Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 186 Another Chapter of Immortal Sword

Chapter 186 Return to the Fairy Sword

"A new typhoon is forming. It is the earliest typhoon this year. According to observations, it may reach the level of a strong typhoon."

In convenience store No. 444, the TV hanging on the wall is playing the news.

"Then Holly, Jade and I are leaving first."

An Yan shouted to Xia Dongqing, waved his hand and left with Jade.

"How wonderful! What a couple of gods and gods!"

In the store, Wang Xiaoya held her chin and said with envy, but her eyes couldn't help but drift to Xia Dongqing aside.

Unfortunately, Xia Dongqing didn't see it, but looked at the door and said sincerely: "Yes!"

One month has passed since the Chinese New Year. The feeling of the New Year has gradually faded away, and everyone has returned to normal life.

"Here, here you go. Eat less snacks and practice more. If you get fat, I won't want you anymore." An Yan handed the snacks he bought from the convenience store to Jade and teased.

"Hmph! How dare you!" Jade blushed when she heard the word "cultivation". She took the snack and wrinkled her nose and hummed, and waved her fist in a demonstrative manner, as if to say, "I'll beat you to death." .

An Yan shook his head, suppressed the ripples in his heart, and opened the panel.

According to his current physical strength, if he wants to fully exert his strength, Jade must at least be in the realm of practicing Xuhedao.

The progress bar is full and you can proceed to the next time travel.

Generally speaking, everything is stable and improving.

Progress: 100%

[Shangqing Dadong Scripture, Xiaocheng (Control the Sky with the Void), Proficiency: 30800/90000. 】


Only this month did he understand why there is a "companion" among the four indispensable words for practice. In the long and boring practice, finding a like-minded partner will make the practice more efficient.

An Yan watched Jade enter the apartment before turning around and leaving.

But Jade's body is too weak, so he just said that he needs to practice more. Fortunately, Jade, as a descendant of the medicine master clan, and Amber's reincarnation, naturally have top-notch qualifications.

An Yan smiled evilly, reached over and pecked the emerald pink lips. The latter rolled his eyes at him and said coquettishly: "I'm going to kill you!"

"Then I'll go up."

In the new world, he has a choice in his heart, but in that world, real immortals are not as good as dogs, immortals are everywhere, and only those above the immortals can barely dominate a place.

When golden wind and jade dew meet, they win countless things in the world.

[Peach blossom swordsmanship, proficiency, proficiency: 11600/100000. 】

With his current level of cultivation, he probably wouldn't be able to get much out of that world. At most, he would have to practice in another world.

[Lightning Thunder Fist, Dacheng (Thunder Fist Intent), proficiency: 12300/30000. 】

He began to think.

He finally got rid of his virgin status in this life.

"What else am I afraid of?"

Especially when the yin and yang blend for the first time, it is of great benefit to the cultivation of both parties. Jade breaks through to the realm of refining gods and returning voids in one fell swoop.

"Haha!" He smiled and patted Jade's little head.

Thinking about it, An Yan thought of the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy III and the Peach Blossom Sword Technique, and he made a decision in his heart.

He didn't get the Five Spirit Pearls and the Demon Suppressing Sword last time, but this time, he must get them.

Now that he has entered the middle stage of refining the void and joining the path, his strength has improved a lot compared to before. Moreover, the Heavenly Demon Emperor has been imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower. It is expected that the situation in the human world is not as bad as before.

The Evil Sword Immortal only appeared a thousand years later, so I think he should be safe this time.

But there is a problem. He was in the Demon Locking Tower before he left. Wouldn't it be funny if he appeared in the tower when he returned?

An Yan slapped his head and he almost forgot about this.

Fortunately, in the Demon Locking Tower, the Demon Emperor was sealed to death by the Demon Suppressing Sword. As long as he did not die and pulled out the Demon Suppressing Sword, it would not be a big problem.

After returning to the dormitory, he immediately locked the door and mobilized the mysterious power in his body, and the familiar fluctuations reappeared. "Oh ho!!"

The towering mountain peaks went straight into the clouds, and a magic sword came out. There was also a shouting young man standing on it. His name was Jingtian.

Jingtian, the greatest happiness in the world, Yong'an as a clerk, loves antiques, is good at piracy, and dreams of becoming the richest man in Yuzhou.

Jingtian's face was full of excitement, he opened his hands to balance his body, and stepped across the sky with the magic sword.

The clouds dispersed in front and the sun shone down. He couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands and squinted his eyes. In a daze, he saw a figure in white clothes walking on the clouds like an immortal.

He subconsciously rubbed his eyes, opened them and looked again. The expression on his face turned into horror, and he screamed: "Ah!!!!"

I saw a big mountain in front of me. I don't know why it suddenly exploded, and rocks shot through the air.

It was the first time that Sedum saw such a big scene. She was almost scared to death and her face turned pale.

"I haven't become the richest man in Yuzhou City yet, and I haven't taken Maomao to Chang'an yet. I don't want to die yet!"

Jingtian dodges quickly, his face turns pale, no matter how he dreams, it seems so real!

But Sedum, who was still just a rookie, was quickly hit by a big rock on his chest. He almost couldn't catch his breath. He was knocked off balance and staggered.


"Someone's going to die!"

Just when Jingtian was about to fall off the magic sword, a figure appeared from behind and helped him in time.

Jingtian, who was still in shock, looked at the white-bearded old man who suddenly appeared. He was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he was dreaming and would not die.

So, he suddenly became angry, and the philistine laughed and said: "Old man, you have good kung fu, can you teach me?"

Taoist Priest Qingwei, who was wearing a Taoist robe and had white hair, raised his two fingers in a "two" gesture with a smile, and said, "Okay!"

Jingtian was a little confused by this action and asked in confusion: "What does this mean?"

"If you finish these two things, I can help you realize your wish."

Facing Jingtian's doubts, Taoist Priest Qingwei smiled lightly and pretended to be mysterious.

Two things?

Jingtian snorted, but after thinking about it, he said with a playful smile: "I know, money, and women."

"Ha ha!!"

Seeing Taoist Master Qingwei laughing, Jingtian also laughed, thinking that this old man must be getting stronger and his ambition is still as strong as before.

However, the next second.

Taoist Priest Qingwei's smile faded, "It's all wrong!"


Jingtian smiled for a moment before he realized that he had been tricked by this old man. He immediately put away his smile and said angrily: "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and fart if you have any."

"Okay, that's cool enough."

Instead of being angry, Taoist Priest Qingwei reached back and grabbed a treasure box made of crystal. It was filled with a purple-black halo, flickering as if it was alive.

"What is this? An antique?"

Jingtian's attention was completely attracted by this box, and he looked at it curiously. He likes to collect all kinds of antiques. For this reason, he also learned how to pirate imitation antiques, and faked them to satisfy his eye.

After Taoist Priest Qingwei took out the treasure box, his expression changed slightly. He was no longer as calm as before, and there was a hint of solemnity in his tone.

"The life and death of the human race all depends on this."

(End of this chapter)

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