Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 141 Jiang Guo Prince Long Yang

Chapter 141 Jiang Guo Prince Long Yang

"Want to kill me? It's not that easy!"

"Look at my magic weapon! The Dead Soul Pearl!"

The Tiger King, who was seriously injured by the two attacks, was covered in blood, and instantly transformed into a huge monster body. He vomited out a black and red bead the size of an adult's fist.

The Death Soul Pearl, as the name suggests, is a vicious and evil magic weapon that specializes in devouring the souls of dead people.

The black-red mist rolled and spread, covering the huge body of the Tiger King. Wherever the mist passed, the trees died and the land rotted and smelled.

This special mist transformed from dead soul beads can not only contaminate and damage magic weapons, but also corrode souls and contaminate mana, making it extremely difficult to deal with.

The Tiger King was able to transform from an uncivilized mountain tiger to the powerful monster he is now, and this Death Soul Pearl played a major role in it.

He also relied on this magic weapon to escape death several times.

But today, he apparently ran out of luck and encountered two evil stars.

"So this is what Zhuzi said?"

An Yan showed disappointment. Since it was not a spiritual bead, there was no need for him to hold it back. A sea of ​​thunder emerged from his dantian, and the surrounding area instantly turned into a field of blue thunder, like a vast ocean composed of thunder.

"Lightning Thunder Fist! Transform!"

To deal with these evil mist, the power of thunder is perfect.

Xiaocheng's Lightning Running Thunder Fist can turn into all things according to his thoughts, and be crushed away by the sea of ​​thunder.

Dao Qing showed surprise when he saw the sea of ​​thunder competing with the sun. He had only seen this level of thunder technique among the masters of the Shenxiao sect.

From this point of view, this Maoshan is not a small sect!

At the same time, he also felt a sense of competition in his heart, "My Shushan sword-controlling skills are not just that!"

"Drink! Golden Light Sword, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect!"

The differentiated golden light swords were circling and flying, turning the sky into a sea of ​​swords. Finally, the ten thousand swords unified to form a hundred-foot giant sword. The surging sword light crushed the mist of dead souls and forced out the true form of the Tiger King. .

Obviously, the Golden Light Sword is also a magic weapon, even higher than the Death Soul Pearl.

After forcing out the Tiger King's monster body, the giant sword slashed down, splitting the Tiger King's huge monster body into two.

Existences in the fourth realm have strong souls, and can still survive and be reborn in the daytime even without their bodies.

King Tiger, whose soul left his body in time, was really scared. He rolled up the Death Soul Pearl and tried to escape. He also threatened loudly: "You can't kill me. I am a subordinate of the Demon Emperor. If you kill me, the Demon Emperor will not let you go." It’s your fault!”

The dragon's roar shook the world. Under its desperate gaze, the golden dragon swallowed the tiger king's soul in one bite, completely obliterating it. The Death Soul Orb was also completely shattered and destroyed by the golden dragon's powerful blow.

"Do you villains have anything else besides these few words? It's like saying that if you don't kill the Demon Emperor, you will let the human world go." An Yan hooked his finger on the gun and turned it around a few times before putting it away, sneering.

The Demon Emperor is extremely ambitious and has always wanted to take over the human world as his own. They will encounter him sooner or later, so there is no question of whether they can kill him or not.


The huge monster body fell to the ground, and the blood of the big monster flowed all over the ground. If it is not dealt with, many powerful monsters will be born soon.

Dao Qing was prepared for this. He raised his hand to condense a flame and threw it down, instantly burning the tiger corpse to ashes and helping to get rid of the evil spirit created by the dead soul beads on the earth.

An Yan's eyes lit up as he approached, and he asked, "Senior Brother Daoqing, is this Dan Fire?"

In addition to being famous for its sword-wielding skills, Shushan is also famous for its alchemy skills.

Dao Qing admitted generously.

An Yan was naturally keen on the art of alchemy, but now that they were meeting for the first time, he didn't want to ask more questions, lest he might spy on Shushan's skills.

Although, he did have this idea.

Afterwards, the two returned to Tiger King Mountain and cleaned up all the little monsters on the mountain. Unlike An Yan, Dao Qing packed up all the little monsters in monster collection bags and prepared to take them back to Shushan and imprison them in the Demon Locking Tower.

During this period, they also discovered the living people who had been captured and prepared to be eaten as blood food on the day of the birthday banquet, and they also rescued them.

"Junior Brother An, please take this storage ring and use it."

Seeing An Yan struggling with how to take away a lot of loot, Dao Qing took out the only storage ring on his body without hesitation and handed it to An Yan. "Why is this so embarrassing?"

Although he said he was sorry, An Yan had already taken the storage ring and put it on his hand. As the mana poured in, a ten cubic meter space was opened.

At the same time, he lamented that Shushan was indeed the number one cultivation sect in the world, and it was really wealthy.

Dao Qing couldn't help but feel funny when he saw that An Yan was obviously of high level of cultivation, but from time to time he showed a trace of behavior that could only be seen by a worldly person.

This Junior Brother An is really a wonderful person.

However, he had other things to do, so he immediately said: "Junior Brother An, I have important matters to attend to. Please send these captured people to a nearby city."

An Yan was a little embarrassed about getting a storage ring for no reason. Hearing this, he immediately patted his chest and promised: "Brother Daoqing, just leave these to me. I will deliver them safely to the town."

Seeing that Dao Qing was about to leave, he quickly said: "Senior Brother Dao Qing, if I want to find you for something, how should I find you?"

In fact, he just wanted to use other people's skills for nothing, and wanted to find a legitimate reason to go to Shushan.

Dao Qing thought for a moment and took off a token from his body, "This is my token. If Junior Brother An wants to find me, just come to Shushan with the token."

If there is a game prompt, there will definitely be a ding sound at this time saying "Get a token to enter the Shushan Sword Sect".

An Yan's smile dropped, and then Dao Qing left with his sword, which was much faster than his cloud-climbing technique.

After Dao Qing left, he used the cloud climbing technique to send hundreds of people to the nearest town in one breath.

It was also at this time that the name of Maoshan gradually spread along with An Yan's deeds.

After doing all this, An Yan embarked on the journey again.

For Long Yang, the happy time he spent with his sister in his childhood was short-lived. The neighboring army invaded the border, his father was seriously ill, and his mother also fell ill due to overwork to complete the embroidery.

And because Qi State did not get the map of mountains and rivers as promised, it thought that Jiang State was not trustworthy and directly withdrew its troops.

Without the help of Qi State, Yang State's army once again knocked the pass, and Prince Long Yang had to personally lead the army to attack the enemy.

But it is a pity that Yang Guo soldiers are strong and strong, and they are as brave as demons. Even under the leadership of Long Yang, Jiang Guo soldiers are retreating steadily, and now they are besieged in a small town.

In the city lord's mansion.

Wearing silver and black armor, Long Yang, whose face had taken off his youthful look and was full of vicissitudes of life, was sitting high in the middle, with heavy-faced generals on both sides.

One of the generals stood up and said angrily: "Your Highness, we in Jiang State still have you here, and we still have hope. Yang State gave us three days to surrender. It is simply a wishful thinking!"

"Having said that, I don't know what kind of enchantment the Yang soldiers used. The soldiers are as ferocious as ferocious beasts, plus they have superior strength."

"If we can't break this evil spell, I'm afraid..."

Another general told the current situation.

The day when the city is broken is not far away!

The general didn't say the next words, but everyone understood.

Long Yang's face was determined, "Generals, please rest assured, I have issued a summons, and I believe that capable people will come to help in the near future!"

"With me, Long Yang, for one day, the Jiang Kingdom will last forever!"

When the generals below heard this, they all showed joy. Although the prince was young, he was already able to take charge of his own affairs. Jiang Guo still had hope.

Long Yang looked down at the place where the atmosphere was less solemn, but he didn't have the confidence shown on his face. He only hoped that the notice posted would be fruitful.

As the general said just now, if the evil spell cannot be broken, it is only a matter of time before the Jiang Kingdom will be defeated.

Although it seemed a bit funny to put his hope in God, he could only do this.

Otherwise, once the morale of the army is lost, the city may not be able to be defended.

(End of this chapter)

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