Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 145 So what about the big demon?

Chapter 145 So what about the big demon?

"Big demon!"

An Yan looked at the huge bear paw condensed by the demon energy and slapped it. His expression was not panic, but his eyes narrowed: "The demon's bear paw must be delicious."

Then he raised his hand and punched out. The Lightning Thunder Fist transformed into a tiger shape and leapt out with a roar. The thunder tiger bit the big hand that was condensed with demonic energy, and then pounced on the bear demon.

"Bear demon, let me lend you my bear paw and give it a try!"

"Seven stars subjugate the demon!"

An Yan pulled out a double-barreled short gun, shouted and pulled the trigger at the same time, and the bullets turned into golden dragons and flew out.

Facing a big monster, he didn't dare to be careless at all. No one knew whether the other party was hiding some big treasure or something.

Reality is not a game. The price of capsizing in the sewer may be your own life.

An Yan immediately used divine magic and Feng Shui secret techniques to bless his body. The last time he dealt with the Tiger King was because Dao Qing was there. Now that he was alone, he no longer hid.

The thunder sea in Dantian turned into surging thunder, and golden light spells and other talismans were put on the body one after another.


"I'm going to eat you!"

Hearing An Yan's provocative words, the Bear King was furious, his arms transformed into bear paws, and he tore Thunder Tiger into pieces alive.

However, after he tore Thunder Tiger apart, he suddenly raised his head and felt something was wrong. How could this momentum be so strong?

Then his pupils shrank, and he took a shot with a big palm that covered the sky with golden light. The palm lines could be clearly seen on the big palm, and it was also wrapped with thunder and lightning.

"Who are you looking down on? I am the Great Demon Bear King!"

Seeing that the other party wanted to suppress him with a palm, King Xiong, who had always looked down on the human race, felt extremely humiliated. How could he be suppressed by a mere human race?

Immediately, he revealed his demon body, and the huge demon body suddenly held up his big palm.


When the two collided, invisible air waves stirred up in all directions, setting off circles of dust on the ground. The unlucky Yang soldiers were blown around, and those who were close by were shaken to pieces with their internal organs broken and bleeding to death.

Yang Lin, who was originally confident that the Bear King could control everything, was also agitated and retreated repeatedly, looking horrified: "Where did Jiang Guo find such a ruthless person?"

Long Yang, who had just climbed onto the tower at this time, subconsciously blocked his face with his hands from the strong wind. With his narrowed eyes, he could barely see the situation of the enemy's camp.

The golden palm covering the sky and the giant bear like a mountain!

"Mr. An! It's too fierce!"

Long Yang and his generals fell into a state of confusion. Through An Yan entering the camp alone, he knew that the opponent was very fierce, but he did not expect it to be so fierce.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that an immortal descended to earth!

The big hand that An Yan used to combine the Golden Light Spell and the Lightning Thunder Fist was quite powerful, and even he didn't expect it.

The indestructibility of the Golden Light Spell and the destructive power of thunder made the Bear King miserable, but just trying to get him to surrender would be underestimating the bear.

"Wake it up for me!"

The Bear King opened his bloody mouth and roared, trying to fly away the big palm on his head.

"So what about the big demon? It's not like I haven't killed him before!"

"You can withstand one palm, what about two palms?"

The Xiong King's strength is in the middle stage of Lianxu Hedao, but An Yan's strength after being blessed with all the skills is comparable to the late stage of Lianxu Hedao.

The Bear King may be very strong, but he who cheats is even stronger!

An Yan, who turned into a little golden man in the sky, saw the Bear King still holding on, smiled coldly, and immediately waved his palm again.

The second time! With a roar, the arrogant Bear King's legs shook and his leg bones cracked, and he knelt down.

This undoubtedly rubbed the Bear King's self-esteem to the ground.

Before the Bear King could react, the third blow came.

There was a loud roar, and the Bear King's huge body fell backwards like a mountain.

"No!" Yang Lin, the general of Yang State behind him, wanted to escape, but was crushed into a meat pie by the huge body.

A big paw print appeared on the ground, and the Bear King shrank back to the size of three meters. His soul was wiped out before he could escape.




Behind him, the gate of Huangshi City opened wide, and Long Yang led the Jiang State army to charge out in a mighty manner.

Now is the time when the enemy's morale is low. If we don't attack now, when will we wait?

An Yan fell down and looked at the deformed bear corpse. He felt a little unappetized. He immediately lost the mood to eat bear paws. He struck out with a lightning thunder fist, crushing the bear corpse into flying ash, leaving behind the demon elixir. .

This is safe.

The army of Yang State was defeated like a mountain. After seeing the help of gods and men in Jiang State, they all lost their will to fight.

Long Yang raised his sword high, his face looking a little ferocious because of the blood, and shouted: "Surrender without killing!"

Their Jiang State army only has more than 20,000 people, while the defeated Yang State army still has at least 70,000 or 80,000 people. The 100,000-strong army is no longer the 100,000 people at the beginning of the campaign, but even so, they still have the same number. several times.

Killing blindly will only force him to the point of desperation, and the trapped beast will still fight, which will not be conducive to his next actions.

Sure enough, after hearing the shouts of "surrender without killing", Yang soldiers put down their weapons one after another. As for those who resisted, kill!

A general came to Long Yang, clasped his fists and asked, "Your Highness, these beasts slaughtered Maple Plains City, are we going to let them go like this?"

His hometown is Maple Plains City, so he wants to kill all these beasts.

Long Yang naturally knew the situation of the people in front of him. He patted the other party on the shoulder and said: "It would be too easy to kill them like this. Wouldn't it be better to let them help us build the Great Wall?"

It’s very clear what it means to build the Great Wall.

The general's eyes filled with tears, and he immediately knelt down and said, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

An Yan put away the demon pill. He was too embarrassed to take the Tiger King's demon pill last time. After all, he had already collected someone else's storage ring.

Then he looked at the battlefield littered with corpses, shook his head, and returned to Yellowstone City first.

At this time, the city already knew that Jiang's army had defeated the enemy and killed countless enemies. The people rushed to tell each other and fell into a carnival.

Among them, the god of Jiang Kingdom was rumored to be so mysterious that An Yan even doubted whether it was him.

Now that the Huangshi City of Jiang State has been destroyed, he has obtained the Thunder Lingzhu.

He has already obtained one of the five spirit beads. Among them, there is no need to think about the wind spirit bead. In the hands of Xi Yao in the immortal world, let alone their unfamiliarity, it will be a problem for him to enter the immortal world.

It is very likely that the Shui Lingzhu is in the hands of a descendant of Nuwa, and there is not much hope for him to get it.

So the only ones left were the Earth Spirit Pearl and the Fire Spirit Pearl. He had no clue about the Earth Spirit Pearl, and the Fire Spirit Pearl was most likely on the Fire Ghost King.

The Fire Ghost King, the ruler of the Paradise World, relies on the Fire Spirit Pearl to maintain her beauty that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

In terms of strength, he has immortal-level combat power, otherwise he would not have made Jingtian and the others suffer.

With his current strength, if he robbed him by force, he would most likely be delivering food.

Recalling that in the original work, Sedum was the Fire Ghost King who conquered with beauty, An Yan touched his face and murmured to himself, with a somewhat narcissistic tone: "I'm quite handsome, Sedum can betray my looks, I It’s not too much to have a bite of soft rice, right?”

Seduction seems to be quite possible.

 My thoughts have been a bit messy recently, so I’ll have two chapters today, sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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