Chapter 163 Trap

On the back mountain of Shushan Mountain, a majestic tower stands. It is ten stories high. The tower is covered with countless talismans, and the outer layer is tied by iron chains. It circulates the powerful power of suppressing demons and the aura of the five spirits.

"Is this the Demon Locking Tower that scares the demon clan? It really deserves its reputation."

When the Blood Wolf Demon King saw the Lock Demon King, he could feel waves of intense discomfort even before he got close, and he couldn't help but express his feelings.

The Unicorn Demon King doesn't talk nonsense like the Blood Wolf Demon King, and is ready to start: "After today, there will be no more Demon Locking Tower!"

"Two demon kings, please wait, I have another gift to give you."

Suddenly, the centipede spirit came to the two demons and said, following the groveling centipede beside him.

"Oh? What gift?"

As soon as these words came out, the two demon kings focused their attention on the centipede spirit in front of them.

However, the centipede spirit showed a strange smile and said quietly: "It's three quarters past noon, please go on your way!"

Just when the two demons didn't react, their pupils shrank, and they saw the centipede spirit's body expanding and cracking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a destructive aura burst out.

boom! ! !

The centipede spirit exploded!

A demonic beast that was about to turn into a dragon and step into the fairyland with half a foot exploded. It was still so close. Even two demon kings would suffer a big loss without the slightest defense.

This explosion was like a signal, a suppressed momentum descended, and the Liangyi dust formation was activated again.

The light curtain enveloped all the monsters attacking Shushan, isolating them from the outside world. The Shushan disciples, who were originally at a disadvantage, formed a sword formation one by one and cooperated with the Liangyi dust formation to kill the enemy.

The situation suddenly reversed!

The Black Bear Demon King looked up in shock and saw the reactivated Liangyi dust formation and said in horror: "How is that possible? Hasn't the Liangyi dust formation been destroyed by the centipede spirit?"

"Haha, Black Bear Demon King, you still want to bloodbath our Shu Mountain? Today is the day when your demon tribe will die!"

Yuanxu laughed loudly and said loudly: "Senior Brother, if we don't take action now, how long will it take?"

"Today, let us brothers and sisters work together to slay the demon!"

"What? Yuan Qing is here too!"

Soon, the aura rising in the Shushan Hall made the Black Bear Demon King no longer as arrogant as before. The demon body seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, and a pair of bear eyes widened: "You are cheating!!!"

"Despicable humans!"

"Oh, each other."

Yuan Xu smiled coldly, and then he and his senior brother Yuan Qing killed the Black Bear Demon King.

In the back mountain, an angry roar ripped through the explosion flames, and two embarrassed figures fell out, with gray heads and dirty faces, and wounds of various sizes caused by the explosion all over their bodies.

"It's done! It's done! Boss, is my magic of controlling demons useful?"

At this time, a mean voice sounded, it was Bifang Feather Fan.

"Well done."

An Yan praised him generously. After all, he was the one who discovered the centipede spirit and gave him a secret technique to control monsters, so he could successfully mislead the other party into inviting you to the urn.

Sure enough, Erwuzi deserves to die!

A young man like Bifang Yushan is absolutely destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame by the demon clan.

However, it smells great.

"Bifang Feather Fan! It's you!"

When the two demon kings saw Bi Fang's feather fan held in An Yan's hand, they understood everything instantly and their eyes turned red.

"You actually dare to betray the demon clan. Are you worthy of your master?"

Bi Fang Feather Fan said very shamelessly: "I'm sorry, I'm just a fan. Besides, isn't my master right here?" "Good birds choose trees to roost in, why don't you two surrender? It just so happens that my boss and I are both missing one." Mount.”

An Yan called him a good guy. He looked at the cheap fan in his hand with a strange expression. This guy's ability to attract hatred is first-rate. The most important thing is that he is so shameless. He wants a mount with just a fan?

Just think about that picture, it’s so beautiful!

"I'm going to tear you and your master apart!"

This feather fan with a broken mouth undoubtedly angered the two demon kings, and their momentum instantly exploded and they gnashed their teeth to kill them.

An Yan gently flapped his feather fan, but without any panic on his face, he softly said: "Everyone, do it!"

"Haha! My little friend, I have been waiting for your words for a long time!"

"Demon clan, suffer death!"

The heads of the Kunlun Sect and the Emei Sect, who had been lying in wait for a long time, all took action to attack the Blood Wolf Demon King and the One-Horned Demon King.

The astonishing momentum forced the Blood Wolf Demon King and the One-Horned Demon King to give up attacking An Yan and face the two masters.

Dao Qing also came to An Yan's side, glanced at the Bi Fang feather fan in An Yan's hand, and said sincerely: "An Yan, your feather fan is really unique."

Obviously, with a temperament like Dao Qing's, it would be difficult to accept an immortal weapon with such a personality.

"Really? I also feel that it is very easy to use." An Yan didn't have many other ideas. For him, what was more important was whether it was easy to use.

Bi Fang Yushan said coquettishly: "Boss, we are truly a perfect match."

An Yan raised his brows, "You will put yourself in a good position. Stop talking nonsense and show me your power. If you dissatisfy me, just wait for it to be ashes."

"Boss! How can you burn bridges across rivers?"

Ignoring the sound of playing tricks, An Yan used the immortal power he had cultivated in these days to directly slap the Blood Wolf Demon King, pinching the persimmon softly.

"Senior Brother Daoqing, we besiege the Blood Wolf Demon King!"

Dao Qing also laughed at this scene, and then after hearing An Yan's words, they joined forces to attack the Blood Wolf Demon King.

All of a sudden, the Blood Wolf Demon King faced the siege of three people, among which the leader of the Kunlun Sect was not weaker than him. After being beaten, he shouted angrily: "Isn't the One-horned Demon King stronger? Why are you here? Beat me up?"

He couldn't understand. Instead of beating up the strong one, he came to bully the weak one. Was it because he was easy to bully?

"Sorry, it's just because you are weak."

An Yan didn't have any mental burden to bully the minority. He took it for granted and started by using Bi Fang's feather fan to blow out a huge flame and Bi Fang killed the Blood Wolf Demon King.

Surround and kill the weak ones as quickly as possible, and finally join forces to surround and kill the strong ones.

When the One-horned Demon King saw this, he immediately became anxious. He knew that if the Blood Wolf Demon King was killed, it would be his turn next. He immediately wanted to go over and support the Blood Wolf Demon King and work together to find a way out.

However, how could the head of the Emei Sect allow the One-horned Demon King to fulfill his wish?

"One-horned Demon King, your opponent is me!"

A fairy sword emitted bright sword light in the hand of the head of the Emei Sect, blocking the path of the One-Horned Demon King.

"Go away!"

The one-horned demon king was furious and wanted to forcefully break through the obstruction of the head of the Emei Sect.

It's a pity that if it were left outside, he might actually succeed.

But in Shushan, when the Liangyi dust formation was still activated, the power of the five elements evolved from the innate yin and yang qi condensed and bombarded the one-horned demon king, and the invisible pressure weakened 20% of his strength.

The head of the Emei Sect, who was originally slightly inferior to the One-Horned Demon King, successfully stopped the One-Horned Demon King due to the ebb and flow of the large formation, and the fight was evenly matched.

The Demon King is still like this, not to mention those demon soldiers, who will die in large numbers.

Suddenly, the flowing demon blood dyed Shushan red.

(End of this chapter)

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