Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 137 Time Travel, Jiang Country Years Ago

Chapter 137 Time Travel, Jiang Country Thousands of Years Ago

Jiuyang Pill, a pill made from Jiuyang Grass as the main medicine, can greatly speed up the transformation of Yang Shen.

Looking at the red elixir handed to him by Officer Zhao in his hand, he swallowed it in one gulp without hesitation.

Suddenly, the hot medicinal power spread out and acted on the Yinshen.

There is a burning feeling in the soul, as if it is exposed to the sun, and the Yin Shen quickly undergoes wonderful changes in this state.

"As expected of the elixir refined from Nine Sun Grass, the effect is really powerful."

However, taking Jiuyang Dan has another side effect that can barely be considered a side effect, and that is feeling hot and dry all over the body.

He looked down at the raised posture and hurriedly activated his magic power, feeling suddenly refreshed.


Half a month passed quickly.

Today, it's time for An Yan to travel through time again.

Progress: 100%

[Shangqing Big Cave Scripture, extremely skilled, proficiency: 22760/30000. 】

[Lightning Thunder Fist, Xiaocheng (Thunder Intention Transformation), Proficiency: 9420/15000. 】

[Invite divine skills to reach the pinnacle (those who have great supernatural powers will favor you, and you can invite those with great supernatural powers to take advantage of you). 】

[Yu Bu, Xiao Cheng (blessed by stars), proficiency: 7580/8000. 】

[Drawing talisman, small success (void drawing talisman), proficiency: 3350/5000. 】

[Cloud Climbing Technique, Xiao Cheng (Walking Thousands of Miles a Day), Proficiency: 2286/3000. 】

[Golden Light Spell, entry level, proficiency: 1860/3000. 】

With the blessing of the elixir, I have almost reached full proficiency in the Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing, and I have almost achieved breakthroughs in Yubu and Cloud Climbing Techniques.

An Yan's current strength has also successfully entered the late stage of refining gods and returning to the void, and is not far from the fourth stage of refining the void and combining the Tao.

His mobile phone was destroyed in the battle, and now he can only use Aikuang 6 reluctantly. To put it bluntly, it is much worse than Aikuang 7 in the underworld.

Use your mobile phone to open Legend of Sword and Fairy III, and then activate the ability to travel through time.

The originally stable space began to ripple, and An Yan sensed Uncle Jiu's world. Now, Uncle Jiu's world was of little help to him. He would go back and have a look when he had time later, so he decisively chose to travel through the new world.

The next moment, An Yan disappeared from the spot.

"Buy buns! Big and delicious buns!"

“Freshly picked fruits are fragrant and sweet, don’t miss them when you pass by!”

In an alley, An Yan's figure appeared, and what he heard was the lively shouts of vendors.

He looked down at the ancient costume he was wearing, then touched his long hair tied up like Sedum, and nodded with satisfaction.

Knowing that the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy III is set in the ancient world, An Yan, who has already experienced time travel, naturally would not make any preparations.

He also brought a piece of gold with him to use as a means of transportation. Compared with silver, gold is truly the currency of all worlds.

I have to say that this is a world where spiritual practice is popular and gods and demons coexist. This aura is truly abundant.

This time, he deliberately chose the scene at the beginning of the plot to travel through. Thinking that the first time he traveled through Uncle Jiu's world was before the plot started, he thought it would be similar this time.

There are many more good things in this world than in Uncle Jiu's world, such as five poisonous beasts, five spirit beads, magic swords, demon-suppressing swords, various techniques, etc.

An Yan has already made a plan in advance. At least with him here, the Evil Sword Immortal can't come up with it.

He wants the Demon Suppressing Sword, the Five Spiritual Beads, the Storage Ring, the Shushan Cultivation Technique, and the Alchemy Refining Technique, and at least he needs to break through the Void Refining Hedao.

Complete the above small goals first, and then talk about others.

After thinking for a while, he walked out of the alley. He was going to go to the pawn shop to change some money first, and then meet Sedum.

Walking out of the alley, a bustling atmosphere hit your face, and the streets were crowded with people, as if you had walked into a film set. "Brother, is this Yuzhou City?"

Soon, he stopped a passerby to confirm his location.

A passerby glanced at An Yan and saw that the material of his clothes was something he had never seen before, and his expression suddenly became polite. He might be a noble person.

"This is Yuzhou City. Is this your first time coming to our Yuzhou City?"

An Yan responded with a smile and asked, "Then do you know where Yong'an Pawnshop is?"

"Yong'an Pawn?!" The passerby was stunned, thinking about the large and small pawn shops in the city, then shook his head and said: "I have lived in Yuzhou City for decades, and I have never heard of the word 'Yong'an' pawn shop."

"Brother, is this your first time in Yuzhou City, so you made a mistake?"



An Yan's heart suddenly surged, and he had vague thoughts about something bad.

He then asked with a sense of luck: "Then what year is it today?"

"Are you really from the Jiang Kingdom? You don't even know what year this evening is?"

Passers-by looked at An Yan strangely, thinking that the questions this man asked were all strange. Not wanting to cause trouble, he said goodbye and left in a hurry.

"Jiang Guo!?"

Hearing these two words, An Yan took a breath. Damn, this joke was too outrageous.

Feeling lucky, he immediately started scanning his consciousness and listened to everyone's words, and finally had to accept this reality.

He also learned an important piece of news, that is, the current prince of Jiang State, Long Yang, led his army to the expedition.

In Legend of Sword and Fairy III, this is what happened thousands of years ago when the story of Jiang Guo’s last years begins.

"Oh my God? Can this be any earlier? When Chaos opens up, maybe I can even be a Chaos creature."

An Yan couldn't stop complaining.

The first visit to Uncle Jiu's world was only over a month early, which was actually a thousand years early.

If he really stayed for a thousand years, he might even be able to defeat the Evil Sword Immortal directly.

The plan was not as good as the change, which directly disrupted his plan.

An Yan had no idea what the situation was like during this period.

Fortunately, he is no longer an ordinary person who was unable to restrain a chicken. With his current strength, he should have no problem protecting himself.

Let's make peace with it now. Although the time is not right, Fei Peng, the greatest general in the divine world, has been reincarnated as Long Yang, and the demon-suppressing sword must have fallen to the world.

He can still find the Five Spirit Pearls, but without the plot advantage, it might take a lot of time.

"What about Tangjiabao?"

An Yan murmured, and he remembered that Tangjiabao in Yuzhou City also had a rare five-poison beast that could detoxify hundreds of poisons. He didn't know if Tangjiabao had been established during this period.

With this thought in mind, he waved his hand and swayed his magic power to hide his presence, and then used the cloud climbing technique to fly to Yuzhou City.

After some observation, I didn't find any Tangjiabao. I think Tangjiabao hadn't been established yet.

"So where are you going now?"

An Yan thought for a moment and then came up with an idea. He lowered his clouds and went to the pawn shop to exchange money to buy a map. After finding the location of the capital of the Jiang Kingdom, he rode the clouds straight away.

Even if you can't witness the grace of General Feipeng, it is still a good choice to see his reincarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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