Chapter 156 Rout

Moving his whole body, he saw that the blood wave that was originally stable was attacked from the front and back. The Blood Wolf Demon King was unable to take care of himself and was instantly defeated.

The giant sword left a huge and hideous wound on the Blood Wolf Demon King's huge demon body, and blood spurted out. The Buddha's palm slapped his back, his internal organs were shaken, and a large mouthful of demon blood spurted out.

The wolf demon king also had to have a higher level of cultivation than the two of them, otherwise these two attacks would not be as simple as injury, but would directly kill his wolf.

"Old bald donkey! Stinky Taoist priest! You really pissed me off!"


The Blood Wolf Demon King roared angrily, and the original black wolf body was stained with blood. This is also the origin of his title of Blood Wolf Demon King.

"Blood rage!"

Blood-colored hairs flew out and fell densely toward the two of them like raindrops. In an instant, the sky was covered with red threads.

The mountain peaks were like paper in front of these vellus hairs, easily penetrated, and everything that came into contact with the blood-colored vellus hairs, whether stones or trees, turned into blood.

"Swordsmanship! Guard!"

Dao Qing was shocked. He didn't expect that the Blood Wolf Demon King could unleash such a powerful blow after taking the Demon Suppressing Sword and the Seal Master's attack at the same time.

He did not dare to hesitate, and immediately pointed the sword, and the Demon Suppressing Sword divided into two parts. One part condensed into a giant sword and was blocked in front of him with its wide sword body to resist the hair attack. The other part turned into a sword energy dragon to kill the Blood Wolf Demon King, thinking Interfering with the opponent's attack.


"Demon Suppressing Sword!"

When he saw that his blood-colored hair, which could corrode all things, fell on the generous sword without any effect, the Blood Wolf Demon King was shocked. Then he reacted and recognized that the fairy sword held by the opponent was actually the Demon Suppressing Sword.

The shrewd Blood Wolf Demon King used the blood wave to block the flying sword attack, turned around and pounced on the old monk Fayin. Obviously, he understood that the opponent had the demon-suppressing sword and he would not be able to deal with it for a while, so he immediately thought of killing the old monk Fayin first.

"Do you want to break through from me? You underestimate me too much."

"Fudo Myooh!"


The old monk Fayin took out the nine-ring tin staff and slammed it on the ground. The golden rings on the tin staff buzzed, and Buddha lights shone out. This is also an extremely powerful Buddhist treasure. Although it is not as good as the Demon Suppressing Sword, its defensive power is amazing. .

The Buddha's Light Shield blocked the Blood Wolf Demon King and his attacks. If Fa Yin was alone, he would definitely not be able to hold on for long, but Fa Yin was not fighting alone at this moment.

"Blood Wolf Demon King, today is your day of death!"

"Demon Suppressing Sword! Go!"

Dao Qing took action, and the Demon Suppressing Sword swayed out with divine brilliance. The divine light was brilliant, cutting through the blood waves and hitting the Blood Wolf Demon King directly.

This demon-suppressing sword is also a special attack equipment, which has a suppressive effect on the demon clan.

Otherwise, the Demon Suppressing Sword in the original book would not have sealed the Heavenly Demon Emperor in the Demon Locking Tower, causing him to almost die on the Demon Transformation Water.

Now that Dao Qing and Fa Yin have joined forces, plus the reason for the sneak attack, they actually have the upper hand.

"Blood Wolf Demon King, you demon clan has passed. The demon clan has caused a demonic disaster in the human world. It is an unforgivable crime. Buddha also has a raging-eyed King Kong. Go!"

Chains of demon-conquering Buddha light were shot at the Blood Wolf Demon King. The Blood Wolf Demon King did not expect that the seemingly weak seal could actually explode with such amazing power. Before he could react, the blood around him was pierced by the chains, and his limbs, neck, and The wolf's mouth and body were bound by chains.

The old monk Fayin who used this attack was also panting. After all, it was not an easy task to break through the opponent's blood defense.

"Little friend Daoqing! Quick! Kill the Blood Wolf Demon King with the Demon Suppressing Sword!"

Fayin shouted, he grabbed the nine-ringed tin staff and firmly fixed the Blood Wolf Demon King, creating an excellent opportunity for Dao Qing.

"it is good!"

Dao Qing was overjoyed. He didn't expect Master Fayin to be so powerful. He immediately channeled his immortal power and poured it into the Demon Suppressing Sword, stimulating the terrifying power contained in the Demon Suppressing Sword.

"Sword God!"

The Demon Suppressing Sword emits a divine light that reaches the sky, and the sword is fiercely aura. It is aimed at the Blood Wolf Demon King and is swung down hard.

"The sky is set ablaze!"


A burst of powerful momentum that was unexpected by everyone present erupted, and the scorching flames dyed half of the sky red. A Bifang Flame Divine Bird carrying the monstrous momentum shot out and attacked Daoqing from the side. If Dao Qing still insists on killing the Blood Wolf Demon King, then this terrible blow will definitely kill him.

Dao Qing had no choice but to change the attack direction of the demon-suppressing sword and face the flame bird.

A grand fireworks suddenly erupted from the sky, and countless stray flames fell to the ground, causing a huge fire.

A sarcastic voice sounded.

"Xue Lang, you are such a waste. You were almost killed."

The fire that had originally collapsed suddenly surged, and a sharp one-legged body reached towards Dao Qing, trying to snatch the Demon Suppressing Sword from his hand.

He actually launched an attack while speaking, which shows the visitor's confidence in his own strength.

"Tianhuo, shut up! Even without you, do you think they can kill this demon king?"

"It's just a chain! Break it into pieces!"

The Blood Wolf Demon King, who had escaped from the life-and-death crisis, recognized the person who came at a glance as the Skyfire Demon King, a smelly and stupid bird. He didn't mean to be grateful to the Skyfire Demon King at all, but instead felt tit-for-tat.

Obviously, if they don't deal with each other, if it weren't for the Sky Demon King pressing down on his head, the Sky Fire Demon King would never come to the rescue. Instead, he would let the Blood Wolf Demon King be killed and then take action to clean up the mess.

The Blood Wolf Demon King didn't want to be looked down upon by the Skyfire Demon King, so he tried hard to break free from the chains. It's just that the all-out blow that the old monk Fayin used to condense with the Buddha's treasure was not so easy to break away from. For a while, the Blood Wolf Demon King and the old monk Fayin were in a deadlock. But as time goes by, the seal will undoubtedly fail.

"Skyfire Demon King! Why is he here?"

"It's over!"

When Fayin saw the Skyfire Demon King appear, he knew they were going to lose. The two of them worked together and took advantage of a sneak attack to barely defeat the Blood Wolf Demon King.

Now that the Blood Wolf Demon King is not dead, the two demon kings take action. Unless Dao Qing breaks through, they have no chance of winning.

But is it possible?

Fayin sighed, not expecting that Foguang Temple would eventually be destroyed in his own hands.


Dao Qing was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect the Skyfire Demon King to heal his injuries so quickly and come to Mount Wutai.

Facing the Skyfire Demon King's blow that could shatter mountains, Dao Qing could only hurriedly place his sword in front of him, trying to resist the blow with the help of the Demon Suppressing Sword.

With a bang, Dao Qing vomited blood and flew backwards. Even at this time, he still held on to the Demon Suppressing Sword because it was his biggest trump card against the Demon King.

It's okay for him to die, but the Demon Suppressing Sword must not be taken away.

"You won't let go until you die? Then I'll chop off your arms!"

The Skyfire Demon King paid no attention to the Blood Wolf Demon King's intentions and went straight towards Dao Qing. His only target was the Demon Suppressing Sword. If the Blood Wolf Demon King couldn't even kill an old bald donkey with a Dharma Seal, then it's no wonder that he, the Demon King, was killed.

Seeing the Skyfire Demon King chasing Dao Qingyuan, the old monk Fayin breathed a sigh of relief.

The Blood Wolf Demon King was furious when he saw this: "Old bald donkey of Fayin, I will definitely eat you!"


Fayin ignored the Blood Wolf Demon King and said to the disciples behind him: "Huiyuan, Huizhi, take your junior brothers and the villagers away quickly to buy time for the master to help you."


Seeing the disciples who were still with Mother-in-law, Fayin could only shout loudly.

"You are the seed of Foguang Temple as long as the green hills are there and you are not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as the seeds are there, Foguang Temple will still be there."

"As a teacher, I can rest in peace!"

In the end, the disciples of Foguang Temple escaped, the old monk Fayin died in the battle, the Blood Wolf Demon King was seriously injured and left, and Dao Qing's whereabouts are unknown.

The demon clan suddenly had the upper hand.

(End of this chapter)

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