Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 179 The person who should not be forgotten

Chapter 179 The person who should not be forgotten

The next day, the four people gathered in front of convenience store No. 444.

Jade followed An Yan, and Wang Xiaoya followed Xia Dongqing. After hearing Caiqin's story, the two women were so moved that they patted their chests and promised to help Caiqin fulfill her wish.

"However, it has been seventy years now. Where can we find information about A Jin?"

Although Jade said she wanted to help Caiqin, where could she find it in such a huge sea of ​​people?

"You don't have to worry about this. Dongqing and I discussed it last night." An Yan said, "We are divided into two groups."

"Golden Scissors Ajin, the barber shop was located at the current convenience store No. 444, so people nearby may know something."

An Yan knew that he couldn't find useful information online, so he started directly from people nearby.

Because Dongqing and Xiaoya met a nearby resident child according to their original direction, and learned about Ajin from the child's mouth.

Therefore, he had the plot advantage and directly cut off a lot of useless work.

An Yan said politely: "Yes, old man, we are looking for the golden scissors Ah Jin, do you know?"

"Are you looking for him?"

He continued: "Dongqing, you and Xiaoya are in a group, and Jade and I are in a group. Whoever finds the clue first will call us as agreed."

But it seemed that God had eyes and didn't want them to return disappointed. An old man who was being pushed past heard Jade's words and couldn't help but stop and look at the young man and woman.

Even as dusk approached, they could not find any more useful information.

"That little sister is so pitiful, Dongqing, we must help her find her sweetheart!"

After the two people visited him, they found that many people of the older generation were indeed aware of Ah Jin’s deeds, but most of them couldn’t explain why.

"Okay." Xia Dongqing looked at Wang Xiaoya, "Shall we set off?"

An Yan sighed, he thought things were too simple.

Although the scope has been narrowed down, it is still not so easy to find the old man who collects Ah Jin's relics in the play.

In this era of information technology, life is filled with too much information. How can anyone pay attention to a person from seventy years ago?

If he hadn't heard An Yan's story, Feicui wouldn't have known that the predecessor of this small convenience store hid such a poignant story.

An Yan's eyes lit up when he saw the gray-haired old man sitting in a wheelchair. It was true that there was no way out despite the mountains and rivers.

"Seventy years have passed, who still remembers the hair-shaving master A Jin?"

Wang Xiaoya said with great motivation: "GO! GO! GO! Let's set off quickly!"

"Seventy years have passed, and the chance of finding a clue to a person who lived seventy years ago is too small." Seeing this, Jade on the side comforted him, "We can't find it, and there is no way."

"Are you talking about Golden Scissors Ah Jin?"

Seeing that the two of them were already taking action, An Yan looked at Jade and said, "Jade, let's go too."

Unexpectedly, after searching for a long time, that person was right in front of me.

The old man's voice caught their attention.

An Yan said silently.

Jade smiled and nodded, "Well, let's hurry up."

Jade also looked at the old man in front of him curiously.

The old man sighed with a sigh: "It's been seventy years, I didn't expect that there would still be people looking for Ah Jin."

"I thought you young people didn't remember."

"How dare we forget?" An Yan said seriously with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, we haven't forgotten it, we all keep it in our hearts."

"Good good!!!"

"They are all good children!" The old man was obviously very happy, just don't forget, just don't forget.

Ah Jin and the others are people who should not be forgotten!

At this moment, An Yan's cell phone rang. It was Dongqing calling to say that she had found a clue.

He quickly said on the phone that he had found it and asked Dongqing to come over quickly.

Seeing the old man's gaze, An Yan explained, "My friend, we are looking for stories about A Jin."

"Old man, can you tell us about Ah Jin?"

"As long as you don't mind me being such a lousy old man," the old man said happily.

When Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya came over, the four of them went to the old man's home together.

Especially when he saw Xia Dongqing, the old man was so excited that he said three portraits in a row, as if they were printed from the same mold.

Xia Dongqing was a little embarrassed. Seeing that the old man seemed to be very familiar with Ah Jin, he asked curiously: "Were you very familiar with Ah Jin before you were old?"

The afterglow of the setting sun spilled into the house through the window and fell on the old man, coating it with a layer of light and shadow. His old face was filled with memories.

The old man said fondly: "It's so familiar! It's so familiar! Seventy years ago, it was Ah Jin who led a group of us young men to find large troops to join the war."

"He is our teacher, friend and comrade-in-arms."

An Yan looked at the expression on the old man's face. He must feel very proud, recalling the glorious past.

Jade thought about her visit today and couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "Old man, after our visit today, many old people know about Ah Jin, but why is there no record of him in the memorial book?"

The old man sighed slightly: "There are too many heroes."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether it's recorded or not. People will never forget Ah Jin."

"Although I am old and useless now, I will tell the stories of our generation to my sons and grandsons, and they will pass them on from generation to generation."

An Yan nodded, yes, as long as they are still there, the story will not be interrupted.

Then he remembered what happened to Caiqin, and thought that the appointed time in the evening was coming soon, so he hurriedly asked: "Old man, I have another question, does Ah Jin have a lover named Caiqin? Do you know the relationship between them? Something?"

"Cai Qin!"

The old man fell into memories, and after a while, he let his daughter push him to the study room.

"Young man, do you see the little black box on the bookshelf?"

"Take it down for me."

An Yan was the most skilled, so he took down the small box without hesitation.

Seeing An Yan's good skills, the old man couldn't help but cheer, saying that with such good skills, he must be a warrior.

An Yan just smiled. If he had traveled back in time to that era, the kid's hometown would have exploded.

"Here are Ah Jin's relics. I tried so hard to find them back then."

"Open it and take a look."

An Yan and the others opened it and took it out and found a half-burned photo. Although the photo was old, they could vaguely see that the girl on it was Caiqin.

"In the end, Ah Jin, the person he couldn't let go of the most was her."

In the raging war, lovers cannot get married.

An Yan and the others sighed, but they also became more determined to help Caiqin.

So after bidding farewell to the old man, they combined what they knew so far and asked Dongqing to pretend to be Ah Jin and go to meet Caiqin, thus fulfilling Caiqin's wish.

(End of this chapter)

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