a sentence made him give up the swan meat in his mouth, but he really couldn't do it.

The Fifth Young Master asked cautiously, "I'll take him and leave immediately."

"I have protected this person."

"Who are you? It's too easy to steal my prey with just one sentence."

The Fifth Young Master felt that his dignity was offended, and at the same time he wondered if the other party was bluffing him.

After all, there are many people who can see through him, and there are many people who know his father, but there are really not many people who can defeat him.

The girl seemed to be angered by the Fifth Young Master's words, and her face turned cold. "It seems that I still go out too little. No one remembers me now?"

A huge coercion emitted, the wind and clouds in the sky changed, and the heaven and earth were eclipsed.

The fifth young master's power was as weak as a three-year-old child in front of him, and was simply not worth mentioning.

After feeling this powerful coercion filled with the aura of the underworld, the face of the Fifth Young Master who was still a little unconvinced instantly turned to panic, and he screamed: "Hacha, King of the Underworld!"

This Lord is the last original person in heaven and earth, and is also Chi You's sister. In the end, she was appointed by Kunlun as the talker of the underworld. No matter which name is mentioned, it is an existence that can make people tremble.

"Excuse me for disturbing you!"

The fifth young master was so frightened that he apologized hurriedly and ran away without looking back.

He could not give face to other people in the underworld, but this Lord was the only one he could not afford to offend.

As for An Yan's soul, don't be joking. If Acha, the king of the underworld, doesn't eat it, he's just laughing.

Seeing Taotie who was so frightened that he peed his pants and ran away, Ah Cha smiled contemptuously: "People say that dragons are born from dragons and phoenixes are born from dragons, but I don't think so. The father of a tiger is the son of a dog."

After Taotie ran away in shock, she lowered her head and looked at An Yan who had passed out, "You have taken advantage of the right time, right place, and the right people. It's true that even God is protecting you."

But after seeing the merits and virtues in An Yan, she felt that it seemed reasonable.

"I hope you can come in handy later."

Pluto Ah Cha raised his finger lightly, and An Yan floated into the air, all the rainwater was blocked out, and then disappeared together.

An Yan is safe, but the turmoil caused by him is beginning to spread.

If the dark clouds in the sky disperse at this time, satellites can be used to clearly photograph that the central terrain of Shennongjia has undergone major changes. Many large craters have appeared out of thin air, and some peaks have disappeared.

The military and police immediately sealed off Shennongjia, and all videos of the fighting inside Shennongjia were sealed. External claims were that it was caused by meteorites falling from outer space.

(End of this chapter)

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