Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 175 Pluto is causing trouble

Chapter 175 Pluto is causing trouble

Restaurant on the fifth floor.

Jade sat nervously in the box. She felt that every second seemed like years. For the first time, she felt that time passed so slowly.


There was a slight movement, which immediately caught Jade's nervous attention. She suddenly raised her head, showing an expression as if she was being judged by her fate.

An Yan looked at Jade with a smile, "I told you, I'm sure to win."

Seeing that it was An Yan, she could no longer suppress the raging emotions in her heart. She stood up immediately, opened her arms and threw herself into An Yan's arms, hugging him tightly.

An Yan's body stiffened, and a faint fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose. Then he heard Jade's slightly choked voice: "An Yan, I'm afraid!"

Yes, Jade is afraid.

While waiting, she thought a lot. She was afraid that something would happen to An Yan.

She didn't know when she would start to worry about this man as handsome as the wind. Maybe it was the moment in Shennongjia when he chose to let her go without hesitation.

No matter when, a hero saving a beauty can always easily open a girl's heart.

Even though An Yan was very calm, he couldn't help his throat rolling and swallowed. His mouth was dry and he said, "Jade, you."

Jade still buried her head on An Yan's chest and responded like a mosquito whispering. She had woken up and her face was flushed.

The more she talked, the more excited she became. She couldn't help but stand on tiptoes, her beautiful face came closer, and the sweet fragrance unique to the "medicine" hit her face.

"Taotie is dead. We are all safe and fine."

Inner drama: Woohoo! Ruined! What should we do now? so shy!

Looking at Jade who was as shy as a quail in his arms, An Yan said with a smile, "If you don't get up, the waiter will come in later."

An Yan's hand slowly fell down and patted Jade's back, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, right?"

Jade was ready to break the casserole and ask the question. She looked directly at An Yan, wanting a definite answer.

The box door opened.

Jade felt a little excited when she thought about what happened that day. It was the first time that she was bullied like this by a woman.

Seeing this world, his first kiss was about to be sacrificed.


"Am I worse than Pluto? Aren't my legs not white enough? Or are my breasts not big enough?"


With a bang, the door closed again.

"What am I?"

Compared to the mediocre Jiutian Xuannvya, these two characters can be said to be completely crushed.

He naturally has feelings for Jade. When he watched Soul Ferry in his previous life, Jade and Pluto Acha were his two favorite female characters.

The waiter stared blankly at the two people hugging each other and about to kiss, and then she immediately reacted, "Sorry!"

Jade then slowly raised her head, her eyes were slightly red, swollen and blurred, and her mouth was moist and slightly pouted, making people want to take a bite.

Which girl doesn’t want the lover of her dreams to come to her rescue on colorful clouds in her critical moment?

An Yan is a person who likes to let nature take its course, so of course he slowly lowered his head.

This time, the two of them were completely awakened. Jade blushed and wanted to escape from An Yan's arms.


What was she doing just now? He was actually planning to forcefully kiss An Yan!

Woohoo! If I had known better, I wouldn’t have seen so many domineering female CEOs!

An Yan is not happy anymore. No, you have teased me so hard that you want to run away?

He pulled her big hand slightly, and Jade fell into his arms again. Boys must take the initiative at this time, otherwise there will be no meat to eat.

Jade exclaimed, not daring to look directly at An Yan, and said in a trembling voice: "An Yan, please don't mess around."

"Didn't you mess up first?"

"Me!" Jade opened her mouth slightly, blushed with embarrassment, then raised her head and said, "Then answer me a question first!"

An Yan paused, "What's the problem?"

"Who is more beautiful, me or Pluto?"

Isn't this a question for giving points? An Yan laughed in his heart. At this time, anyone who is not a fool knows what to say.

"Definitely is"

At this moment, a voice sounded that frightened the two of them.

"Tell me, I want to know too."

A third person's voice appeared in the box.

The two people who froze turned their heads to look, and found Pluto Acha sitting aside and smiling, watching with gusto.

"You guys keep going, this is much better than those romantic dramas."

An Yan calmed down immediately and cursed in his mind, Damn, I almost broadcast it live.

Jade was also extremely embarrassed and said angrily: "Why are you here?"

"I originally wanted to come here to arrange a task for Xiao Anyan, but I didn't expect to see such a good show." Pluto Acha stared at the two of them with interest. She didn't expect that she would become the object of Jade's jealousy.

It's really interesting.

"Xiao Anyan, tell me the question she asked just now, who is the most beautiful?"

Pluto King Ah Cha asked, not wanting the matter to be serious.

"You have to think clearly before answering, otherwise you will offend two women at once."

It’s really unbearable!

Jade also became angry, what did this woman mean?

So, she looked at An Yan and encouraged: "An Yan, don't be afraid of her, just say what's in your heart!"

After saying that, she looked at An Yan expectantly.


What nonsense is this!

Isn’t this Pluto Ah Cha causing trouble?

If he hadn't been unable to defeat him, he would have wanted to hang up Hades Acha and beat him now.

Faced with An Yan's depressed gaze, Hades Acha was still in the mood to smile at him.

Feeling the gaze of the two women, An Yan was filled with doubts. Why did things develop to this point?

But he knew that he had to answer, otherwise he would really offend both of them.

Compared to Pluto, who has a cooperative relationship, he naturally prefers Jade. After all, the relationship between the two just barely breaks through that layer of paper.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Jade.


At this moment, Pluto Ah Cha hummed, and his "friendly" eyes fell on An Yan, as if to say, you should think it through before speaking.

She is a majestic Pluto. If she loses to a mortal, will she still have the face?

Not to mention, that woman is still the reincarnation of a heavenly being, which is even more unacceptable to her as the original person.

Jade looked at Hades Acha angrily, this bad woman!

After feeling that "kind" gaze, An Yan choked on the words she wanted to blurt out.

But who is he?

If you don’t want me to say yes, then I have to say it.

Just when An Yan was about to take the initiative to hit the gun, Acha, the king of Hades, spoke up.

"Forget it, seeing as you look constipated, forget it if you don't want to say it."

"This is for you, the latest model of Love Crazy Eight, which has not even been released in the underworld. I love you enough."

"There are tasks I posted above. You can complete them yourself. They should be completed within a month."

Pluto Ah Cha obviously knew An Yan's character, so he interrupted him directly and even threw an Ai Crazy Eight over.

An Yan had no choice but to catch it with one hand and said helplessly, "I understand."

"No fun, I'm leaving."

Pluto Ah Cha patted his butt and left, leaving a mess for An Yan to clean up.

In the end, An Yan naturally didn't get what he wanted.

According to Jade, both of them are a little over the top tonight, so it's best to calm down first.

(End of this chapter)

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