Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 147 Long Yang’s thoughts

Chapter 147 Long Yang’s thoughts

The last time An Yan came to the capital of the Jiang Kingdom, he left in a hurry without even staying for an hour.

After many months, he returned to the capital of the Jiang Kingdom. Instead of the gloom and gloom of the past, he was singing and dancing.

At the same time, because the emperor was seriously ill and the prince Long Yang had made great military exploits, he was crowned the new emperor.

An Yan, who originally wanted to leave after getting the Thunder Lingzhu, was invited to stay and watch the ceremony.

After successfully obtaining the Thunder Lingzhu, he was not in a hurry to look for the Fire Lingzhu. Speaking of which, he had not seen the enthronement ceremony of the ancient emperor, so he stayed.

Moreover, Long Yang also gave him great freedom. Except for the forbidden areas of the harem, he could enter the royal treasury, library and other places.

this day.

Inside the palace, there is the Royal Garden, a lotus lake in full bloom with pink and white lotus flowers. The fragrance of the flowers is alluring, and pavilions and winding corridors cross it. It is estimated that only the royal garden can be so heroic and build such a large and magnificent landscape.

An Yan also put on new clothes and walked on the winding corridor admiring lotus flowers. Her white robe looked spotless, and her calm and calm aura blended in with the surrounding environment, like an immortal descending to earth.

Yesterday, he had already obtained the Thunder Lingzhu, which must be said to be the most famous treasure in the world of fairy swords. With the blessing of the Thunder Spirit Bead, the training speed of Lightning Running Fist has been greatly accelerated. Originally, the maximum proficiency level was 120 points per day, but now with the blessing of the Thunder Spirit Bead, it can reach 200 proficiency points per day, and the power of thunder has also been strengthened several times. .

Originally, it would take him almost two months to break through the Lightning Running Thunder Fist, but with the blessing of the Thunder Spirit Pearl, it would only take less than a month to break through at the current speed.

Over time, his combat power will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

The Lightning Thunder Fist is not the biggest beneficiary, the Shangqing Big Hole Sutra is.

He discovered that since the Thunder Lingzhu entered the Dantian Thunder Sea, the Thunder Golden Pill in his body was actually absorbing the original power of the Thunder Lingzhu to strengthen itself, so much so that when he was practicing the Shangqing Dadong Scripture, he was blessed with the medicinal pill in one day. Can gain 230 proficiency points.

In other words, the Shangqing Dadong Sutra, which originally took almost two years to break through, now only takes a little over a year.

This also made An Yan look forward to getting the Fire Spirit Pearl and the Earth Spirit Pearl even more.

However, after absorbing the Thunder Golden Pill, he found that the Thunder Lingzhu had undergone slight changes, which he would not have been able to detect if he hadn't broken through Yang Shen's consciousness.

The Thunder Lingzhu is dimming! ?

This result surprised An Yan, but he reminded him very much of the spirit bead setting in Legend of Sword and Fairy III.

The spiritual beads in Xiansanli are the Three Emperors who condensed the five spiritual powers of the earth into five spiritual beads and integrated the five spiritual beads into the earth's veins. When the spiritual power of the five spiritual beads is exhausted, a new five spiritual beads will be formed after a period of time. Lingzhu.

But this is fine, because after he takes away the spirit beads, the world will continue to form new five spirit beads.

While he was meditating, soft footsteps came from the winding corridor, as if he was afraid of disturbing the immortals in the sky.

An Yan couldn't help but turn around and look.

"Is he the Mr. An that my brother mentioned?"

Nightshade took her maid to appreciate the lotus, and later she would go to her brother and mother. She didn't expect to meet Mr. An, who was in the limelight recently. It was said that Mr. An had great supernatural powers and was an immortal from heaven who came down to earth to save people in distress.

When she saw him today, she already believed most of the rumors about immortals descending to earth. Otherwise, how could there be such an extraordinary person in this world.

With sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a handsome face, and a spotless white dress, his temperament is rare in the world, giving people an ethereal and fairy-like feeling.

Seeing Mr. An's eyes, Solanum Solanum took the lead in saluting and greeting with a smile: "Solanum Solanum has seen Mr. An. Is Mr. An also appreciating lotus flowers?"

Is she Nightshade?

At this time, Nightshade Solanum is still the happiest person in the world, living under the protection of her brother Long Yang, and has not experienced the dangers of the world.

Wearing a light and elegant flowing fairy dress with wide sleeves, the blue long skirt highlights her delicate and charming figure, which is very stunning.

When I was watching Legend of Sword and Fairy III, An Yan's favorite female character was Nightshade. After all, she can be soft and controllable. Seeing him now can be regarded as fulfilling one of his wishes.

An Yan replied with a smile: "I have met Your Highness the Princess. Wouldn't it be a pity if no one is willing to stop for this beautiful scenery?"

Nightshade's eyes lit up, and she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, her little face full of recognition.

The two chatted happily.

After a long time, Nightshade nightshade exclaimed: "Oops, I originally said I was going to find my brother."

After that, he apologized to An Yan and left in a hurry with the maid.


An Yan looked at the retreating figure, and then shook his head. He was not the kind of person who could choose to stop for one person.

In the queen's palace, Long Yang was taking care of his mother who was seriously ill in bed.

"Brother! Queen Mother!"

Solanum nigrum ran in, and after seeing her brother Long Yang, a happy smile broke out on her face.

"You girl, you said you came with your brother to see the Queen Mother, but you just came here now." Long Yang seemed to be scolding, but his face was full of doting.

Long Kui wrinkled her nose and said coquettishly to her mother: "Mother, look, my brother bullied me again. Didn't I meet Mr. An, so I wasted some time."

The queen, who was originally sick from overwork, learned that her son had returned triumphantly, his condition had improved, and his face had color. When she heard that it was the strange person who helped her son turn things around, she couldn't help but curiously said: "My good daughter, Please tell your mother quickly, what kind of person is Mr. An?"

When it comes to this, Nightshade no longer feels sleepy and chatters like a lark. Facts have proven that handsome guys are popular wherever they go.

When Long Yang saw his sister Long Kui's beaming look, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. Mr. An was so young and Long Kui was old enough to get married. It would undoubtedly be best if these two people could get along well.

It seems that Nightshade also has a good impression of Mr. An.

So, half jokingly and half seriously, he said: "Lan Kui, what do you think if my brother helps you matchmaker with Mr. An?"

Nightshade was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned pale. Tears instantly filled her eyes. She looked at her brother Long Yang like a kitten about to be abandoned: "Brother, don't you want Nightshade anymore?"

"Silly boy, this is your biological brother, how could he not want you?" The queen pulled Solanum over and comforted her, wiping her tears.

Long Yang didn't expect that Nightshade would react so strongly, and immediately said hurriedly: "You are my biological sister, how could I not want you? But you will get married one day, and you can't stay with your brother all your life."

"That's all. If you don't want to, I won't force you."

This matter finally came to nothing.

An Yan also didn't expect that Long Yang, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, also had his own tricks. But even if Long Yang said it, he would definitely not agree. Now that Long Kui is only 15 or 6 years old, he is not a beast enough to attack underage girls.

Besides, the two of them have no basis for any relationship, and their coercion is not sweet.

After watching Long Yang ascend the throne as emperor, An Yan embarked on a new journey despite Long Yang's repeated attempts to stay.

Next stop, Fengdu.

(End of this chapter)

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